Sky Magazine - Episode 6

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Solve this secret code for a goodie bag.Check pg.34


Hey fam!

Thank you for sticking around all the time and making SKY so dope! Your feedback and contributions means everythaang to us. Thanks to all 31,000 plus of you, we are making waves everywhere and growing bigger and bigger, that’s why it’s only right to say we are a freaking Generation! Several teen girls have shared their stories of how they have been able to stay true to themselves and be confident about their decisions through SKY. I mean how else can we be awesome? Be inspired by their stories in this edition. The SKY Generation is the new ish in town. Three statements to describe us, we are 100% fun-loving, 100% swagged up and 100% true to ourselves! You’re slacking if you’re not a part of the SKY Generation craze! Duhh (flips hair). Stay glued to our social media pages Facebook, Instagram (@skygirlsgh) and WhatsApp (+233540124008) to know all the fun activities and awesome giveaways we have for you!

We received so many messages from you that you loved the SKY Girls song Unstoppable. If you’d been jamming to the song but don’t have the lyrics, make you no shake. We have it in here for you! You’re allowed to have the loudest voice when the song starts playing lol. Oh yea, fitness is the new slaying. We are not giving a chance for our busy schedules to make us unhealthy kraa, join the SKY Generation fit fam.


We interviewed unique personalities in this edition. Doctor and model, Dr. Vanessa Atikpoe and your music boy, Jason El-A. They share some interesting fun facts about themselves that will motivate you and want you to achieve that dream. Check out sensational female artiste, Adomaa’s letter to her 16 year old self. So cool. You know we can only get better, so this edition is definitely going to be your new favourite. Enjoy!


Whew! Just a year ago we were just a bunch of teen girls trying to create a dope movement for ourselves. One year later, we've grown to over 30,000. You heard us right! Over 30,000 girls have taken the pledge to be true to themselves. We dis! We’re taking over the city of Accra with the coolest vibes you could ever think of. We do all - a movie, a radio show, vlog, fun vacation parties and so much more. More girls want us to drop by their schools, the boys dey feel us, our big sisters got our back and our parents kraa love us. It’s a whole generation of teen girls living their best lives and staying true to themselves. But hollup! We’re not even done yet. Our biggest bomb just exploded - We just became a freaking SKY Generation!!!! There’s no telling all the awesome things up our sleeves that will blow your mind. This is who we are - WE ARE THE SKY GENERATION We can’t keep calm! Flip the page and let’s go!


Yo Geng! Meet the generation you’ve been waiting for. We believe we’re unstoppable and can take over the world by following our passions, staying focused and just doing our thing! So if you didn’t know, now you knowThis is the SKY Generation!

3 THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT THE SKY GENERATION 100% TRUE TO OURSELVES We know what we are about- being confident about our passions and following them through and through. There’s no need to impress anyone, because we embrace who we are as individuals and have big dreams. 100% SWAGGED UP We agree that there may be a thousand and one squads and groups around the globe but sis, we are a whole freaking generation and we ain’t even playing. We know what gasses us up and shisha is not one of them! Shisha and other tobacco products are the one yawa thing so many SKY Girls told us they shun, and it’s not surprising when so many teens around the world are also rejecting it too. You heard it here – The SKY Generation is Tobacco-Free 100% FUN-LOVING You will think with the hustle and bustle from school life and friends, we’d easily slack and not have time for ourselves but naah, not the SKY Generation. We always stay connected and have a good time with the other SKY sisters all day errday and anywhere! On our WhatsApp groups, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube pages (@skygirlsgh). We even have our biggest SKY Generation jam this August at the Achimota Mall. Best part is we get to have fun with our realest squad.



