Skyland Trail Annual Report 2015

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A year of transformations



Strong community support can transform organizations… and lives. Some transformations are visible – you can see a difference in her smile, his voice over the phone, or the way she walks into a room. Other transformations start deep within and develop slowly before they are apparent to the outside world. You, our friends and donors in the community, made a spectrum of transformations possible in 2015. You advanced monumental changes like opening the Glenn Family Wellness Clinic, now offering outpatient primary care services, and beginning construction on the Rollins Campus for young adults, scheduled to open this fall. You also inspired enduring transformations in the lives of our clients and families. Proceeds from our 2015 Annual Campaign and fundraising events helped us award $1 million in financial aid. These need-based awards help clients stay in treatment and focus on getting better, while reducing stress for their families. In addition to financial aid, your gifts helped us strengthen our treatment program to ensure that clients with increasingly complex needs receive the best combination of therapies and experiences to help them grow and thrive. Finally your support helped us transform society’s perception of mental illness. By showcasing stories of hope and recovery, our events and collaborations helped our community have positive, meaningful conversations about mental health. As we plan for the future, we continue to see ourselves as a nexus, a place where people and ideas come together to improve health: science and compassion, psychotherapy and creative expression, classrooms and gardens, quiet reflection and community engagement. Your support makes that possible, now and for years to come. We look forward to more significant transformations in 2016 as our Rollins Campus opens and as more and more clients graduate and take flight. Thank you for being a part of the Skyland Trail community.

Elizabeth E. Finnerty, MBA, MHA President & CEO

Beth Finnerty leads a tour of the Young Adult Residence and Treatment Center under construction on the Rollins Campus.

2015 Highlights






2015 Year In Review Strong community support in 2015 enabled us to launch new services and engineer more specialization in our treatment programs. Together with our friends and donors in the community, we helped our clients grow, recover, and reclaim their lives.


Opened the Glenn Family Wellness Clinic and expanded preventive and primary care services to adults living with a psychiatric diagnosis in the Atlanta community.

Enhanced individualized care by further specializing our evidence-based recovery communities and expanding programming for clients with substance use issues.

Began construction on the Rollins Campus for young adults and began renovations to the Health and Education Center on the Charles B. West Campus.

Increased family engagement with a 70 percent increase in family therapy services and a 17 percent increase in Family STEP support group attendance.

Strengthened our Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) program by implementing a more structured 90-day residential program and launching an outpatient DBT program to help graduates continue to study and practice DBT skills.

Offered our first ever Alumni retreat and increased monthly activities for alumni.



Presented a poster session at the 2015 APA Annual Meeting titled, A Model Wellness Intervention Aimed at Reducing Cardiometabolic Syndrome Risk Associated with Psychotropic Medications.




Age at Admission 60% Ages 18-25

52% Female

20% Ages 26-35

48% Male

11% Ages 36-45

5% Ages 46-55

4% Ages 55+

Diagnoses at Admission

Co-occurring Diagnoses

49% Major Depression

Four or more 53%

17% Bipolar Illness

Three 22%

13% Psychotic Disorders

Two or fewer 25%

13% Other 8% Anxiety Disorders


NOTABLE: 75% with three or more co-occurring diagnoses








Organized seven local workshops and two national workshops that engaged more than 600 mental health professionals. Conference presentations and speakers bureau events reached an additional 1,570 individuals. Hosted our annual Dorothy C. Fuqua Lecture Series featuring psychiatrist and Julliard-trained concert pianist, Dr. Richard Kogan.

Words Matter: Talking About Mental Health PANEL DISCUSSION

Participated in Words Matter: Talking About Mental Health, a panel discussion hosted by The Carter Center and The Atlanta Press Club.



2015 Treatment Outcomes In 2015, measured outcomes confirm that our evidence-based psychiatric care, together with our holistic path to wellness, is effective. Simply put, our clients get better. For many years, Skyland Trail has been focused on people with complex mental health challenges. Last year was no exception. More than 75 percent of clients had three or more co-occurring diagnoses. Our ability to provide individualized and holistic care for our patients sets us apart from programs that focus on one diagnosis or a single treatment modality. Our integrated mental, medical, and social model helps our clients approach recovery from all angles. Our patients are able to make a constellation of changes in their lives that, together, adds up to more than singular improvements in a set of symptoms. Together, those changes add up to sustained recovery.















“We are coming to understand that not many people have a single, isolated diagnosis...patients often also are struggling with anxiety, substance use, cognitive issues, and even high blood pressure or heart disease. To truly meet the needs of our patients and improve health long-term, we need an evidence-based, individualized, and integrated approach – one that helps patients heal in all the ways that matter.” – Ray Kotwicki, MD, MPH, Chief Medical Officer


1 Results are significant at the p=.000 significance level. The 32-item Behavior and Symptom Identification Scale (BASIS-32): ©McLean University, Affiliate of Harvard Medical School. 2 Results are statistically significant at the p=.000 significance level. Beck Hopelessness Scale: Beck AT, Weissman A, Lester D, Trexler L. (1074). The measurement of pessimism: The Hopelessness Scale. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 42(6), 861-865. 3 Results are statistically significant at the p=.000 significance level. Medication Attitude Inventory: Hogan TP, Awad AG, & Eastwood R. (1983). A self-report scale predictive of drug compliance in schizophrenics: reliability and discriminative validity. Psychological Medicine, 13, 177-183. 4 Overall JE, Gorham DR. The Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale. Psychological Reports. 1962; 10:799-812. 5 Montgomery, S.A. & Åsberg, M. (1979). A new depression scale designed to be sensitive to change. British Journal of Psychiatry, 134, 382-389. 6 Young RC, Biggs JT, Ziegler VE, Meyer DA: A rating scale for mania: reliability, validity and sensitivity. British Journal of Psychiatry, 133:429-435, 1978. 7 Hamilton M: The assessment of anxiety states by rating. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 32:50-55, 1959.


“The focus of my life and the track that I am on have completely shifted. I saw so many staff pour so much into me, that it made me feel like I was worth more than I had given myself credit for in the past. Without financial aid, I would not have been able to go through this program. Receiving financial aid took a lot of the pressure off too. I’m so appreciative. I have the skills now to make the changes that I always wanted to make but didn’t know how. I had really given up hope, but now I see a positive road ahead.” – Loren P., Skyland Trail alumni


Community Support Transformation is rarely achieved by one person acting alone. Meaningful, long-lasting changes are made possible by families and communities working together. Thank you for being part of the amazing community making change possible at Skyland Trail.




We Are a Grateful Family by Charlotte Pierce-Baker Our son’s life had become a series of starts and stops, with repeated deep depressions and periods of mania. He tried to correct his frightening, unexplained periods of instability with pain medication and alcohol. Needless to say, Mark’s life was “not working.” Mark crashed so many times that we, as a family, learned not to hope. My husband, Houston, and I searched for a place–any place­–for Mark to receive treatment. In 1997, there were few places that met the particular requirements for our son. A treatment center told us Skyland Trail might be the place to provide Mark with a diagnosis and treatment. Indeed, Skyland Trail was the place. Skyland Trail brought our son back to us. For Mark, Skyland Trail has been his teacher for navigating a life with mental illness. Mark now is putting those skills into practice; he happily lives independently, works part time, and successfully manages his illness. He is planning to apply for certification in addiction counseling. As a family we learned so very much from our teachers at Skyland Trail. Skyland Trail became part of our wellness team. For all of us, Skyland Trail is now a part of our family. Skyland Trail is home.

Charlotte Pierce-Baker, Ph.D., served on the Skyland Trail Board of Directors from 2011 to 2015. She is a professor emerita at Vanderbilt University and is the author of This Fragile Life: A Mother’s Story of a Bipolar Son, which will be re-released in paperback later this year.


Skyland Trail brought our son back to us.


