SELECTED WORKS 2008 - 2013
SELECTED WORKS 2008 - 2013
White is not a colour, but a condition. Beauty. And a deep sense of void. White is to strive for silence. Put together, the Japanese kanji (character) for ’void’ (utsu) and the kanji for ’white’ means ’vacuum’. The power of white is that it brings together, makes it possible to see afresh, to be reborn. Just as the yolk of an egg becomes a chicken by absorbing the white. The white is a condition that goes beyond white as a colour in architecture, on paper and in art. There is more and more white in the world as a result of the cooling of produced by colours, together with brown. Brown is the erosion of all materials. Only white stands alone. Is singular. Physics has taught us that the universe is moving towards a zero point where everything falls to rest. When the wniverse, which today is beige, reaches its zero: Everything will be white.
Hvid er ikke en farve, men en tilstand. Skønhed. Og en dyb følelse af tomrum. Hvid er at stræbe efter stilhed. Det japanske tegn /kanji for tomhed (utsu) og tegnet for hvid, sat sammen giver tomrum. Styrken ved hvid er, at det samler og gør det muligt, at se på ny, at genfødes, som når blommen i ægget bliver til kyllingen ved at optage det hvide. Det hvide er en tilstand, der rækker ud over det hvide som farve i arkitekturen, på papiret og i kunsten. Der bliver mere og mere hvidt i verden i takt med, at der kommer orden som følge af universets nedkøling. Det betyder, at farverne går mod grå. Grå er slutfasen, som farverne danner sammen med brunt. Brunt er eroderingen af alt materiale. Kun hvid står alene. Er singulær. Fysikken har lært os, at Universet bevæger sig mod et nulpunkt, hvor alt falder til hvile og til ro. Når universet, der i dag er beigefarvet, når sit nulpunkt: Bliver alt hvidt.
INDEX The City Dune / SEB
CLOUD / Nykredit
Tivoli Congress Center
White Balance / COP 15
High Light
Awards & Nominations
Publications (selected)
THE CITY DUNE / SEB BANK Design and Lighting Concept: SLA Location: Copenhagen, Denmark Client: SEB Bank & Pension Design Phase: 2005-2007 Realization: 2007 - 2010 Area: 7.300 m2 Building Architect: Lundgaard og Tranberg Engineer: Rambøll
The City Dune is made of white insitu casted concrete, borrowing its large, folding movements from the sand dunes of Northern Denmark and the snow dunes of the Scandinavian winter. The urban space gradually climbs from street level " " # $ " %
The folding movements of the landscape were created not purely to meet the functional and technical requirements of rainwater management, ac % of paths and routes through the landscape, thereby creating an ever changing urban space. Acclimatization is the single most important principle in the design of The City Dune. Through the as much of the incoming sun radiation as possible, creating a cooler microclimate during the warm summer months. % " and the plants that includes grasses, ferns and moss; and by the 110 water atomizers emitting a " " the atomisers is rainwater that has been collected drains.
Bymilen er konstrueret af hvid, insitu-støbt beton, der lüner sine store, foldende bevÌgelser fra Nordjyllands vandrerklitter eller snedriverne i den Skandinaviske vinter. Som sand og sne smyger terrÌnet sig rundt om og ind imellem bygningerne. Byrummet stiger süledes fra gadeniveau til anden sals højde og skaber sammenhÌng mellem byrummet og de to kontorbygningers forskellige niveauer. TerrÌnets foldende bevÌgelser hündterer ikke blot funktionelle og tekniske krav som afvanding, tilgÌngelighed, belysning og beplantning. De tilbyder ogsü varierede veje og ruter gennem bylandskabet og skaber dermed et evigt foranderligt rum. Akklimatisering er det vigtigste princip i Bymilens design. Pü grund af den hvide betons foldende be lens indkomne strüler, hvilket skaber et naturligt afkølet mikroklima i ürets varme müneder. Afkølingen øges yderligere af trÌer og beplantning, der bestür af grÌsser, bregner og mos og af de 110 vandforstøvere med fugtig vandstøv, der spredes med vinden. Vandet til vandforstøverne kommer fra regnvand, der samles sammen i to underjordi !"
A sustainable and fully accessible urban space covering an area of 7,300 m2. Like a giant dune of sand or snow it insinuates itself as base for the buildings.
