Sky Magazine - Episode 2

Page 1

Frepey Co




What every girl TRENDS FASHION & TIPS


What IS SKY? SKY Girls is a sisterhood of teen girls coming together to celebrate all the things we love and support each other in staying true to ourselves. To us it’s all about knowing what’s our thing and knowing what we just don’t want in our liveS. It’s about making choices that are true to who we are! Find us on Facebook and Instagram (@skygirlsgh), SKY Live on YFM, 107.9 every Saturday at 3pm and don’t forget our magazines! We love hanging out too, so watch out for our next biggest jam this December. Make sure to follow us on our social media channels to get updates. Tell us whatever you’re passionate about and let’s get you covered. We have loads of awesome things coming your way you can’t afford to miss out. To become a SKY girl, take the pledge to stay true to yourself through our Facebook page (@skygirlsgh) or WhatsApp (0540124008) and get your SKY wristband!

SKY PLEDGE I pledge to be true to myself and what I believe in To be who I am not who someone else thinks I should be I’ll hold tight to the things I’m all about -like friends, and dancing. And I’ll stay away from yawa things I know I’m good without -like backstabbing and smoking Because knowing what’s my thing and what’s not my thing helps make me who I am. I will make choices that are true to me I pledge to find my SKY!



OCT 2017









Career ASpirations






How to deal with Toxic Friendships














What to expect


Friends like no other with kukie













OCT 2017

What to expect

s ' r o t i e d c E Pie SKY MAGAZINE


OCT 2017

wi t h so much fu n, T his edit ion is filled s to t he g” pu zzl es & riddle from “brain-crac kin ’ve go t DIY fa shi on lover s, we hilariou s jokes. For to keep shi on s tyle t re nd s fa shi on t ips, an d fa y day. like a diamo nd ever yo u shi ning bright his edit ion r fave perso n in t An d guess wh o ou

SKY Mag! cit ing iss ue of t he It s ye t an ot her ex de finitely s two to ta ngo! I Y’all kn ow it ta ke ien d cause fr t s be my t ho ut ca n’t write t his wi r.Eazi’s like ski nt ight *I n M sh e dey my body voice*


r* *screami ng toge t he

? Hey Kyla, wh at’s up

! yo ur girl Yaa Yaa!! Kyla+T helma: It’s

Girl! Kyla: I am SKYing

expect uld ou r SKY sis ters T helma: Wh at sho from t his iss ue?

rn ey as a lls us ab out her jou T helma: Yaa Yaa te perie nc es, an d her bo ujee ex singer/songwrit er o share Ou r SKY sis ters als so be inspired y’all. s, we e blo ckbu s ter movie t heir reviews on som all love.

lk we are going to ta Kyla: Yo, SKY sis ters, s 24/7, ck ba g t hat go t ou r ab out t hat on e t hin od an d bad! FRIENDS. Bo t h go we’re going to T helma: Yeah right, od on ho w to keep go be let t ing yo u in ien ds hips d ide nt ify toxic fr frien ds arou nd an

ses sio n we go t an excit ing La s t but no t lea s t, Llo yd!! I’m wi t h t he Da nc egod hin d t he kn ow t he s tory be su re y’all wa nt to y” “blon de haired gu

Chris t ma s u in mi nd for t he An d oh, SKY go t yo t ry out! gift hack s yo u ca n holiday s, we have

p t he page s, So sit back an d fli back alway s!! cause SKY go t yo ur

Ther inlChmiefa Edito



OCT 2017



Hey SKY sisters, my best friend and So, a few weeks ago, y bash. other friend’s birthda an to d te vi in e er w I we d about this party so We were too excite rty all pa e y and went for th got our shadas read glammed up! and loads of food to eat At the party, we had is my fun. Because singing drinks and had mad of the to sing. At the sight ed ct le se as w I g, in th gs were lt so nervous, my le crowd on stage, I fe ice at vo ed to have lost my shaking and I seem owd anced through the cr that moment. As I gl ht my g lips, my eyes caug with my stammerin to breathe e m d she signaled best friend’s eyes, an in and out 3 times. arm smile at, she gave me a w As she was doing th ve me bs went up it just ga and when her thum magic. vim! It worked like nce phone with confide I grabbed the micro ng my heart out. and calmness and sa



