Skyland Trail Annual Report 2012

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“When I wasn't sure I could keep going, my counselors never wavered in their belief that I could – and I did. When it was finally time for me to graduate I discovered there were fresh beginnings and hard work to be faced all over again: working on my marriage; finding a new support system of therapists, doctors, and family and friends; practicing the positive coping skills I learned while at Skyland Trail. Simply, my time in treatment provided a powerful running start toward the beginnings of mental health, preparing me to commence the real journey of becoming healthy and well in all areas of my life.”



P R E S I D E N T ’ S


The signs of strong momentum at Skyland Trail were everywhere in 2012. Client and family participation in all of our services increased, and we welcomed more clients to our campuses than ever before. To help meet demand, we extended our treatment hours and expanded our programs. We increased our staffing in key areas to ensure that we could provide more services while upholding the level of excellence and customer service our clients expect. Affirming the priorities identified in our recent strategic planning effort, our specialized Young Adult program sustained its recent growth, with clients ages 18 to 25 now comprising 50 percent of our client community. And solidifying our primary care services as an integrated part of our treatment program continued to sharpen our profile as a national leader and innovator in holistic mental health treatment. Of course, client progress is the ultimate momentum. The treatment programs at Skyland Trail are designed to foster a sense of moving toward recovery, celebrating and reinforcing each step forward. Our outcomes assessment program confirms that our treatment approach is working. Clients graduating in 2012 showed significant improvement in their quality of life, self-esteem, and sense of empowerment, as compared to when they arrived at Skyland Trail. Our invaluable network of friends in the community empowers Skyland Trail to stay bold and visionary. We are fortunate to benefit from the wisdom of the many luminaries in the fields of mental health and management who serve on our boards. Strong participation in our fundraising events and appeals in 2012 enabled us to provide financial assistance scholarships to more than one-third of our clients, to upgrade our technology infrastructure and to offer to our clients the kinds of special programs that make Skyland Trial unique. Skyland Trail is positioned to sustain this momentum in large part because of a singular individual who has been a key leader since we opened our doors. As 2012 came to a close, Mark C. West stepped down from the chairmanship of our board of directors after 25 years of volunteer leadership. Mark has given vision and practical guidance as president and chairman, and we thank him for all that he has personally contributed and achieved to move us forward. We wish him well in his volunteer retirement, and are thankful that his continued involvement will further our role in recovery from mental illness. Our momentum accelerates as we move into 2013 under the leadership of long-time board volunteer and supporter John Gordon as board chair. Skyland Trail grows for one reason – to meet the growing need. For that reason, we are preparing to implement a far-reaching strategic plan of physical and program expansion that we will announce in coming months. This effort will expand dramatically our ability to deliver outstanding mental health treatment and recovery support, both for today’s clients and for future generations. Thank you for being part of this exciting momentum for Skyland Trail and for our clients.

Beth Finnerty, President and CEO





MARCH 95% of Skyland Trail staff made a charitable contribution to Skyland Trail. JANUARY We welcomed Melissa Lowe to our board of directors and Mike Dobbs, Missy Madden, Kim Marks and Mark W. Tipton to our advisory board.

MARCH The Skyland Trail Associates raised nearly $40,000 through the fifth annual Spring Luncheon & Fashion Show.

MARCH We kicked off a line-up of six professional education workshops with a session entitled “Employing the Wisdom of the Body and Emotions for Healing and Growth.”

Progress is evident at Skyland Trail. In 2012, we made great strides in expanding our capacity to meet the growing need for mental health treatment services. We were pleased to welcome new leaders to our board, advisory board, staff and volunteer groups and to host hundreds of individuals on our campus to learn more about mental illness and our integrated treatment model. Thank you to our friends and supporters, whose gifts of leadership and philanthropy helped advance and strengthen our mission in 2012 and positioned us for continued future success.

APRIL Volunteers and attendees raised more than $20,000 at our Southern Shindig fundraising event.

MAY We were pleased to recognize the contributions of our volunteers at the spring worship service and volunteer appreciation.

MAY Arts in the Garden brought more than 500 community participants to our campus to celebrate artistic strengths and challenge stigma associated with mental illness.

JUNE Our first Employer Appreciation Brunch through Vocational Services brought more than 40 employers to our campus.

JUNE Klay Weaver joined Skyland Trail as Chief Operating Officer. Weaver’s focus is to improve efficiency through innovation and streamlined operations and to continue to drive excellence in our treatment and customer service systems.

AUGUST At our community worship service, clients and families explored the role of spirituality in recovery while participating in hands-on experiences such as creative writing, horticulture, art and yoga groups.

JULY We added 24-hour nursing to the staffing pattern at Skyland Trail North. Now both South and North residential campuses have a registered nurse onsite 24 hours a day.

AUGUST We expanded treatment hours for individual and group psychotherapy at our main campus from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. The expansion helped accommodate our growing client community and allowed us to offer more advanced and specialized groups. We now offer 125 groups per week at the Health and Education Center.

NOVEMBER Skyland Trail hosted 11 of the nation’s leading mental health researchers and clinicians at the second annual Dorothy C. Fuqua Lecture Series.

OCTOBER We experienced recordbreaking attendance at the 15th annual Benefits of Laughter, which raised more than $615,000 to support our financial assistance and educational programs.

OCTOBER Skyland Trail applied for membership and was accepted to the National Association for Therapeutic Schools and Programs (NATSAP). We are pleased to add our organization as a potential resource for struggling young people and their families.

SEPTEMBER Carlyle Bruce, PhD, joined Skyland Trail as a fulltime psychologist, increasing our capacity for family therapy and psychological testing.

NOVEMBER We participated in the Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA) fall conference hosted in Atlanta. Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Ray Kotwicki, led a breakout session at the conference, and we hosted key IECA attendees at Skyland Trail for presentations and private tours.

NOVEMBER We celebrated our graduates


and a “Season of Change” at our fall worship service and alumni celebration.

years of remarkable service, board member, Mark West, ended his tenure as board chair. John C. Gordon, who has been a member of the Skyland Trail leadership team for more than 20 years, was elected board chair.