SLA received the assignment to create an urban space that could tie the new headquarters together with the surrounding area, the environment, the harbour and the rest of Copenhagen. 14
Section through landscape
% " " ''* + be spread by the wind. 16
as possible, thereby creating a cooler microclimate during the warm months. The rain mirrors on the concrete surface. 18
CLOUD / NYKREDIT Design and Lighting Concept: SLA Location: Copenhagen, DK Client: Nykredit Design Phase: 2005-2007 Realization: 2009-2010 Area: 5.500 m2 Building Architect: schmidt hammer lassen Engineer: Grontmij, Hansen & Henneberg
On the boundary between the new harbour front and the old town of Copenhagen, Nykredit has erected their new headquater, ’Crystal’, and a new public space, ’CLOUD’. SLA has designed the urban space as a continuation of the axial composition of the area and the surrounding buildings. In Copenhagen the sun only shines a third of the year. Thus CLOUD is a public space that changes with the weather. This gives the residents of Copenhagen the opportunity to experience the complete range of the Danish weather, with light, wind, and cloudy as events that challenge the senses and wonder.
Pü grÌnsen mellem den nye havnefront og det gamle København har Nykredit opført sit nye hovedsÌde ’Krystal’ og det nye byrum ’SKY’. SLA har designet byrummet som en videreførelse af den aksiale komposition i omrüdet og af de omkringliggende bygninger. I København skinner solen kun en tredjedel af üret. Derfor er SKY et byrum, der Ìndrer udtryk med vejret, sü det altid er attraktivt. Dette giver byens borgere en mulighed for at opleve det fulde spekter af det danske vejr med lys, vind og grüvejr som begivenheder, der udfordrer sanserne og undrer.
Trickling walls of vertical water jets divide the plaza % rest and movement. When the walls of water on the # % the wind, changing aquatic images are created. The =" rounding crystal-like architecture. CLOUD is thus the only place in Copenhagen where the water’s triplepoint can be experienced. The water’s triple-point occurs when there is equilibrium between the three phases of water: the solid phase, the liquid phase and the vapor phase; as crystal, water and clouds.
Rislende vĂŚgge af lodrette vandstrĂĽler inddeler pladsen i skiftende rumligheder og skaber omrĂĽder til ophold og bevĂŚgelse. NĂĽr vandvĂŚggene pĂĽ pladsen afbrydes og tĂŚndes i samspil med vinden, dannes skiftende vandbilleder. Himlens skiftende sky " < glimt af forbipasserende og udsnit af omgivelsernes krystallignende arkitektur. Byrummet SKY er sĂĽledes det sted i byen, hvor vandets tripelpunkt kan fornemmes. Tripelpunktet opstĂĽr, nĂĽr der er ligevĂŚgt mellem vandets tre faser: fast fase, vĂŚskefase og dampfase; krystal, vand og sky.
> " lights, transforming the space with a gently quivering light that changes from turquoise to green. The warm stripes of light from the street lamps create a distinctive and safe urban space.
Om natten belyses vandspejlet med svagt diodelys og forvandler byrummet med et let sitrende lys, der skifter mellem turkis og grøn. Det varme, stribede lys fra belysningsmasterne skaber et stemningsfuldt og trygt byrum. Aurora lyset.
The weather in Copenhagen is overcast with grey clouds two-thirds of the year. The urban space CLOUD
TIVOLI CONGRESS CENTER Design and Lighting Concept: SLA Location: Copenhagen, DK Client: Arp- Hansen Hotel Group Design Phase: 2010 Realization: 2010-2011 Area: (roofgarden) 5.500 m2 Building Architect: Kim Utzon Engineer: EKJ Rådgivende Ingeniører
Adjacent to Tivoli Congress Center, SLA has created an urban space which contributes to the new green park, that in the coming years will connect Copenhagenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s central harbour area from north to south with a new harbour high-line. The surface is a homogeneous composition of solid granite paving stones cut through with vegetated areas.
Ved Tivoli Congress Center har SLA skabt et byrum som en del af det grønne strøg, der i de kommende ür vil forbinde Københavns centrale havneomrüde fra nord til syd med en ny havne high line. Byrummets terrÌn er opbygget af et homogent materiale med en fast granitbelÌgningssten, der brydes af grønne gennemskÌringer.
During the day the area is an active urban space for both congress guests and passing locals. But at night the space is transformed into a room lit with circular and oval rings, completely changing its atmosphere. The light in the surrounding buildings is dimmed and the urban space is in focus.