Why We Give by Melissa Lowe Several years ago I was talking with Brooke Weinmann about my desire to get involved with an organization that had a big impact on people’s lives. Brooke, who was a board member, suggested Skyland Trail. From working with the pharmaceutical industry for many years, I was well aware that about 1 in 4 adults live with a mental health disorder. And from the experiences of people close to me, I had seen firsthand the toll these illnesses take on individuals and families. Further, as a child, I remember going on house calls with my father, who was a family physician in the 1960s. He believed strongly in the link between physical and mental health, often noting how much a patient would benefit when you could treat both his depression and his physical diagnosis. I think he was an early pioneer in identifying the link between mental and physical health and integrating this into his practice. When Brooke introduced me to Skyland Trail, it brought all the pieces together for me. I was excited to advance something that was so important. My husband, Chris, and I became donors. I became an Advisory Board member and then a Board member in 2012.

As a Board member, I have heard heart-wrenching stories of families who, before coming to Skyland Trail, had suffered behind closed doors. Not only is Skyland Trail giving families the services they need to heal, but we are also giving more and more people the opportunity to come out from behind those closed doors and seek help. When those families share their stories with the community and we are able to demonstrate our remarkable treatment outcomes, people hear an important message: treatment works and recovery from mental illness is possible. I believe the ripple effect of this message is significant.

Skyland Trail helps people come out from behind closed doors and seek help.


We will be a part of Skyland Trail as far as I can see forward. Skyland Trail’s program is best-in-class, and the outcomes are compelling. Because of committed staff, board and scores of community supporters, we are making a difference in so many lives. I am committed to spreading that word and availing more people in our community to respectful, effective care.

Financial Aid Helps Transform Lives While clients and families are responsible for a portion of their treatment costs, the Mark C. West Financial Aid Program helps fill the gap. Financial aid helps clients stay in treatment longer, giving them time to fully develop the skills needed to sustain recovery and prevent relapse after leaving Skyland Trail. Beyond the financial impact, financial aid awards relieve stress and help families focus on what is truly important – supporting their loved ones and helping their families heal.





Donors 2015 ANNUAL DONORS Gifts made through December 31, 2015, including program-specific donations

Gifts of $50,000 - $100,000 The Luther and Susie Harrison Foundation, Inc. Spray Foundation

Gifts of $10,000 - $49,999 Anne Cox Chambers Foundation The Benevity Community Impact Fund Mr. Walter Berman and Mr. Howard Berman The Betts & Dennis Love Family Foundation, Inc. Betty and Davis Fitzgerald Foundation Connolly Family Foundation, Inc. The David and Meredith Kaplan Foundation Fraser-Parker Foundation Hugh M. Inman Foundation Isdell Family Foundation The J.B. Fuqua Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton F. Jackson The John and Mary Franklin Foundation The John and Polly Sparks Foundation Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas Johnson Ms. Kelly L. Loeffler and Mr. Jeffrey C. Sprecher Ms. Alice Miller Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Montag The Rich Foundation Skyland Trail Staff Campaign Voices of Hope, Inc.

Gifts of $1,000 - $9,999 Mr. and Mrs. Howell E. Adams, Jr. The Akers Foundation, Inc. American Endowment Foundation Tucker Family Donor Advised Fund Anonymous The Atlanta Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thom Barclay Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Barge BECK Mr. and Mrs. Eric Bleke Mr. and Mrs. David Bowlin Mr. and Mrs. John F. Brock Mr. and Mrs. T. Richard Bryant, Jr. Buckhead Rotary Foundation Camp-Younts Foundation CBRE Foundation, Inc. Cherokee Garden Club Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Chubb, III Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta Hilda D. Glenn Fund Jobe Family Charitable Fund Mock Family 5H Fund Virginia Moore Fund The Sartain Lanier Family Foundation, Inc. Charles and Enid Schneider Fund Conlee Family Supporting Foundation The Cross Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Dallas H. Denny Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Dobbs Mr. and Mrs. J. Alexander M. Douglas, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Easterlin


Emily Winship Scott Foundation Emory Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Epps Aviation Ms. Madeline W. Fagan Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson Ms. Elizabeth E. Finnerty and Mr. David Martin Mrs. Margaret V. Finnerty Mr. and Mrs. J. Rex Fuqua Mr. and Mrs. George Gaudiosi Mr. and Mrs. John C. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Grant H. English & Ermine Cater Robinson Foundation, Inc. Ms. Dana H. Halberg and Mr. Laurance D. Pless Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Harrell The Honorable and Mrs. Joe F. Harris, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Carl R. Hartrampf, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hatfield The Hills Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James W. Howard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Huff, Jr. Ira C. Herbert Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John Irby Jane Smith Turner Foundation Mrs. Lou B. Jewell Mr. and Mrs. Neil Johnson Ms. Barbara Cleveland and Mr. Stanley S. Jones, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Kennedy Kiwanis Foundation of Atlanta, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Nevin Kreisler The Lanier-Goodman Foundation Loeb Family Foundation, Inc. Lois and Lucy Lampkin Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David M. Love Dr. and Mrs. David C. Lowance Mr. and Mrs. Willis E. Lowe The Mark C. Pope III Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Marks The Martha & Wilton Looney Foundation Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Mitchell Schwab Charitable Fund Mrs. Mimi Monett Mrs. Beth Moore Mr. and Mrs. James H. Muhl Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Muir NAI Brannen Goddard, LLC Norman Foundation, Inc. North Georgia Community Foundation The Dancy H. and Charles S.Wynne Fund Northern Trust Corporation The Colleen & Sam Nunn Family Foundation Family and Friends of Jeremy Ojalehto Mr. and Mrs. David Park Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Parker Patty and Doug Reid Family Foundation, Inc. Paul B. and Mildred Seydel Foundation, Inc. Drs. Charlotte Pierce-Baker and Houston Baker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. C. Mark Pirrung The Price Gilbert, Jr. Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. David M. Ratcliffe Sea Foam Sales Company

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Shaifer Shepherd Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John Snodgrass Storey Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Randall D. Tanner TEGNA Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Mark Tipton Ms. Paula Tkac The Valentino Family Mr. George H. Van Dyke Walmart Mr. and Mrs. Winston E. Weinmann Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Wellons Ms. Elizabeth Wellons Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. West Weswood Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Wynne Mr. John B. Zellars, Jr. and Mr. Randy Tibbals Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Zolkowski

Gifts under $1,000 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Sam Adams Mr. and Mrs. Archie N. Addo Ms. Lea Agnew Mrs. Virginia Almand Mr. and Mrs. R. Cotten Alston, III Amazon Smile Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Craig Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Anderson, Jr. Anonymous (5) Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ashley The Atlanta Christian Foundation The Greg and Annie Kemp Fund Mrs. Mariah Padgett Ms. Helen Ballard Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Banks Ms. Maryland T. Barfield Mrs. Betty Barge Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Barker Mr. and Mrs. James M. Barker Mr. and Mrs. John Barkey Mr. and Mrs. David Barrett Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Bergeson Mr. Kevin Bergquist Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Bernhardt Beverly Bremer Silver Shop Mr. and Mrs. Bussey C. Bonner, Jr. Elizabeth B. Boswell, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Rhea Bowden Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. Bowen Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Bradshaw Mr. and Mrs. Wes Bradshaw Mr. and Mrs. Kingman B. Brown Ms. Kara Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Caruso Mr. and Mrs. Lee Caswell Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chitren Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Click Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Cohen Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta Courts and Becky Cooledge Family Fund Bernard and Anne Howell Gray Advised Fund Shiverick Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Connell Mr. and Mrs. E. Perry Cox

“Skyland Trail gives hope to individuals and families who felt there was no answer. It is a supportive and unique organization that turns lives from darkness to light, helping those with mental illness see that there is a positive future for them.” – Betsy and Scott Akers