OCT 2017

When I was done, everyone clapped and chee red me on, there were shrills of excitement in the air. I did it! I left the stage with my head up high and “sashayed” (check out the last edition of SKY Magazine) straight to my bestie and gave her a huge hug. I thought out loud to myself “What would I have done without my friend?” It would have been a big time yawa. She was my hero! Like the cliché, friendship is the only ship that does not sink! How true! Like in my case, my best friend was all I needed to be my best self. Our frien ds will always be there to help us through yawa time s, stick up for us, give us great advice, cry with us through sad moments and celebrate our vict ories with us. But sometimes, even the best of friendshi

ps can hit the rocks.

Here are a few tips to be t he bes t frie nd you can pos sibly be. Appreciate you r frie nds – no one likes being take n for gra nted, so t han k you r frie nds whe n t hey do somet hing for you and tell you r frie nds how muc h you appreciate t hem. Be a good frie nd bac k — frie nds hips are a two-way t hing. I f you r frie nd is passionate abo ut somet hing, show you r supp or t and interes t.

Be t rus twor t hy – show t hem t hey can rely on you to keep t heir secret s, one day you’ll nee d t hem to do t he same. Have fun! –Create amazing mem orie s t hat you’ll cherish forever. Suppor t each ot her – life isn’t alw ays easy, but you’ll get t hro ugh t hose tough t ime s toge t her.

Be und ers tan ding - whe n you and you r frie nd argue, don’t lash out and yell at each ot her. Ins tead, talk abo ut you r problem s calmly and lis ten to bot h side s of t he s tory. Mai ntai n contact - if one frie nd moves far away, keep in touc h. Frie nds hip doe sn’t have to end bec ause you r frie nd moved to a new school.

Be you rsel f – frie nds accept each ot her for who t hey are, and don’t put pre ssure to be som eon e t hey’re not.



OCT 2017

CAREER S N O I T A R I P S A FASHION DESIGNER Somehow, I find myself fascinated by outfit styles that people rock all the time. I love the creative minds that fashion designers use to combine different fabric colours to make beautiful clothing. Designing clothes is definitely a passion I can’t wait to put to practice. I am going to make people of different shapes and sizes look gorgeous with my designs.

TEACHER My heart is filled with joy anytime I help my younger siblings with their homework. Most of the time, I read on the subject of study beforehand so that I can be effective in teaching them and making them understand what they are studying. In short, I want to be a teacher when I grow up. I am going to be patient with my students and help those who are not ‘sharp brains’ turn out to be excellent students!



OCT 2017


e new to explor m e k li I e r fo the res there es, and sharing u lt u c t blogger r en ive pictu o being a travel ut differ t o a b e a r c g g in e learn iting, s ve takin e and lov ing - I lo ia. I also love wr t h ia t c e y r m p p Ia hy is l med hotograp others on socia places. P d n ions! friends a my pass with my ll a g in an combin would me


ment in the argu ifferent t s lo e they’v e on d hey know ve good knowledg en putting t e s u a c me, be ys ha ully wh so I alwa rds caref gue with r o g a w in o y n t r m a e e k le n’t li and choos People do always reading m able to a I e r o m a f I’ e r advance. it is only sion, the e s s u c u a is c d e b f o wyer, subjects argument. to be a la e m y e m g r d r u forwa und me eople aro p n e h w ed get excit or it! I always ut out f c s a w I t sign tha





