There are many kinds of nature. The one we’re talking about is a system of processes. A collection of heterogeneous components that develop, adapt to each other, and strive for balance. It is in constant transformation. Nature’s system is self-regulating. It is dynamic, flexible and can adapt to change. The same is true for people, for societies. When our society is dynamic, the planning of our cities must reflect this. Otherwise cities will quickly fail. They will hinder society’s continued metabolism and ability to embrace change. These dynamics call for urban planning that can constantly be adjusted.
In SLA we ground our design of future cities in nature’s processes. We provide guidelines for how to shape the city and urban space, without distinguishing categorically between nature and culture. It is an urban planning model that is as self-regulatory and processual as a cycle in an ecosystem. In balance with society’s development. We call this ‘process urbanism’.