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“Skyland Trail’s momentum TREATMENT SERVICES

toward becoming a thought


individual counseling sessions


psychiatric individual sessions


group therapy sessions

and service leader for helping people with

can actually feel the drive of all the components of the organization to become a force for health and the radical notion that mentally ill individuals can expect to lead fulfilling lives with dignity.” – RAYMOND KOTWICKI, MD, MPH, CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER, SKYLAND TRAIL






website visitors

is palpable. Staff, patients, and others in our community



mental illnesses recover and lead happy, productive lives


participation in family support groups

30% 58%

services provided in our Primary Care Clinic

‰ Vocational Services Program reached out to more than 200 EMPLOYERS open to hiring clients

‰ 217 CLIENTS participated in LEAP social enrichment activities each month on average

‰ AWARDED $935,000 in scholarships through our Financial Assistance Program

inquiry calls

37% inquiries from internet

COMMUNITY OUTREACH ‰ 1,500 PEOPLE attended fundraising or community events

‰ 460 PEOPLE attended Skyland Trail professional education events

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Ages 18–25


Ages 26–35 45% FEMALE

55% MALE


Ages 36–45 Ages 46–55 Ages 56 and older

15% 10% 5%








Bipolar Illness

3 2 1 0




Major Depression Schizoaffective Disorder


Other Diagnoses


Schizophrenia Anxiety


3% 2%






Improvement in symptoms of psychosis

Improvement in feelings of depression and/or anxiety

Lower body mass index (BMI)

Improvement in their attitude toward activities of daily living and overall functioning





Improvement in attitudes toward medication adherence

Improvement in their feelings of hopelessness

Improvement in their relationship with self and others

Improvement in impulsive and addictive behaviors

Results are statistically significant at the p<.05 significance level. Medication Attitude Inventory: Hogan TP, Awad AG, & Eastwood R. (1983). A self-report scale predictive of drug compliance in schizophrenics: reliability and discriminative validity. Psychological Medicine, 13, 177–183.

Results are statistically significant at the p<.05 significance level. Beck Hopelessness Scale: Beck AT, Weissman A, Lester D, Trexler L. (1974). The measurement of pessimism: The Hopelessness Scale. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 42(6), 861-865

*Results are statistically significant at the p<.05 significance level. The 32-Item Behavior and Symptom Identification Scale (BASIS-32): © Copyright McLean University, Affiliate of Harvard Medical School.




Mark West stepped down from his position as board chair in December 2012. Mark’s leadership over 25 years provided gifts that will forever define Skyland Trail.

He built a foundation for us to deliver unsurpassed

property, to monitoring the building process, to analyzing

quality, innovation and compassion in mental health

fine-print details, he combined expertise and passion to

treatment. With equal enthusiasm, Mark embraced

advance Skyland Trail as a center of excellence.

audacious ideas and the due diligence to prove they made sense for Skyland Trail. The result was a

Mark’s primary motivation always was clear – the

remarkable quarter century of growth in facilities,

progress of clients in their recovery journey. Of special

programs, resources, relationships, and, most

concern was the financial challenge that many clients face

importantly, impact on clients.

to complete their treatment, and he was instrumental in

He served as president from 1989 to 2002, then as chair

with clients, Mark encouraged their ideas and interests,

of the board of directors through 2012. Over that span

including leading fishing trips to the West family farm.

Skyland Trail grew from a single residential facility to

Early on, when a client suggested planting vegetables at

starting and building our Financial Aid Fund. One to one

three campuses. Thousands of adults were helped on

Skyland Trail North, Mark invited that client on a trip to

their road to recovery with state-of-the-art therapeutic

a nearby garden center to buy supplies. That first collard

programs. Skyland Trail emerged nationally as an

patch evolved into our horticultural therapy program and

innovator in programming, including the integration

the lovely gardens that grace every Skyland Trail facility.

of primary care into psychiatric treatment. Important research relationships were established with top

Like the garden movement, Skyland Trail has flourished.

academic and health institutions. The American

As Mark makes the transition from board chair to a new

Psychiatric Association presented Skyland Trail its

role on the National Advisory Board, the Skyland Trail

Gold Achievement Award.

family is grateful for his exemplary service. We move forward into a new era under the leadership of Mark’s

As an entrepreneur and business-builder in

longtime board colleague, John B. Gordon. With gratitude

construction and finance, Mark brought invaluable

for every step that led us to this point, we are climbing

skills to Skyland Trail’s expansion. From locating

toward greater heights to come.

“To me, momentum

has been

possible due to the support and resources provided to our entire family and not just our daughter. The support and education offered through the STEP program and family therapy has allowed us to make changes in our family communication and dynamics which supports our daughter’s recovery process. Without these family resources, we would not be able to move forward in our own healing process.” – PARENT OF A CLIENT

Skyland Trail clients were given the opportunity to illustrate “momentum” as part of our art therapy program. Client Blair V. created this painting.

“Skyland Trail is a priority for my

In ground too loose and shifting for other trees, the cypress tree soars to great heights.

family. Making a planned gift ensures that our financial support

The huge base of the cypress gives stability and strength, enabling the tree to overcome extreme conditions. A single cypress tree can live for 1,000

will continue for future generations. It reflects a love of the place and a

years. And where cypress trees grow together, they provide unique habitat and make the surrounding world more interesting, healthy and beautiful. Thanks

confidence that this organization will continue to grow...well beyond our lifetimes.”

to the insights of a special friend of Skyland Trail, Randolph W. Thrower, the cypress tree has become an important emblem for us. A special thank you to all the individuals and families who have joined the Skyland Trail Cypress Society by generously including


Skyland Trail in their planned giving.

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ENDOWMENT GIFTS Allison F. Williams Financial Aid Fund Mr. and Mrs. Howell E. Adams, Jr. Overton & Lavona Currie Foundation Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Spetnagel Family Charitable Fund Mrs. Elizabeth W. Henry Mrs. Lorraine 1. Lambert Dr. and Mrs. W. Harrison Reeves Mr. and Mrs. Brice B. Williams Charles Evans Fund Charles Evans Foundation Jack and Anne Glenn Charitable Foundation

STRATEGIC PLANNING INITIATIVES Anonymous The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta Bernard and Anne Howell Gray Advised Fund Fraser-Parker Foundation

John and Helen Gordon; Michael and June Tompkins

2012 ANNUAL DONORS Gifts made throughout the year, including programspecific donations. GIFTS OF $100,000+ The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta Anonymous John and Marcia Donnell Fund Grien Family Fund Harmon Family Charitable Fund George W. and Karen Apple Mathews Fund Montag Family Fund Virginia Moore Fund Shiverick Family Fund GIFTS OF $50,000 - $99,999 Cousins Foundation The Luther and Susie Harrison Foundation Spray Foundation

