Jacques Chalom des Cordes

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Jacques Chalom des Cordes



Jacques Chalom des Cordes

Jacques Chalom des Cordes

Jacques Chalom des Cordes

is book was produced to coincide with an exhibition at e Sladmore Gallery in autumn 2015 and to celebrate the gallery’s 50th anniversary.

PAINTINGS & drAwINGS 2 december 2015 – 28 January 2016

The Sladmore Gallery 57 Jermyn Street, St James’s London SW1Y 6LX Telephone: + 44 (0)20 7629 1144 eh@sladmore.com www.sladmore.com

Copyright © Sladmore Gallery 2015 ISBN 978-1-901403-87-9


Jacques Chalom des Cordes

is book was produced to coincide with an exhibition at e Sladmore Gallery in autumn 2015 and to celebrate the gallery’s 50th anniversary.

PAINTINGS & drAwINGS 2 december 2015 – 28 January 2016

The Sladmore Gallery 57 Jermyn Street, St James’s London SW1Y 6LX Telephone: + 44 (0)20 7629 1144 eh@sladmore.com www.sladmore.com

Copyright © Sladmore Gallery 2015 ISBN 978-1-901403-87-9




t gives me great pleasure to present this first exhibition of paintings by Jacques des Cordes in London, not least because this is the 50th year of the Sladmore Gallery, and Jacques was there with my mother and father at the outset. It was also Jacques who first opened their eyes to the work of rembrandt Bugatti when he mounted a major exhibition of Bugatti’s sculpture at the gallery in Paris owned by his father, Samy Chalom, in 1967. when I began running the Sladmore in the early 1980s, Jacques was always ready with good advice on the ways of the art-dealing world and more especially on the quality of any particular sculpture I was considering. After my own father Harry died in 1990, I came to rely on Jacques more and more. Jacques is a true polymath and an expert on 18th century French furniture (as was his father) as well as the ceramicist Chaplet, Kees van dongen (on whom he has written the catalogue raisonné for the wildenstein Institute), Arab horses (which he breeds on his property near Arles – in 1968 he founded the French Association of Purebred Arab Horses) and rembrandt Bugatti (another catalogue raisonné) – and the list does not end there! This great knowledge and understanding of art is reflected in his own paintings, which move effortlessly between strikingly bold contemporary depictions of animals, incisive portraiture in a style whose origins are with the modern masters and, finally, evocative landscapes of special places from the west coast of Ireland to the south coast of France. Jacques recently celebrated his 80th birthday, and he shows no signs of slowing down the pace of life he has maintained throughout the 50 years that I have known him. with his enquiring mind, unerring eye and confident line, I am sure this is the first of many shows that we will present of his work at the Sladmore. EH




t gives me great pleasure to present this first exhibition of paintings by Jacques des Cordes in London, not least because this is the 50th year of the Sladmore Gallery, and Jacques was there with my mother and father at the outset. It was also Jacques who first opened their eyes to the work of rembrandt Bugatti when he mounted a major exhibition of Bugatti’s sculpture at the gallery in Paris owned by his father, Samy Chalom, in 1967. when I began running the Sladmore in the early 1980s, Jacques was always ready with good advice on the ways of the art-dealing world and more especially on the quality of any particular sculpture I was considering. After my own father Harry died in 1990, I came to rely on Jacques more and more. Jacques is a true polymath and an expert on 18th century French furniture (as was his father) as well as the ceramicist Chaplet, Kees van dongen (on whom he has written the catalogue raisonné for the wildenstein Institute), Arab horses (which he breeds on his property near Arles – in 1968 he founded the French Association of Purebred Arab Horses) and rembrandt Bugatti (another catalogue raisonné) – and the list does not end there! This great knowledge and understanding of art is reflected in his own paintings, which move effortlessly between strikingly bold contemporary depictions of animals, incisive portraiture in a style whose origins are with the modern masters and, finally, evocative landscapes of special places from the west coast of Ireland to the south coast of France. Jacques recently celebrated his 80th birthday, and he shows no signs of slowing down the pace of life he has maintained throughout the 50 years that I have known him. with his enquiring mind, unerring eye and confident line, I am sure this is the first of many shows that we will present of his work at the Sladmore. EH


