Condo Tower – Building A
A707 4-BED A605 2-BED
A502 2-BED
A402 2-BED
A303 2-BED
A203 2-BED
A708 3-BED A606 STUDIO
A610 1-BED
A507 1-BED
A508 2-BED
A407 1-BED
A408 2-BED
A308 1-BED
A309 2-BED
A208 1-BED
A209 2-BED
A607 1-BED
A608 2-BED
A504 1-BED
A505 2-BED
A404 1-BED
A405 2-BED
A305 1-BED
A306 2-BED
A205 1-BED
A206 2-BED
A710 4-BED
A709 3-BED
A104 2-BED
A612 3-BED
A611 3-BED
A105 3-BED
Studio Suites are Garden View overlooking the Event Lawn - see Key Plans on following pages
A509 A510 STUDIO 1-BED
A511 3-BED
A410 1-BED
A411 3-BED
A311 1-BED
A312 3-BED
A211 1-BED
A212 3-BED
A106 2-BED
WESTERN BUILDING Mezzanine Level Keyplan
2BR-A104 2,632 SF
3BR-A105 3,169 SF
2BR-A106 2,832 SF
2BR-A104 - Type K4 Floorplan 2BR-A106 - Type G Floorplan 3BR - Type F Floorplan Studios - Type H - 592 SF Private Plunge Pools and Extended Patios on First Level Oceanfront Suites
WESTERN BUILDING Second Level Keyplan
2BR-A203 2,397 SF
1BR-A205 1,932 SF
2BR-A206 2,493 SF
1BR-A208 1,932 SF
2BR-A209 2,493 SF
1BR-A211 1,932 SF
3BR-A212 3,133 SF
1BR - Type K Floorplan 2BR - Type J Floorplan 3BR - Type F Floorplan Studios - Type H - 592 SF Extended Balconies on Second Level Oceanfront Suites
WESTERN BUILDING Third Level Keyplan
2BR-A303 2,056 SF
1BR-A305 1,932 SF
2BR-A306 1,959 SF
1BR-A308 1,615 SF
2BR-A309 1,959 SF
1BR-A311 1,615 SF
3BR-A312 2,586 SF
1BR - Type K Floorplan 2BR - Type J Floorplan 3BR - Type F Floorplan Studios - Type H - 592 SF
WESTERN BUILDING Fourth Level Keyplan
2BR-402 2,229 SF
1BR-A404 1,782 SF
2BR-A405 2,212 SF
1BR-A407 1,782 SF
2BR-A408 2,212 SF
1BR-A410 1,782 SF
3BR-A411 2,759 SF
1BR - Type K Floorplan 2BR - Type J Floorplan 3BR - Type F Floorplan Studios - Type H - 592 SF Extended Balconies on Fourth Level Oceanfront Suites
WESTERN BUILDING Fifth Level Keyplan
2BR-502 2,056 SF
1BR-A504 1,615 SF
2BR-A505 1,959 SF
1BR-A507 1,615 SF
2BR-A508 1,959 SF
1BR-A510 1,615 SF
3BR-A511 2,586 SF
1BR - Type K Floorplan 2BR - Type J Floorplan 3BR - Type F Floorplan Studios - Type H - 592 SF
Type M Floorplan Features Wrap-Around Balcony 2BR-605 2,229 SF
1BR-A607 1,787 SF
2BR-A608 2,212 SF
1BR-A610 1,782 SF
3BR-A611 2,801 SF
3BR-A612 5,201 SF
1BR - Type K Floorplan 2BR - Type J Floorplan 3BR - Type F Floorplan Studios - Type H - 592 SF Extended Balconies on Sixth Level Oceanfront Suites
WESTERN BUILDING Seventh Level Keyplan
4BR-A707 - 6,125 SF Type PHE Floorplan
3BR-A708 - 4,142 SF Type PHF Floorplan
3BR-A709 - 4,783 SF Type PHG Floorplan
4BR-A710 - 6,411 SF Type PHH Floorplan
3 & 4 Bedroom Penthouses Feature Rooftop Terraces with Plunge Pools
Type H Floorplan
BEDROOM 14'-2" X 14'-5"
TERRACE 9'-8" X 14'-5"
Proposed Floorplan. Design and prices subject to change at any time and without notice.
