Happiness /ˈhapɪnəs/[hap-ee-nis] Noun - Happiness; plural noun: happinesses The state of being happy.
“She struggled to find happiness in her life” Synonyms: contentment, pleasure, contentedness, satisfaction, cheerfulness, merriness, joy, joyfulness, joyousness, joviality, jollity, jolliness, glee, blitheness, carefreeness, gladness, delight, good spirits, high spirits, light-heartedness, good cheer, well-being, enjoyment, felicity..
A number of historians did tackle and work on the theory of happiness, however all agreeing in general with the subject of which suggests the level of significant change within Westernised culture of happiness shifted about 250 years ago. More over, Attitudes toward happiness does not just vary, they change. Exploring the nature of such change not only lightens upon the concept of happiness but also allows us to analyse the plus and downsides of happiness.
This particular emotion is split between 2 categories of psychological or philosophical happiness, first introduced in China, India and Greece almost 2, 5000 years ago with Confucius, Buddha, Socrates, and Aristotle. There are remarkable similarities between the insights of these thinkers and the modern theory behind the “Science of Happiness”.
Until the 18th century, Western standards have been encourages, and slightly saddened the approach to life. As a protestant once put, God encourages a person who “allowed no joy or pleasure, but a kind of melancholic demeanour and austerity.” Not necessarily meaning that people were actually unhappy, but due to cultural standards and personal temperament interacting in ways that are too complex. The obvious question is why, and while some causes are pretty clear, we probably still short of a fully satisfactory explanation. There are so many questions to what happiness really is and how to obtain happiness and maintain great well-being.
The phrase, “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness” was enshrined in the United States Declaration of Independence. The pHrase gives three examples of the unalienable rights which the Declaration says has been given to all human beings by their creator, and for which governments are created to protect.
A German Philosopher known for his 1818 work - The World as Will and Representation. Arthur Schopenhauer was such an extreme pessimist that he thought we live in the worst of all possible worlds and happiness is an illusion. Constantly on the brink of destruction. Life is a suffering. The answer was not to seek happiness, but to try and get through life with minimum suffering, to have a bearable life.
1748 JEREMY BENTHAM Regarded as the founder of modern utilitarianism. His philosophy that states, “it is the greatest happiness of the greatest umber that is the measure of right and wrong.”, also defined as the “fundamental axiom”
Regarded as the fo ern utilitarianism. H that states, “it is happiness of the g that is the measur wrong.”, also de “fundamenta
NoRMAN VINCENT PEALE Book writer of the infamous “The Power of Positive Thinking” that quotes : “The way to happiness: Keep your heart free from hate, your mind from worry. Live simply, expect little, give much. Scatter sunshine, forget self, think of others. Try this for a week and you will be surprised.” This has become the foundational idea of business motivation, mind-body medicine and prosperity ministering in America.
ounder of modHis philosophy s the greatest greatest umber re of right and efined as the al axiom”
Maslow insists that the surge for self actualisation is deeply entrances in the human psychic, but only surfaces once the more basic needs are fulfilled. Once the powerful needs for food, security, love and self esteem are satisfied, a deep desire for creative expression and self-actualisation rises to the surface.
1905 AYN RAND Happiness is a state of consciousness which proceeds from the achievement of one’s values. A state of joy without penalty of guilt, that does not clash with or does not work for your own destruction. Not the joy of escaping from your mind but of using your mind’s fullest power, but of a producer.
1928 DAVID T. LYKKEN Known for his work on behavioural traits on twins, Lykken was the proponent of a set-point theory of happiness, which argues that well-being is determined by genetics and half by circumstances.
MIHALY CSIKSZENTMIHALYI Mihaly Csiksgentmihalyi is one of the pioneers of the scientific study of happiness, he discovered that people find genuine satisfaction during a state of consciousness called Flow. In the footsteps of Maslow, Csiksgentmihalyi insists that happiness does not simply happen. It must be prepared for and cultivated by each person, setting challenges that are neither too demanding or too simple for one person’s abilities.
RuuT vEENHOvEN A Dutch sociologist, Founding director of the World Database of Happiness and Founding editor of the Journal of Happiness Studies. Also a pioneer and world authority on the scientific study of happiness, in the sense of subjective enjoyment of life. He showed that happiness can be used as a reliable measure to assess progress in societies which was one of the sources of inspiration for the United Nations to adopt happiness measures as a holistic approach to development.
RICHARD LAYARD Happiness is about our lives as a whole: it includes the fluctuating feelings we experience everyday and our overall satisfaction with life. Influenced by our genes, upbringing and our external circumstances - such as our health, our work and our financial situation.
DANIEL KAHNEMAN Everybody talks about happiness
these days, there’s a huge wave of research on happiness among researchers. there’s a lot of happiness coaching people to be happy and improving people’s well being.
It is also heavily influenced by our inner attitudes, how we approach our relationships, our personal values and our sense of purpose. Our overall happiness is what matters to us most.
Reluctancy to admit complexity, turns out the word happiness is just not a useful word anymore because we apply to too many different things, I think there is only one meaning to happiness. Need to have a more complicated view.
