Free Thailand Sept, 2014

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Human Rights. Wat. No Rights. R U Crazy

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Here we go again. People still thinking they have any kind of Rights what so ever. People don’t get it until now. No rights for you to even discuss your rights. Don’t think by putting Human in front of rights that will wave “Tigers of the East”. I will tell you what, who ever signed or endorsed that statement will be punished by Junta. Junta will show you “Rights” is not “Right”. Junta get ready with your “Dirty Tactics” to silence them. Oh no, these organizations are international “not in Thailand”. Let’s bring that guy who thinks, he is Buddha’s Gift to Thailand and say with no shame “we’re no Dictators” again. Wake up, “Dictator Prayuth” from that illusion you’re living in. To the good people who wrote that statement. I say “Who are you to call on the Army. Who are you to call on the government. The only one, you will be calling is “your Mama” when Junta put all of you in Jail.”.

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