6 minute read
Easing Anxiety
the desert are seeking refuge for their sleep of the day. It is also a time for her to check his wounds. As she takes the cacti off, she sees the blood and drainage has completely stopped. She has her needle ready that she acquired earlier from the maguey tip, with several more ready to go. With the string of the maguey, she sews his wounds up. She starts first with this leg, two parts to stitch the entrance and exit wounds. She makes four sutures into his leg and on his side. Without signs of pus or redness, she applies a bit of the aloe, yarrow, chaparral, and cannabis oil. She keeps a cannabis tincture in a pouch around her neck with her amulet. She has a simple salve of beeswax, which she had collected days earlier in one of her clay pots. She puts cannabis oil in the pot and chaparral to keep it all clean and purified.
She applies the paste to his wounds, and he awakens, startled, exclaiming, “who are you? Where am I?” He attempts to get off the ground. She responds, “you’re not going anywhere. Stay where you are!” He barks at her, “you don’t know who I am. You can’t tell me what to do!” She goes to him and asks, “well, who are you?” He responds “I am General Francisco Villa, Pancho Villa ! Who are you?” She gasps and steps back, and tries to catch he breath. Just the realization of who he is and that she is the one who has nursed him! He asks for assistance to get up, but he realizes he cannot jump on the horse. He exclaims, “I have to go back to my men. We took the town and garrison, but the federal soldiers will regroup and return. I need to be there!” So she exclaims, “You’re not going anywhere without me.” He goes,” um, and why is that?” “Because I am your field Marshall, the commander of the Adelitas, women sharpshooters.” Villa replies, “I’ve heard of you!” He looks up at her with his crooked smile. “Well, get your gear together! We have a war campaign to carry on! For Tierra o Muerte.” Land or Death! They saddle up and ride towards the rising sun. El Enquentro? The encounter of Pancho Villa and Marijuana has begun. Ahhh ya ya ya Ajo!
SKUNK Magazine

For five decades, marijuana policy and cultivation expert Ed Rosenthal has propelled the effort to legalize marijuana, leading the movement to grow your own cannabis. In his new book, Cannabis Grower’s Handbook: The Complete Guide to Marijuana and Hemp Cultivation, Ed demystifies cannabis, making it easy for anyone to grow it at home for their own use or to expand and improve their licensed commercial operation. Cannabis Grower’s Handbook completely reinvents Ed’s bestselling Marijuana Grower’s Handbook, presenting the latest technologies, tools, and techniques for the legalization era.
“If my other books helped you grow, Cannabis Grower’s Handbook will take you to new highs.” -- Ed Rosenthal
Why rewrite a classic?
Simply put, “You wouldn’t use a tenyear-old computer book to fix a problem with your computer today.” The knowledge behind cannabis, the technology, everything we have learned to improve our skills in growing a quality cannabis plant has changed drastically. The information had to be updated to reflect what we now know and just as valuable for the hobbyist as it is to the commercial farmer with acres of plants to tend.
This book has over 650 pages. Will it be easy for a home grower to navigate?
You don’t have to read it all to start. If you are new to growing or have not done so for a while, start with the chapter on the Six Limiting Factors. This is a crash course on what plants need to thrive.
Once you have your first grow, you’ll have more appreciation for some of the material that you scanned through. All the key sections begin with the basics and expand to cover the science behind the techniques.
What is the most common mistake among growers?
The most common mistake is trying to do too much. Start small and expand your garden as you have more experience with the plant.
Though people may find growing their own marijuana intimidating, with the right conditions and equipment, anyone can grow cannabis, whether they live in a small city apartment or a big house in the country. Growing your own marijuana means you control both the quality of your cannabis, and the conditions that it was grown in.
Commercial growers are challenged by the falling price of flower. Will this book help them?
My work is about solutions that will enable growers to increase yield and quality in an efficient, cost-saving way.
For me, it’s a societal goal. While the farmer bears the brunt, I see the lowering of prices to the consumer as beneficial to society in general. The more people with access to quality marijuana at affordable prices, the better the human mindset. When a person uses cannabis, they are more generous and peaceful, and better still, less impulsive and aggressive than when using alcohol. A “Cannacentric” society would be a good thing
Much is happening on the legal front. However, there is still opposition to legalization, any suggestions on how to address this?
Right now, more people worldwide are in favor of canceling out the restrictions of prohibition. The most successful way of changing prejudicial attitudes is the growing familiarity with cannabis. As people see their friends and neighbors use it, they realize that it is not harmful.
Any final words of advice?
Warning: Using Marijuana may not be addictive, but growing it is.

Plan your garden around your goals.
Before starting a seed or clone, it is important to understand what your end goal is and work backward from there. Home growers are motivated by a variety of outcomes; entertainment, lower-cost cannabis, specific medical uses, and/ or the knowledge that the cannabis was grown using clean, organic, and safe methods. Prepare for harvest before planting; create a garden you have the time and ability to manage and maintain.
Choose your variety wisely
Choose the right cultivars for the garden space. If you are growing outside, take local weather conditions into account. If growing indoors, make sure the plants won’t grow too large for the space. Assess your goals and choose varieties that meet them: high hash producers, good medical content, high yielders, or short and quick harvesting.
Remember: Cannabis is not a magical plant
This isn’t rocket science or astrology; it’s gardening. If you learn a little about the plant and its requirements, the garden will yield a better crop with less effort. Harvest no bud before it’s time One of the biggest advantages of being a home grower is not having the same pressures to produce a saleable crop as quickly as possible. Follow the ripening of each plant closely and harvest no bud before its time. Sometimes it is preferable just to harvest ripe buds or branches rather than the whole plant, and you have the leisure to do so in a home garden.
It is easy for commercial and home growers to get stuck in their ways, but a successful grower will evolve their operation as they learn new skills and information about their plants. Constantly adapt your garden and the cultivars in it as you adjust to the grow space and learn how the plant grows best.