I am super excited about my life right now. When I met SKY I let go of my fears and went in for my thing, which is modelling and guess what, I have been signed up at a modelling agency simply because I followed my passion. SKY Girls is really a great squad. I will definitely get more girls to take the pledge. – Vanessa Naa Lamley Golightly

I love to dance but I am so shy that anytime an opportunity to dance comes, I just shun it. But SKY visited my school one day and after the speaker was done talking, I decided to give the dance competition a try and boom! I won. I have been dancing ever since and now I am so bold. Any challenger for me? – Regina Dadzie

SKY made me find my confidence and also helped me identify and avoid toxic friends in my school. My current friends encourage me all the way through. Best thing is they are all SKY Girls – Owusua Jozzy


The best thing I've learnt is being me which has tremendously helped me. This gives me the drive each and every day that I don't need to change to fit in. I can be different and still fit in. Go SKY girls – Patricia Ennin Zigi Tetteh

There are so many things I used to do just to impress others and make people like me. But when I joined SKY Girls, I realized that my true friends will like me for the real me so I didn’t have to do yawa things to impress people like smoking shisha. It’s so yawa– Suleman Tia Aisha

It made me accept my difference for who I am and not what pleases people and that’s staying true to myself – Sackey Tracy

Everytime I try to be someone I am not, I remember the day I took the SKY Girls pledge and get back to being me – Nana Ama Omari

SKY Girls has taught me how to stay true to myself and be myself in any situation. My friends were pushing me to get into a relationship with a guy that I wasn’t ready for. But then I sat down to think twice about the issue and decided to flip through the SKY magazine. I found out a lot of useful tips that allowed me to tell my friends about who I really am and how I didn't want to change to be who I am not. I now have 100% focus on my education. Thank you SKY girls for helping me stay true to myself – Merabel Nana Attakora



June was one of the most litty months ever for the SKY Nation. And how could it not? The grand finale of the incredible Do Your Thing talent competition came through with fire! After auditioning almost 200 talents from 19 schools, 6 schools battled on the biggest baddest stage and champions were no other than Vibranium Energy from Motown. If you missed it, you do yawa kraa but no worries cos this is your chance to get up close and personal with the winning group. Say hello to VIBRANIUM ENERGY.


1. Did the group already exist or it was created for the SKY Do Your Thing talent competition? Hahaha…We all knew dancing was our thing, but the group was created especially for the SKY Do Your Thing talent competition. 2. What was the inspiration for the name - Vibranium Energy? Two things inspired us actually. We watched a dance video and saw how the dancers put in so much energy. Then after watching the movie Black Panther, we saw how Vibranium was a high energy element. So we just put it together and called ourselves “Vibranium Energy”.


3. You obviously work well together, what do you think made you successful? Sleepless nights and continuous rehearsals. We were also inspired by the performances from other schools. It motivated us to work harder because they were equally good. The fact that we get along well also helped a lot because things that are challenging feel easier when you’re with friends. 4. What is the favourite or signature dance move of the group? We have so many, but the top top one will definitely be Shaku Shaku.

Aaliya Serwaa

Nana Adjoa

Valerie Kate 5. Are there any codes that the group lives by? Yeah, we live by the quote: “Persist to the end”. 6. What are some of the future plans that you have as a group? We will like to spread our influence as well as more positivity and love. Hopefully other people who love to dance will be inspired to go for it!


1. Us SKY Girls really want to know more about the beautiful Dr. Vanessa – your family, background, school and all... I am a qualified and practicing general medical practitioner with about 3+ years of experience and currently focusing on achieving a Masters Degree in Public Health. I am the only daughter in my family and a proud Hopsan (Holy Child School, Cape-Coast). I graduated from DaLian Medical University in China winning the overall best student in surgical skills and emerged the youngest inducted medical doctor in my batch in Ghana for the year 2015 at the age of 22. In my spare time, I like to read and watch movies. I do live by the saying “It only gets better” because it sure does.

2. Has being a doctor always been your dream and why? Honestly, being a doctor was not the first thing I wanted to become. I was inspired by my dad, who is a doctor himself (and also a lawyer). He was the main motivation for me to study medicine. All in all Id’ say it’s been a roller coaster ride of experiences.


