Your right to know & to be safe
What is Safe Initiation? • Customary Male Initiation is a sacred cultural practice, marking the transition from young men to adulthood. The circumcision ceremony is one of the most important parts of the initiation ritual. • Every initiate has a right to safe circumcision during Customary Male Initiation. • Safe circumcision means the procedure is performed by somebody who is qualified and trained to do it. • Safe circumcision has many benefits: it reduces the risk of acquiring a sexually transmitted infection and also reduces the risk of contracting HIV.
What you can expect before undergoing Safe Customary Male Initiation and Circumcision 01 Pre-screening • Before you can be initiated, you must have a preliminary health-check to see if you are healthy enough to undergo the cultural practice. It allows the health care workers to check your overall health, to make sure that you will not suffer any ill-effects from undergoing initiation. • It’s the law: The Customary Male Initiation ACT 5 of 2016 says that initiates have to be fit, healthy and be 18 years of age to undergo Safe Customary Male Initiation. • Two pre-screenings are done for each initiate: three months and then two weeks before the opening of the Initiation Season. • Waiting times for pre-screening are short, as prospective initiates under the Safe Initiation programme are seen in a separate section of the health facility, intended specifically for male clients undergoing the procedure.
02 Initiation • During the initiation process, the traditional rituals will be performed, as will the circumcision. • The circumcision will be done hygienically and in a safe setting. • During initiation and for a few days afterwards, you will be monitored and checked by a high-quality medical team. This health team will be made up of men who have undergone initiation. Their role is to check that your general health status. • Healing process and general health are improved during initiation if you drink plenty of clean water and stay hydrated. • If you have any concerns about your general health at any stage after initiation, you must speak to one of the traditional nurses who will be able to assist you or refer you to someone who can.
03 Post-initiation
DON’T TAKE ANY CHANCES WITH YOUR FUTURE • Make sure that you attend a registered and legal initiation school. • If your circumcision procedure is not performed by a trained traditional nurse or surgeon, and a medical team is not available, there can be very serious consequences. • These include uncontrolled bleeding, sepsis, long-term injury to the penis, amputation of the penis and even death. • This is why it is so important that you undergo your initiation and procedure in a safe environment, like the one created here for Safe Initiation.
They will also be able to answer any questions you may have. Made possible by support from the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). Compiled by the Eastern Cape House of Traditional Leaders in conjunction with the Eastern Cape Department of Local Government and Traditional Affairs, Eastern Cape Department of Health, Right to Care (RTC), and PSI South African Health Solutions.
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• After the initiation process, you will return to high school or university as normal. It is critical that you focus on your schoolwork to continue to set you up for future success. • You should not engage in risky behaviours like unsafe sex or smoking, simply due to peer pressure — your health matters. • If you have sex after initiation, you must still wear a condom. Circumcision reduces the risk of contracting infections and HIV but does not remove the risk entirely. • Upon your return, other young men will look to you as an example. You have a responsibility as a role model to demonstrate healthy choices that build strong communities. You must continue to respect your elders, women and refrain from teasing or bullying younger boys. It’s your responsibility to be and act like the responsible man you have become.