SLAMMED magazine

Page 1


Issue 1 - Aug 1, 2013

In this Issue:

Celtdan does NO like porridge

Get a taste of style with Fashion Corner


The Rookie Spotlight is on VWE’s John Dennis

Win a


hoodie if you can Name Those Nipples

In the Ring with SLCW Champion

Voodoo Cooperstone

TABLE OF CONTENTS Letter from the Editor pg 2 About the DCWF pg 4 Ask Celtdan pg 5 In the Ring pg 7-8 With SLCW Champion Voodoo Cooperstone About the VAW pg 9 Fashion Corner pg 10 About the VWE pg 12 Rookie Spotlight pg 13-14 Featuring VWE’s John Dennis Contest: Name Those Nipples pg 15 About the UHW pg 16

And every magazine should have gratuitous dance scenes somewhere...


Letter From The Editor Dear Readers,

A couple months ago I was introduced to the world of Second Life Wrestling and in all honesty, my first thought was “What the hell am I doing here?” After all, I’m not a wrestler nor do I have any intention of becoming one. I like my face the way it is thank you very much. But I figured I would hang out and see what the hype was about. I spent my first couple of weeks just observing the community as a whole and not saying much. I chatted with a few people, watched the different shows, and saw all the hard work and dedication many of the wrestlers, promoters and support staff give to this form of entertainment. I saw the practice and training that took place to get new wrestlers ready for their debut. I saw the thought and challenges of booking great line ups and the fun that could be had by everyone and eventually, I became a fan. But being a fan wasn’t enough for me. I wanted to become a part of the community and help make it better, not just stand on the sidelines and watch. But how does someone like me, a new kid on the block with no wrestling ability or skills help the SL Wrestling community? Well, one of the things i admire about RL wrestling is their ability to keep people hooked on a story week after week. And not just one...but multiple ongoing stories interspersed with Superstar cameos and surprises every week. The acting may be over the top and scripted and at times just plain ridiculous, but they know how to keep people wanting more. All of the skill and technique aside, it’s the drama that entertains me personally the most and is what makes me want to watch. Attracting new fans and keeping them coming back week after week is something that all of SL wrestling struggles with and I realized....I don’t need to be a wrestler to help with creating or promoting a story that entices people to watch! This is why I’ve created Slammed Magazine. The sole purpose of this magazine is to offer a single in kayfabe publication that highlights the best the SL Wrestling has to offer. It is a tool for wrestlers, promoters, commentators and fans to get their stories, their opinions, and their comments out there in a way that either promotes themselves as a wrestler or furthers the various storylines. It’s a place where fans can learn about their favorite wrestlers through interviews, get sneak peeks and gossip, ask questions and have a little fun communicating with the Superstars from any federation. Anything goes here and I’m eager to work with the community as a whole to make Slammed the premiere source for up to date news on SL Wrestling. Bring your fueds, your teasers, your promos, your input, and your ideas to Slammed Magazine and I’ll expose it to the world. However, the one thing I will not allow in this magazine (or on its facebook page) is any kind of personal comment or assault on one another that is not in kayfabe. Anything of the sort will be deleted immediately. There are too many places already where people can rant about personal grievances. I won’t have it in this magazine. I see so much potential in SL wrestling as the best form of entertainment in Second Life and Slammed Magazine is here to help everyone and anyone who wants to get themselves out there. I can’t wait to see what happens next and I hope you feel the same. XOXO,

Skylar Trent

Skylar Trent

Editor in Chief, Slammed Magazine



The Digital Championship Wrestling Federation (DCWF) is the longest running professional wrestling promotion in Second Life. We feature two shows weekly, Wednesday Warzone at 3 PM SLT, and Saturday Showdown at noon SLT. We are also the home of The Show, our developmental wrestling federation which has shows every other Sunday at noon SLT. Come down to the Slam City Arena at Phoenix Pass and check out the action.

Champions Made Here.

Don’t Miss Our Next FPV Event Facebook: SLurl: SL Fan Group: secondlife:///app/group/af617f3a-5d73-d5ce-d312-4accfeae80fd/about




Hi everyone, welcome to the first “Ask Celtdan” column here in Slammed! Magazine. Every edition, you will be able to read my answers to question from you, the reader, about SL wrestling and many other topics. Here’s just a few of the questions I’ve received recently and my responses.