OCT 2017

dealing with




OCT 2017

d the next ared a secret with an sh u yo d ien fr at th r ur crush, Do you remembe tripped in front of yo u yo at th ew kn ol ho paign for you when day, everybody at sc o refused to help cam wh e on e th t ou ab w think you Kobby. Ho ply because she didn’t sim t, ec ef pr ss cla be skip school you wanted to who convinced you to d ien fr at th t ou ab could do it. Or what friend. tead? Yeeeaaaa, that ins er th ge to t ou ng and ha you feel good , and they don’t make ge an ch s hip ds ien fr you first met Sometimes t have been toxic when no ay m ds ien Fr . to friends like they used you down. These toxic ing ing br y wl slo ’re tips to recognize them, but now they , but we’ve got some ify nt ide to sy ea s ay aren’t alw and deal with them.

Signs of a toxic friend y deci sio n yo u feel bad for ever T hey make yo u od ab out make yo u feel go s nd ie fr al Re e. n making mak u, especially whe yo t or pp su d an self, yo ur self r, be t rue to yo ur be em m Re . ns sio to ugh deci h yo u every ie nd s will be wit fr e ru t ur yo d an . s tep of t he way u do n’t want u to do t hi ngs yo yo re su es pr y he T r insid e out s kn ow each ot he nd ie fr t ea Gr . aking yo u to do . I f a frie nd is m r he ot ch ea t ec it’s an d re sp t to do, tell t hem an w t n’ do u yo do somet hi ng d wal k away. no t yo ur t hi ng an frie nd s an d ced ab out ot her T hey are two-fa y are doing co nd gues sing t he se s ay w al re u’ ergy yo n’t le t t hi s bad en Do u. yo t ou ab e re ful sam id ence an d be ca nf co ur yo e in un derm an d d into gossiping ge ag dr be to t no bad vibe s! ody want s t hose back s tabbing. N ob

1 2 3

who you are and poison you. Be true to hip ds ien fr xic to a o bring out the Don’t let u really trust and wh yo ds ien fr in t es Inv sure you your values. o way street - make tw a s it’ r, be em m re best in you. And all around! em too. Positive vibes th to be n ca u yo d ien are the best fr



OCT 2017

B er v ly n L omo t ey

ke s by Lerny / CEO of Blus hs t ro / de Mod el Agency CEO of Beaumon V t re ss / mod el / T Makeu p ar t is t/ac ter an d radi o presen



OCT 2017

Bervlyn, I’m writing to you all smiles because you’re such a determined gogetter and one smart girl who knows when to push through and when to let go. This will help you go through life’s changing times, friendships, and jobs. Life in SHS is going to be amazing and you will make lots of friends. Naturally, in time, you’ll fall out with some of them, but other friendships will last over 10 years. Your personality - ever silly, always laughing, exuberant, always ready to listen - will even attract introverts to you, who will soon learn to be more open. You’ll meet good-hearted people who’ll push you to do your best. Friends whose cheers, encouragement and advice will motivate you to do more and be more. Friendships won’t always be a smooth road - you won’t hesitate to cut off those who are filled with drama or who are self-seeking. You’ll meet boys and be in relationships with some of them. Some will be tough but things will always fall into place. And you’ll always have your mother! She’s the “bestest” of best friends you have and she will be for many years. She’s your biggest support, your Angel on Earth. Remember that teacher who saw something in you in JHS and gave you the opportunity to MC school events? You’ll forever treasure him because now you don’t know shyness - public speaking comes to you easily and is simply fun. You’ve always known who you want to be and what you want to do. When your friends said “I want to be a doctor or teacher or lawyer”, you held on to being a media personality. You never let the pressure to choose one of “society’s accepted professions” get to you. You’ll thrive on positive vibes, live a happy life and venture into things that make you fulfilled and content. Like being a television personality, actress, MC, YouTube Vlogger, owning a makeup business, model agency and a blog, spending your alone times doing DIYs for your love of art. You’ll shuffle LERNY from BERVLYN and make Lerny Lomotey your showbiz name but that’s fine, it won’t change who you are. That name will fly because you were born for this. You always put God first in everything you do, you’ll taste His goodness, favor and grace!