The founder of Positive Psychology, Martin Seligman is a leading authority in the fields of Positive Psychology, resilience, learned helplessness, depression, optimism and pessimism.
A French translator and righthand man for the Dalai Lama, has been the subject of intensive clinical tests at theUniversity of Wisconsin, as a result of which he is frequently described as the happiest man in the world.
Seligman found that the most satisfied people were those who had discovered and exploited their unique combination of “signature strengths,” such as humanity, temperance and persistence.
Developing happiness is a skill, most people exist like beggars, “Unaware of the treasure buried beneath their shack.” We can develop our potential as if “polishing a nugget” and eventually achieve happiness
Part 1 - $59.99 (regular price $69.99)
Part 2 - $59.99
21-day happiness course An author of a variety of inspirational books, Oprah launched a two-part course “21 Days to Happiness” in collaboration with happiness expert Shawn Achor. Split into two parts, the infamous L.A. lady announced the newest edition of an unique form of online learning on how to be happier. Renowned for her inspirational and innovative learning rituals, with guided meditative experiences. The 2-part course began during Fall during 2015, with part one - “21 Days to a Happier Life” and part two, “21 Days to Inspire Happiness Around You,” Each part of the transformative course runs through a duration of three weeks. This course targets individuals to help them understand how to ignite happiness from within. Leaning life changin ghabit to help manage difficult times, and strategies for entering difficult situations with a new energy that is positive and inspiring to change individuals at work, at home as well as in their communities. This course runs can be access through Oprah.com with online access and real time advice at home.
(regular price $69.99)
Take Both Parts: $99.99 (regular price $114.99)
why should we pay extortionate prices for well-being that can be obtained with things that come free in life?
should well-being have a price tag?
Everybody has their own unique definition to what it means to be happy. This feeling that comes FREE from within. A mood, an emotion, Someone’s well-being, How much does it cost? Should it even cost anything?
DiFFERENT FORMS OF HAPPY_ There are various different theories on how to be happy. Sending good vibes, on a spiritual level or on a religious level. Or something that is personal to an individual.
Exploring the different areas of happiness to show that happiness can be obtained without the need for money.
MoNEY â‰
Judging by the sour expressions on the Underground, the bipolar is playing all of us, in wish for this extended hibernation period to end, get a head start in promoting these happy hormones.
eat YouRSELF haPPy Food that makes you feel good.
There are a few easy ways to put a spring in your step even on the dreaded morning commute, and it starts with your diet. Research has shown that the foods we eat have an impact on mood, proving you really are what you eat. > Combatting depression. > Boosting the mind and your mood.
What we eat can help lift our mood and raise levels of feel-good hormones. However, the wrong food can do the opposite and raise stress levels.� Here’s what to do to stay happy. Eating healthy is another option to a happier self, certain nutrients consumed can directly work with each other in aid for the production and balancing of the happy hormones:
> Dopamine > Seratonin > Oxytocin
Plays an important role in maintaining strong bones and healthy blood vessels, and in reducing the risk of Type 2 diabetes.
An important role in increasing brain’s level of serotonin, norepinephrine and melatonin.
Alternative known as: B9 or folic acid
Consuming iron can help to prevent Iron anaemia, fatigue, apathy and changes in mood is known to be associated and leading to Depression.
As a power nutrient, paired with B12, it boosts the efficieny of antidepressants and is used to target patients with depression.
Paired with Vitamin D, it can help to regulate mood swings associated with PMS. Oestrogen plays big role in calcium production.
Hormones that are needed to regulate emotions. Works directly with the brain’s mood regulatory system, a treatment often used for depression
Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid that plays an important role in brain health and contributes up to 18 percent of the brain’s weight .The body does not naturally produce Omega-3s, so the fatty acid needs to be consumed from outside sources.
A key essential in regulating brain function which influences the various emotions.
Consuming iron can help to prevent Iron anaemia, fatigue, apathy and changes in mood is known to be associated and leading to Depression.
Zinc is found in almost every cell and helps to maintain a healthy immune system, Important for reducing depressive symptoms, helping the body to protect the gut from damage. Proven to improve the response of antidepressants and reduce the side effects of anti depression medication.
Aids the growth of new cells, as well as supporting and regulating serotonin in the blood.
Further more, apart from regulating the healthy mood, Vitamin B6 is also an effective method for treating PMD (Premenstrual Depression).
Consumption of fish with high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids and a decreased risk of depression and suicide
Important for supporting energy levels and transporting oxygen to the muscles for strength.
Important for supporting energy levels and transporting oxygen to the muscles for strength.
Important co factor to the production of Dopamine, the neurotransmitter that underlies motivation and promotes engagement, and the feeling of happiness.
Magnesium is a major contributor known to promote Serotonin which maintains and protects the body’s health; while the feeling of happy is due to it’s ability to regulate emotions.
Regulates cell growth, important role in maintaining the immune system. Paired with calcium, it helps to protect bones.
reward MOLECULE”
MEET THE HORMONES The ones that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside.