3. How do you combine being a doctor with staying on fleek at the same time?

6. Can you share a few health tips with the SKY Nation? We want to glow all year through.

Hmmmm, tough one, well I don’t really know per say, let’s just say, I plan my day and remember not to bite more than I can chew. Hehe.

Well of course, drink lots of water and stay hydrated. Water helps cleanse your body and keep out toxins. And don’t try anything tobacco, it makes your skin all ashy and grey. Not to talk of the stains you can get on your teeth. Definitely not good for glowing!‍♀️

4. What are the three things that you enjoy doing that are not related to medicine? Cooking ughhh I love to cooook, shopping, watching movies.

5. What’s absolutely not your thing? Clubbing. I really don’t like the clubs although I’ve tried it before, I d’ rather stay in bed than club.

7. So one of the things SKY Girls say is they are 100% true to themselves, no faking. What’s your take on that? That’s amazing ladies, keep it up. It’s a very positive attitude and I’m all for it. Nobody appreciates anything fake. We need a lot more of genuine ladies around. ‍♀️

8. What words of motivation will you give to SKY Girls who want to go into science like you? Hm, it’s not easy but it’s totally worth it. Also be sure it is what you want to do and if you happen to find yourself being in the profession, make the best of it. ♀️


We’re a LIT Generation! That means our confidence level is at a 100 and we’re bold about who we are and the choices we make. We just live our best lives all year round. Check out some of the things that we at the SKY Generation totally understand simply because it’s born in all of us.


Poof Poof Swag Swag Chale!! SKY Generation are outchea just killing it every day. Too much sauce too much juice. And when you’re dripping that level of sauce like we are, then you are on top. We got this kraa! Just take a look at all our fave Big SKY Sisters like Adina and MzVee out there killing it every day with their swag on and not wasting time on yawa things like shisha.

Embrace our uniqueness We totally get that there’s no need to beat ourselves up over what we don’t have. Comparison just kills our vim. Rather we choose to love what we do have, appreciate our strengths and all the beautiful things that make us unique.

We do this! The SKY Generation girls are multitalented! There’s so much we’re passionate for and are interested in. From music, to science, to dancing, to fashion, to writing, we all dey. But the one thing that cuts across is that whatever our interests are, we go all out kill it and just blow everybody’s minds.

We Get Back Up


100% Swagged Up, No Shisha!

We don’t always have it all together. It gets to us too when someone gossips about us, just like everyone else. We even get nervous and shy too when we have to do things the first time. But Chale before you can say ‘Jack’ we get back up to our awesome selves cos we refuse to stay down. Vim sorrr!!

Yo Geng! Our killer confidence largely depends on the vim that our squad gives us. We lift each other up and share positive vibes only. Their cheers alone make us feel like we’re on top of the world. We know with friends who have our backs we can achieve anything. Bad Bad Bad!!!



It’s the long vacation already. Even though no long vacation is ever long enough for us. We will make the best out of it with amazing stuff. Here’s a look at all the ultimate bucket-list for this long vac. You catch the vibe?


Pass the popcorn and drink please. What better way to spend the holidays than have the time of our eyes. lol 1. Sugar, Spice N’ Sauce 2. Ant Man and the Wasp

Soul vibes anytime. Music can get us ready to face whatever kind of day it is

1. Unstoppable – Cina Soul, Naa ft. SKY Girls 2. Level Up – Ciara

3. The Equalizer 2

3. CCTV – King Promise, Sarkodie, Mugeez, R2Bees

4. Hotel Transylvania 3

4. Girls Like You – Maroon 5 ft Cardi B



1. Do the #UnstoppableChallenge dance and tag us on Facebook and Instagram (skygirlsgh)

1. Chocolate or cheese with biscuit crackers

2. Attend the SKY Girls TakeOver on 18th August,2018

2. Chilled sprite with lemon and mint leaves

3. Learn a new skill like sewing, or a sport like basketball

3. Milk and plantain chips

4. Save up some money

4. Pancake and ice-cream

If you want to make the best out of your holidays then check out these fun activities.



