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Slaneynews Serving Enniscorthy, Bunclody, and surrounding areas
Issue 36 - Tuesday - 2 April 2013
Your local FREE community newspaper
Adamstown, Askamore, Ballaghkeen, Ballindaggin, Ballycarney, Ballyduff, Ballyedmond, Ballyhoge, Ballymurn, Blackwater, Boolavogue, Bree, Bunclody, Camolin, Castledockrell, Clohamon, Clonroche, Courtnacuddy, Curracloe, Enniscorthy, Ferns, Galbally, Glenbrien, Killanne, Kilmuckridge, Kilmyshall, Kiltealy, Marshalstown, Monageer, Monamolin, Oylegate, Oulart, Poulpeasty, Raheenduff, Rathnure, Screen, The Harrow.
Strawberry Festival 2013 Launch Ads:Layout 1
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The Strawberry Festival 2013 Launch will be on Saturday 13th April in Dbar, Enniscorthy. Everyone interested in the Festival is invited to attend. On that night details of the festival location, line-up, ticket prices and all other relevant information will be revealed. There will also be a special appearance by one of the Festival’s bands. For more info on the launch check out www.strawberryfestival.ie or their Facebook or Twitter pages. This year there will be a “Taste of Wexford Strawberries” competition involving a two-course menu using Co. Wexford strawberries. The menu must include one savoury dish and one other course. The six homebakers and commercial chefs selected to compete in the cook-off will also be faced with the challenge of creating a dish from a “Basket of Mystery Ingredients” of Wexford produce, including strawberries. The cook-off, which the public can attend for €10 admission, will be on Tuesday 25th June 7pm– 10pm, Riverside Park Hotel. The judges will be master chef Paolo Tullio and local award-winning chef Phelim Byrne. Dr Eamonn Kehoe, Teagasc, will also talk
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about how to grow your own strawberries. Entry forms and details on: www.strawberryfestival.ie. The closing date for the receipt of entries is April 30th, 2013. The homebakers selected will be sponsored by the Wexford Fruit Growers. The Festival thanks them for this. The homebaker prize will be an overnight stay and dinner for two in Neven Maguire’s Cookery School (Cavan) or Ballymaloe Cookery School (Cork) sponsored by Bord Bia. Thank you Bord Bia! WexFactor will be running again this year (application forms on Festival website) and also, as reported last month, a great new cycling event – The Dragon Sportive on 30th June. These are just some of the many great events in this year’s Festival so check out the Festival website for all the details. n
Page 11
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Slaneynews: May issue will be out Tuesday 30th April 2013