Wells House & Gardens
Win one of 50 free haircuts!
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in Enniscorthy is offering 50 readers a fREE haircut. Check inside this copy of the Slaney News and if it contains a brochure with a voucher inside it then Bega will give you a FREE haircut.
26th october to 1st november
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Motor Factors
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Old Dublin Road Enniscorthy Co. Wexford T: 053 9234488 E: partsdepot@mail.com
Slaneynews Serving Enniscorthy, Bunclody, and surrounding areas
Issue 42 - Tuesday - 1st October 2013
Your local FREE community newspaper
Adamstown, Askamore, Ballaghkeen, Ballindaggin, Ballycarney, Ballyduff, Ballyedmond, Ballyhoge, Ballymurn, Blackwater, Boolavogue, Bree, Bunclody, Camolin, Castledockrell, Clohamon, Clonroche, Courtnacuddy, Curracloe, Enniscorthy, Ferns, Galbally, Glenbrien, Killanne, Kilmuckridge, Kilmyshall, Kiltealy, Marshalstown, Monageer, Monamolin, Oylegate, Oulart, Poulpeasty, Raheenduff, Rathnure, Screen, The Harrow.
Enniscorthy’s New Gift Voucher Ads:Layout 1
Page 11
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Jimmy Doyle (Enniscorthy Business Association) and Mary Bourke (Enniscorthy Chamber of Commerce) at the launch of the Enniscorthy Gift Voucher scheme on 13th September. Vouchers are now on sale at 4 outlets in Enniscorthy and can be used in over 70 outlets in the Enniscorthy area. Read the full story on page 4 inside. A major solo exhibition of recent works by the acclaimed artist David Begley opens at The Presentation Centre, Enniscorthy, on Friday 11th of October and runs until Monday October 28th. The exhibition features a selection of paintings and large charcoal drawings. Exhibition opening hours: Tues-Fri 10am-5pm. Sat, Sun & Bank Holiday Mon 12-5pm. For further details see page 10 of this issue. Tel: 053 92 33000. Email: thepresentationcentre@gmail.com or see www.facebook.com/thepresentationcentre and www.davidbegley.com.
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Free Parking
Kavanagh’s Pharmacy ✚
Duffry hill, enniscorthy. tel: 053-9234660. ● Full NUK Range in stock – FREE GIFT with any 2 purchases ● New Baby Hampers made to order ● SPECIAL OFFER on Pregnacare Plus – ask in-store ● FIRST RESPONSE – 3 tests for the price of 2 Kavanagh's Pharmacy is oPen through lunch mon to sat
Slaneynews: November issue will be out on Tuesday 5th Nov 2013