What are “happy hormones”, why do they make us happy, and how do we get more of these into our system? Happy hormones generally refer to endorphins, serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin. Technically, some of these are neurotransmitters and not hormones,
D OPA MI N E This neurotransmitter drives your brain’s reward system. If you are praised at work for doing a good job, you’ll get a dopamine hit resulting in feelings of well-being. It also drives pleasure-seeking behaviour. Boost it by setting realistic goals (e.g., tidying your desk or sticking to your workout schedule) and achieving them. And seek out pleasurable healthy activities that have a positive impact on your life.
Adrenaline (also called epinephrine) stimulates a fight-or-flight response. Adrenaline doesn’t make us happy per se, just highly excitable.
The feelings we experience are nothing more than chemical reactions taking place inside our bodies. Each and every emotion we experience is a the result of the release of certain hormones inside our bodies. Some hormones are responsible for making us feel good, some are responsible for making us feel bad while some others are responsible for the feelings we get when we fall in love with someone.
Dopamine is a “pleasure” hormone and is stimulated when we strive towards a goal. It helps motivate us to take action to achieve the goal so we can experience the pleasure of the reward. Ways to increase dopamine: Setting daily or monthly goals: Having specific, measurable and achievable goals give us something to strive towards, thus stimulating dopamine production.
bonding MOLECULE”
confidence MOLECULE”
s e r oto n i n Serotonin flows when you feel significant or important. Loneliness and depression appears when serotonin is absent. It’s perhaps one reason why people fall into gang and criminal activity — the culture brings experiences that facilitate serotonin release. Unhealthy attention-seeking behavior can also be a cry for what serotonin brings. Princeton neuroscientist Barry Jacobs explains that most antidepressants focus on the production of serotonin. Ways to increase serotonin: Positive thoughts ! When we choose to remember happy events in the past, or focus on what we’re grateful for in the present, our brains seem to produce more serotonin.
Expose yourself to sunlight: When sunlight reaches our skin, we produce vitamin D which in turn helps produce serotonin. This explains why being outdoors makes people happier.
Exercise at low intensity: While endorphins are produced in anaerobic zones, serotonin results from aerobic exercise. Serotonin also lingers in our system after exercise.
OXYTOCIN Oxytocin is the “love” hormone released upon physical contact. Intercourse and childbirth release large amounts of oxytocin, but even a good old hug works. Oxytocin provides feelings of love and trust, which is why relationships boost our happiness. Often also referred to as the cuddle hormone, a simple way to keep oxytocin flowing is to give someone a hug. Dr. Paul Zak explains that inter-personal touch not only only raises oxytocin, but reduces cardiovascular stress and improves the immune system; rather than just a hand shake, go in for the hug. Dr. Zak recommends eight hugs each day.
Consume tryptophan with carbohydrates: Foods like milk and corn contain tryptophan, which our bodies convert to serotonin.
Both a neurotransmitter and a hormone, oxytocin is often called ‘the love hormone.’ Researchers from Claremont University in California have done extensive research on its impact on women, linking oxytocin release to life satisfaction levels. It may play a greater role in women’s physiology and happiness compared to men’s. Spending time with loved ones and being kind to others stimulates oxytocin. Don’t you feel good just reading that? Stress blocks the release of oxy tocin, so manage your stress, too.
Ways to increase oxytocin: Have a massage: Apart from the physical relaxation of muscles, a massage increases our emotional wellbeing since the prolonged physical contact releases oxytocin in our system. Make physical contact: When you get a chance, hug your family and friends, put an arm around a colleague, or cuddle while watching TV. Ever notice that huggers tend to be happy people?
Playing with your mind In a brain that people love to describe as “awash with chemicals,� one chemical always seems to stand out. Dopamine: the molecule behind all our most sinful behaviors and secret cravings. Dopamine is love. Dopamine is lust. Dopamine is adultery. Dopamine is motivation. Dopamine is attention. Dopamine is feminism. Dopamine is addiction.
If you had one trillion pounds, and you had alll the money in the world. What would you do? I’ll buy a really really pretty jewel..
Does money make you happy? “Yes..”. More than anything..? “Mmm.... I would prefer hanging out with my dad and my mum because they are more fun than money.”
Mon doe hug
I prefer building a snowman with my Dad. Spending time with my family... my cat..... and my dog. Playing baseball with my Dad.
those that have
ney esn’t you
- Shelly (Age 6)
e never earned
So what makes you happy? I don’t think so because there is so much more things in life that can make you happy that I don’t think money can buy or make me happier. I’ve been to 10 superbowls and travelled the world. But holding my grand-daughter, I don’t think I’ve ever been happier.
// Responses from interviews with children and adults compared do have some sort of contrast. Younger children who have do not know the worth of money in the current world, the innocence with their priorities when it comes to money. Some answers collected from older adults do have a similarity to some of the children’s answers, however quite a few agreed that money was a component for them to be happy.
What would you do if y
I’d buy myself a brand new ferrari. - Mark J Sorvanon (Age 35)
you had alot of money?
I’d buy something for my mummy - Valerie Markson (Age 8)