Food is everything! Satisfy all of your cravings



Character: Bubbly Fave artiste: James Arthur Her Thing: Entertainment Not Her Thing: Tattoos Mantra: No matter where you come from your dreams are valid

Character: Silly Fave artiste: Stonebwoy Her Thing: Positive vibes Not Her Thing: Stealing Mantra: One brick a day

Girl, if you haven’t seen any of the episodes on the SKY Vlog, you’re missing out on all the juicy sauce. The vlog is where we get to express ourselves and share all the fun SKY vibes in all of its glory. Anytime you link up with your girls, just go to our YouTube page (SKY Girls GH) and have fun with our ever-hilarious hosts Masana and Mimi cracking them up. Y’all should meet Masana and Mimi, two randomly opposite in character girls who don’t agree on a lot of things but exude the most positive vibes you can ever have a feel of in your entire life. Check out a short profile about them here. They are so lit and adorable! Also peep BTS photos. So if you haven’t already, RUN to our YouTube page (SKY Girls GH) and hit the subscribe button. An episode drops every Friday so don’t forget to like, comment and share! Catch you!!


1. So who is Jason EL-A? Tell the SKY Nation more about yourself. First of all, thank you for having me. Jason Jason Jason! Simple guy who loves to make music, meet new people & focus on creating basically. Music is all about creating. I’m a presenter so I get to interact with a lot of people, which is super cool plus my Grandfather instilled hard work in me so that helps me stay focused. I love watching cartoons, I’ve got loads of comic books & I still want to be a super hero.


2. How will you say you got to where you are now? Definitely with God! Nothing is possible without Him I believe. And of course talking less and listening more. What I mean by that is I’ve learnt a lot by listening and gradually that’s helps. It helps to take advantage of opportunity & to find one’s self. Listening and being attentive are very instrumental. You appreciate people more for what they offer and you learn to give off more of your true self.

3. What do you do when you’re not recording songs, performing on stage or on our tv screens? Watching cartoons, meditating, & reading mostly.

4. What or who motivated you to do music? Always loved music. Thing is I didn’t know how I’d express myself, how I’d go about it and who I’d be able to talk to about it. It was really difficult for me- that struggle within. I broke down most nights. But seeing other artists before me boldly do what they loved helped me and I’m more than grateful to them. You can’t take away the ones who inspire us the most. Inspiration is a powerful tool.

5. If you weren’t a musician what would you have been? Good question! Never really thought about it! Probably a superhero yo! Haha

6. What are some the things you consider yawa? People who don’t think their own thoughts, feel their own feelings and try to be somebody else

7. This edition is all about who we are as a SKY Generation: 100% fun-loving, swagged up and tobacco-free, and true to ourselves. What’s your take on that? I dey feel y’all pass! That’s the vibe. I believe the SKY Generation is poised for great things by knowing the things you like and the things you should say no to. It’s great to know that y’all shun from tobacco. Real girls are not about impressing other people and faking to fit in is not an option. You go SKY Girls !

8. Do you have any message for your fans in the SKY Generation? I LOVE YOU ALL FOR LIFE IN CAPITAL LETTERS!!! I have the best fans ever & they know I appreciate them beyond measure. Love y’all so much.


Don't stop tagging us (@skygirlsgh) in your pictures. Your Instagram post can make it into our next edition.


Tag us in your PICTURES showing off your SKY wrist band and win an amazing goodie bag.