The Atlanta Foundation Mr. and Mrs. T. Richard Bryant, Jr. Camp-Younts Foundation The Frances Cross Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Don W. Dennard Ms. Ceree Eberly The John and Mary Franklin Foundation Fraser-Parker Foundation The J.B. Fuqua Foundation Hugh M. Inman Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Clayton F. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. James C. Kennedy Dr. and Mrs. Nevin Kreisler The Lattner Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Love Mr. and Mrs. Willis E. Lowe Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Parker Realan Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Reid The Rich Foundation H. English & Ermine Cater Robinson Foundation Skyland Trail Staff Campaign Voices of Hope Mr. and Mrs. Winston E. Weinmann Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. West Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. West GIFTS OF $1 - $4,999 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Archie N. Addo The Akers Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Akers, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bond Almand Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Anderson, Jr. Mr. Paul O. Arneson Ms. Tierney Arnold Atlanta Business Chronicle AT&T Employee Giving United Way Campaign Mr. Charles C. Dunham Ayco Charitable Foundation Jocelyn Hunter Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Bachman, FSA The Bainbridge High School – Class of 1969 Mr. Anthony Barbush Mrs. Betty Barge Mr. and Mrs. John Barkey Ms. Sally H. Bates BECK Mr. and Mrs. S. Bryan Benedict Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Bernhardt Ms. Nancy S. Bjerre Blind Ambition Management Ms. Monica Boll Mr. Russell Bolton Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Bolton, III Mr. Edward E. Boshears

Elizabeth B. Boswell, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. Bowen Mr. and Mrs. Barry Bowman Ms. Susan M. Boyd Mr. Jason Brady Mr. James O. Brams Mr. and Mrs. Mark Brennan The Virginia and Charles Brewer Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Kingman B. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Buck Ms. Angie Buysse Mrs. Martha Caldwell Doyle & Judith Carr Foundation Mr. Thomas M. Caudell CW Chase, LLC Cherokee Garden Club Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Cochoy Mr. and Mrs. William H. Schroder, III Dr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Cole Mr. and Mrs. B. Thomas Conger Mr. and Mrs. Cecil D. Conlee Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred F. Cook Annie M. Cooper, MD Mr. and Mrs. Dean Copeland Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Coppinger Dr. and Mrs. Victor E. Corrigan Mr. and Mrs. E. Perry Cox Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Crosta Mr. and Mrs. Seth Davies Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. de Mayo Debley, Inc. Mr. Mark Dehler and Ms. Cathy Cox Mr. and Mrs. Ronald O. Determann Development Authority of Dekalb County Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Dobbs Ms. Deanna M. Dooley Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Miller Mrs. Frances W. DuBose Mr. Todd Edlin and Ms. Lori Movsovitz Mr. and Mrs. Richard Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Reade Fahs Mr. and Mrs. W. Daniel Faulk, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fellows Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson Mrs. Margaret V. Finnerty Ms. Elizabeth E. Finnerty and Mr. David Martin Dr. and Mrs. William H. Fox Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Franklin Mr. and Mrs. J. Rex Fuqua R.F. Gansereit & Associates, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Pedro F. Garcia Mr. and Mrs. George Gaudiosi Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gellerstedt, III Mr. and Mrs. J. Lewis Glenn Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glenn

Thank you to Skyland Trail staff and board members for their generosity. GIFTS OF $5,000 - $49,999 Ameriprise Financial Employee Giving Program Mr. Walter Berman The Arnold Foundation

95% of the staff and 100% of the board contributed to programs and financial aid at Skyland Trail.

Mr. Christopher B. Glover Mr. and Mrs. David Godsell Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Goodman Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gould Mr. and Mrs. Judson Graves

Hilton and Robin Howell; Mary and Neil Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Phillip R. Greene Beverly C. Gregory, MD Mr. and Mrs. Bart Griffith Mr. and Mrs. David F. Haddow Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Harrell Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Harrison Dr. and Mrs. Peter B. H’Doubler, Jr. Ms. Ann N. Helms Mrs. Elizabeth W. Henry Gary Henschen, M.D. Ms. Lila F. Herbert The Hills Family Foundation Mrs. James T. Hite, III Mr. and Mrs. James W. Howard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Huff, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Huger, III Mr. and Mrs. Glen O. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Jobe Joel & Granot Real Estate, LLC Mr. Stanley S. Jones, Jr. and Ms. Barbara Cleveland Rev. and Mrs. George C. Kaulbach Keller Williams Realty Intown Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kelly Ms. Judith C. Kight Kiwanis Foundation of Atlanta, Inc. William J. Klopstock, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Korby Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lally Lois and Lucy Lampkin Foundation Ray M. & Mary Elizabeth Lee Foundation, Inc. Mr. Donald V. Lee Ms. Gretchen Lennon Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Linscott Mr. and Mrs. Alex Livingston Ms. Martha Logan Dr. and Mrs. David C. Lowance Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lunsford Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Madden Mr. Matthew A. Madler Dr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Marks Mrs. Rhonda Martin and Mr. Richard A. DeMillo

Ms. Patricia M. Martin and Mr. William H. Phelps Mrs. Margaret Martin Mr. S. Workman Meeks Mental Health America of Georgia Mrs. P. D. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. Mitchell, Jr. Ms. Caroline Moise Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Montag Mr. John Moore Mr. and Mrs. Alexander G. Morehouse Dr. and Mrs. Steven C. Moreland Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Muir Dr. Joe Mulinare and Dr. Kathryn Shands Ms. Marjorie L. Myers National Philanthropic Trust Mr. Jeffery C. Sprecher and Ms. Kelly L. Loeffler Thomas Neal Foundation North Decatur Health Care North Buckhead Home & Garden Club Mr. Andrew Nowicki Mr. and Mrs. James Nowicki The Colleen & Sam Nunn Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Olsen Mr. and Mrs. Bill Osier Parker Charitable Lead Trust Ms. Bettie J. Patterson Beard Payne Family Foundation Ms. Kelley B. Peace Peachtree Planning Foundation Drs. Charlotte Pierce-Baker and Houston Baker, Jr. Ms. Maxine W. Pinson Mr. and Mrs. O. Miles Pollard, III Ms. Lucille Pretlow Mrs. Geraldine Priest Ms. Betty P. Ray Ms. Paige Robbins Mr. Raleigh T. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. H. English Robinson Jr. Ms. Pam R. Rollins Mrs. Mary Rose Admiral and Mrs. Mark Rosenberg Mr. Charles Rozier Dr. and Mrs. Rein Saral Schwab Charitable Fund Mrs. Mimi Monett Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scroggins Mr. Shane Seybert Shepherd Foundation Mr. Arnold P. Silverman Mr. and Mrs. John M. Simmons Ms. Michele Lyn Siverson Mr. Elmer R. Smith Mr. Gregg Smith Mr. and Mrs. Ron Smith Ms. Lee Sobel Ms. Marguerite Spiotta Ms. Melissa Stahel Storey Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sullivan SunTrust United Way Campaign Mr. Tariq Sultani Dr. and Mrs. Martin Taschdjian