Q: So, what is the ‘Ask Celtdan’ section all about?

Q: What do you think of wrestling road shows? Are the hassle of laggy sims, long setups, and A: Basically, readers will be griefers worth the possible able to ask me anything exposure to new potential they want about the world fans? of wrestling in Second Life. As you probably know, I’ve A: I definitely think they are been in SL wrestling for over a risk worth taking. VAW five years and am pretty has proven that regularly knowledgeable about its being on the road can be history, so if there’s anything a worthwhile task in terms you want to know, just ask of introducing SL wrestling and you may well find the to a different audience. response in a future edition DCWF and VWE have of the magazine. also shown on occasion that roadshows can be successful if things go to Q: How did the “Shut plan, which of course, they up Sparky!” thing come don’t always do. It’s also about? best to take into account that feds these days know A: During my time with the better than to do a show DCWF, it was well known on a potentially lag heavy that in character, I had a sim, and so the possibility strong dislike…ok, pure ha- of that being a problem is tred for Sparky (or Sparkles less now than it was before. Von Qinworthsomethin- It should also be taken into gorotheridunno) so when account that most feds we either commentated now have pre-planned together or if he was out at setups for roadshow events ringside or indeed wrestling since they are now done in a match, I would con- far more regularly than they stantly demand “SHUT UP, used to be. SPARKY!”. He never obliged, but eventually it was made Q: How DO you make into a gesture that now porridge? appears to be played at many different SL wrestling A: I’d love to answer that events even if Sparky isn’t question but first of all, there. It’s pretty funny. 1. I don’t know and 2. I don’t even like porridge. Sorry!

If you have questions for Celtdan, post them on & you may get your answers next issue!

Voodoo C The Be

In The Ring With

“His boobs are bigger than mine.” -Misaki Yumako

7 DCWF Pro Wrestler

Cooperstone ear As the longest running wrestling federation in Second Life, the Digital Championship Wrestling Federation (DCWF) is known for its ability to take fresh talent and turn them into Champions. No one knows this better than the current SLCW Champion Voodoo ‘The Bear’ Cooperstone. Cooperstone started his long road to the belt like many other wrestlers, as a fan. Back in 2010, SL Wrestling was just starting to grow in popularity with just 2 or 3 Federations popping up when Voodoo decided to take a break from a night of DJing (a side job he contiues to enjoy to this day) to see what kinds of opportunities were available for new wrestlers. One of the first wrestlers he met was Vince ‘The Churchboy’ Easterwood and it didn’t take him long after that meeting to decide to apply to the DCWF and get started in training. The DCWF immediately saw huge potential in Voodoo, and I do mean HUGE. At 7 feet tall and weighing 340lbs, Cooperstone was and is to this day the largest wrestler in the Federation, towering over his opponents in the ring as well as us journalists who need a step ladder to get a face-to-face interview him. The nickname ‘The Bear’ is quite fitting, as watching a man of his sheer size and strength approach you in the ring is enough to make anyone feel like they are about to get mauled by a Grizzly. Even his nipples are intimidating and often the topic of conversation in the DCWF locker rooms. But if you get past the piercing brown stare that seems to look right

through you, you’ll see that Voodoo is a great competitor, hard worker and a genuinely nice guy. He constantly strive to better himself and those around him. Fellow DCWF Pro wrestler ‘The Indestructible’ Razer Darkward said, “Voodoo is a tough competitor. One of the nicest guys until you get into the ring with him, then it’s all business. He don’t set out to end your career but he does set out to win. He worked hard to get where he is and I admire his dedication, not only to wrestling but to the fans as well.” Voodoo was trained by “one of the most badass wrestlers you can get....Antonia Foggarty. Even Numbers [Rossini, The DCWF Commissioner] FEARS Antonia” says Cooperstone with a chuckle. Voodoo attributes much of his success to the lessons she taught him early on. “There are many, but one being ring awareness. I feel it’s a big part of it. And Secondly is attitude. You can’t be in this business and be effective if you’re in this just for yourself. You find out a lot more when you practice, and you watch, you listen, and most of all learn.” Those lessons have served Voodoo well, helping him take the DCWFOEW Interpromotional Title as well as the Tag Team title with Drewski Hoxley and most recently winning him the SLCW Men’s Championship Title at Smash of the Champions 2013. With his obvious size advantage, Cooperstone is well-known as a powerhouse wrestler. Rather than attempting the high-flying flashy moves other wrestlers favor, Voodoo describes his style as calm and methodical yet immovable like

