Slainte: The family strain of Alzheimer's

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The family strain of Alzheimer’s

which can take both a physical and an emotional toll on the carer, with a third admitting to feeling physically drained, and 21% experiencing stress, nervousness or panic attacks. “If you care for somebody with Alzheimer’s disease, it is critical that you put your own physical health first and manage your emotional wellbeing – educating yourself on the condition and being realistic about what you can expect in terms of the disease progression and the levels of care you can provide,” explains Dr Nina Byrnes. “It can be incredibly sad to see a loved one affected by this disease, so maintaining a positive outlook and focusing on the small glimpses of the person you love can be helpful.”

Nearly 30,000 people in Ireland are living with Alzheimer’s disease… and so are the people who care for them. Now a new online resource is offering the sort of support that might just make their lives easier – with practical tools and expert advice about symptoms and future planning. Dominic Swordon takes a look.

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Of the 44,000 people in Ireland

the emotional and financial impact

living with some form of dementia,

the disease can have on carers.

For further information on Alzheimer’s disease, visit

two-thirds have Alzheimer’s disease, a progressive degenerative

As for the financial impact of the

If you think you or a loved one is experiencing

brain disease that interferes with

disease, 57% of carers surveyed

symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease visit your

their memory, judgment, and their

said their loved one’s illness had

GP for further advice.

ability to care for themselves or live

impacted on their family’s financial


stability, while a startling 75% said their loved one did not create an

What’s more, recent research has

enduring power of attorney that

found that 75% of the people who

would clearly set out their wishes

care for them believe the burden of

as the disease progresses.

care has created additional strain between them and other family

“It’s understandable that financial

members, while 67% have found

and legal planning is put on the

they can’t get others to commit to

back burner when a loved one

share that care.

receives an Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis, but this can have very

A new website

significant implications in the


longer term,” warns personal

sponsored by Lundbeck Ireland,

finance expert Jill Kerby. “Visit

offers a range of practical tools and to find

guidance from Irish experts about

out more about legal and financial

issues such as knowledge and


understanding of the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease (more than If you care for a love one living with Alzheimer’s disease, you’ll find a range of practical tools to help at All three sections feature an expert video, an interactive tool, and a real-life testimonial from other carers.




Expert videos: Consultant Geriatrician Prof. William Molloy on “ Recognising early symptoms”; and Consultant Geriatrician Prof. Desmond O’Neill on “Driving with dementia”.

Expert Video: Dr Nina Byrnes, GP, on “Care for the carer”.

Expert video: Personal finance expert Jill Kerby on “Planning for the future”.

Real-life testimonial: The Rimmer Family, Dublin, on “Caring for Mum”.

Alzheimer’s is a progressive

half of all diagnoses occur at the

disease, so the level of care

moderate stage of the disease), and

required increases over time,

“The symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease are often confused with general ageing, so it is important to recognise them”

Interactive tool: Alzheimer’s Symptom Checklist.

Real-life testimonial: The Mahon Family, Wexford, on “Caring for mum”. Interactive tools: Helping hands calendar; plus Top 10 ways to reduce stress.

Real-life testimonial: The McKeown Family, Dublin, on “Caring for dad”. Interactive tool: Top 10 ways to start financial planning.

07/02/2013 19:35

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