Brian Thomas, MD Mr. and Mrs. Mark Tipton Jane Smith Turner Foundation United Way of Central Indiana Mr. Stanley R. Finnerty Mr. George H. Van Dyke Mr. and Mrs. John Wackerman Dr. Florence Watts Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Weil Mr. and Mrs. Marshall J. Wellborn, Jr. Weswood Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin T. White Ms. Susan R. Whitman Mr. and Mrs. Neal L. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Allison F. Williams Mr. Evan Willis Mrs. Kristina L. Wilson Mrs. Gail C. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Blanton C. Winship Mr. and Mrs. J. Blake Young Mr. John B. Zellars, Jr. and Mr. Randy Tibbals Mr. and Mrs. James R. Ziegelbauer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Zolkowski

Kelly Loeffler and Jeffrey Sprecher

BENEFITS OF LAUGHTER 2012 Diamond J.B. Fuqua Foundation & Dorothy C. Fuqua Platinum The St. Regis Atlanta Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Wynne Gold BNY Mellon Mr. and Mrs. John F. Brock Coca-Cola Company Connolly Family Foundation, Inc. First Beacon Investments, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rex Fuqua Georgia Commerce Bank Harbert Management Corporation Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) The Sartain Lanier Family Foundation, Inc. Piedmont Healthcare

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Silver Mr. and Mrs. David P. Adams, III The Arnold Foundation Bankers Fidelity Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Davidson, III Emory University School of Medicine Dr. and Mrs. William H. Fox Mr. and Mrs. George Gaudiosi Mr. and Mrs. S. Taylor Glover Goldman, Sachs & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Hicks, III Holder Construction Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James W. Howard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton H. Howell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Inman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Inman Mr. and Mrs. Clayton F. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Neil Johnson Mr. and Mrs. James C. Kennedy Dr. and Mrs. Nevin Kreisler Mr. Jeffrey C. Sprecher and Ms. Kelly L. Loeffler Gay & Erskine Love Foundation Masters Capital Management, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Means Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Montag Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Parker Russell Reynolds Associates Mr. Joel Shapiro Mr. and Mrs. Jed Simmons The Snodgrass Foundation Tribridge Residential Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Tucker VEININNOVATIONS Mr. and Mrs. Christopher G. Willett Bronze Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell V. Brannen Mr. and Mrs. Don W. Dennard Mr. and Mrs. Samuel DuBose Mr. and Mrs. John C. Gordon Ms. Meg R. Heyer The Lanier-Goodman Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Mike McIntyre The Joyce Lanier Milner Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Muir J. Mack Robinson Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Winston E. Weinmann Individual Patrons Mr. and Mrs. Scott Akers, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Aronson Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby’s International Realty Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Baron Mr. and Mrs. Pat Battle Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Been Dr. and Mrs. Linton H. Bishop The Brand Banking Company Mr. Robin Delmer Epps Aviation Ms. Elizabeth E. Finnerty and Mr. David Martin Mr. Jerome Grilhot and Ms. Louise S. Sams Mr. and Mrs. C. Jefferson Hagood

Mr. and Mrs. Brad Hammond Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hanson Mr. and Mrs. Ian Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Hills Mr. and Mrs. John R. Holder Mr. and Mrs. William E. Huger, III Mr. and Mrs. West Johnson Drs. Scott and Deborah Kelly Mrs. Gayle Kennedy

Rex Fuqua and Tom Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Duane J. Kerper Mr. and Mrs. Michael Klump Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lally Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Little Dr. and Mrs. David C. Lowance Mr. and Mrs. Willis E. Lowe Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Lucas Dr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Marks Mr. and Mrs. Forrest McClain Mr. and Mrs. Jean A. Mori The Thomas E. Noonan Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Noonan Mr. and Mrs. David Park The Mark C. Pope III Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James E. Prickett Private Bank of Buckhead Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Reid Mr. and Mrs. Michael Reid Mr. Gary W. Rollins Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Rosenbaum The Robert Sheft & Hope Gittis Sheft Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William D. Skinner Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tripodi Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Weeks, Jr. Sally Williamson & Associates Donors Mr. and Mrs. William B. Astrop BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina Mr. and Mrs. Dan Carithers, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Click Mr. and Mrs. Cecil D. Conlee Mr. and Mrs. Don W. Dennard Mr. and Mrs. James Denny Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Edge

Foundation For The Carolinas The Bretscher Family Foundation Carlyle Fraser Employees Benefit Fund Mr. and Mrs. George C. Freeman, III Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Ginden Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glenn Grady Health Foundation Gray Television, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. James Hatcher Dr. and Mrs. Peter B. H’Doubler, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Hennessy Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hennessy Mr. and Mrs. Neil Johnson Mr. Stanley S. Jones, Jr. and Ms. Barbara Cleveland Mr. and Mrs. Forde S. Kay Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Keough Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Lee The Martha & Wilton Looney Foundation Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Love Lowe & Associates The MA-RAN Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Allen P. McDaniel Mr. and Mrs. John R. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Wayne D. McGrew, III Mr. and Mrs. William A. Parker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William S. Peebles, IV Pugmire Lincoln-Mercury Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David M. Ratcliffe Mr. and Mrs. H. English Robinson Jr. Mr. Keith Rogers Schwab Charitable Fund Dr. and Mrs. Michael H. Sebastian Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Shaffer, Jr. Shepherd Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Shirley, III Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Randall D. Tanner Turner Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. West Weswood Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David M. Wierman Mr. and Mrs. Christopher G. Willett Ms. Dina E. Woodruff Yates Insurance Agency Count Me In Mr. and Mrs. Scott Akers, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. H. Inman Allen Mr. and Mrs. Scott Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ashley Mr. and Mrs. E.H. Avery Mr. and Mrs. Philip Babb Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bald Ms. Terry Banta Ms. Sara Belcher Mr. and Mrs. Stan Benecki Mr. and Mrs. David Boehmig Mrs. Lisa Borders Mr. and Mrs. David Bowlin Ms. Susan M. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Bryant Mr. Eric J. Tanenblatt and Dr. Mary Burns