an oak tree. “If you can’t take down an oak, you’re pretty much basically running really fast into a brick wall... But it’s not all about hurting someone, I just like to let people know they’ve been in a fight. “ There is more in store from Cooperstone though. As proud as he is of winning the SLCW Title, he isn’t done yet. “There is one more stop, and that’s the World Heavyweight title, but I have to remained focused on current, because if I lose focus? Anyone in that locker room, can take this title from me.” But taking that title won’t be easy and his opponents know that. Long time rival and member of Supremacy, Jeffery Fireguard said “Even though me and him don’t see eye to eye, He’s probably the toughest mother fucker I have fought in the ring.” Voodoo is prepared to defend his title though and has his suspicions of who will be trying to take it from him. “When you’re holding onto a strap, you might as well paint a bullseye, on your back. Right now, it could be anyone. My thoughts at the moment is someone like Pietro Shelford. We have some history... back when he went running amuck wreaking a lot of havoc disguised as a Toaster head. I just think he has something up his sleeve. I may be wrong, but who knows?” It’s obvious that there is much more to come from this DCWF Superstar, “What should they expect?? Hmm for the Bear to give it his all and not let a single person down. To fight the good fight.”


Website: VAW, which is also known as Virtual Attitude Wrestling, is a grid wide sports entertainment organization bringing attitude back to wrestling every week Tuesdays and Thursdays live in person and on Force.TV programing. VAW has been around for almost 2 years. This organization is the very first to take it’s main show on the road each week to a sim near you. Over 80 locations in Second Life has witnessed the magic of VAW SL Wrestling. Virtual Attitude Wrestling is indeed the number one sports entertainment company in Second Life putting smiles on faces all across the grid.

Don’t miss the VAW’s next FPV


August 27th, 2013 5pm SLT

Website: Facebook: VirtualAttitudeWrestling Youtube: VAWEntertainment?feature=mhee SL Fan Group: secondlife:///app/group/4607614b-856addf7-57a1-1494de8d42d0/about

Fashion Corner

with Ery Laerwen

The good, the bad, and the ugly of SL Wrestling fashion

‘The Big Shot’ Benja

Totally ambushed and

Nicki Roxz is looking

Lee Valentine has a

Nirvana, as seen looking

caught just chilling out

like a punk in her leather

hard time NOT posing

stylish hanging around

at Slam City, Paulz look

and fishnets. One of her

for the camera and thats

the DCWF arena. Tough

relaxed and comfty in

many ring outfits, she

just fine. Here Lee has

but casual is what I

her tank top and sweat

looked especially badass

been caught out and

would call this t-shirt

pants. I am sure she

this day we caught

about some where in SL

and jeans combo. The

needed to have a good

her making outfits and

lookin very Lee-like with

sunglasses and fancy

wind down after her first


her signature red hair

shoes deffinatly add a

week back as one of the

and a busty corset. We

touch of coolness.

managers at DCWF.

can only figure that her boyfriend, Xander Garcia

Interested in a wrestling style makeover? Contact Ery Laerwen or Skylar Trent for details

was not far away from her, mostly drooling.


Virtual Wrestling Entertainment is the #1 Source of Pro Wrestling in Second Life! Featured by SL Showcase. LIVE Record Breaking Events, LIVE Recordings, LIVE Events every Wednesday @ 5 PM SLT,and Fridays @ 6 PM SLT! LIKE US on Facebook, View past episodes on our YouTube channel, check out our website, grab yourself some high quality clothing,action figures, etc..., and FOLLOW the SLurl to find us in world!