OCT 2017

P rize s

ppi ng A sho th r wor e h c u vo nd yo u a r o f $200 n d. s t fri e e b r yo u


a ke s h at m w d n a bes t ie hi ngs t he t yo u r f t o u o e b do e s s a s om Ho w Tell u t are ? a e k h li s W di ecial. e a nd h er sp o u li k y t r self. a to he es t h o e d u r e t sh s t ay s bes t ie r u o y

e you e s: t . Just b o le p N m i s T ips & ink it, it’s really ember?


e what

d writ rself an

rem verth and sisters Don’t o e r a t letter e a h w t , t e r t hea g, wri in your o dullin N ! h t 0 Nov. 3 ition is t e p m o e for c e; ible. Deadlin all in on as poss s n i o o m s a as erogr mail it ilbox. e! The a t i r w to a ma o t t i t e e e r g and it’s f t write stamp, s a u J r . o e f p add No need + envelo k! Also c stamp a b + d u a o p rite y nt’s writing e can w ur pare w o o y s e s b s also addre win!) (it could return n a o d r if you u d e o a h y o e h t s c i e a r surp Be sur can re we can ber we o s m u ’s n e i e ur best a phon r, or yo e b m u phone n uch et in to g ? e u s Any is estion? u q y n A



OCT 2017

ies of Winning entr sure trea our summer hunt.

s u re #SKYTrea

Wi n n er:


t r ue a n d self to b e y m d e g d fe. I h ave ple I ta ke in li every s tep in t n e d h fi con my self wit b u rd e ning N o t b u sily me to b e k or wa nt in h t le p r “ME� wh at p eo t h e b e tt e ke a m ill w e. b ut wh at pping s to n y is my s te sk e h t se u b ec a

Y p ab o ut SK o em or ra p a e it r W me nt s. in t h e c om a n d p os t it


mpadu Deb ora h A

Wi n n er:

s u re 2 #SKYTrea t h e pledge, it e do wn Simply wr d e sign. le c reat ive tt li a in t hro w

h ra D ze nyo By E ve Yay



OCT 2017





1. Who is Yaa Yaa? from rtha Bridget Kankam My name is actually Be been ve ha I my stage name. Ghana and Yaa Yaa is rsity ive Un e ed in music at th singing since 5. I major e re dance and play th of Ghana. I sing, act, the , piano and guitar) at ne instruments (xylopho ople. pe g un yo passion to help moment. I also have a r? how to play the guita 2. How did you learn by myself ed tic house so I prac We had a piano in the an r he ot t me and my br then later, my mum go y the pla to other learnt how instructor and my br . no pia how to play the guitar, while I learnt other e guitar because my br But I was drawn to th


OCT 2017

m to play re, like to the bedroo could carry it anywhe living room r ck in one place - ou but my piano was stu my tc I would usually wa h and I couldn't move it. d all, an s r, his finger position brother play the guita . him e lik ere, I would play it and when he is not th itar gu e th deeper in love with I realized I was falling . re r and practiced mo so I got my own guita d I have ss at the university an I joined the guitar cla shows at r ces with the guita been making appearan ctor tru ins ntly when I got an since then, until rece itarist. to be professional gu choose nce between how you 3. What's the differe st? pa you used to in the your friends and how ol, and Senior High Scho In Junior High School in the re ople because we we I was friends with pe ing, th e ed doing the sam same class, or we enjoy of lot a r me. But now, afte or if the person liked my se oo ch ds, I have learnt to experiences with frien d an als go e who have the sam friends wisely. People I , do I at friends. Doing wh mindset as I do are my are few. but my close friends meet a lot of people, known ve ha mily because they My friends are my fa st. d understand me be me from childhood an r ing you've ever done fo 4. What's the best th by y da th a friend on her bir a friend? I surprised ed! elm wh er her. She was so ov composing a song for t a toxic friendship? I jus 5. How do you manage y sta u cause the more yo walk away from it. Be wode cts you. 3ny3 afei na in it, the more it affe sere3 b3brabra so. thing? and what's not your 6. What's your thing my t hing entertainmen is Music, dance and anyt . ing th and lies are not my thing. Envy, smoking tial one thing that's essen 7. If you could name at would it be? for good friendship, wh d, le to trust your frien ab Honesty. You should be er. th ge to e d some quality tim and most of all, spen