(L) Andrea Montag, Kim Marks, Beth Finnerty, Beth Park, Mary Johnson; (Center, front L to R) Rand Glenn Hagen, Michael D’Antignac, Louisa D’Antignac (back L to R) Whit Lanier, Carrie Lanier, Seth Hagen, Tom Glenn, Lou Glenn, Suzanna Stribling, Robert Rubin; (R) Janet Turman, Brooke Weinmann, Betsy West David & Jennifer Kahn Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Davies Ms. Nancy Davis Mr. and Mrs. Ronald O. Determann Ms. Catherine Donovan The Dot and Lam Hardman Family Foundation Schwab Charitable Fund Mrs. Martha L. Doyle Ms. Maggie Dozier Druid Hills Garden Club Mr. and Mrs. Samuel DuBose Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Dunlap, III Mr. and Mrs. Paul Faletti Mr. and Mrs. W. Daniel Faulk, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Fellows, Jr. Ms. Patricia Pasch and Mr. Kevin D. Fitzpatrick Mr. Robert D. Fortson Mr. and Mrs. J. Henry Froelich, III Fulcrum Equity Partners Dr. and Mrs. Pedro F. Garcia Mr. and Mrs. George C. Gaskin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Glenn, II Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Glover Dr. and Mrs. Terry Golden Goodshop Mr. and Mrs. Hix H. Green, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gregory Mr. and Mrs. F. Sheffield Hale Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Haupt Haynes Manor Garden Club Dr. and Mrs. Peter B. H’Doubler, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Heiser, Jr. Mrs. Elizabeth W. Henry Dr. and Mrs. Gary M. Henschen Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Peter Hill Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hill Home By Dark Productions, LLC Mr. and Mrs. William E. Huger, III Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Hull Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Inman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Scott Jackson Johnson & Johnson Ms. Randy Jones

Mrs. Beth C. Jones Mr. Garrett A. Kamstra Rev. and Mrs. George C. Kaulbach William J. Klopstock, MD Mr. and Mrs. Wyckliff Knox Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Korby Schwab Charitable Fund Ms. Susan Kupferberg and Mr. Richard Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Thawat Kwanjai Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lally Mr. and Mrs. James C. Lehrer Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Levine Mr. and Mrs. Donald Loeffler Ms. Martha Logan The Lookout Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Burrow, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Madden MARTA Employees Charity Club Mr. and Mrs. James W. May, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Don McCarty Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. Mitchell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander G. Morehouse Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Johnathan H. Short Mr. Morris Moss Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Myrick Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Nadal Mr. and Mrs. William M. Naleid Mr. and Mrs. Clay Nalley Ms. Audrey S. Nathanson Dr. Janine M. Nell and Mr. Michael P. Nell Ms. Jordyn Nesbitt Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Newton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Nowicki Mr. and Mrs. Neil Olson Drs. Helen and Donald O’Shea Mr. and Mrs. Vinod Paidipalli Ms. Bettie J. Patterson Ms. Elizabeth B. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. William S. Peebles, IV Ms. Ann E. Pequigney Planters Garden Club

Mr. and Mrs. Edd Price, Jr. Ms. Ann Prochnow Mrs. Mary Anne Quin Mr. and Mrs. Scott Rattray Dr. Frank Richards, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin M. Rinker Dr. and Mrs. James R. Roberson Dr. and Mrs. Mark Rosenberg Dr. and Mrs. Rein Saral Ms. Lynn Sardonia Dr. and Mrs. Ira K. Schwartz Ms. Sarah Scorza Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shanor Mr. and Mrs. John B. Shead Mr. and Mrs. Leonard S. Shutzberg Mr. and Mrs. Frampton Simons Mr. and Mrs. Craig W. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Smithgall, III Ms. Ronnie Jo Sokol Mr. and Mrs. William A. Sterne SunTrust United Way Campaign Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Fellows Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin H. O’Dell Ms. Linda Tharpe Mr. and Mrs. Gordon J. Thomsen Ms. Myrtle K. Tillman Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Tompkins Mr. and Mrs. John Frank Trask, Jr. Ms. Jill A. Tyrer United Way of Central Indiana, Inc. Mr. Stanley Finnerty Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Vantosh Mrs. Carolyn S. Vigtel Mr. and Mrs. Ron Walker Dr. Florence Watts Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Wellborn Mr. and Mrs. Marshall J. Wellborn, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David M. Wierman Mrs. Virginia Williams Ms. Katherine Woodruff Williams Mr. and Mrs. Brice B. Williams Mrs. Gail C. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Billy Wren Mr. and Mrs. Robby Wynne



Angel Oak Companies Anonymous The J.B. Fuqua Foundation, Inc. Masters Capital Management, LLC The St. Regis Atlanta

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Coffman Collins, Cooper, and Carusi Architects Douglas J. Hertz Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Neil Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Marks Mr. and Mrs. Forrest McClain Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Muir New South Construction Northwestern Mutual Goodwin, Wright Mr. and Mrs. David Park Mr. and Mrs. Chris Suh Mr. and Mrs. Winston E. Weinmann Mr. and Mrs. Christopher G. Willett



Event Co-Chairs Andrea Montag and Beth Park

Patron Committee Co-Chairs Mary Johnson and Kim Marks

Corporate Committee Co-Chairs John Ferguson and Mark Tipton


Mr. and Mrs. Scott Akers, Jr. BNY Mellon Wealth Management Mr. and Mrs. John F. Brock CBRE Mr. and Mrs. Mark Feidler First Beacon Investments, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rex Fuqua Goldman, Sachs & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Gray Mr. and Mrs. Seth Hagen Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Holder iBERIABANK Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas Johnson Mr. and Mrs. James C. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Michael Keough Dr. and Mrs. Nevin Kreisler Ms. Kelly L. Loeffler and Mr. Jeffrey C. Sprecher Mr. and Mrs. John E. McKinley Montag Piedmont Healthcare Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Reid Mr. and Mrs. John W. Rumely, Jr. The Sands Family Charitable Fund

Silver Atlantic American Corporation BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina Crawford Investment Counsel Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Davidson, III Mr. and Mrs. Don W. Dennard Emory Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Equifax Mr. and Mrs. L. Reade Fahs Mr. and Mrs. George Gaudiosi Gray Television, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Inman Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Inman, Jr. Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) Mr. and Mrs. Clayton F. Jackson Jet Linx Mr. and Mrs. Lance Leonaitis Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Means Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Montag Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Parker Printpack Inc. and The Gay & Erskine Love Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Tim C. Rollins Russell Reynolds Associates The Sartain Lanier Family Foundation, Inc. Tavistock Group Mr. and Mrs. Winston E. Weinmann



Mr. and Mrs. Neal Aronson Ms. Helen Ballard Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Barge Mr. and Mrs. Eric Bleke Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Boushka Mr. and Mrs. Stanley G. Brading, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brewer Ms. Nina Cheney Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Chubb, III Mr. and Mrs. Cecil D. Conlee Coxe, Curry & Associates Dr. and Mrs. O. Anderson Currie Mr. and Mrs. Stan Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Dobbs Mr. and Mrs. John R. Donnell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doty Mr. and Mrs. Samuel DuBose Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Dye, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cole Ebert Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Glover Mrs. Carol L. Goodman Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Grant Mr. and Mrs. F. Sheffield Hale Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Brad Hammond Ms. Meg R. Heyer Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hill Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Hills Mr. and Mrs. James W. Howard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Huger, III Mr. and Mrs. Hardie Jackson Mr. and Mrs. West Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Jones, III Ms. Anita K. Kern and Mr. Carl E. Fowler Mr. and Mrs. Duane J. Kerper The Klump Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lally Mr. and Mrs. Zak Lee Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Leebern, III Mr. and Mrs. William L. Levine Mr. and Mrs. William Liss Mrs. Betts Culp Love Mr. and Mrs. Willis E. Lowe Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Martin Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. McChesney Mr. and Mrs. Lester Miller Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Mitchell NAI Brannen Goddard, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Neville, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Noonan Northern Trust Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Galen Lee Oelkers Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Pechter Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Pierson