SIZE 20 Interior Area —404 Sqft
FEET SIZE DESCRIPTION Exterior Area — 88 Sqft Bathrooms —1 Interior Area 404 Bedrooms -1 Total Area —492 SqftSq. Ft. Terrace — 1 Exterior Area 88 Sq. Ft. Bathrooms - 1 Total Area 492 Sq. Ft. Terrace - 1
THIS IS NOT AN OFFERING OR SOLICITATION IN ANY JURISDICTION WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW OR WHERE PRIOR REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED BUT HAS NOT BEEN OBTAINED. Vista Development, Ltd. (“Developer”) and its affiliates are solely responsible for the marketing and sale of the residences. Hyatt Services Caribbean, L.L.C. (“Hyatt”) has granted Developer the right to offer and sell the residences using the Andaz name and trademarks pursuant to a revocable license agreement. Neither Hyatt nor any of its affiliates has any ownership interest in the project nor is responsible for, or makes any representation or warranty, concerning the development, marketing or sale of the residences. The structures, materials and recreational features and amenities described and depicted herein are based upon current development plans. Some images featured in this material are an artist’s conceptual rendering of the project. The Developer reserves the right to modify, update, alter, delete or change any designs, specifications, dimensions, amenities, brands, fixtures, finishes, equipment, services, and features of this project, without notice and without incurring obligation. Specifications, dimensions, measurements, and other information in this material and other Developer materials are approximate and based upon preliminary designs and drawings and are not intended to form any part of the contract for the sale of an individual residence. Each residence, including square footage, may differ due to variations in construction. All prices for the residences and the prices for the furnishing packages are subject to change at any time and without notice. Developer’s continuing right to use the Andaz name and trademarks is subject to the satisfaction of certain conditions. Failure of Developer to satisfy such conditions could result in the Residences ceasing to be branded with the Andaz trademarks. This advertisement is not an offering. It is a solicitation of interest in the advertised property. No offering of the advertised property can be made and no deposits can be accepted, or reservations, binding or non-binding, can be made until an offering plan is filed with the New York State Department of Law. W AR N IN G : T H E C ALIFO R N IA B U R E AU O F R E AL E ST AT E H AS N O T E XAM IN E D T H IS O FFE R IN G , IN C LU D IN G , B U T N O T LIM IT E D T O , T H E C O N D IT IO N O F T IT LE , T H E ST AT U S O F B LAN K E T LIE N S O N T H E PR O J E C T (IF AN Y ), AR R AN G E M E N T S T O ASSU R E PR O J E C T C O M PLE T IO N , E SC R O W PR AC T IC E S, C O N T R O L O V E R PR O J E C T M AN AG E M E N T , R AC IALLY D ISC R IM IN AT O R Y PR AC T IC E S (IF AN Y ), T E R M S, C O N D IT IO N S, AN D PR IC E O F T H E O FFE R , C O N T R O L O V E R AN N U AL ASSE SSM E N T S (IF AN Y ), O R T H E AV AILAB ILIT Y O F W AT E R , SE R V IC E S, U T ILIT IE S, O R IM PR O V E M E N T S. IT M AY B E AD V ISAB LE FO R Y O U T O C O N SU LT AN AT T O R N E Y O R O T H E R K N O W LE D G E AB LE PR O FE SSIO N AL W H O IS FAM ILIAR W IT H R E AL E ST AT E AN D A LAW IN T H E C O U N T R Y W H E R E T H IS SU B D IV ISIO N IS SIT U AT E D . Facilities and amenities may be part of the Andaz Turks and Caicos at Grace Bay or, separately, the Andaz Turks and Caicos Residences at Grace Bay. Usage of facilities will be subject to strata documents and cost of maintenance, usage and replacement may be charged as part of the homeowner’s assessment or payable upon usage.
