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Slaneynews Serving Enniscorthy, Bunclody, and surrounding area since 2010
Issue 76 - Wednesday - 3 August 2016
Your local FREE community newspaper
Adamstown, Askamore, Ballaghkeen, Ballindaggin, Ballycarney, Ballyduff, Ballyedmond, Ballyhoge, Ballymurn, Blackwater, Boolavogue, Bree, Bunclody, Camolin, Castledockrell, Clohamon, Clonroche, Courtnacuddy, Curracloe, Enniscorthy, Ferns, Galbally, Glenbrien, Killanne, Kilmuckridge, Kilmyshall, Kiltealy, Marshalstown, Monageer, Monamolin, Oylegate, Oulart, Poulpeasty, Raheenduff, Rathnure, Screen, The Harrow.
Opening of St Aidan’s new pat MuRphy school kenny For Bikes oil ltd. building Slaney StReet enniScoRthy
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It may only be August but already many people’s thoughts are turning to school! Children are on countdown as they enter the last month of their holidays. Many parents are thinking about school uniforms, schoolbooks, etc. And in the case of Enniscorthy’s St Aidan’s primary school, the principal, Peter Creedon, is looking forward to welcoming pupils to the new school building which has just been handed over to him by the builders. Pupils from junior to fourth classes can now look forward to being educated in style this September. The pupils of 5th and 6th classes will have to be patient a little longer as it will
be at least Easter 2017 before the old school building has been completely refurbished so those pupils will remain in the temporary facilities on the Ross Road until then. At that stage all work is due to be completed and those pupils can return to what will be a builder-free zone. With investment totalling €8.5m approx involving the doubling of the previous floor area, the school is now a stateof-the-art educational centre – modern and environmentally friendly. Principal Creedon looks forward to welcoming the school’s 830 pupils back on 31st August. See our back to school feature on pages 16 to 18 n
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Free Dental Exam for kids in Smiles Dental Enniscorthy this August and September. Call us today on Tel: 053 923 6612 or email: See for more information.
Ladies & Gents
HaLf Price (while stocks last)
Slaneynews: Next issue will be out on Weds 7th Sept 2016