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Prickett Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ragland Mr. and Mrs. John Ralls Mr. and Mrs. Scott B. Rhodes Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Rosenbaum Ms. Louise S. Sams and Mr. Jerome Grilhot Mr. and Mrs. William Clyde Shepherd, III Mr. and Mrs. John D. Shlesinger Mr. and Mrs. Kendrick Smith Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Speed Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Tompkins Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tripodi Mr. and Mrs. Henri Van der Eerden Mr. and Mrs. John Varner Mr. and Mrs. Todd Wandtke Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Watson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Welanetz Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Wellborn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Weller, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David M. Wierman Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Winborne Ms. Dina E. Woodruff

Donors Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Arnold Mr. Carl B. Bachmann Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bisciotti Mr. and Mrs. John Cleveland Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Clyde Mr. and Mrs. Everette Doffermyre, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Freed Mr. and Mrs. Dan Frey Mrs. Dianne Garber Mr. and Mrs. James Hannan Dr. Lisa Hasty and Dr. Andrew L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hatcher Ms. Meg R. Heyer Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holland Ms. Dot Paul and Mr. Greg Howell Mr. and Mrs. John Irby Jane Smith Turner Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Rob Kight Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Lamb Mr. and Mrs. Vance Whitson Lanier, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bertram L. Levy Mr. and Mrs. William Liss Mr. and Mrs. Willis E. Lowe Mr. and Mrs. Doug Marsteller Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Menendez Mr. and Mrs. Phillip C. Molner, II Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Nolan Mr. and Mrs. William Oglesby Mr. and Mrs. Steve Owings Oxford Industries Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Parker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Rahul Patel Mr. and Mrs. Martin H. Petersen Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Resnick Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rhineheart Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Schoborg Ms. Frances Schultz Dr. Michael H. Sebastian Orthodonics Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Sheppard Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Smithgall, III Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tokash UDS Development Services Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Watson Mrs. Lee Wooddall Yates Insurance Agency

(L) Britt Amos and Mark Metcalf; (Center) Elizabeth Shortridge, Natalie Beard, Connor Dobbs, John Glass; (R) Anna Stephens, Kurt Stephens, Wes Brawshaw, Kit Bowlin SOUTHERN SHINDIG 2015 Event Co-Chairs Britt Amos and Mark Metcalf Leadership Sponsors Alphin Family Gift Fund Onward Reserve The Sands Family Charitable Fund IPA Sponsors BB&T Morris, Manning & Martin, LLP Printpack Inc. and The Gay & Erskine Love Foundation Georgia Brown Sponsors Atlantic Engineering Group Atlantic Fiber Networks CNA State Bank & Trust Company Sunbelt Technology Trillium Springs Counseling Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. West Yates Insurance Agency Blue Supporters Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Abernethy The Classic Center Cultural Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Dobbs Mr. and Mrs. Blair Farinholt planIT Hardware Risk & Insurance Consultants Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Wellborn Mr. Hugh Williamson

Donors Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Abernethy Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Amos Ms. Lindsay Backscheider Ms. Alexandra Balzer Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Bomar Ms. Morgan Boniface Mr. and Mrs. Wes Bradshaw Mr. Brett Cragin Mr. Joe Davis Mrs. Annelly B. Deets Mr. Robin Delmer Ms. Elizabeth E. Finnerty and Mr. David Martin Mr. John Fisher Ms. Jenny Fleischman Mr. John A. Ford Ms. Whitney Gerkin Mr. and Mrs. John C. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. John Graham

Ms. Jennifer Gray Mr. David Hecht Human Canvas, LLC Mrs. Anne H. Hux Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Irby Mr. Chris Kelleher Mr. Wesley Lacefield Mr. and Mrs. William Lacy A.K. Mashhoon Mr. and Mrs. Chris McGanity Mr. and Mrs. Michael Monk Mr. Scott Russell Ms. Christine Sever Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shortridge Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Stephens Ms. Lauren Stewart Mr. Coy Townley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Wellborn William Howard Flowers, Jr. Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Wrench

ASSOCIATES LUNCHEON 2015 Associates President Nan Easterlin Associates Vice President Nancy Caswell Gold Sponsor iBERIABANK Silver Sponsors Anna ParĂŠ, M.D. - Dermatology Consultants, P.C. Sons Automotive Group VEININNOVATIONS Silver Patrons Ms. Kelly L. Loeffler Mrs. Betsy West Patron Sponsors Mrs. Nan Easterlin Mrs. Duvall Fuqua Mrs. Amy R. Kreisler Table Hosts Mrs. Nancy O. Bryant Mrs. Nancy Caswell Mrs. Mary Virginia Coffman Mrs. Mary M. Dillon Mrs. Mary Frances Garrett Mrs. Melissa Lowe Mrs. Angie Major Mrs. Kim C. Marks Mrs. Sue McKinley

Mrs. Patricia M. Nalle Mrs. Beth Park Mrs. Leigh A. Pollard Ms. Edie Poplin Mrs. Patricia H. Reid Mrs. Denise Rezek Mrs. Michelle H. Sullivan Mrs. Stephanie Teichner Mrs. Sarah Tripodi Mrs. Brooke Weinmann Mrs. Leslie J. Wierman Donors Ms. Sue A. Allen Mrs. Deborah Bald Mrs. Gayle Barnes Ms. Elizabeth Bitter Ms. Susan M. Boyd Mrs. Beverly F. Briggs Bright Outside The Box, LLC Mrs. Deborah Brink Mrs. Mary Ellen Buffington Mrs. Jan Burleson Mrs. Chris Cann Ms. Helen B. Caudill Ms. Nina A. Cheney Ms. Julie Collins Mrs. Diana Conway Mrs. Katherine M. Denny Mrs. Lynn Dinkins Mrs. Shannon Dixon Ms. Beth Doran Mrs. Elise B. Drake Mrs. Louise B. Duffy Mrs. Cindy C. Ferguson Mrs. Laura Feuer Mrs. Marie Foster Mrs. Dallie S. Gaskin Mrs. Anne Gieryn Mrs. Evia Golde Mrs. Danielle Goode Ms. Bessie Gregg Mrs. Elizabeth Hale Mrs. Kim Hall Ms. Angelle Hamilton Dr. Lisa Hasty Mrs. Fran Hill Mrs. Julia S. Hill Ms. Clayton Howell Mrs. Kerry Izard Mrs. Helen Izlar Mrs. Nancy Izlar Mrs. Andrea L. Jones Mrs. Mary Jones Mrs. Jennifer Kahn 11

(L) Jackie Montag, Ned Montag, Tony Montag, Andrea Montag; (Center) Rutherford Seydel, Mark West, Jay Mitchell; (R) Kelly Loeffler, Robin and Frances Loudermilk Mrs. Johnetta Kearns Mrs. Helen Kesterton Mrs. Elizabeth M. Lauer Mrs. Ellen Dracos Lemming Mrs. Julie Levine Ms. Catherine Lindauer Mrs. Sandra W. Linginfelter Ms. Annette Loper Mrs. Nancy Mansfield Mrs. Anne Marino Mrs. Kristy McChesney Mrs. Heather McCloskey Mrs. Kim McCollam Ms. Holly Moffett Ms. Selene Morgan Mrs. Page A. Morocco Mrs. Kim Nalley Mrs. Sara Neel Mrs. Marian Nesmith Mrs. Maripat Newington Mrs. Alice Nolan Mrs. Kristin B. Norton Mrs. Lisa Ogburn Mrs. Wendy Petersen Mrs. Chelle Pope Ms. Melanie Pope Mrs. Jennifer Puricelli Mrs. Elizabeth W. Quirk Mrs. Janet Quirk Mrs. Christine P. Ragland Mrs. Doni K. Rhineheart Ms. Alyson Rogers Mrs. Melody Rounsaville Mrs. Miyuki Sheppard Mrs. Libby Simons Ms. Lee Sobel Mrs. Barbara Sparkes Ms. Elizabeth M. Spiegel Mrs. Marie Stribling Mrs. Nola L. Stull Mrs. Michelle H. Sullivan Mrs. Dunwreath Swanson Ms. Patricia B. Terwilliger Mrs. Janet Turman Mrs. Elizabeth H. Verner Ms. Jan Wallace Ms. Susanne Wallace Mrs. Ruth M. Wellborn Mrs. Kendrick H. Williams Ms. Natalie Wilson Ms. Missi Wolf

