1 minute read
CYBERBULLYING: Re shapo ka bullies anywhere. It affects our mental health negatively. Going online to mock, spread lies, hate, and harass others is not okay.
ANXIETY: It is known that moderate anxiety is good; it helps you stay alert and aware. However, too much often causes extreme uneasiness and distress. Which is in no way fun. Re shapo ka yone.
LIES: Better hurt us with the truth than comfort us with a lie. The truth always reveals itself.
MEAN PEOPLE: Being mean and hiding behind “I speak my mind as it is” is not cute. If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all, right?
GASLIGHTING: Manipulating us into second-guessing our reality is not welcome. If someone asks you why you react a certain way, first ask yourself what they did to make you react like that.
LACK OF CONFIDENCE: It goes without saying that we value confidence here at SKY, but sometimes confidence is hard to find! Hopefully being a SKY Girl can help.
IRONING: This has to be the most tedious chore. We would rather change our outfits altogether than iron.
HARASSMENT: Being catcalled (pspsps shosho) by boys and men in the streets when we’re just minding our business and trying to go by our days! The stress of being a girl!

HORMONAL ACNE: We hate it when we use skincare products but our skin doesn’t care. Sometimes the problem is not the skin itself but the hormones, and that's the worst. We’re just growing fam!
PERIODS: Bathong gatwe where can we run to? *Cries* Month in month out we’re bleeding, cramping, paining, and our moods are all over the place. Just give us some chocolate, tea, a hot water bottle, pain killers, a movie and we’re good to go.