Det, der om dagen er et aktivt byrum for büde kongresgÌster og passerende københavnere, trans der für rummet til at Ìndre udtryk og oplevelse. Lyset i de omkringliggende bygninger dÌmpes og byrummet kommer i fokus.
The lighting of the space supplements the daylight in the late afternoon during the winter months, and in the twilight period throughout the year. The space is illuminated with spotlights which form large elliptical areas of light, while gobo lighting projects images from the fairytale author Hans Christian Andersenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s paper cuts onto the pavement. In this way, a small part of Tivoliâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s magical atmosphere is recreated in the new Copenhagen harbour environment.
Belysningen understøtter og supplerer dagslyset sent om eftermiddagen i vinterhalvüret samt i skumringsperioden hele üret. Byrummet belyses med spots, der danner større ellipseformede lys ?@? " < H. C. Andersens papirklip ned pü terrÌnet. Lysmasterne bevÌger sig svagt i vinden, sü de püsatte guldsmede sitrer, nür det blÌser. Süledes genskabes en lille del af Tivolis eventyr midt i det moderne københavnske havnemiljø.
The rich planting will create a surprising lushness in the middle of the Danish capital. 44
WHITE BALANCE / COP 15 COPENHAGEN Design and Lighting Concept: SLA Location: Copenhagen, Denmark Client: The Danish Foreign Ministry Design Phase: 2009 Realization: 2009 Area: 5.500 m2
In 2009, thousands of COP15 delegates arrived at the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bella Center. With SLAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s project â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;White balanceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; they were received by a temporary arrivals area made entirely of cradle-to-cradle and recyclable materials. Through White Balance, SLA demonstrated that nature and city are not each otherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s opposites. On the contrary, the city is an ecosystem where nature, animals, plants and people must coexist in balance with each other. The White Balance arrival area consisted of a gigantic circle of chalk-white limestone. The white Q " % cools the city naturally. The limestone also neutra ling of rain water. % " " thin the circle, containing bio-waste that slowly decomposes: natureâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s way of recycling its resources. The trees and plants in the arrivals area absorb water and CO2, increase evaporation, provide shade and shelter, and create a comfortable microclimate. A reminder of the importance of integrating nature into all phases of our societies if we are to have any hope of creating sustainable cities.
Tusindvis af COP15-delegerede ankom til FNâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s klimatopmøde ved Bella Center i 2009. Med SLAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s projekt Hvid Balance blev de modtaget af et midlertidigt ankomstomrĂĽde, skabt udelukkende af genanvendelige vugge-til-vugge materialer. I Hvid Balance viser SLA, at naturen og byen ikke er hinandens modsĂŚtninger. TvĂŚrtimod er byen i sig selv et økosystem, hvor natur, dyr, planter og mennesker skal eksistere i balance med hinanden. Hvid Balances ankomstomrĂĽde er en gigantisk cirkel af kridhvide kalksten. Den hvide kalk skaber " % ! afkøling af byen. Via nedsivning renser kalken naturligt forsuret regnvand, der derved lettere kan genbruges. Tre forskellige vandomrĂĽder etableres inden i " " % langsomt komposterer â&#x20AC;&#x201C; naturens mĂĽde at genanvende sine ressourcer pĂĽ. TrĂŚerne og planterne optager vand og CO2, øger fordampningen, giver skygge og lĂŚ og skaber et behageligt mikroklima. En pĂĽmindelse om vigtigheden af at integrere naturen og dens processer i alle dele af samfundet, hvis vi skal gøre os hĂĽb om at skabe bĂŚredygtige byer.
B 52
Synlighed er afgørende for COP15. Cirklen fremstår maksimalt tydelig fra metro og vej, uden at kræve mange ressourcer. Feltet består af kalk, der lyser op i vintermørket.
Et felt af sort kompost definerer en klar afgrænsning og skaber den optimale kontrast til cirklen.
Træer og vandspejle skaber en positiv ramme for deltagerne, og skaber mulighed for fugleliv i området.
LED belysning skaber en scenografisk stemning i vintermørket om eftermiddagen og aftenen. 53
The primary material in the circle has a high albedo value, i.e. a material that is pale and therefore re % " " X in the dark winter it will shine like a snow covered landscape. The material could be sand, gravel, stones or a synthetic material, in this case the white material is limestone. In contrast to the white circle, is a plane of coal. This simply and openly represents one of the key points in the climate discussion, while also providing the maximum contrast for the pale circle. 54
træer kompost
træer kompost vandspejl med kalk
vandspejl med blade
kalk vandspejl med vandsky
@ Z [?\ " the surface of the arrival area is replaced with a giant circle of white limestone. 58
] ^ % sed treatments: chrome, dark bronze and black. The surface texture brings to mind the horizontal patterns seen in birch bark. HighLight is produced in two heights: 7m and 9m. Each mast _=` Q % light source.