OCT 2017

OCT 2017


S ky alw ay s h a s good so i f y ie s in o u f in s t ore d yo u for Yo r self t he m u, in t his ag wit segme h a Sk n y t ju s t r of wris t eac h u ba n d or Ts on o s h u ir r t W h at s (054 0 App n 12 400 umb er 8) for a s u rp rise g Ho w c i ft. ool is t h at?



OCT 2017



OCT 2017

ou r pare nt s We are used to ch clo t he s ch oosing ou r ch ur

m by ble nding for us. Amaze t he ay. Wear a colou rs t his Su nd wi t h a red mo no chrome dress sis! blazer. An d glo w

Wha every


tyl e Wh at ever yo ur s ing ro ck it while s tay

loo k Ch ec k out t he se

wrong wi t h a Yo u ca n never go ped jea ns! Simply pair of de nim rip chic top an d a matc h it wi t h a Bingo! Yo u’re colou rful kimon o! hat date wi t h good to go for t yo ur girlfrien ds.



OCT 2017

mal at t he same Look chic an d for sel f by pairi ng t ime! Style yo ur a long sleeve yo ur jea ns wi t h ime arou nd yo u shir t, only t his t roll it up.

at y girl S


e is, feel free to f. g t rue to yo ur sel

ve. ks yo u ca n ac hie n’t alway s have Afric an wear s do . Yo u ca n wear to be kaba an d slit a print dress an d a s tylish Afric an w ck heels an d sho lovely pair of bla wi t h pride! off ou r cult ure



OCT 2017

help. need urgent d n a d se fu n ers, I am so co y parents Hello SKY sist School soon. M h ig H r io n Se I can to the afterwards, y sa I will be going ey th se u eca udy Science, b come out want me to st niversity and u e th t a e rs I am not h a good cou or. However, continue wit ct o d a e k li er How do stigious care rts in school. A to build a pre l a su Vi y d u st really want to interested. I pressured! ng seriously ei b m a I ? ts n I tell my pare

SKY ADVICE: Darling, it’s to tally u nd er s ta ndable. Yo u need to mus ter co ur age an d sp ea k wit h yo ur pare nt s. Yo u need to expl ai n to t hem t hat s t udyi ng Vi sual Ar t s is yo ur pa ssio n an d it makes yo u happy, an s t udyi ng Scie d nc e will only s t re ss yo u ou t because yo do n’t en jo y u it. People all over t he wor ld ha ve life by follo w mad e it in ing t heir pa ssio ns. Ch eer up gi rl, yo u ca n be anyt hi ng yo u want to be !



OCT 2017

I have a Unfortu

male be


like I sp guys at

end too


st frien

d who g

his girlf

ot a gir

riend d

much tim

oes not

e with t


like me


and fee


ls and sha re the iend ab ot sure out his whethe girlfrie not. Wh r to tell nd’s beh at do I d my avior to o? wards m e or best fr

with he

r. I am n

he guy

ime s. d sis, t his happens somet SKY ADV ICE: I und ers tan t ver sat ion wit h you r bes Wh y don’t you have a con hing ers tan d t hat you have not frie nd’s girl? Let her und ring genuin e frie nds hip, conside for you r bes t frie nd but ood. e bee n frie nds sinc e childh t he fac t t hat you guy s hav I hop e t hat works!

e to space. Remember, to be nic Also, give t hese two some ’re not l realise one day t hat you her and hop efully, she wil over a SKY girl doe sn’t fight her compet itor. Aft er all, someon e else’s guy!

recently and I caught We wrote our end of term exams ort her to the school my best friend cheating. Do I rep ? What should I do as a authorities or keep it as a secret SKY girl?