Jacques Chalom des Cordes


e suis absolument ravi de présenter cette première exposition des tableaux de Jacques Chalom des Cordes à Londres, non seulement parce que c’est la cinquantième année de la Sladmore Gallery, mais également car Jacques était là, avec mon père et ma mère, dès le début. C’est également Jacques qui a fait découvrir l’œuvre de rembrandt Bugatti à mes parents lors de l’exposition majeure sur les sculptures de Bugatti dans la galerie parisienne que possédait son père, Samy Chalom, en 1967. Lorsque j’ai commencé à diriger la Sladmore Gallery au début des années 1980, Jacques était toujours prêt à dispenser des conseils judicieux sur les subtilités du monde des dealers d’art, et m’aviser plus particulièrement sur la qualité de toute sculpture qui m’intéressait. Conseils qui devinrent de plus en plus précieux après la mort de mon père, Harry, en 1990. Jacques est un vrai polymathe ainsi qu’un expert sur : le mobilier francais du 18ème siècle (ainsi que l’était son père), le céramiste Chaplet, Kees van dongen (au sujet de qui il a écrit le catalogue raisonné pour l’institut wildenstein), les chevaux arabes (qu’il élève sur sa propriété près d’Arles – et a fondé l’Association Française de Pur-sang Arabes en 1986), rembrandt Bugatti (sur lequel il a écrit un autre catalogue raisonné) – et la liste est loin de s’arrêter là. Son immense connaissance et compréhension de l’art sont reflétées dans ses propres tableaux, qui passent fluidement de dépictions animalières contemporaines frappantes à de la portraiture incisive dans un style puisé aux maitres modernes et, finalement, à des paysages évocatifs d’endroits spéciaux, de la côte ouest de l’Irelande à la côte sud de la France. Jacques vient de célébrer son 80ème anniversaire et ne montre aucune inclinaison à ralentir le rythme que je lui connais depuis 50 ans. doué d’un esprit toujours sur le qui-vive, d’un œil infaillible et d’un coup de crayon implacable, je suis certain que cette exposition sera la première de nombreuses présentant son travail à la Sladmore Gallery. EH


Jacques Chalom des Cordes


e suis absolument ravi de présenter cette première exposition des tableaux de Jacques Chalom des Cordes à Londres, non seulement parce que c’est la cinquantième année de la Sladmore Gallery, mais également car Jacques était là, avec mon père et ma mère, dès le début. C’est également Jacques qui a fait découvrir l’œuvre de rembrandt Bugatti à mes parents lors de l’exposition majeure sur les sculptures de Bugatti dans la galerie parisienne que possédait son père, Samy Chalom, en 1967. Lorsque j’ai commencé à diriger la Sladmore Gallery au début des années 1980, Jacques était toujours prêt à dispenser des conseils judicieux sur les subtilités du monde des dealers d’art, et m’aviser plus particulièrement sur la qualité de toute sculpture qui m’intéressait. Conseils qui devinrent de plus en plus précieux après la mort de mon père, Harry, en 1990. Jacques est un vrai polymathe ainsi qu’un expert sur : le mobilier francais du 18ème siècle (ainsi que l’était son père), le céramiste Chaplet, Kees van dongen (au sujet de qui il a écrit le catalogue raisonné pour l’institut wildenstein), les chevaux arabes (qu’il élève sur sa propriété près d’Arles – et a fondé l’Association Française de Pur-sang Arabes en 1986), rembrandt Bugatti (sur lequel il a écrit un autre catalogue raisonné) – et la liste est loin de s’arrêter là. Son immense connaissance et compréhension de l’art sont reflétées dans ses propres tableaux, qui passent fluidement de dépictions animalières contemporaines frappantes à de la portraiture incisive dans un style puisé aux maitres modernes et, finalement, à des paysages évocatifs d’endroits spéciaux, de la côte ouest de l’Irelande à la côte sud de la France. Jacques vient de célébrer son 80ème anniversaire et ne montre aucune inclinaison à ralentir le rythme que je lui connais depuis 50 ans. doué d’un esprit toujours sur le qui-vive, d’un œil infaillible et d’un coup de crayon implacable, je suis certain que cette exposition sera la première de nombreuses présentant son travail à la Sladmore Gallery. EH