2015 ASSOCIATES FUND DONATIONS Gifts over $1,000 Mrs. Gayle Alston Mrs. Carolyn Caswell Mrs. Duvall Fuqua Mrs. Sue McKinley Mrs. Tammy Shumate Mrs. Diana Tipton Gifts under $1,000 Anonymous Ms. Cyndae A. Arrendale Mrs. Lori Austin Mrs. Claire O. Bowen Mrs. Lisa Bridges Mrs. Deborah Brink Mrs. Melissa H. Buckner Mrs. Nancy Caswell Mrs. Mary Virginia Coffman Mrs. Laura W. Deisley Ms. Sally Dorsey Mrs. Sanford M. Dunklin Mrs. Nan Easterlin Mrs. Lori Movsovitz-Edlin Mrs. Elizabeth R. Glenn Mrs. Nancy Glenn Mrs. Georgina B. Goldsmith Mrs. Mary Katherine Greene Mrs. Linda Harris Ms. Amie Herbert Mrs. Mary Ann Hite Mrs. Abby Irby Mrs. Kerry Izard Mrs. Andrea L. Jones Mrs. Jennifer Kahn Mrs. Helen Kesterton Mrs. Kim Lape Mrs. Mitzi Linginfelter Mrs. Betts Culp Love Mrs. Valerie M. Love Mrs. Kim C. Marks Ms. Rhonda Martin Mrs. Lee McColl Mrs. Susan Mills Mrs. Patricia M. Nalle Mrs. Sara Neel Mrs. Marian Nesmith Dr. Kathleen O’Donnell Mrs. Lombard R. Puri

THANK YOU to Skyland Trail staff and board members for their generosity. 98% of staff and 100% of board members contributed to programs and financial aid at Skyland Trail.


Mrs. Sharon K. Quigley Mrs. Mary Anne Quin Mrs. Patricia H. Reid Mrs. Cynthia Reid Mrs. Rebecca R. Riley Mrs. Patricia Rosenbaum Mrs. Jodi Schoborg Mrs. Helen Sherman Mrs. Jana Simmons Mrs. Mary Kelly Speed TOOTSIES Mrs. Laine Walker Mrs. Ruth M. Wellborn Mrs. Betsy West Mrs. Marguerite S. York Mrs. Carolyn York Mrs. Carol P. Young

HONOR AND MEMORIAL GIFTS Gifts in Memory Mr. Alton L. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Doug Marsteller Ms. Dorothea (Dottebob) Andes Mr. and Mrs. Scott Rattray Adrian Brown Mrs. Lou B. Jewell Mr. Paul Clonts and Dr. Jeanne Santoli Ms. Dot Paul and Mr. Greg Howell Mr. Frederic S. Coffman Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Freed Mr. Craig Movsovitz Ms. Lori Movsovitz and Mr. Todd Edlin Ms. Sally Faletti Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Barker Mr. and Mrs. Paul Faletti Dr. William R. Finnerty Mrs. Margaret V. Finnerty Mrs. Dorothy C. Fuqua Mr. and Mrs. R. Cotten Alston, III Ms. Tracy Ashworth Ms. Helen Ballard Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Banks Mr. and Mrs. James M. Barker Blanchard & Calhoun Insurance Agency, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Bussey C. Bonner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Rhea Bowden Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Bradshaw Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Woodruff Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Burrow, Jr. Ms. Kara Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Dallas H. Denny

Dr. William McDonald and Emory Dept. of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Ms. Elizabeth E. Finnerty and Mr. David Martin Mr. Robert D. Fortson Mr. and Mrs. J. Henry Froelich, III Mr. and Mr. Jeffrey Muir Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Glenn, II Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Gray Mr. and Mrs. Hix H. Green, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gregory Mr. and Mrs. F. Sheffield Hale Dr. and Mrs. Carl R. Hartrampf, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Heiser, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Howard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Huger, III Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Hull Mrs. Beth C. Jones Mr. Garrett A. Kamstra Mr. and Mrs. James C. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Wyckliff Knox Dr. and Mrs. David C. Lowance Mr. and Mrs. James W. May, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Myrick Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Newton, Jr. The Colleen & Sam Nunn Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Parker Ms. Elizabeth B. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. William S. Peebles, IV Mrs. Mary Anne Quin Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Reid Mr. and Mrs. Franklin M. Rinker Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shanor Mr. and Mrs. Frampton Simons Mr. and Mrs. William A. Sterne Ms. Myrtle K. Tillman Mr. and Mrs. John Frank Trask, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. West Mr. Pedro Joaquin Garcia Dr. and Mrs. Pedro F. Garcia Dr. William J. Klopstock Mrs. Mimi Monett Ms. Marzena Holly Ms. Madeline W. Fagan Ms. Danielle Green Mrs. Beth Moore Mr. and Mrs. James R. Nowicki Ms. Sarah Postich Ms. Sharon Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Gordon J. Thomsen Ms. Frieda P. Jones Ms. Patricia Pasch and Mr. Kevin D. Fitzpatrick Mr. Duncan E. Kaulbach Rev. and Mrs. George C. Kaulbach Mrs. Kathy Kelly Mrs. Shelley Danser Mr. and Mrs. Haig Megerian Mr. and Mrs. Vahe Najarian Mr. and Mrs. Drew Torre Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Weil Mrs. Elizabeth Kotwicki Mr. and Mrs. Dallas H. Denny Ms. Elizabeth E. Finnerty and Mr. David Martin Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Montag Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. West Ms. Darlyn Krepsky Dr. Ray Kotwicki and Mr. Todd Pouwels Mr. Donald V. Lee Mr. Wade Lee

Dr. C. Michael Luke Mrs. Beth Moore Ms. Seran A. Megerian Mr. and Mrs. Haig Megerian Mr. and Mrs. Vahe Najarian Mr. and Mrs. Drew Torre Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Weil Mr. Mikey O’Donnell Dr. Kathleen O’Donnell Mr. Matthew Olsen Mr. and Mrs. Sam Adams Mr. Mark Olson Mr. and Mrs. Neil Olson Mrs. Emma Orkland Mr. and Mrs. Randall D. Tanner Mr. Langdon C. Quin Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. Mitchell, Jr. Mrs. Mary Anne Quin Mr. Melvin Tipton Mr. and Mrs. Randall D. Tanner Ms. Katherine Calhoun Wellons Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Wellons Mr. Charles B. West Dr. and Mrs. David C. Lowance Ms. Bettie J. Patterson Rev. Allison Williams Mr. and Mrs. Howell E. Adams, Jr. Mrs. Overton A. Currie John H. & Wilhelmina D. Harland Charitable Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Fitzhugh M. Legerton Mr. and Mrs. J. Wayne Nix Ms. Elizabeth C. Rucker Mr. and Mrs. William G. Smith Mr. and Mrs. William G. Vance Mrs. Sue S. Williams