Mrs. Eve H. Byrd, MSN, MPH Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Calk Mr. and Mrs. Val M. Carolin Mr. Michael Gibson and Ms. Carolyn Carr Mr. and Mrs. William Carter The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta Mr. and Mrs. Brian Corbett Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Craft Drs. W. Edward and Linda Craighead Mr. Charles M. Cushing, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Davidson, III Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Day Mr. and Mrs. Dallas H. Denny Mr. and Mrs. James Denny Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Dobbs Mr. and Mrs. Everette Doffermyre, Jr. Mr. Andrew G. Drexler and Dr. Karen G. Drexler Mr. and Mrs. Samuel DuBose Mr. and Mrs. John Dunbar Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Dye, Jr. Mr. Michael Ebuna Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Edge Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ethridge Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mr. and Mrs. Martin Flanagan Mr. and Mrs. David H. Flint Dr. and Mrs. William H. Fox Mr. and Mrs. George C. Freeman, III Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gellerstedt, III Mr. and Mrs. John C. Gordon Mr. Jerome Grilhot and Ms. Louise S. Sams Dr. and Mrs. John B. Hardman Ms. Virginia L. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Hendrix Ms. Meg R. Heyer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Hills Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Holladay Mr. and Mrs. Hilton H. Howell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bahman M. Irvani Wendy Jacobson, MD and Andrew Miller, MD Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jameson Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas Johnson Mr. and Mrs. West Johnson Mr. Stanley S. Jones, Jr. and Ms. Barbara Cleveland Mr. and Mrs. Boland Jones Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kenny Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Keough Mr. and Mrs. Michael Keough Ms. Retta S. Kern Mr. and Mrs. Duane J. Kerper Mr. and Mrs. David Kloess Mr. and Mrs. Michael Klump Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Kraft Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lally Mr. and Mrs. Robert Larmore Mr. and Mrs. David M. Love Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Love Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lovern M & T Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John Kell Martin, III Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Masters Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. McChesney Mr. and Mrs. Forrest McClain

Mr. and Mrs. Cody McClatchey Dr. and Mrs. William M. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Montag Mr. and Mrs. Edward Montag Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moon Mr. and Mrs. Chris Morocco Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Nemeroff Mr. and Mrs. Galen Oelkers Drs. Richard and Anna ParĂŠ Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pierson Mr. and Mrs. James E. Prickett Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ragland Mr. and Mrs. Duane Rapson Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rhineheart Mr. Eric M. Robbins Mr. Keith Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Rosenbaum Mr. and Mrs. John W. Rumely, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stan W. Sands The Honorable Wendy Schoob and Mr. Walter Jospin Mr. and Mrs. Chris Schroder Mr. and Mrs. Troy H. Schulman Robanne E. Schulman Dr. and Mrs. Ira K. Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. William R. Shepherd Mr. and Mrs. Kendrick Smith Mr. and Mrs. John W. Stephenson Ms. Anne Sterchi Ms. Cheryl Sykes Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Taylor Ms. Marilee Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Mark Tipton Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tokash Mr. and Mrs. Harley Tropin Mr. and Mrs. John P. Turman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Walls Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Walsh Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Weeks, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Wellborn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Weller, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. West Mr. and Mrs. Marlan Wilbanks Ms. Anna Ruth Williams Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Wynne Mr. Philip R. Zanone Mr. and Mrs. Jacques S. Zinman, Jr.

2012 ASSOCIATES Ms. Allison Adzema Mrs. Elizabeth G. Ausband Mrs. Nancy O. Bryant Dr. Mary Burns Mrs. Ann K. Carolin Mrs. Mary Virginia Coffman Mrs. Katherine M. Denny Ms. Elizabeth E. Finnerty Ms. Elizabeth E. Finnerty Mrs. Jennifer Foster Mrs. Duvall Fuqua Mrs. Mary Frances Garrett Mrs. Elizabeth R. Glenn

Doug and Patty Reid; Ned and Andrea Montag

Mrs. Georgina B. Goldsmith Mrs. Carol L. Goodman Mrs. Mary Katherine Greene Ms. Turia Gumpert Mrs. Peggy Horrell Mrs. Elizabeth M. Huber Mrs. Diane L. Humphrys Mrs. Tish Inman Mrs. Andrea L. Jones Ms. Jacqueline M. Knotts Mrs. Elizabeth M. Lauer Mrs. Erin Little Mrs. Betts C. Love Mrs. Valerie M. Love Mrs. Kim C. Marks Mrs. Caroline McLaughlin Mrs. Denise D. Mitchell Mrs. Sonia Mize Mrs. Patricia M. Nalle Mrs. Kristin Newberry Mrs. Laura Pearce Mrs. Jeanmarie Quarterman Mrs. Cynthia Reid Mrs. Patricia H. Reid Mrs. Georgia Schley-Ritchie Mrs. Marcia Robinson Mrs. Terri W. Schmidt-Fellner Mrs. Jodi Schoborg Ms. Elizabeth M. Spiegel Ms. Heather S. Steiner Mrs. Nola L. Stull Mrs. Michelle H. Sullivan Mrs. Diana Tipton Mrs. Sarah Tripodi Mrs. Caroline M. Tucker Mrs. Janet Turman Mrs. Mary M. Watson Mrs. Neal L. Williams Mrs. Marguerite S. York 2012 Luncheon Event Sponsors Dermatology Consultants, P.C. Oxford Industries Foundation, Inc. Saks Fifth Avenue UBS Wealth Management USA VEININNOVATIONS

2 0 1 2


2012 Luncheon Table Sponsors & Patrons Mrs. Betsy Akers Mrs. Nancy O. Bryant Coxe, Curry & Associates Ms. Sally Dorsey Ms. Elizabeth E. Finnerty Mrs. Carol Fox Mrs. Duvall Fuqua Mrs. Mary Frances Garrett Mrs. Carol L. Goodman Mrs. Sarah Goodman Mrs. Danica Griffith Ms. Turia Gumpert Mrs. Elizabeth Hale Ms. Page Harty Mrs. Betty Ann Inman Mrs. Suci Jackson Ms. Anita Kern Mrs. Betts C. Love Lowe & Associates Mrs. Kim C. Marks Ms. Deborah G. Marshall Mrs. Cynthia Moreland Mrs. Page A. Morocco Mrs. Karen S. Parker Mrs. Leigh A. Pollard Mrs. Jenny Pruitt Mrs. Marcia Robinson Mrs. Jodi Schoborg Ms. J. Kim Scholes Mrs. Rebecca S. Shepherd Ms. Elizabeth M. Spiegel Mrs. Nola L. Stull Mrs. Michelle H. Sullivan Mrs. Brooke Weinmann Mrs. Betsy West Donors Mrs. Meg Arnold Mrs. Yetty Arp Mrs. Patty Bourdeaux Mrs. Linda Bridges Mrs. Patricia Clark Mrs. Cathlean Coleman Ms. Sally Bland Fielding Mrs. Jennifer Foster Mrs. Georgina B. Goldsmith Mrs. Tucker Guerry Mrs. Helen Herbert Mrs. Julie Hill Mrs. Nancy Hooff David & Jennifer Kahn Family Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Anne Kelly Mrs. Julie Landis Mrs. Kim Lape Mrs. Erin Little Ms. Carolyn Llorens Mrs. Valerie M. Love Mrs. Juanita Markwalter Mrs. Caroline McLaughlin Mrs. Eileen Millard Ms. Victoria L. Palefsky Dr. Charlotte Pierce-Baker