Vase de Chaplet aux anĂŠmones, oil on canvas, framed: 73.7 x 56.9 cm (29 x 22.4 in)


Nona, watercolour, framed: 50.8 x 40.6 cm (20 x 16 in)


Vase de Chaplet aux anĂŠmones, oil on canvas, framed: 73.7 x 56.9 cm (29 x 22.4 in)


Nona, watercolour, framed: 50.8 x 40.6 cm (20 x 16 in)


La vache et le cheval a Dawrosbe, oil on canvas, framed: 61.6 x 54.9 cm (24.25 x 21.6 in)


Le blanc d'iris, acrylic on paper, framed: 87 x 67.9 cm (34.25 x 26.75 in)


La vache et le cheval a Dawrosbe, oil on canvas, framed: 61.6 x 54.9 cm (24.25 x 21.6 in)


Le blanc d'iris, acrylic on paper, framed: 87 x 67.9 cm (34.25 x 26.75 in)


Mon Babouin, oil on canvas, framed: 106 x 78.7 cm (41.75 x 31 in)


Tendresse avec le petit 'Galop', oil on canvas, framed: 114.3 x 179.1 cm (45 x 70.5 in)


Mon Babouin, oil on canvas, framed: 106 x 78.7 cm (41.75 x 31 in)


Tendresse avec le petit 'Galop', oil on canvas, framed: 114.3 x 179.1 cm (45 x 70.5 in)


Cheval Bai sur la plateau de Crau, acrylic on canvas, framed: 47 x 47 cm (18.5 x 18.5 in)


LĂŠgumes de mon potager, oil on board, framed: 47 x 57.2 cm (18.5 x 22.5 in)


Cheval Bai sur la plateau de Crau, acrylic on canvas, framed: 47 x 47 cm (18.5 x 18.5 in)


LĂŠgumes de mon potager, oil on board, framed: 47 x 57.2 cm (18.5 x 22.5 in)


Fleurs d'Amandiers, gouache on paper, framed: 61.6 x 44.4 cm (24.25 x 17.5 in)


Roses TrÊmières aux Cordes, gouache on paper, framed: 59.2 x 48.5 cm (23.3 x 19.1 in)


Fleurs d'Amandiers, gouache on paper, framed: 61.6 x 44.4 cm (24.25 x 17.5 in)


Roses TrÊmières aux Cordes, gouache on paper, framed: 59.2 x 48.5 cm (23.3 x 19.1 in)


Tiger at rest, oil on canvas, framed: 95.5 x 152.4 cm (37.6 x 60 in)



Tiger at rest, oil on canvas, framed: 95.5 x 152.4 cm (37.6 x 60 in)



Fleurs des Champs, gouache on paper, framed: 54 x 45.2 cm (21.25 x 17.8 in)


Mistral dans les Alpilles, oil on canvas, framed: 56.3 x 56.5 cm (22.15 x 22.25 in)


Fleurs des Champs, gouache on paper, framed: 54 x 45.2 cm (21.25 x 17.8 in)


Mistral dans les Alpilles, oil on canvas, framed: 56.3 x 56.5 cm (22.15 x 22.25 in)


Orage en Beauce, oil on canvas, framed: 48.3 x 48.3 cm (19 x 19 in)


La pie face au Mont Paon, oil on canvas, framed: 56.3 x 38.7 cm (22.15 x 15.25 in)


Orage en Beauce, oil on canvas, framed: 48.3 x 48.3 cm (19 x 19 in)


