Gardening with Arthritis

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Gardening with…


In his second article for Sláinte, award-winning horticulturist Fiann Ó Nualláin looks at how even aching joints and reduced mobility should be no hindrance to enjoying your garden.

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Page 47 Gardening - Sláinte Magazine

Arthritis does not mean you cannot

rewards for people living with

increases your fitness levels as well

green your thumbs. In fact,

osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.

as boosting your immune, respiratory

gardening may be the very thing you

and cardiovascular systems,

need! Around the world, arthritis

The truth is that gardening benefits

strengthening pinch force, improving

health advocates are proclaiming

your health no matter what condition

balance and coordination, and

that “movement is the best

you are acclimatising your life to. The

generally acting like a tonic.

medicine”. And gardening is the

great news about gardening is that

perfect way to garner some exercise opportunities in a

as an activity it is a means of aerobic,

Now it is not surprising that many

isometric and isotonic exercise, the

people with arthritis are reticent

relaxed and pleasant setting,

combination of which benefits

about exercise, anticipating a flaring

as well as delivering many

general health, but specifically

of joint or muscle pain. But not

enhances your strength, endurance

exercising will lead to a loss of joint

other sizeable health

and flexibility. As a result, it

motion, stiffness, tightness and depleted muscle strength.

A “green gym” Exercise can help decrease arthritic pain and complications, but to really be effective, exercise is best done on a regular basis. Gardening as a hobby incorporates exercise into your lifestyle. It can become a sort of a green gym, yielding anything from a gentle exercise to an invisible workout.

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Just think, the exertion of

garden, but what tips are

then you should change

less exertion? You might have

mowing a lawn with a push

there to make it even more

positions often.

heard of the “no dig”

mower for an hour burns


technique that is claimed to Alternate stances to move

make gardening more

weight bearing, and consider

manageable. I know it sounds

strenuous activity such as

Make it easy on yourself

switching tasks every 15-30

like a spoof, but it does really

chopping wood – while

“Have the right tool for the

minutes so that different

exist – and it really works.

turning a compost pile for

right job” is always great

muscles are worked over the

around 15 minutes can burn

advice, and in this instance

course of your gardening day

The “no dig” technique has

more than 100 calories, and

we can apply a twist to that

and also that pressured joints

had many exponents. It

lifting a gallon watering can full

workman’s mantra to suit our

are rested at good intervals.

began with the eminent

of water in each hand is

own ends. So use a long-

equivalent to lifting 8-pound

neck sheers for every

We all know that a change is

Masanobu Fukuoka back in

hundreds of calories – just as many as pursuing some

Japanese microbiologist

dumbbells. Of course, all of

sheering task to limit the need

as good as a rest, but don’t

the 1930s, who developed

that also highlights the

to stretch and bend. Similarly,

forget to rest, too. If you are

the philosophy of “Do Nothing

potential pitfalls of gardening

look for long-handed trowels

new to gardening, go slowly,

Farming”. And from the

to arthritic joints, but only if

and forks, or modify your own

listen to your body and avoid

Australian permaculture

you steam ahead without

with replacement handles cut

any over-exertion. Soon

movement of the 1970s to the


to size from broom handles

enough your endurance will

present day, no-dig has

(insulation tubing slips over

build over the months and, as

become a sort of uber-organic

The best way to proceed is to

most handles for a more

the gardening activities begin

practice among many green

approach gardening tasks

padded grip). Get the right

to reduce inflammation and

and organic movements

with a brief warm-up: simple

kneeling pad, get a garden

build your stamina, you’ll

prospering globally today.

“joint-looseners”, a gentle

seat or milking stool to meet

notice a New You blossoming

stretch-up, a slow-motion

the garden at a good height,

along with your flowers, fruit

No-dig is a way of describing

shooing of geese with the

or bring the garden to you by

and vegetables!

a technique of above-ground

wrists, marching in place, or

building raised beds.

gardening where you

movement exercises.

Develop “best-practice”

The no-dig technique

Warming up will improve your

techniques, such as using the

If you were an active gardener

material, rather than into

circulation and gently increase

palm of your hand to carry a

before arthritis kicked in and

worked soil.

the temperature of muscles

bucket of compost, not your

are now missing the garden

and joint structures, reducing

fingers. Think too about

for fear of causing damage,

stiffness and increasing

maintaining good posture –

then how about returning

mobility. Now you’re ready to

long tools and raised gardens

to it, but with

sit and complete a range of

will help eliminate stooping, but even

effectively garden into layers of organic and composted

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The idea is to not break the

So, get out there and enjoy

Fiann Ó Nualláin is an award-winning garden designer,

soil, which will turn up weed

your living environment. Let

outreach horticulturist and ethnobotanist. He has worked

seeds, expose earthworms to

nature refresh, de-stress and

with many health agencies to create gardens for optimum

scavenging birds and disturb

enrich the quality of your life.

health. You can get more information from Fiann’s website

other beneficial macro- and

And remember, the


micro-organisms which

management of any condition

contribute to the soil web and

is improved by a sense of

the health of your plot. This

personal wellbeing.

low-impact, low-maintenance way of gardening would be ideal for anyone living with arthritis, but who doesn't accept that the condition should curtail their gardening pleasure.

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