Mrs. Anne Powers Mrs. Lombard R. Puri Mrs. Elizabeth W. Quirk Mrs. Catherine Rhodes Mrs. Jeannie Stewart Mrs. Kathryn Stratton Mrs. Debbe Sugrue Mrs. Diana Tipton

Jane and Clay Jackson

SOUTHERN SHINDIG 2012 Mr. Patrick Abernethy Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Amos The Ansley Group Mr. Brooks T. Battle Mr. Theodore Bender IV Mr. Derrick Black Ms. Paige Booker Mr. and Mrs. David Bowlin Brand Properties Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cardwell Mr. Thomas M. Caudell Mr. Jack Cay Mrs. Elizabeth Chastain Currie & Co. Travels Unlimited Mr. and Mrs. Doug Daniel Mr. Joe Davis Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Day Mr. Jim Duggan Ms. Dana Ferrero Mr. Douglas Garges Lavin Gartland Ms. Lindsay Gatling Mr. Woody Gayle Ms. Wendy Glenn Ms. Sara Griffith Ms. Svea Hall Mrs. Susan Harris Mr. Matthew T. Harris Ms. Lauren Head Ms. Molly Hennessy Mrs. Lauren Hooks Gina Humphries Floral Design, Inc. Ms. Carrie Johnson Mr. C.J. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Kraft

Ms. Kate Lovein Ms. Kate Lowe Ms. Allison Marks Mr. Eduardo Mejia Mr. Mark Metcalf Ms. Carolina Murray Mr. Beau H. Odom Mr. Reid Olsen Kemper Orr Mr. and Mrs. Vinod Paidipalli Mr. and Mrs. Philip Park Payscape Advisors Ms. Sarah Peagler Mr. and Mrs. Donn Perno Ms. Josephine Phelps Mr. Will Pike Printpack, Inc. Ms. Mary Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Lex Rickenbaker Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Rigby Mr. Michael Roberts Ms. Lauren Rocereta Mr. and Mrs. John Rooker Ms. Amy Salloum Mr. and Mrs. Stan W. Sands Ms. Erika Schenk Ms. Carrie Sexton Ms. Laura Shepard Shiver Hamilton, LCC Sons Automotive Group State Bank & Trust Company Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Stephens Ms. Anne Sterchi Sunbelt Technology Ms. Helen Tecklenburg Mr. and Mrs. Miles Theodore Ms. Alice Trahant Mr. and Mrs. Rich Vann Mr. and Mrs. Price Weaver Ms. Elizabeth Whitaker Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wirth Ms. Carrie R. Wyatt Mr. and Mrs. Robby Wynne Mr. Daniel Yates Jane H. & William D. Young Foundation Ms. Coley Young

2012 HONOR AND MEMORIAL GIFTS GIFTS IN MEMORY Mr. O. Alvin Barge Mr. and Mrs. William H. Schroder, III Mr. Sam Begner Ms. Elizabeth E. Finnerty and Mr. David Martin Mrs. Mary Stuart Bland Ms. Sally Bland Fielding Mr. Marvin Bowen Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. Bowen Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Cochoy

Mr. Kenny Bowes Mr. and Mrs. Seth Davies Mr. Craig Movsovitz Mr. Todd Edlin and Ms. Lori Movsovitz Dr. Finnerty Mrs. Margaret V. Finnerty

Dr. Joe Mulinare and Dr. Kathryn Shands Ms. Bettie J. Patterson Ms. Lucille Pretlow Mrs. Mary Rose Mr. and Mrs. Chris Schroder Ms. Michele Lyn Siverson Ms. Lee Sobel Mr. and Mrs. John W. Stephenson Dr. and Mrs. Martin Taschdjian Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. West

Mr. Pedro J. Garcia Dr. and Mrs. Pedro F. Garcia William J. Klopstock, MD Ms. Mimi Monett

Mr. Langdon Quin Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. Mitchell, Jr.

Mr. Bernard C. Holland Ms. Ann N. Helms

Mrs. Frank Doyle Mr. and Mrs. John P. Turman, Jr.

Mrs. Louise Howard Ms. Lila F. Herbert

Mr. Mike Williams Ms. Anna Ruth Williams

Mr. Karl Addo Mr. and Mrs. Archie N. Addo

Mrs. Dorothy Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Phillip R. Greene

Mr. Mack Willis Anonymous The Bainbridge High School – Class of 1969 Ms. Sally H. Bates Ms. Nancy S. Bjerre Ms. Monica Boll Mr. James O. Brams Ms. Angie Buysse Dr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Cole Mr. and Mrs. B. Thomas Conger Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred F. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Coppinger Mr. Mark Dehler and Ms. Cathy Cox Development Authority of Dekalb County Ms. Elizabeth E. Finnerty and Mr. David Martin Keller Williams Realty Intown Ms. Gretchen Lennon Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Linscott Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lunsford Mr. S. Workman Meeks Mrs. P. D. Miller Mr. John Moore Ms. Marjorie L. Myers North Decatur Health Care Inc. Ms. Maxine W. Pinson Ms. Betty P. Ray Mr. Raleigh T. Robinson Mr. Charles Rozier Mr. Shane Seybert Mr. Arnold P. Silverman Mr. and Mrs. John M. Simmons Mr. Gregg Smith Mr. and Mrs. Ron Smith Mr. and Mrs. John Wackerman Ms. Susan R. Whitman Mr. Evan Willis

Mrs. Virginia Almand Cherokee Garden Club

Mr. Duncan E. Kaulbach Rev. and Mrs. George C. Kaulbach

Betsy and Mark West; Vivian and Sam DuBose

Ms. Grey Martin Blind Ambition Management Joel & Granot Real Estate, LLC Mental Health America of Georgia R F Gansereit & Associates, Inc. Ms. Tierney Arnold Mr. Anthony Barbush Mr. and Mrs. Barry Bowman Ms. Susan M. Boyd Mr. Jason Brady Dr. and Mrs. William H. Fox Mr. and Mrs. J. Rex Fuqua Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kelly Patricia M. Martin and William H. Phelps Mrs. Margaret Martin Dr. and Mrs. William M. McDonald Ms. Caroline Moise Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Montag