: Too bad y our b T he b e s t fr es t t h i e nd h i ng t o ad t o t o h er do a s . Yo u do t h a SKY i s. proba b g ly u n d irl i s t a nyb o o t alk er s t a n dy. M d h er a ke h e bet t e r awa t o t ea r t ha r e c h he t h at y n r wh e o u ’r e n a s h e do Rea s s u lway s e s n’t availa re h er u n d er ble , t h at s t a nd yo u g t h ere a ny t h o t h er wo n’t i ng. bac k a be a n ll t h e eed t o no t t o t im c e so b e ju d h eat i n t he gme nt e xam. al i n y girls g B our a ive ea e s u re pproa ch ot c h. Re h er a d e f i ni m h emb er elpi ng t ely n , SKY h a n d, ot a S b ut c h KY gir eat i ng ls t hi n g! is SKY MAGAZINE


OCT 2017


D Y O L L D DANCEgO erprets music, soned dancer who int DancegodLlyod is a sea er in the art of to life. A game chang by bringing the lyrics ce moves that y has birthed many dan dance whose creativit etry with arms rodance! âˆŤDance is po has come to stay in Af where he trains also has an academy, and legsâˆŤ he says. He in this field. young people to excel SKY MAGAZINE


OCT 2017

“ “


1. What earned you the name Dancegod?

Ans: (laughs) I am very passionate at what I do - I am always coming up with creative ways of performing my art of dance so that it’s unique. My dance steps are mostly new and ends up being adapted by others.. 2. Nice hair! How do you handle the people's perception about your hair?

Ans: My hair is my brand, so I do not get offended at all, when people say negative things about it, I only smile and say “thank you!” Fortunately, I have met people who love my hair, they get the vibe !! 3. Have you always wanted to be a dancer? What were the challenges you faced?

Ans: YES!! At the beginning, my parents didn’t like the idea of me being a dancer, to the extent of calling me the black sheep of the family, but they are my best and loyal fans now (giggles). 4. What inspired your form of art?

Ans: God is my all time inspiration. I also took inspiration from my time at Presec where I got the opportunity to represent my school at prestigious competitions, the feeling was just amazing. At this point, dance had taken a big place in my life. I decided to turn it into a career.

6. What would you have been if you were not a dancer?

Ans: I would have been a footballer.

7. What do you do outside of dancing, like on your free days? Is it hard to keep up with your friends?

Ans: On my free days, I spend some quality time with my family. It’s hard sometimes. I am not able to keep up with messages, like my DM on Instagram, it is currently crying (laughs) but my friends understand my work so we cope. We always cherish the few times we spend together. 8. In what way have your friends been a positive influence in your career?

Ans: My close friends especially have always believed in my art and pushed me on anytime I shared my dreams with them. Their words of encouragement have pushed me to the limit even though I know greater things are yet to come. 9. What's your thing and what's not your thing?

Ans: I love dance and fashion, backbiting is definitely not my thing.

10. What will be your advice to Sky Girls?

Ans: Don’t accept anyone’s definition of yourself. Define yourself and always stay true to yourself.

5. What's your ultimate goal in the entertainment industry?

Ans: My utmost goal is to win an Oscar. I want to be known for more than dance and to impact peoples lives positively with my dance be it physically or mentally. SKY MAGAZINE


OCT 2017

ys a w l a o ag t s l a i t b n e r s u s o e y n i p kee A little cash- In

case you get s t randed somewhere or even better to save a friend who forget s her bus money.


is a lifesaver if you pop

a button or a seam. Jus t hook it up quickly and no one will ever know!