Mrs. Nancy Caswell Mrs. Carolyn Caswell Mrs. Amie Herbert Mrs. Elizabeth W. Quirk Mrs. Dunwreath Swanson Mrs. Ruth M. Wellborn Mr. Chris Cline Mrs. Elizabeth Alexander Mr. Cecil D. Conlee Ms. Sarah Scorza Ms. Anne Cote Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. West Mrs. Shelley Danser Ms. Madeline W. Fagan Mr. and Mrs. Don McCarty Mrs. Libba Shortridge Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Davidson, III Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Lamb Mrs. Margaret Denny Ms. Maggie Dozier Mrs. Nan Easterlin Mrs. Janet Quirk Mr. and Mrs. L. Reade Fahs Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Menendez Mrs. Cindy C. Ferguson Mrs. Kim McCollam Ms. Elizabeth E. Finnerty Ms. Susan M. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Courts Cooledge Ms. Sally Dorsey Mrs. Margaret V. Finnerty Dr. Lisa Hasty Ms. Lee Sobel Mr. and Mrs. Zach Young Dr. Bill Foege Dr. and Mrs. Mark Rosenberg

Mr. Neal L. Williams Mrs. Virginia Williams

Mr. and Mrs. J. Rex Fuqua & Family Dr. William McDonald and Emory Dept. of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences

Ms. Susan Wilson Ms. Elizabeth E. Finnerty and Mr. David Martin

Mrs. Duvall Fuqua Mrs. Cynthia Reid

Mr. Mark M. Wynne Dr. and Mrs. O. Anderson Currie Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKnight Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Olsen Mr. and Mrs. David Shepherd Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Underwood Mr. and Mrs. Robby Wynne and Johnson & Bryan Mr. Mike York Dr. and Mrs. Jon York

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gellerstedt, III The Honorable and Mrs. Joe F. Harris, Sr. Mr. John C. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Everette Doffermyre, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Smithgall, III Mr. and Mrs. John C. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. C. Mark Pirrung Dr. and Mrs. Elihu Goren Dr. and Mrs. Mark Rosenberg

Gifts in Honor

Ms. Dana H. Halberg Ms. Cyndae A. Arrendale

Mrs. Elizabeth Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Don McCarty

Mr. Carl Harper Mrs. Fran Hill

Mrs. Britt Amos Mr. and Mrs. Blair Farinholt

Dr. and Mrs. Peter B. H’Doubler, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Inman, Jr.

Mr. Walter S. Berman Ms. Laura Elkins

Mrs. Betty Ann Inman Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Walsh

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E Bowes Mr. and Mrs. Seth Davies

Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas Johnson Mr. and Mrs. James C. Lehrer

Mrs. Nancy O. Bryant Mrs. Kristy McChesney

Mrs. Beth C. Jones Mr. and Mrs. David M. Wierman


“We support Skyland Trail because we have friends and family members who have suffered greatly from mental illness. We strongly believe Skyland Trail provides hope and healing to so many people in our community through their compassionate and expert psychiatric care and holistic programs.” – Nan and Ed Easterlin Mrs. Sarah Kennedy Ms. Randy Jones Mr. and Mrs. James C. Kennedy Dr. and Mrs. Peter B. H’Doubler, Jr. Dr. Ray Kotwicki Dr. and Mrs. Ira K. Schwartz Mr. James Laney Dr. and Mrs. Mark Rosenberg Ms. Kelly L. Loeffler and Mr. Jeffrey C. Sprecher Mr. and Mrs. Donald Loeffler Mr. and Mrs. Brian Maher Sea Foam Sales Company Mrs. Tara McDaniel Mr. and Mrs. Don McCarty Mrs. Sue McKinley Mrs. Lynn Dinkins Ms. Beth Doran Ms. Selene Morgan Mrs. Miyuki Sheppard Mrs. Jackie E. Montag Dr. and Mrs. John B. Hardman Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Montag Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holland Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Montag Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holland Woodcrest Neighbors Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Nadal Mrs. Patricia M. Nalle Mrs. Deborah Brink Mrs. Elizabeth Hale Mrs. Kim Nalley Mrs. Beverly F. Briggs Ms. Clayton Howell Ms. Melanie Pope Ms. Natalie Wilson Ms. Haley Nell Dr. Janine M. Nell and Mr. Michael P. Nell Ms. Deana Nelson Mr. Chris Cline Ms. Kate Nolan Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Nolan


Mr. Richard C. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Bergeson Mr. and Mrs. Zach Young Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Parker & Family Mr. and Mrs. James T. Mills, Jr. Mrs. Leigh A. Pollard Mrs. Andrea L. Jones Mrs. Jennifer Kahn Mrs. Jennifer Puricelli Mrs. Nola L. Stull Mrs. Patricia H. Reid Mrs. Anne Gieryn Ms. Audrey S. Nathanson Mrs. Lisa Ogburn Mrs. Helen Sherman Ms. Alexandra Richards Dr. Frank Richards, Jr. Ms. Emmylou Rivers Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Vantosh Dr. and Mrs. Randy F. Rizor Ms. Judith Moen Mrs. Betty Sanders Mrs. Mary Ann Hite Mrs. Libba Shortridge Mrs. Virginia Almand Skyland Trail Staff Ms. Alice Miller Mr. Kyle Smith Mr. and Mrs. Craig W. Smith Mrs. Michelle H. Sullivan Ms. Angelle Hamilton Mrs. Stephanie Teichner Mrs. Marie Foster Mrs. Diana Tipton Mrs. Alice Nolan Mrs. Wendy Petersen Mrs. Marie Stribling Mr. Mark Tipton Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rhineheart Mrs. Sarah Tripodi Ms. Ann Prochnow

Mrs. Colleen Nunn Ms. Randy Jones

Mr. John P. Turman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bart Griffith Dr. and Mrs. David C. Lowance Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Reid

Ms. Sheila O’Shea Drs. Helen and Donald O’Shea

Mr. and Mrs. John P. Turman, Jr. Weswood Foundation

Dr. Anna Paré Mrs. Evia Golde Mrs. Julia S. Hill

Mr. and Mrs. Jules David Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chitren Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Haupt

Mrs. Beth Park Mrs. Kerry Izard

Mrs. Brooke Weinmann Mrs. Elizabeth M. Lauer Mrs. Nancy Mansfield Ms. Ann E. Pequigney Mr. Whit Weinmann

Ms. Roberta Welton Mrs. Jan Burleson Mrs. Betsy West Mrs. Fran Hill Mrs. Marjorie West Ms. Bettie J. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. West Mr. and Mrs. Bertram L. Levy Ms. Bettie J. Patterson Mr. Mark C. West Dr. and Mrs. David C. Lowance Ms. Ayo Yetunde Mrs. Rebecca Buck

GIFTS IN KIND 18|8 Fine Men’s Salons Around Brookhaven Atlanta Symphony Orchestra BLAST Buckhead Brackish Bow Ties Candoni De Zan Family College Football Hall of Fame Cox Enterprises Sabrina Davis Cindy DeAntonio Dermatology Consultants Dtox Buckhead Empire Distributors, Inc. Mr. C. Brad Flynt Mr. Wood Ford Mr. Richard Friese Gallery 32 - Dental Arts Ms. Stephanie Gallman Mr. Jim Gillis Glyn Weakley Interiors Graceful Tables Mr. Hill Hardman Henri’s Bakery James Hurley Designs Mr. and Mrs. James W. Johnson Kathryn W. Rogers Photography Kendra Scott Jewelry King of Pops Kohler Company Kroger Lacefield Lanier Parking Systems Laura Pearce, Ltd. Mrs. Tara McDaniel Mr. and Mrs. Haig Megerian Michal Evans Floral & Event Design Mr. and Mrs. Vahe Najarian Onward Reserve Patagonia Peridot Piece of Cake, Inc. Proof of the Pudding Publix Rhodes Bakery Room 422