All physical life energy on earth is a transformation of the sun’s energy: Without light we do not receive oxygen from plants through photosynthesis. The sunlight helped plants to begin their life on earth millions of years before humans existed. Plants contain chlorophyll, which by means of light, water and carbon dioxide form organic matter and oxygen allowing us to breathe. Humans are actually transparent like plants; our organs and body need light to live. But light is more than that. Light is electromagnetic radiation which enables us to read and understand our surroundings.
Al fysisk livsenergi på jorden er en transformation af solens lys og strålernes energi: Uden lys får vi ikke ilt fra planterne via fotosyntesen. Sollyset hjalp planterne til at begynde deres liv på jorden, millioner af år før mennesket fandtes. Planterne indeholder klorofyl, der ved hjælp af lys, vand og kuldioxid danner plantestof og ilt så vi kan trække vejret. Mennesket er transparent ligesom planterne, og vores organer og krop skal have lys for at leve. Men lyset er mere end det. Lyset er den elektromagnetiske stråling der gør, at vi kan sanse og forstå vores omgivelser.
Lighting can take on many forms and colours; it can highlight objects and vegetation, and increase our perception of texture and materials. Light creates security, a social environment and encourages activity. Light creates atmospheres that focus on experiences, feelings and participation. No light, no life.
Belysning kan antage former og farver, fremhæve objekter og beplantning og øge oplevelsen af stoflighed og materialer. Lys skaber tryghed, sociale rammer og opfordrer til aktivitet. Lys skaber atmosfærer, der fokuserer på oplevelser, følelser og deltagelse. Intet lys, intet liv.
SLA, in collaboration with GH Form, have designed a sustainable light pole, HighLight, developed according the cradle to cradle principles. HighLight is made of pure aluminium. This means that the mast can easily be re-melted and reused, providing a potential energy saving of 95%. It is also easy to transport and handle.
SLA har i samarbejde med GH form designet en cradle to cradle lysmast, High Light. High Light er fremstillet i ren, estruderet aluminium. Det betyder, at masten let kan omsmeltes og genanvendes til anden funktion, hvilket giver et potentielt energibesparing på 95 %, samtidig med at den er let at transportere og håndtere.
AWARDS AND NOMINATIONS 2012/ Shortlisted for European Prize for Urban Public Spaces 2011/ â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Good and Beautiful Building Awardâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; by the Copenhagen Mayor of Culture \*''} ~ @ Capital Awardâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
2005/ Nominated for Forum Prize 2003/ Award of Honour, the Margot and Thorvald Dreyer Foundation. (Margot og Thorvald Dreyers Fonds HĂŚderspris) 2003/ Nominated for the Mies van der Rohe Award 2002/ The European Landscape Award, Topos
2011/ Shortlisted for Politikenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Copenhagener of The Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; 2011/ Shortlisted for â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Arne of the Year Architectu re Awardâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; (Ă&#x2026;rets arne) 2010/ Nykreditâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Architecture Prize (Nykredits Arkitekturpris) 2010/ The Danish Light Award (Lysprisen) for the project North West Park 2009/ Road Prize 2009 (Vejprisen 2009) for the project Sønder Boulevard 2008/ Pen Magazineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Creative Award 2008-2009 for Best Animal Design 2008/ Frederiksberg Municipalityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Architecture Award 2006/ Shortlisted for European Prize for Urban Public Spaces 2005/ Nominated for the Mies van der Rohe Award
2002/ The Eckersberg Medal granted by Her Majesty the Queen of Denmark and the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (Eckersberg Medaillen).