Hand Sanitizer - if

you ride public

t ranspor t, you need a hand sanit izer. Help yourself s tay healt hy by avoiding common germs.

Tissues -

You never want to be wit hout one of t hese! Spills occur all t he t ime, save yourself and your clot hes and wipe t hat spill off quickly wit h a t issue.

Breath Freshener-Eat

your onion

rings guilt-free and pop a mint in your

mout h to s tay fresh for t he res t of t he day.

Lip balm- Keep

showing off t hat smile

wit h healt hy mois t urized lips.



OCT 2017




OCT 2017




OCT 2017

Being real, the can-do spirit and being just.


Regina Boateng Okyere

gossip, negative vibes and cheating.

SKY means being determined and being who I am.

listening to dancehall music, dancing and just having fun

Sharon Julia Asare

backbiting, jealousy, pretense

singing, dancing and drawing making new friends, hanging out with family and friends

a Thereosrte Codj

I am proud to be a SKY girl, because as a SKY girl, I am obliged to stay true to myself.

writing stories, reading and singing

lies, hypocrisy and betrayal

fake friends, backstabbing and lies

fake friends, baseless criticisms and touchy people.

Eva Yayra Dzenyoh

Patieknincae Sum

SKY means a lot to me

Spiderman Homecoming It is a great introduction to a character of Spider-man showing his true self as portrayed by the comic books, but not told the same old way. This shows that Spider-man doesn't have to save the world but still can make a difference and save the day even if the stakes aren't that high.

Boss Baby This movie is dedicated both to the usual challenges that confront an older sibling when a new one comes along, and also to the many delights that come from spending time in the company of a suit-wearing, corporate-speaking infant.

Furious 8- The Fate of the Furious The previous series of Fast and Furious have been captivating and Furious 8 was no exception. It displays true friendship, not leaving anybody behind and holding each other up.



OCT 2017

HOW TIGHT ARE YOU AND YOUR BEST FRIEND? You are tight with your best friend if you have done 10/15 of these things (check off+ add your score) 1. You wait for each other when using the toilet 2. You know each other’s secrets 3. You both have a dress in common 4. You have accompanied her to run errands for her parents 5. You help each other decide which picture to use for your Facebook profiles 6. You have planned out your lives as old people together 7. You communicate through eye contact and understand each other 8. You can tell each other when you think they’re making a bad decision 9. You know each other’s family drama 10. You have sniffed each other’s armpits to check if they stink 11. You have attended a family function and been the only nonrelative there 12. You tell each other your symptoms when you’re sick 13. You have helped each other get into and out of clothes when they get stuck 14. You can hang out in silence without it been weird 15. You have disliked someone you’ve never met because they hurt your best friend



OCT 2017



Impossibilities in the world You can’t count your hair You can’t wash your eyes wit h soap. You can’t breat he when your tongue is out. Please put your tongue inside and STOP act ing like a dog. I knew u were going to do t hat. ☺




OCT 2017


Whether it's a handmade birthday gift or you decided to splurge for Christmas ± sharing gifts between friends is a great way to show how much you appreciate each other. SKY has a gift hack for you! Below is a 12 step by step way you can package the perfect gift for that special someone. Try this at home with your family this coming Christmas season.



















OCT 2017


The month of August was exciting with winners from the SKY Treasure Hunt competition and SKY Take Over event taking home delicious cupcakes from Cupcake Boutique at Labone. Be sure not to miss other SKY girls’ competitions till the end of the year. Check the Cupcake Boutique page on Facebook (cupcakeboutiquegh) and Instagram (@cupcakeboutiquegh) for your chance to win some tonguesatisfying gifts. Call us on 030 279 9838.


Some SKY sisters won Café Mondo vouchers worth GHS 30 at the SKY Takeover event last August, during the spin the wheel session. It was fun and amazing. Find out more about their delicious meal packages on Instagram (@café_mondo) and Facebook (Café Mondo)


OCT 2017

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