(L) Julie Levine, Amy Kreisler, Meredith Pechter, Jenny Williams; (R) Rand Glenn Hagen, Jennifer Fuqua, Beth Finnerty, Colleen Nunn, and Lauren Gaia Sandpiper Shane Watson Guide Service Shay Latte Coffee Sherlock’s Wine Merchant Sophie’s Uptown Bakery Southwest Airlines Co. SPANX St. Regis Atlanta Stellar Bodies Sunbelt Technology Ms. Sarah Tabor Mr. Mark Tipton Mr. and Mrs. Drew Torre Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. VEININNOVATIONS Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Weil Ms. Barbara Werner-Boyer Whole Foods Woo Skincare + Cosmetics Mr. and Mrs. Robby Wynne

ENDOWMENT GIFTS Allison Williams Financial Aid Endowed Fund Mr. and Mrs. Howell E. Adams, Jr. Mrs. Overton A. Currie Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Spetnagel Family Charitable Fund John H. & Wilhelmina D. Harland Charitable Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Fitzhugh M. Legerton Mr. and Mrs. J. Wayne Nix Ms. Elizabeth C. Rucker Mr. and Mrs. William G. Smith Mr. and Mrs. William G. Vance Mrs. Jo Williams Mrs. Sue S. Williams

HONORING JOHN TURMAN We are proud and honored that John Turman concluded his long and significant career at Skyland Trail, retiring in 2015. Family, friends and members of the community gathered at Skyland Trail to celebrate his retirement. From a 25-year career in real estate development, to cultivating support for The Westminster Schools and Skyland Trail, John’s influence is far-reaching. Working as part of our development team as an “elder statesman” of fundraising, John certainly made a difference at Skyland Trail. He forged relationships and partnerships that will continue to advance our mission for years to come. Guests at the celebration noted how John’s lifetime of work has given rise to buildings and neighborhoods, to educations that help young people launch successful lives, and to world-class treatment programs that help adults with mental illness thrive.

Jack and Anne Glenn Financial Aid Endowed Fund Jack and Anne Glenn Charitable Foundation

FINANCIAL AID FUNDS Julia Zellars Financial Aid Fund Hugh M. Inman Foundation JOHN TURMAN WITH BOBBI CLEVELAND


Thank you, John, for your dedication and service to our community. 15

Campus Transformation As a result of the Changing Minds capital campaign, we were able to open new doors and break new ground in 2015. Together, gifts from families and foundations are helping us expand our capacity and prepare for the future. GLENN FAMILY WELLNESS CLINIC The primary care clinic opened March 25, 2015, and later was named the Glenn Family Wellness Clinic in recognition of the generosity of The Wilbur and Hilda Glenn Family Foundation. Current clients, alumni, and community patients now are receiving care – from wellness exams to specialized services. ROLLINS CAMPUS We are honored that the O. Wayne Rollins Foundation agreed to name the young adult campus. Construction began in July 2015, and we plan to open the Young Adult Residence and Treatment Center in fall 2016. The building and surrounding campus grounds are designed to help adults ages 18 to 26 develop strong brains and bodies, as well as social skills and stress-management strategies that, together, will prepare them for successful futures. UNIQUE GIFT PROVIDES FOR INTERACTIVE OUTDOOR SPACES A generous contribution from the Wynne family is helping us develop a unique

outdoor recreation program called the Mark Wynne Outdoor Venue on the grounds of the Rollins Campus and to create special interactive outdoor spaces. This additional gift was made by the family in memory of Mark Wynne. RENOVATIONS TO EXISTING SPACES Renovations to the Health and Education Center on the Charles B. West Campus began in 2015 and were completed in early 2016. In addition to expanding our overall capacity, these reconfigured spaces mirror Skyland Trail’s commitment to individualized, evidence-based psychiatric care. Classrooms and offices now are organized into “suites,” creating specialized areas for our recovery communities. ADDITIONAL PARKING Thanks to the generosity of an anonymous friend, we purchased an adjacent one acre lot on North Druid Hills Road in January 2015. Work will begin in summer 2016 to convert the land into additional parking.





CAMPAIGN DONORS Founders Gifts of $3,500,000 and above The O. Wayne Rollins Foundation Robert W. Woodruff Foundation Leaders Gifts of $1,000,000-$3,499,999 Anonymous Anonymous The James M. Cox Foundation J.B. Fuqua Foundation, Inc. The Wilbur and Hilda Glenn Family Foundation Benefactors Gifts of $100,000-$999,999 Anonymous Anonymous R. Howard Dobbs, Jr. Foundation The Hugh M. Inman Foundation Jane and Clay Jackson Edwina and Tom Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Nevin S. Kreisler The Sartain Lanier Family Foundation, Inc. Ms. Kelly L. Loeffler and Mr. Jeffrey C. Sprecher The Gay & Erskine Love Foundation and Printpack The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation Karen and Richard Parker Tull Charitable Foundation, Inc. The West Foundation, Inc. Betsy and Mark West Jesse Parker Williams Foundation Margie and Robert Wynne

Sustainers Gifts of $50,000-$99,999 The Arnold Foundation, Inc. Amy and Cecil Conlee The Fraser-Parker Foundation Helen and John Gordon Melissa and Chris Lowe Patty and Doug Reid Family Foundation, Inc. SunTrust Trusteed Foundations Walter H. and Marjory M. Rich Memorial Fund Green-Sawtell Foundation The Vasser Woolley Foundation, Inc. Waterfall Foundation, Inc. David, Helen and Marian Woodward Fund* Pacesetters Gifts of $10,000-$49,999 Shelby and Dick Bryant Anne Cox Chambers Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James E. Cunningham John and Marcia Donnell Fund* The Storey Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Easterlin Mr. and Mrs. John L. Ferguson Beth Finnerty and David Martin Carol and Larry Gellerstedt III Georgia Power Foundation, Inc. Bernard and Anne Howell Gray Advised Fund* Allison and Ben Hill Dana Halberg, Larry Pless and Family Meg Heyer Wally and Tommy Hills Louise G. Howard Family Mr. and Mrs. William Huger, III Lanier-Goodman Foundation The Betts & Dennis Love Family Foundation Kim and Greg Marks Sherry and Bo Means Denise and Jay D. Mitchell Jackie and Tony Montag Lee and Steve Olsen The Colleen and Sam Nunn Family Foundation Charlotte Pierce-Baker and Houston Baker Tricia and Maurice Rosenbaum Diana and Mark Tipton June and Michael Tompkins Leigh and Tim Walsh Waffle House Foundation, Inc. Brooke and Winston Weinmann Weswood Foundation Elizabeth and Chris Willett Young Family Fund*

Friends Gifts of $1,000-$9,999 Libby and Brooks Barge Mr. and Mrs. Eric S. Bleke Dr. and Mrs. O. Anderson Currie Vivian and Sam DuBose Ceree T. Eberly Danica and Bart Griffith The James T. Mills Family Doris and Jeff Muir Beth and David Park Richard C. Parker, Jr. Jill and Mark Rosenberg Emily Winship Scott Foundation The Hal and John Smith Family Foundation Michelle and Stephen Sullivan Sara and Bob Walker Wiggle Bug Foundation Lucy and Bill Vance Tyler and Robby Wynne John B. Zellars, Jr. Donors Gifts under $1,000 Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKnight Mr. and Mrs. David Shepherd Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Tison Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Underwood Ms. Anne Weinmann Mr. Whit Weinmann Mr. Mark M. Wynne *Donor-advised funds of the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta

Donor listing includes gifts received through December 31, 2015


Thank You, John Gordon In December 2015, John Gordon concluded his three-year term as chair of the Board of Directors and retired from the Board after 26 years of dedicated service. John first joined the organization as an Advisory Board member in 1990 and joined the Board of Directors in 1996. John was recognized for his significant contributions of service and leadership at the December Board meeting. The music therapy room in the Activity Center on the Charles B. West Campus was dedicated as the John C. Gordon Music Classroom. A nod to John’s lifelong love of music, the classroom dedication was marked with a performance by the Skyland Trail client and alumni band.