GIFTS IN HONOR Mr. and Mrs. David Adams Mr. and Mrs. Galen Oelkers Mr. and Mrs. Duane Rapson

Richard Parker; Jay and Denise Mitchell; Rutherford Seydel

Ms. Rachel Amos John and Barney Barkey Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Bowes Mr. and Mrs. Seth Davies Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Dobbs Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Wellborn Mrs. Nancy Bryant Ms. Paige Robbins Mr. John Carolin Ms. Retta S. Kern Mr. Chris Cline Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Buck Dr. O. Anderson Currie Ms. Terry Banta Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Davidson, III Mr. and Mrs. Scott Arnold Mrs. Claudia de Mayo Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Anderson, Jr. Mrs. Vivian DuBose Ms. Cheryl Sykes Ms. Beth Finnerty Mrs. Margaret V. Finnerty Mr. and Mrs. Judson Graves Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Montag Ms. Kelley B. Peace Mrs. Diana Tipton Mr. and Mrs. Winston E. Weinmann

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Dr. and Mrs. William H. Fox The MA-RAN Foundation The Martha & Wilton Looney Foundation Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Linton H. Bishop Mr. and Mrs. Dan Carithers, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Craft Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Edge Mr. and Mrs. George C. Freeman, III Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glenn Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. John R. Holder Mr. and Mrs. Clayton F. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moon Mr. and Mrs. Jean A. Mori Mr. and Mrs. William S. Peebles, IV Mr. Gary W. Rollins Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Shaffer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. John P. Turman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Walls

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Everette Doffermyre, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Weller, Jr.

Mrs. Diana Keough Mr. and Mrs. David Godsell Ms. Melissa Stahel

Ms. Sara Goren Admiral and Mrs. Mark Rosenberg

Ms. Beth Heinzman Mr. and Mrs. Duane J. Kerper

Ms. Danica Griffith Mrs. Cathlean H. Coleman Mrs. Melinda Corbett Mrs. Janice Kloess

Dr. Ray Kotwicki Dr. and Mrs. Ira K. Schwartz

Ms. Turia Gumpert Mrs. Patty Bourdeaux Mrs. Helen Herbert Mrs. Julie Hill Mrs. Catherine S. Rhodes Mrs. Kathryn G. Stratton Ms. Dana H. Halberg Ms. Virginia L. Harris Mrs. Elizabeth Hale Mrs. Linda Bridges Ms. Carolyn Llorens Mrs. Anne Powers

Nancy Brown, Asha Jennings, and Cynthia Moreland

Mrs. Dorothy C. Fuqua The Tom and Edwina Johnson Foundation Mrs. Duvall Fuqua Mrs. Eileen Millard Mr. and Mrs. J. Rex Fuqua Drs. W. Edward and Linda Craighead Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Weeks, Jr. Mrs. Mary Frances Garrett Mrs. Kim Lape Mr. and Mrs. George Gaudiosi Mr. and Mrs. Robert Larmore Ms. Bettie J. Patterson

Mr. Wade Lee Mr. Donald V. Lee Mr. Jeffrey C. Sprecher and Ms. Kelly L. Loeffler Mr. and Mrs. Stan Benecki Mrs. Lisa Borders Mrs. Betts Love Mr. and Mrs. David M. Love Mrs. Melissa Lowe Mrs. Patricia Clark Mrs. Julie Landis Mrs. Caroline McLaughlin Mrs. Debbe G. Sugrue

Ms. Meg R. Heyer The Honorable Wendy Schoob and Mr. Walter Jospin

Mrs. Kim Marks Mrs. Jennifer Foster Mrs. Valerie Love

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Hills Mr. and Mrs. H. English Robinson Jr.

Mrs. Betty Mathis Peachtree Planning Foundation

Mrs. Robin Howell Mr. and Mrs. Dallas H. Denny Mr. and Mrs. John Dunbar Mr. and Mrs. West Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Forrest McClain Mr. and Mrs. John R. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. David M. Wierman

Mrs. Kristy McChesney Mrs. Tucker Guerry

Mrs. Betty Ann Inman Mr. and Mrs. Val M. Carolin Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Walsh Mrs. Tish Inman Mrs. Georgina B. Goldsmith Mrs. Kelly Kelly Mrs. Suci Jackson Mrs. Tucker Guerry Mrs. Mary Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Dallas H. Denny Mr. Philip R. Zanone

Mrs. Sarah Goodman Mrs. Elizabeth W. Quirk

Mr. Tom Johnson Mrs. Eve H. Byrd, MSN, MPH Mr. Stanley S. Jones, Jr. and Ms. Barbara Cleveland

Mr. John C. Gordon Mrs. Gail Wilson

Mr. and Mrs. James C. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. H. Inman Allen

Mrs. Lamar Miller North Buckhead Home & Garden Club Mr. Jay D. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lovern Mrs. Jackie Montag Dr. and Mrs. John B. Hardman Mrs. Cynthia Moreland Ms. Victoria L. Palefsky Mrs. Page Morocco Mrs. Juanita Markwalter Mrs. Karen Parker Mrs. Elizabeth Quirk Mrs. Leigh Pollard David & Jennifer Kahn Family Foundation, Inc. Ms. Sally Bland Fielding Mrs. Lombard R. Puri Mrs. Jenny Pruitt Mrs. Yetty Arp


Dr. Mark H. Rapaport Mr. Andrew G. Drexler and Dr. Karen G. Drexler Wendy Jacobson, M.D. and Andrew Miller, MD Mr. Michael Roberts Dr. and Mrs. Victor E. Corrigan Mrs. Rebecca Shepherd Mrs. Erin Little Mr. John Snodgrass Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. McChesney Mrs. Nola Stull Mrs. Jeannie Stewart Mrs. Michelle Sullivan Mrs. Margaret M. Arnold Mrs. Andrea L. Jones Mrs. Kim Lape Ms. Marissa Taylor Ms. Marilee Taylor Mr. Mark Tipton Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rhineheart Mr. and Mrs. Randall D. Tanner Mr. Michael Tompkins Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Hendrix Mr. and Mrs. William R. Shepherd Mr. John Turman Mr. and Mrs. S. Bryan Benedict Mr. and Mrs. John Turman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Hills Mr. and Mrs. James E. Prickett Mr. Charles B. West Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Crosta