THIS IS NOT AN OFFERING OR SOLICITATION IN ANY JURISDICTION WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW OR WHERE PRIOR REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED BUT HAS NOT BEEN OBTAINED. Vista Development, Ltd. (“Developer”) and its affiliates are solely responsible for the marketing and sale of the residences. Hyatt Services Caribbean, L.L.C. (“Hyatt”) has granted Developer the right to offer and sell the residences using the Andaz name and trademarks pursuant to a revocable license agreement. Neither Hyatt nor any of its affiliates is responsible for, or makes any representation or warranty, concerning the development, marketing or sale of the residences. The structures, materials and recreational features and amenities described and depicted herein are based upon current development plans. Some images featured in this material are an artist’s conceptual rendering of the project. The Developer reserves the right to modify, update, alter, delete or change any designs, specifications, dimensions, amenities, brands, fixtures, finishes, equipment, services, and features of this project, without notice and without incurring obligation. Specifications, dimensions, measurements, and other information in this material and other Developer materials are approximate and based upon preliminary designs and drawings and are not intended to form any part of the contract for the sale of an individual residence. Each residence, including square footage, may differ due to variations in construction. All prices for the residences and the prices for the furnishing packages are subject to change at any time and without notice. This advertisement is not an offering. It is a solicitation of interest in the advertised property. No offering of the advertised property can be made and no deposits can be accepted, or reservations, binding or non-binding, can be made until an offering plan is filed with the New York State Department of Law.
Type K Floorplan
1BR - Type K Floorplan Units 205, 208, 211, 305, 404, 407, 410, 607,610
Proposed Floorplan. Design and prices subject to change at any time and without notice.
SIZE Interior Area 1,260 - 1,265 Sq. Ft. Exterior Area 350 - 672 Sq. Ft. Total Area 1,615 - 1,932 Sq. Ft.
DESCRIPTION Bedrooms - 1 Bathrooms - 1.5 Terrace - 2
SIZE Interior Area —1,260 Sqft
THIS IS NOT AN OFFERING OR SOLICITATION IN ANY JURISDICTION WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW OR WHERE PRIOR REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED BUT HAS NOT BEEN OBTAINED. Vista Development, Ltd. (“Developer”) and its affiliates are solely responsible for the marketing and sale of the residences. Hyatt Services Caribbean, L.L.C. (“Hyatt”) has granted Developer the right to offer and sell the residences using the Andaz name and trademarks pursuant to a revocable license agreement. Neither Hyatt nor any of its affiliates is responsible for, or makes any representation or warranty, concerning the development, marketing or sale of the residences. The structures, materials and recreational features and amenities described and depicted herein are based upon current development plans. Some images featured in this material are an artist’s conceptual rendering of the project. The Developer reserves the right to modify, update, alter, delete or change any designs, specifications, dimensions, amenities, brands, fixtures, finishes, equipment, services, and features of this project, without notice and without incurring obligation. Specifications, dimensions, measurements, and other information in this material and other Developer materials are approximate and based upon preliminary designs and drawings and are not intended to form any part of the contract for the sale of an individual residence. Each residence, including square footage, may differ due to variations in construction. All prices for the residences and the prices for the furnishing packages are subject to change at any time and without notice. This advertisement is not an offering. It is a solicitation of interest in the advertised property. No offering of the advertised property can be made and no deposits can be accepted, or reservations, binding or non-binding, can be made until an offering plan is filed with the New York State Department of Law.
Exterior Area — 522/672 Sqft Bathrooms —1.5
Ocean Type J View Floorplan
A/C BEDROOM 2 19'-6" X 14'-5"
TERRACE 18'-9" X 15'-3"
TERRACE 10'-9" X 14'-5"
GREAT ROOM 31'-5" X 15'-3"
BEDROOM 1 10'-9" X 13'-5"
0C 2'-0" X 2'-0"
2BR - Type J Floorplan Units 206, 209
Proposed Floorplan. Design and prices subject to change at any time and without notice.
SIZE Interior Area 1,604 - 1,646 Sq. Ft. Exterior Area 350 - 889 Sq. Ft. Total Area 1,959 - 2,493 Sq. Ft.
DESCRIPTION Bedrooms - 2 Bathrooms - 2.5 Terrace - 2
Interior Area — 1, 604 Sqft
Bedrooms — 2
THIS IS NOT AN OFFERING OR SOLICITATION IN ANY JURISDICTION WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW OR WHERE PRIOR REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED BUT HAS NOT BEEN OBTAINED. Vista Development, Ltd. (“Developer”) and its affiliates are solely responsible for the marketing and sale of the residences. Hyatt Services Caribbean, L.L.C. (“Hyatt”) has granted Developer the right to offer and sell the residences using the Andaz name and trademarks pursuant to a revocable license agreement. Neither Hyatt nor any of its affiliates is responsible for, or makes any representation or warranty, concerning the development, marketing or sale of the residences. The structures, materials and recreational features and amenities described and depicted herein are based upon current development plans. Some images featured in this material are an artist’s conceptual rendering of the project. The Developer reserves the right to modify, update, alter, delete or change any designs, specifications, dimensions, amenities, brands, fixtures, finishes, equipment, services, and features of this project, without notice and without incurring obligation. Specifications, dimensions, measurements, and other information in this material and other Developer materials are approximate and based upon preliminary designs and drawings and are not intended to form any part of the contract for the sale of an individual residence. Each residence, including square footage, may differ due to variations in construction. All prices for the residences and the prices for the furnishing packages are subject to change at any time and without notice. This advertisement is not an offering. It is a solicitation of interest in the advertised property. No offering of the advertised property can be made and no deposits can be accepted, or reservations, binding or non-binding, can be made until an offering plan is filed with the New York State Department of Law.