In his early tenure on the Board, John chaired the Finance Committee, serving as Treasurer of the Board, and then chaired the Marketing & Education Committee. He participated on many committees – Strategic Planning, Development, Governance, and Executive – and the Investment Subcommittee. He also was a key member of the recent Changing Minds capital campaign committee. He and his wife, Helen, have been long-time supporters of the organization and are charter members of the Cypress Society. Skyland Trail thanks John for his dedicated commitment to the mission and engaged leadership for over two decades!

Anonymous (5)

Kristin and Jim Howard

Doris and Jeff Muir

Charlotte Pierce-Baker and Houston Baker

Dorothy O. Jackson*

Karen and Richard Parker

Shelby and Dick Bryant Sarah Aline Carpenter*

PLANNED GIVING: The Cypress Society Charter membership exceeded expectations with 24 new members joining The Cypress Society in 2015. We extend our sincere thanks to the nearly 50 individuals and families who have made legacy gifts that will ensure that Skyland Trail continues to meet the needs of future generations through state-of-the-art facilities and innovative, leading-edge treatment programs.

Glen Jackson

Cecil Conlee

Jane and Clay Jackson

Margaret Perdue Denny

Beth C. Jones

Vivian Noble DuBose

Patrick M. Kelly

Cynthia and John L. Ferguson

Dixie and Duey Kerper

Elizabeth E. Finnerty and David Martin Carol and William H.* Fox Dorothy C. Fuqua* Helen and John C. Gordon Anne and Bernard Gray Wally G. Hills and Thomas D. Hills


Douglas E. Jackson

Raymond James Kotwicki, MD, MPH Kelly Loeffler and Jeff Sprecher Betts Culp Love Melissa and Chris Lowe Maryland and Don McCarty Jay D. Mitchell Jackie and Tony Montag

Mary Anne Quin Nancy and Ted Spetnagel Michelle and Stephen Sullivan Margaret and Randolph W. Thrower* Diana and Mark Tipton Janet and John Turman Pennie and Dan Walden Brooke Trible Weinmann Marjorie and Charles* West Marjorie C. Wynne Mark C. West John B. Zellars, Jr.


2015 Volunteer Leadership BOARD MEMBERS



John C. Gordon

Vivian DuBose, Chair Cecil Conlee Betty Ann Inman Beth Jones David C. Lowance, MD Edward E. Noble Mark C. West Blanton C. Winship ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS

Charles B. Nemeroff, MD, PhD


Thomas D. Hills

Chair, Executive Committee Michael Tompkins


Marjorie Wynne


Board members recognized for their Board service having concluded their terms in December 2015.

Richard Parker was elected as the new Chair of the Board of Directors and began his term January 2016.

Dick Bryant J. Rex Fuqua Bernard Gray Dana Halberg James Howard Williams E. Huger, III Don Inman Clay Jackson Amy Rollins Kreisler Kelly Loeffler Betts Love Melissa Lowe Jay D. Mitchell Jackie Montag Jeff Muir Richard C. Parker Charlotte Pierce-Baker, PhD Mark Rosenberg, MD, MPP Michelle Sullivan Mark Tipton Bob Walker Brooke Weinmann

Robby Wynne, Chair Betsy Akers Ghislaine Austin Brooks Barge Emily Bleke Kit Bowlin Susan Boyd Wes Bradshaw Nancy Bryant Gwynie Dennard Mike Dobbs Charles Doty Samuel Dunlap, III Cindy Ferguson Bryan Flint Christopher Glover Ryan Grant Danica Griffith Rand Glenn Hagen Alan Hamilton Richard Harris Allison Hill Mary Johnson Ann Lally Valerie Love Missy Madden Kim Marks Liz Means Andrea Montag Kevin Nolan Colleen Nunn Beth Park Patricia Reid Paula Tkac Charles Wellborn Leslie Wierman John B. Zellars, Jr.

Chair University of Miami Miller School of Medicine W. Edward Craighead, PhD

Emory University School of Medicine Mark A. Frye, MD

Mayo Clinic Philip D. Harvey, PhD

University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Ned H. Kalin, MD

University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health Clinton D. Kilts, PhD

University of Arkansas – Medical Sciences Psychiatric Research Institute Jeffrey A. Lieberman, MD

Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons Mark Rosenberg, MD, MPP

The Task Force for Global Health David R. Rubinow, MD

University of North Carolina School of Medicine Alan F. Schatzberg, MD

Stanford University School of Medicine Douglas M. Ziedonis, MD, MPH

University of Massachusetts Medical School

Nan Easterlin

Ex-officio/Associates President Kim Nally

Ex-officio/ Past Associates President


Financial Highlights 2015 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS


Breakdown of Program Revenue

Sources of Charitable Donations

80% Program Revenue

37% Residential Treatment

42% Foundations

8% Unrestricted

35% Day Services

41% Individuals

6% Financial Aid Contributions

10% Physician Services & Family Therapy

18% Corporate & Business

6% Restricted <1% Other

7% Independence Coaching 5% Vocational 3% LEAP 3% Primary Care

Direct Program Expenses

Distribution of Financial Aid by Program

39% Residential Treatment

74% Residential Treatment

32% Day Services

14% Day Services

14% Physician Services & Family Therapy

11% Independence Coaching & Transitional Housing

4% Vocational



1% Vocational

4% Independence Coaching 3% Primary Care


“Skyland Trail has empowered me with a sense of ability and strengths I never realized I had. I now know how to be mindful of recognizing my physiology, feelings, thoughts, and situations, and I have the power to dictate how I will respond. Nothing in my mind outside of Skyland Trail could have taught me these skills.” – Denny A., Skyland Trail graduate and recipient of financial aid


A man found a cocoon of a butterfly. One day a small opening appeared. He sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to squeeze its body through the tiny hole. Then it stopped, as if it couldn’t go further. So the man decided to help the butterfly. He took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bits of cocoon. The butterfly emerged easily but it had a swollen body and shriveled wings. The man continued to watch it, expecting that any minute the wings would enlarge and expand enough to support the body, Neither happened! In fact the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around. It was never able to fly. What the man in his kindness and haste did not understand: The restricting cocoon and the struggle required by the butterfly to get through the opening was a way of forcing the fluid from the body into the wings so that it would be ready for flight once that was achieved.

– Unknown

The Skyland Trail community recently used the symbol of the butterfly to represent love and transformation in a collaborative art project. Details of that project are shown on this page and throughout this report.

Photography throughout by Kim Link, Tim Wilkerson and Sarah Tabor

Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our lives. Going through life with no obstacles would cripple us. We will not be as strong as we could have been and we would never fly.

OUR MISSION Skyland Trail inspires people with mental illness to thrive through a holistic program of evidence-based psychiatric treatment, integrated medical care, research and education.

May 6, 10AM-3PM

Arts in the Garden Organized by our art, horticultural, music and recreational therapies department – a day celebrating creative expression and mental health awareness. Join us for an artist market, plant sale, art gallery, musical performances and more.

May 17, 7-9PM

In Our Shoes: Dorothy C. Fuqua Lecture Join us for this annual lecture series, this year at The Carter Center. Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter will deliver opening remarks followed by featured speakers Former U.S. Congressman Patrick Kennedy, Virginia Senator Creigh Deeds, and mental health author and advocate Julie Hersh.

Fall 2016

Rollins Campus Grand Opening We are excited to open the doors to our brand new Young Adult Residence and Treatment Center on the new Rollins Campus. Look for details to follow.

“I feel so much more able to handle life on life’s terms. I was patched up emotionally and given tools and knowledge to continue working on my mental health. I learned what progress looks like and I began to trust myself with the future.” – Laura S., Skyland Trail alumni

Skyland Trail, 1961 North Druid Hills Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30329 tele: 404-315-8333, fax: 404-315-9838 |

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