How’re you doing? I just thought of you and thought I’d checkup. It’s a little weird writing old school style, with a pen and paper but I guess this is still how you guys do it and the only way you’ll get this. How’s school? Stressful and confusing right? Are you still torn between pursuing medicine and being an air hostess? Or has the dream changed again? Try not to stress too much about that though. From where I’m sitting, you did good. Just focus on sponging in as much information as you can. The future is fine. Life took such a dramatic turn you know? I really want to tell you what you’ll end up becoming in a few years but I won’t ruin the surprise. The only hint I’ll give you is that it’s the one thing that comes the easiest to you. Trust me, school is not a waste of time. If you play your cards right (you know, turn those Cs into As and finally sort out the issues you have with Science and Mathematics) the possibilities are so endless. You know how immensely talented you are so don’t short change yourself. Work hard and who knows, by the time you’re here, this letter won’t even be doing you enough justice. I know you sometimes think Mom and Dad are skeptical about your dreams. Trust me, you under estimate them. They’ll surprise you. Just focus on being the best version of yourself and yes, it doesn’t really matter if you haven’t figured it all out yet. You’re supposed to make mistakes and learn and find your balance. It’s supposed to be a little confusing sometimes but it’ll make sense in a few years. That I promise you. I know there’s a lot of pressure to fit in with the “cool crowd” but trust me, you shine best when you just do you. Standing out can be scary but that’s the only way you get to truly shine. Don’t dim your light for anyone. Don’t. EVER! I should head over to my rehearsal session now but I’ll definitely check up again. Feel free to write me anytime you have questions or need someone to talk to. I got all the juice. I love you. Present me,

Ps: Yes, I’m popularly called Adomaa now and I’m a musician. Surprise surprise!!


We can’t help but admit that it’s pretty difficult to keep a healthy routine once school is in session. You’re super busy with classes, extra-curricular activities, homework and projects. Add in time for hanging out with friends and staying updated on social media... Chale it’s tough. But staying fit should definitely be part of your routine regardless of your size and it doesn’t have to be gidigidi like what the body builders do. Here are a few tips we think you should totally adopt.


DRINK UP We can’t say this enough but drinking water is a great swap for high calorie drinks like coke and is good for your overall health. Drink up daily and you'll start to see improvements immediately! Aim for at least 5 sachets a day. You’ll thank us when your skin starts glowing.

PUFF PUFF, NO WAY! Taking in harmful substances like tobacco doesn’t mix with fitness and slaying. Saying no to shisha and cigarettes will make your fitness goals koko for you kraa and you can slay all day feeling fresh and gbesh after a good workout.

SNOOZE When you’ve got classes and tests on your mind, it’s sometimes hard to switch off and get a good night sleep. Keeping fit with exercise will not only help you sleep better, but more sleep will speed up recovery and boost you up so you’ll be ready to jump out of bed and do it all again like you never left.

EAT WHOLE Eat wholegrain meals to keep you full for a longer time. Think of foods like oats and wheat biscuits. It’s high fiber content makes digestion easier. Plus its slow release of energy will fuel you throughout the day.

EXERCISE Exercising doesn’t have to be an hour of cardio every day. Intense mini workouts like skipping and squatting in between your daily activities still benefits and some exercises can even help you maintain a good posture. A good posture always rubs off on your confidence and doesn’t let the crown slip queens.


The last few months, all the stars from Sugar, Spice N' Sauce have been visiting your schools. Is your school here?



Hello SKY sisters, it’s about a friend of mine who has body odour and I am scared to approach and tell her because she mostly gets annoyed with me, whenever we are having any conversation. People mostly laugh at her behind her back but she doesn't know and it hurts me to be her friend and not able to help her - Karen

Oops, we know how difficult it is for you to tell her. It’s not easy to talk about such a thing but telling her is the only way to help her out. You’re obviously a true friend so have her back! - Ama I think you shouldn’t focus too much about upsetting her, especially if you speak to her nicely without being mean. Look at the greater good and share solutions with her like giving her some deodorants and may be a few personal hygiene tips she can adopt - Cilia You can talk to an adult she respects to talk to her about it and break the news to her. Either ways you still have to tell her - Irene