La pie face au Mont Paon, oil on canvas, framed: 56.3 x 38.7 cm (22.15 x 15.25 in)


ArtĂŠmis, acrylic on paper, framed: 87 x 67.9 cm (34.25 x 26.75 in)


La Veronique, acrylic on paper, framed: 67.9 x 87 cm (26.75 x 34.25 cm)


ArtĂŠmis, acrylic on paper, framed: 87 x 67.9 cm (34.25 x 26.75 in)


La Veronique, acrylic on paper, framed: 67.9 x 87 cm (26.75 x 34.25 cm)


Fleur de Bouillon, acrylic on paper, framed: 87 x 67.9 cm (34.25 x 26.75 in)


La vache bleue Ă Dawrosebeg, oil on board, framed: 31.1 x 35.8 cm (12.25 x 14.1 in)


Fleur de Bouillon, acrylic on paper, framed: 87 x 67.9 cm (34.25 x 26.75 in)


La vache bleue Ă Dawrosebeg, oil on board, framed: 31.1 x 35.8 cm (12.25 x 14.1 in)


La Montagne aux iris, acrylic on paper, framed: 67.9 x 87 cm (26.75 x 34.25 in)


Le laboureur et son mullet, watercolour, framed: 53.3 x 65.4 cm (21 x 25.75 in)


La Montagne aux iris, acrylic on paper, framed: 67.9 x 87 cm (26.75 x 34.25 in)


Le laboureur et son mullet, watercolour, framed: 53.3 x 65.4 cm (21 x 25.75 in)


La maĂŽtresse de Rocco, acrylic on paper, framed: 87 x 67.9 cm (34.25 x 26.75 in)


Le pub de Big Ben, acrylic on paper, framed: 87 x 67.9 cm (34.25 x 26.75 in)


La maĂŽtresse de Rocco, acrylic on paper, framed: 87 x 67.9 cm (34.25 x 26.75 in)


Le pub de Big Ben, acrylic on paper, framed: 87 x 67.9 cm (34.25 x 26.75 in)


La tour Horloge de Big Ben, acrylic on paper, framed: 87.6 x 67.9 cm (34.5 x 26.75 in)


1934 Rolls Royce on Pall Mall, acrylic on paper, framed: 67.9 x 87 cm (26.75 x 34.25 in)


La tour Horloge de Big Ben, acrylic on paper, framed: 87.6 x 67.9 cm (34.5 x 26.75 in)


1934 Rolls Royce on Pall Mall, acrylic on paper, framed: 67.9 x 87 cm (26.75 x 34.25 in)


Dans les Vignes, watercolour, framed: 37.1 x 40 cm (14.6 x 15.75 in)


Elle me regarde, gouache on paper, framed: 42.5 x 50.8 cm (16.75 x 20 in)


Dans les Vignes, watercolour, framed: 37.1 x 40 cm (14.6 x 15.75 in)


Elle me regarde, gouache on paper, framed: 42.5 x 50.8 cm (16.75 x 20 in)


‘La panthère’ de Rilke, gouache on paper, framed: 30.7 x 33.7 cm (12.1 x 13.25 in)


Paris, au jardin des plantes, gouache on paper, framed: 33 x 38.1 cm (13 x 15 in)


‘La panthère’ de Rilke, gouache on paper, framed: 30.7 x 33.7 cm (12.1 x 13.25 in)


Paris, au jardin des plantes, gouache on paper, framed: 33 x 38.1 cm (13 x 15 in)


Portrait Coco Chanel, oil on canvas, framed: 77.5 x 68.6 cm (30.5 x 27 in)


Diane dans la maison du PĂŞcheur, oil on canvas, framed: 50 x 50 cm (19.7 x 19.7 in)


Portrait Coco Chanel, oil on canvas, framed: 77.5 x 68.6 cm (30.5 x 27 in)


Diane dans la maison du PĂŞcheur, oil on canvas, framed: 50 x 50 cm (19.7 x 19.7 in)


La Maison du PĂŞcheur Ă Dawrosebeg, oil on canvas, framed: 50 x 50 cm (19.7 x 19.7 in)


Elle me tourne le dos, oil on board, framed: 78.2 x 59.7 cm (30.8 x 23.5 in)


La Maison du PĂŞcheur Ă Dawrosebeg, oil on canvas, framed: 50 x 50 cm (19.7 x 19.7 in)


Elle me tourne le dos, oil on board, framed: 78.2 x 59.7 cm (30.8 x 23.5 in)




Born in Paris, 26 September.


