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Slaneynews Serving Enniscorthy, Bunclody, and surrounding area
Issue 55 - Wednesday - 5 November 2014
Your local FREE community newspaper
Adamstown, Askamore, Ballaghkeen, Ballindaggin, Ballycarney, Ballyduff, Ballyedmond, Ballyhoge, Ballymurn, Blackwater, Boolavogue, Bree, Bunclody, Camolin, Castledockrell, Clohamon, Clonroche, Courtnacuddy, Curracloe, Enniscorthy, Ferns, Galbally, Glenbrien, Killanne, Kilmuckridge, Kilmyshall, Kiltealy, Marshalstown, Monageer, Monamolin, Oylegate, Oulart, Poulpeasty, Raheenduff, Rathnure, Screen, The Harrow.
Enjoy Enniscorthy this Christmas Pat MurPHY Oil Ltd.
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tel: 053-9255219 ratHNurE – ENNISCOrtHY Best wishes to Shamrock Rovers AFC team and management from the team at Smiles Dental.
The Home of Great Irish Food New Head Chef Paul McClelland creates a unique dining experience every evening in The Bailey.
Call 053 9230353 today to reserve your table.
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The good news for Enniscorthy is that there will be loads happening in the town for Christmas. The Enniscorthy Business Association (EBA) with assistance from the Enniscorthy Municipal Council is organising entertainment every Saturday in December up to Christmas and also on Sunday 21st December. There will be a stage set up in the Market Square with M.C. Stephen Murphy, as well as major local choirs, panto and theatre groups, dance groups, talent competition, cookery demonstrations, art competition, lantern parade, international food stalls, etc. And
Something to smile about...
Emerg e appoin ncy tments availa ble
New extended opening hours at Smiles, Enniscorthy: Monday to Friday, 8.00am to 8.00pm Saturdays, 9.00am to 4.00pm Tel: 053 923 6612 enniscorthy@smiles.ie
of course the amazing Bui Bolg Christmas Parade will be taking place again this year on Saturday 6th December to coincide with Santa arriving in town. We will carry full details in our issue of 3rd December and check out the special Christmas brochure being printed by the EBA, with assistance from Enniscorthy Municipal Council, which will be widely distributed over the coming weeks. Finally, we are expecting good news soon on parking concessions during December and possibly beyond. Check out the “Enjoy Enniscorthy”and “Slaney News” Facebook pages for updates. n
Page 11
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ID and Passport Photos – in all sizes and formats Kavanagh's Pharmacy is oPen through lunch mon to sat
Slaneynews: Dec issue will be out on Wednesday 3rd Dec 2014