My classmates introduced me to a guy I later became friends with and started crushing on him. I have seen a negative change in his attitude ever since I told him about my crush on him. I told my friends about it and they told me not to force things. I want to ask if I should move away from him. He already told me he has feelings for me. Please help - Priscilla

Yeah sis, your friends are right. Keep your distance for a while. If he truly likes you, he will come around sooner than you think - Tonia A relationship is a two-way street that requires mutual respect so if he is acting up, then chill sis. Just leave him alone - Vera Don’t worry sis, just be normal and go about your normal life. If he stops behaving differently, cool, if he doesn’t that’s on him. Just stay cool - Becca

My name is Ruth, a form 2 student in Senior High. I’m very good at singing but I am shy. My friends say if I smoke tobacco, I could get even better at performing on stage. Is it true? - Ruth

Mmttcheeww, it’s not true sis. Confidence doesn’t come from smoking tobacco. Confidence comes from within and believing that you can do it - Mina Yo sis, that the biggest joke of the century! Smoking tobacco will actually ruin your voice in the end and make you worse at performing. I am not sure you want to ruin that beautiful voice of yours. Simply continue singing and doing all the things that you like without taking any tobacco. Build your confidence and know you don’t ever need it - Lois Don’t listen to them sis. You are still young and you don’t want to be looking wretched with ashy skin, dark skin at age 20. Abegii, stay away from tobacco and shine on sis! - Mavis


Chill sis, we got you. Check out the lyrics to 2018’s biggest banger! Yes Yes that’s right! Unstoppable is our anthem! You’re allowed to have the loudest voice next time you’re jamming to it with your friends. Lol. Get your girlfriends and have a karaoke party already. Enjoy! UNSTOPPABLE


I will be unstoppable and nothing’s gonna bring me down

SKY Girls let’s go! Shoki shoki, gwara gwara, shaku shaku Shoki shoki, gwara gwara, shaku shaku

RAP S to K to Y Girls are here, we are just so fly never fear. We are confident girls for life, don’t mind anybody just live your life. Follow your passion, do your thing, reach for the SKY cos you’re a queen That’s the message I bring to you, Naa Shawele bringing wisdom through

VERSE 1 I am fresh, fly as I can be (yeah yeah yeah) I’m the realest girl that you’ll ever see (yeah yeah yeah) Everyday I am doing my best (yeah yeah yeah) Natural girl, not trying to flex I can dance (I can dance), I can rap (I can rap) Intelligent (intelligent), that’s a fact I will make it, I’m a star, never fake it, cos I’m in charge

CHORUS I will be unstoppable (be true to yourself, be true to yourself) And nothing’s gonna bring me down (be true to yourself, be true to yourself) I will always do my thing (be true to yourself, be true to yourself) If you feeling me then come around (be true to yourself, be true to yourself)


CHORUS (Repeat)

VERSE 2 Be confident, don’t you ever doubt you Don’t you worry when they talk about you Cos you’re beautiful just the way you are Let them know that you are a star Don’t you worry (don’t you worry!) You’ll be okay (you’ll be okay!) I got your back (I got your back!) Don’t be afraid You will make it (yeah yeah yeah) You’re a star Never fake it, cos you’re in charge

CHORUS (Repeat)

HOOK SKY Girls let’s go! Shoki shoki, gwara gwara, shaku shaku Shoki shoki, gwara gwara, shaku shaku

You can find the song on Soundcloud ( skygh/unstoppable) and look out for the lyric video on our Youtube channel (SKY Girls GH)

RAP S to K to Y Girls are here, we are just so fly never fear We are confident girls for life, don’t mind anybody just live your life Follow your passion, do your thing, reach for the SKY cos you’re a queen That’s the message I bring to you, Naa Shawele bringing wisdom through I will be unstoppable, and nothing’s gonna bring me down I will always do my thing, if you feeling me then come around.




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