Set your DVR for VWE’s next FPV Event! Website: Facebook: Youtube: SLurl: Marketplace Store:


John Den In the Rookie Spotl The rookies are the future of SL Wrestling... Everyone knows that. But not every rookie has what it takes to truly make it to superstar status. You need to work hard to prove yourself in this business and that’s exactly what VWE rookie John Dennis is doing. Born and raised in Warren, Michigan, this 22 year old wrestler got his introduction to SL wrestling from the great Drewski Hoxley back in early 2011, when Hoxley began showing him the ropes. After about a year and half of learning about the the business and getting the basics down, John Dennis signed on with Virtual Wrestling Entertainment (VWE) for his first major break into Pro SL Wrestling in July 2012. Since then, Dennis’s signature Black and Gold jacket has been seen all around the VWE arena, both in and out of the ring. One of his trainers, The Legend, Derrick Cult said, “He a good kid with good potential, who soon be a future superstar. He aways around the arena socializing with other wrestlers. He very quiet but fun to be around with. He never misses a show and he wants to learn from the best by observing their matches” Dennis has worked hard on developing his own style of wrestling and at 6’2” and 225 lbs he is a formidable opponent. While he has high-flying moves in his arsenal, Dennis is also a technician and a bit of a brawler. You can usually count on seeing at least one Big Boot to someone’s face in his matches.


When asked about his most memorable moments in his budding career, Dennis said,” I would have say there were two that will stick with me for a long time. Elimation Royale 2012 was my first Free Per View and it just made me feel good that I was able to be in one of the biggest events of the year. And just recently my match with Benja Nirvana at Clash at The Beach 3 was one of my better matches that I had, I hadn’t wrestled for a while at that point. So when I was getting ready for that match, I was worried about ring rust. Seemingly it didn’t hold me back as I was able to have a fantastic match that night.” Even his opponents have complimented his work ethic. ‘The Big Shot’ Benja Nirvana said, “I think the man has a lot of potential, he just is waiting for his shot in the VWE. Hes always lookin to prove himself and is always willing to work with others. He has the drive and the will to be one of the best.” ‘The Electric One’ Justin Struk also commented that, “He never gives up and I contently see him getting stronger and stronger and really good in the ring.” There’s no shortage of praise for this young wrestler, but that doesn’t go to his head. He’s focused and eager to prove himself against any opponent. But who does Dennis want to face next in the ring? Well...the name Jackson Duone was mentioned as someone Dennis would like to get in the ring. Only time will tell whether that matchup happens, but until then, watch out for John Dennis. He’s a keeper....and he’s single too ;)

nnis light

“To the fans: Thank you for helping me get this far in my career. I’d never have a chance if it wasn’t for you. Stay beautiful people ;)”

-John Dennis 14

Name Those Nipples Time to test your nipple knowledge! Be the first to correctly name the owners of these nipples and win a Get Slammed Hoodie!





Post your guesses on our Facebook page at 15

Must correctly name all 4 sets in order to win.

United Honor Wrestling is one of SL’s PREMIER wrestling federations, featuring some of SL’s top wrestling talent. With experience ranging from the early days of wrestling in Second Life to new and up and coming talent, you just can’t miss uHw presents Havok at noon SLT Mondays and DNA 4pm SLT Tuesday nights. DNA (Digital Non-stop Action) takes place at the United Sportatorium location on the Careers sim each week with hard-hitting action and sheer enjoyment for the most experienced fan of wrestling, or those just discovering this form of art. We’re also always looking for new talent. Be it a wrestler or something within production, so stop on down and give us a look see and check out what you’re missing.

Website: Youtube: Facebook: FB Fan Group: SL Fan Group: secondlife:///app/group/8f8b7bef-5585-d564-47a2-c613f2b25f8f/about


who wil get


next? It could be YOU! For all you wrestlers, promoters and fans out there... do you have something to say? Well SLAMMED is where youre voice can be heard. Bring us your kayfabe gripes, fueds, promotions, interviews, partnerships and gossip from the ring and we’ll feature them in the next issue or on our facebook page ( if you just can’t wait.

Let SLAMME D T ell Y o ur S to r y ! Contact Skylar Trent for details

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