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Serendipity denotes an observation of something random, something not originally sought that turns out to be a new and surprising discovery. There are countless serendipities around us (Penicillin and Aspirin, which have freed many humans from suffering, are but one of these).

But isn’t everything merely based on coincidences? What if intentionally disassembling and assembling (a typeface) leads to a redefinition of it? Trial and error are interesting approaches to look for the new. Try one thing, then another, until success. So why not go the same way when it comes to letters and fonts? Disassembly and assembly of type may lead to great discoveries!


095——Bemir Bilalic——AUT——BEHIND THE LOOKING GLASS Poster created for an event at an University of Applied Arts with an effect of distortion with different pieces of the glass and bold typography.


Copy & Paste: efficient but boring.

121—studio muchogusto—CHE—“GESTÖRT ERZÄHLT”

Poster for the discussion series gestört erzählt at Neubad in Lucerne Switzerland. Mental health is not a taboo subject!

The Werkschau design draws inspiration from Marjory, the magical Trash Heap in The Fraggles. Marjory, a living compost heap with mystical powers and alternate genders, acts as an oracle to the Fraggles.

A display font inspired by the Netherlands, where water formations resemble letters due to the low-lying land.

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