Exterior Area — 889 Sqft
Bathrooms — 2.5
Total Area — 2,493 Sqft
Terrace — 2
Proposed Floorplan. Design and prices are subject to change at any time and without notice.
Proposed Floorplan. Design and prices subject to change at any time and without notice.
SIZE Interior Area 2,069 - 2,097 Sq. Ft. Exterior Area 489 - 1,100 Sq. Ft. Total Area 2,586 - 3,169 Sq. Ft.
DESCRIPTION Bedrooms - 3 Bathrooms - 3.5 Terrace - 3
SIZE Interior Area —2,097Sqft
3BR - Type F Floorplan Units 312, 411, 511
THIS IS NOT AN OFFERING OR SOLICITATION IN ANY JURISDICTION WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW OR WHERE PRIOR REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED BUT HAS NOT BEEN OBTAINED. Vista Development, Ltd. (“Developer”) and its affiliates are solely responsible for the marketing and sale of the residences. Hyatt Services Caribbean, L.L.C. (“Hyatt”) has granted Developer the right to offer and sell the residences using the Andaz name and trademarks pursuant to a revocable license agreement. Neither Hyatt nor any of its affiliates is responsible for, or makes any representation or warranty, concerning the development, marketing or sale of the residences. The structures, materials and recreational features and amenities described and depicted herein are based upon current development plans. Some images featured in this material are an artist’s conceptual rendering of the project. The Developer reserves the right to modify, update, alter, delete or change any designs, specifications, dimensions, amenities, brands, fixtures, finishes, equipment, services, and features of this project, without notice and without incurring obligation. Specifications, dimensions, measurements, and other information in this material and other Developer materials are approximate and based upon preliminary designs and drawings and are not intended to form any part of the contract for the sale of an individual residence. Each residence, including square footage, may differ due to variations in construction. All prices for the residences and the prices for the furnishing packages are subject to change at any time and without notice. This advertisement is not an offering. It is a solicitation of interest in the advertised property. No offering of the advertised property can be made and no deposits can be accepted, or reservations, binding or non-binding, can be made until an offering plan is filed with the New York State Department of Law.
Exterior Area — 489/662 Sqft Bathrooms —3.5 Total Area —2,586/2,759 Sqft Terrace —3
THIS IS NOT AN OFFERING OR SOLICITATION IN ANY JURISDICTION WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW OR WHERE PRIOR REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED BUT HAS NOT BEEN OBTAINED. Vista Development, Ltd. (“Developer”) and its affiliates are solely responsible for the marketing and sale of the residences. Hyatt Services Caribbean, L.L.C. (“Hyatt”) has granted Developer the right to offer and sell the residences using the Andaz name and trademarks pursuant to a revocable license agreement. Neither Hyatt nor any of its affiliates is responsible for, or makes any representation or warranty, concerning the development, marketing or sale of the residences. The structures, materials and recreational features and amenities described and depicted herein are based upon current development plans. Some images featured in this material are an artist’s conceptual rendering of the project. The Developer reserves the right to modify, update, alter, delete or change any designs, specifications, dimensions, amenities, brands, fixtures, finishes, equipment, services, and features of this project, without notice and without incurring obligation. Specifications, dimensions, measurements, and other information in this material and other Developer materials are approximate and based upon preliminary designs and drawings and are not intended to form any part of the contract for the sale of an individual residence. Each residence, including square footage, may differ due to variations in construction. All prices for the residences and the prices for the furnishing packages are subject to change at any time and without notice. This advertisement is not an offering. It is a solicitation of interest in the advertised property. No offering of the advertised property can be made and no deposits can be accepted, or reservations, binding or non-binding, can be made until an offering plan is filed with the New York State Department of Law.