Suplexan Ren

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xx Prevention of gout xx As an aid in the treatment of kidney stones xx Regulation of renal and hepatic functions xx As an aid during the urogenital system diseases


– is a strong product enhancing kidneys function and increasing the production of urine. Due to the content of carefully selected herbal extracts and amino acids, it is recommended in the prevention of gout, inflammation of the urinary tract, as well as a product used to accelerate restoration of homeostasis after antibiotic treatment.


PURPOSE SUPLEXAN® REN is suitable for all species and groups of poultry, rabbits, and sows. It may be used at any time during production, requires no withdrawal period. It may be given with drinking water or complete feed.

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COMPOSITION Feed materials (in 1 kg of product): propylene glycol (13.11.1), glycerin (13.8.2), magnesium sulphate (11.2.3), potassium chloride (11.5.1), sodium sulphate (11.4.6) Feed additives (in 1 kg of product): Nutritional additives: Vitamins, pro-vitamins and chemicals with similar effects to vitamins: vitamin A (E672 - retinol palmitate) vitamin C (ascorbic acid) betaine

800 000 IU 1 000 mg 5 000 mg

Amino acids, their salts and similar products: L-lysine (3.2.3) 3 000 mg DL-methionine (3c301) 400 mg Zootechnical additives: Orthosiphon aristatus extract Solidago virgaurea extract parsley oleoresin cranberry extract Sensory additives: Allium sativum essential oil

30 000 mg 30 000 mg 25 000 mg 1 000 mg 800 mg

Technological additives: antioxidant: ethoxyquin (E324) 100 mg emulsifier: glycerol polyethyleneglycol ricinoleate (E 484) 25g preservative: potassium sorbate (E202) 3 000 mg Medium: water

gout urine secretion disorders lithiasis after treatment with antibiotics and sulphonamides as an aid during the urogenital system diseases treatment

PROPERTIES SUPLEXAN® REN – is a product that enhances the function of kidneys and the entire urogenital system, which proper function ensures high productivity of the herd. In periods when feeds with high protein content are used, an increased urinary calcium excretion is observed which may result in the development of gout and kidney stones. Additional antibiotic treatments lead to accumulation of toxins, which in case of poor renal function may result in a prolonged inhibition of animal performance. Essential amino acids in SUPLEXAN REN are involved in protein absorption processes, thus reducing the possibility of gout. Herbal extracts used in SUPLEXAN REN contain active ingredients, such as sinensetin, flavonoids and proanthocyanidins, which exert diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. High content Orthosiphon aristatus extract and parsley extract prevents swelling and renal diseases, also used as an aid in the treatment of existing kidney stones. Solidago virgaurea and cranberries disinfect urinary tract, bladder, and have a strong diuretic effect. Vitamin A is responsible for the correct recovery of epithelial tissue that covers organs in the urogenital system affecting their proper function. A balanced combination of vitamin C, betaine, and potassium, sodium, and magnesium ensures osmotic balance by maintaining the optimum concentration of electrolytes in the body.


USE For use with drinking water or complete feed xx poultry: 1–2 l per 1 000 l of water for several days xx rabbits: 1 ml per 1 l of water for several days xx sows: 25 ml / head / day for several days

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prevention of gout as an aid in the treatment of kidney stones regulation of renal and hepatic functions as an aid during the urogenital system diseases limited effects of antibiotic treatment supporting the organism during heat prevention of dyspepsia

Producer: INTERMAG Ltd. Al.1000-lecia 15G, 32-300 Olkusz, POLAND Tel.: +48 32 64 55 900; Fax: +48 32 64 27 044


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