First encounters the floral paintings of Jan Brueghel the younger.


Semi-finalist at the Paris Île de France Judo Championship.


Attends secondary school, Collège des Roches; meets Henri Matisse, Maurice de Vlaminck, Gen Paul and ‘Kees’ van Dongen.


Starts collecting works by van Dongen, including ‘Dancing Anita’.


Undertakes compulsory military service, attaining the rank of maréchal des logis (approximately equivalent to a sergeant in the British army).


Becomes director of the Samy Chalom (rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré) and Jacques Chalom (avenue Matignon) art galleries in Paris. Exhibited artists were to include Émile Gallée, Ernest Chaplet, Rembrandt Bugatti, Louis Valtat, Jules Pascin and Émile-Jacques Ruhlmann.


Van Dongen exhibition at the Galerie Jacques Chalom, Paris.


Creation of the Montagne des Cordes Academy (near Arles), established to protect the Provençal flora and insects collected by the entomologist Jean-Henri Fabre.


Curates exhibition of works by Rembrandt Bugatti, Paris. Visits Germany, and curates one of the first exhibitions of German Expressionism at the Galerie Samy Chalom, featuring works by Alexej von Jawlensky, Otto Mueller, Copendonk, Max Pechstein, Karl-Schmidt Rottluff and others.


Founds the French Association of the Pure Bred Arab and runs the des Cordes reserve in Provence. Visits Vienna, where he first encounters the paintings and drawings of Gustav Klimt and Egon Schiele. Both were to be a powerful influence on him.


Focuses on promoting the purebred Arab horse.


Death of his father, Samy.

Baigneuse à la Degas, gouache on paper, framed: 96.9 x 77.5 cm (38.15 x 30.5 in)





Born in Paris, 26 September.


First encounters the floral paintings of Jan Brueghel the younger.


Semi-finalist at the Paris Île de France Judo Championship.


Attends secondary school, Collège des Roches; meets Henri Matisse, Maurice de Vlaminck, Gen Paul and ‘Kees’ van Dongen.


Starts collecting works by van Dongen, including ‘Dancing Anita’.


Undertakes compulsory military service, attaining the rank of maréchal des logis (approximately equivalent to a sergeant in the British army).


Becomes director of the Samy Chalom (rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré) and Jacques Chalom (avenue Matignon) art galleries in Paris. Exhibited artists were to include Émile Gallée, Ernest Chaplet, Rembrandt Bugatti, Louis Valtat, Jules Pascin and Émile-Jacques Ruhlmann.


Van Dongen exhibition at the Galerie Jacques Chalom, Paris.


Creation of the Montagne des Cordes Academy (near Arles), established to protect the Provençal flora and insects collected by the entomologist Jean-Henri Fabre.


Curates exhibition of works by Rembrandt Bugatti, Paris. Visits Germany, and curates one of the first exhibitions of German Expressionism at the Galerie Samy Chalom, featuring works by Alexej von Jawlensky, Otto Mueller, Copendonk, Max Pechstein, Karl-Schmidt Rottluff and others.


Founds the French Association of the Pure Bred Arab and runs the des Cordes reserve in Provence. Visits Vienna, where he first encounters the paintings and drawings of Gustav Klimt and Egon Schiele. Both were to be a powerful influence on him.


Focuses on promoting the purebred Arab horse.


Death of his father, Samy.

Baigneuse à la Degas, gouache on paper, framed: 96.9 x 77.5 cm (38.15 x 30.5 in)



Jacques Chalom des Cordes


Exhibits his paintings at the Salon d’Automne.