Betty Ann Inman, Mark West, and Carol Goodman

Mrs. Betsy West Mr. and Mrs. Dallas H. Denny Mr. and Mrs. Bahman M. Irvani Mr. and Mrs. John R. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Walker Mr. Mark C. West Debley, Inc. Parker Charitable Lead Trust Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. West Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Day Mr. and Mrs. George Gaudiosi Ms. Bettie J. Patterson The West Family Mr. and Mrs. James R. Ziegelbauer, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Peter B. H’Doubler, Jr. Mr. John Zolkowski Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Zolkowski

Ms. Maria Adrian Ms. Lea Agnew AT&T Ballard Designs Bantam & Bidy Bellwether Landscape Architects Bennett Graphics Tony Brewer & Company Costco Mrs. Shelley Danser Dennis Dean – A Catering Company Detla Air Lines Farmer D Organics Ms. Amber Hancy Mr. Steve Hart Henri’s Mr. and Mrs. Craig Inman LAZ Parking/Georgia, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Jason B. McDaniel Patagonia Laura Pearce, Ltd. Piece of Cake, Inc. Ms. Shannon Reynolds Rhodes Bakery Sherlock’s Wine Merchant St. Regis Atlanta Staglin Family Vineyard Ms. Corinne C. Thomas United Distributors, Inc. Whole Foods Tim Wilkerson Photography Ms. Rhonda U. Woods Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Wynne Donor listings include those received through December 31, 2012, and every effort has been made to ensure accuracy. To report an error, please contact the Development Office at 678-686-5913.

FINANCIAL AID FUNDS Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. West Mrs. Frances W. DuBose Ms. Bettie J. Patterson

Julia Zellars Financial Aid Fund Hugh M. Inman Foundation

“My wife Edwina and I always include Skyland Trail in our personal and family foundation giving because we know that its programs work very successfully. We know of dozens of lives that are much better today because of the counseling and therapy provided by Skyland Trail. It is a splendid mental health center – in our opinion, it is the best of its kind in the nation.”


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Program Revenue: 72.2%

Day Treatment: 58.1%

Foundations: 47%

Contributions to Financial Aid Program: 10.3%

Residental Treatment: 25.9%

Individuals: 41%

Vocational Services: 6.8%

Corporate & Business: 12%

Unrestricted Contributions: 10.6% Restricted Contributions: 6.6% Other: 0.3%

Reintegration Coaching: 5.1% LEAP: 2.6% Primary Care Clinic: 1.5%




Day Treatment: 44.9%

Residential Treatment: 65.3%

Residential Treatment: 34.1%

Day Treatment: 21.2%

Reintegration Coaching: 9.9%

Reintegration Coaching: 8.9%

LEAP: 5.1%

Transitional Living: 2.2%

Vocational Services: 3.2%

LEAP: 1.9%

Primary Care Services: 2.6%

Vocational Services: 0.5%

Education: 0.2%

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BOARD MEMBERS Mark C. West Chairman Richard C. Parker Chairman, Executive Committee Michael Tompkins Treasurer Marjorie Wynne Secretary Dick Bryant Cecil Conlee David Flint William H. Fox, PhD J. Rex Fuqua John C. Gordon Dana Halberg Thomas D. Hills Jim Howard Billy Huger Clay Jackson Amy Rollins Kreisler Melissa Lowe Jay Mitchell Jackie Montag Charlotte Pierce-Baker, PhD Michelle Sullivan Bob Walker Brooke Weinmann EMERITUS DIRECTORS Vivian DuBose, Chair Dorothy C. Fuqua Betty Ann Inman Beth Jones David C. Lowance, MD Edward E. Noble Charles B. West Allison F. Williams Blanton C. Winship


ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS Betts Love, Chair Betsy Akers Ron Bachman Dale Belles, PhD Susan Boyd Nancy Bryant Claudia de Mayo Gwynie Dennard Mike Dobbs Sally Dorsey Charles Doty Ceree Eberly Rick Elliott Cindy Ferguson Carol Gellerstedt Betsy Glenn Christopher Glover Danica Griffith Richard Harris Hilton Howell, Jr. Jocelyn Hunter Don Inman Judith James, MD Stan Jones Ann Lally Kelly Loeffler Missy Madden Kim Marks Cynthia J. Moreland Jeff Muir Colleen Nunn Patricia Reid Marcia Robinson Mark Tipton Jeremy Wing Robby Wynne John B. Zellars, Jr.

NATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD Charles B. Nemeroff, MD, PhD Chairman University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine W. Edward Craighead, PhD Emory University School of Medicine Dwight L. Evans, MD University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Philip D. Harvey, PhD University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Ned H. Kalin, MD University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health Clinton D. Kilts, PhD Psychiatric Research Institute University of Arkansas – Medical Sciences Jeffrey A. Lieberman, MD Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons John W. Newcomer, MD University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Mark Rosenberg, MD The Task Force for Global Health Alan F. Schatzberg, MD Stanford University School of Medicine School of Medicine Douglas M. Ziedonis, MD, MPH University of Massachusetts Medical School

Leigh Pollard Associates President Sarah Goodman Ex-officio/Associates Past President

“Many years ago, I was asked to have lunch and learn about a new organization called Skyland Trail. The more I learned, the more attracted to the organization’s work and mission I became. Twenty years later we have three campuses and have helped thousands of people overcome mental illness.”



Nonprofit Organization

Offering hope, changing lives

US Postage

1961 North Druid Hills Road NE Atlanta, Georgia 30329 Tel: 404-315-8333 | Fax: 404-315-9838

PAID Atlanta, GA Permit #3536


WHO WE SERVE: Located in Atlanta, Skyland Trail is a nonprofit

CONTINUUM OF CARE: We offer a unique continuum of

mental health treatment organization serving adults ages 18 and

care – from intensive, 24/7 residential care, to job coaching and

older. Our goal is to help individuals recover from mental illness

social opportunities for individuals living in the community.

and live as independently and successfully as possible in the community. Since 1989, we have served more than 2,000

MIND, BODY, AND SPIRIT: Our holistic treatment model

individuals and their families. We specialize in treating adults

integrates strategies to help clients improve mental health,

with bipolar illness, major depression, schizophrenia, schizoaf-

physical wellness, spiritual strength and relationships with

fective disorder, and anxiety disorder. Our treatment team has

family and friends.

unique expertise in helping:

‰ young adults experiencing their first episode of mental illness ‰ individuals addressing a mental illness and a substance misuse issue ‰ individuals with complex, co-occurring conditions who may benefit from dialectical behavioral therapy.

GUIDED BY SCIENCE: Our expert treatment team applies

leading-edge therapeutic approaches shown to be effective in supporting successful long-term recovery. Learn more: or 866-528-9593

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