SLA PUBLICATIONS (selected) 2012/ â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Turning extreme weather phenomena into urban amenitiesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, in: SCAPE Magazine 2012/ â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Landscape Architecture in Transitâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, Thor bjĂśrn Andersson, in: Topos 80/2012 \*'\} ~ " % Z ^ Andersson, in: New Nordic Arkitektur & Iden titet, Exhibition catalogue for Louisiana Mu seum of Modern Art, 2012 2012/ â&#x20AC;&#x2122;SLAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, in: II Magazine dellâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Architecturaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 3/2012 2012/ â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Nach der Natur, Stig L. Andersson, Best Private Plots, 2012
2008/ â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Landskabsarkitektens rolle â&#x20AC;&#x201C; fra guldalde rĂŚstet til samfundsbevidst mĂŚglerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, in: Landskab vol. 3, 2008, pp. 52-53 2007/ â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Beauty, Ethics and Shapeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, in: Landscape + 100 words to inhabit it, Daniela Colafranceschi (Ed.), Gustavo Gili, Barcelona 2007, pp. 27-28, 61-63, 159-160 2007/ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sinnlichkeit, Wachtum und Unterbrechung - Sensuousness, growth and interruptionâ&#x20AC;?, in: Grow! Aktuelle Tendenzen in Architektur und Landschaft â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Current Tendencies in Architecture and Landscape, Maria AubĂśck et.al. (Ed.), Callwey, MĂźnchen 2007, pp. 8-14
2011/ â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Flower Powerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, Pernille Steensgaard, in: Weekendavisen, 30.12.2011
2003/ Fremtidens Bedre Byrum. Visioner og drøm me, w. Jan Gehl (Eds.), Bedre Byrum, Copenhagen 2003
2011/ â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;In Search of Lost Natureâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, in: Weekendavisen, 17.6, 2011
2003/ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Byen som borgernes rumâ&#x20AC;?, in: Politiken, Copenhagen October 11th 2003
2011/ â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Bymilenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;/SEB Bankâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, Kjeld Vindum, In; ArkitekturDK, nr. 6 2011
2002/ â&#x20AC;&#x153;A Cloud is Just another Sheet of Crumpled Paperâ&#x20AC;?, in: Topos vol. 40, MĂźnchen 2002, pp. 86-94
2011/ â&#x20AC;&#x2122;The City Duneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, in: Paisea, nr. 12, December 2011 \*'*} ~Â&#x201A; Â&#x192; " Â&#x201E; [ eco systemâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, Stig L. Andersson, in: Topos Landscape Urbanism, volume 71, 2010, pp 112 - 113 2009/ â&#x20AC;&#x2122;A new conservation strategy for landscape architectureâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, in: Scape vol. 1, 2009, pp. 68-71
2002/ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ein Schauspiel in drei AufzĂźgenâ&#x20AC;?, in: Garten + Landschaft vol. 4, MĂźnchen 2002, pp. 18-21 2000/ â&#x20AC;&#x153;By og landskab. Virkelighed og handlingâ&#x20AC;?, in: Grønne StĂŚder - En debatbog, Keld Elgstrøm and Susanne Pouline Svendsen (Eds.), Arkitektur Forum, Copenhagen 2000, pp. 57-64, 100-116 63
SLA is a Copenhagen based group of architects, landscape architects and urban planners operating " landscape architecture.
THE CITY DUNE / SEB Stig L. Andersson, Ulla Hornsyld, Malene KrĂźger, Rikke Geertsen, Alexandra Vindfeld-Hansen
SLA creates modern, resilient cities that inspire community and diversity through innovative use of design, climate adaptability, nature and technology. The studioâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s projects solve some of todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hardest urban problems while creating genuine amenity values that in an unorthodox way add a new layer of meaning and quality to the everyday environment.
CLOUD/NYKREDIT Stig L. Andersson, Hanne Bruun Møller, Rasmus Astrup, Signe Hertzum, Malin Blomquist
Drawing on its strong Nordic roots SLA has realized numerous projects in Europe as well as in Asia and Africa.
â&#x20AC;&#x2122;WHITE BALANCEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; COP 15 COPENHAGEN Stig L. Andersson, Flemming Rafn Thomsen, Rasmus Astrup
TIVOLI CONGRESS CENTER Stig L. Andersson, Ulla Hornsyld, Rasmus Astrup, Tiitu Marjamaa
DESIGN Stig L. Andersson, Helene Koch
EDITING ] Â&#x2020; Â&#x2020; % ] Â&#x201A; Karen Lindkvist Thomsen TRANSLATION Saskia Gooding
E: LANDSKAB@SLA.DK T: +45 33 91 13 16 www.sla.dk
PHOTOS Jens Lindhe (s. 17, 18, 21, 35. 36), Orev vandingssystemer (s. 10, 11). All other illustrations, copyyright SLA. Reproduction or duplication is not allowed without prior permission from SLA. PRINTING Vester Kopi PUBLISHED BY SLA 2013
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