Establishes a printmaking woodcut studio in Arles.


Becomes chairman of the Memorial of the Emirate of Provence.


Curates exhibition of the works of Rembrandt Bugatti at the Wildenstein Gallery, New York.


Co-author of the catalogue raisonné of Rembrandt Bugatti’s sculpture.


Exhibition of his own paintings at Galerie Samy Chalom, Paris.


Founds the School of Arles for the promotion of young illustrators.


Co-author of the catalogue raisonné of the work of ‘Kees’ van Dongen.


Prepares a catalogue raisonné on the master ceramicist Ernest Chaplet, whose vases are often represented in his own paintings.


Awarded the title of Chevalier dans l’Ordre du Mérite Agricole (‘Knight of the Order of Agricultural Merit’) by the Minister of Agriculture.


Exhibits at the Paul and Gilbert Petrides gallery, Faubourg Saint-Honoré, Paris, on the theme of animals and wild flowers.


Exhibits at the Paris headquarters of Japan Airlines, avenue des Champs-Élysées, on the theme of women.


Exhibits at Galerie Taménaga, Paris.


Exhibits at Galerie Tamenaga, Tokyo and Osaka.


Two exhibitions (one group, one solo) at Galerie Roussard, Paris.


Inauguration of the Parc des Cordes, Fontvieille en Provence.


Publication of ‘La montagne sacrée’, a story of the discovery of large Neolithic tombs (or hypogea) in the Montagne des Cordes, near Arles.


Awarded the title of Commandeur dans l’Ordre du Mérite Agricole by the Minister of Agriculture, a higher honour than his 1994 knighthood.


Exhibition of paintings and drawings, Sladmore Gallery, London.


Jacques Chalom des Cordes


Jacques Chalom des Cordes


Exhibits his paintings at the Salon d’Automne.


Establishes a printmaking woodcut studio in Arles.


Becomes chairman of the Memorial of the Emirate of Provence.


Curates exhibition of the works of Rembrandt Bugatti at the Wildenstein Gallery, New York.


Co-author of the catalogue raisonné of Rembrandt Bugatti’s sculpture.


Exhibition of his own paintings at Galerie Samy Chalom, Paris.


Founds the School of Arles for the promotion of young illustrators.


Co-author of the catalogue raisonné of the work of ‘Kees’ van Dongen.


Prepares a catalogue raisonné on the master ceramicist Ernest Chaplet, whose vases are often represented in his own paintings.


Awarded the title of Chevalier dans l’Ordre du Mérite Agricole (‘Knight of the Order of Agricultural Merit’) by the Minister of Agriculture.


Exhibits at the Paul and Gilbert Petrides gallery, Faubourg Saint-Honoré, Paris, on the theme of animals and wild flowers.


Exhibits at the Paris headquarters of Japan Airlines, avenue des Champs-Élysées, on the theme of women.


Exhibits at Galerie Taménaga, Paris.


Exhibits at Galerie Tamenaga, Tokyo and Osaka.


Two exhibitions (one group, one solo) at Galerie Roussard, Paris.


Inauguration of the Parc des Cordes, Fontvieille en Provence.


Publication of ‘La montagne sacrée’, a story of the discovery of large Neolithic tombs (or hypogea) in the Montagne des Cordes, near Arles.


Awarded the title of Commandeur dans l’Ordre du Mérite Agricole by the Minister of Agriculture, a higher honour than his 1994 knighthood.


Exhibition of paintings and drawings, Sladmore Gallery, London.


Jacques Chalom des Cordes




The Sladmore Gallery 57 Jermyn Street, St James’s London SW1Y 6LX Telephone: + 44 (0)20 7629 1144 eh@sladmore.com www.sladmore.com



The Sladmore Gallery 57 Jermyn Street, St James’s London SW1Y 6LX Telephone: + 44 (0)20 7629 1144 eh@sladmore.com www.sladmore.com

Jacques Chalom des Cordes



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