SbG magazine issue1

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Connecting the /Scene

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IT’S MY TURN The SLASH has a natural presence in snowboarding. It is elementary to a skillful approach. It is to navigate with power and style.

From early on in my pro career I have always had an interest and fortunately an opportunity to design the boards I rode. From the artwork to the technologies and construction techniques, the very essence of my boards has been about creating a medium that expresses personality. Slash is a platform dedicated to progression, individuality and standards. Through Slash we facilitate the highest demands of quality through a quiver of boards designed for a variety of conditions constructed at a new level of precision. Joining me on this venture is Johnnie Paxson who embodies the SLASH as something uniquely his own. Here the laws of nature rule in the action of the riders.

Drop in, gain speed and SLASH. Gigi


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My Season This was my Twentieth winter I spent with snowboarding. Despite the fact I could celebrate my biggest competitive accomplishments it was the biggest snow year Austria had since 2009. In January I filmed with Jake Price for only 11days on my homemountain to put together this Real Snow Backcountry videopart for which I received a Xgames medal. Another silver medal flung into the house at the inaugural Supernatural event of Travis Rice at Baldface in Canada. By that time it already felt like I was on the moon and back, “calling it a season” but I had started to make my own snowboards which motivated me even more to ride. My main focus was then to stay home but film my videoparts with and For this we were a really fun new crew with Eric Jackson and Danny Kass, filmer Justin Hostynek with photodawg Andy Wright. They all slept on the couch at my apartment. It was a great chance for me to give back some of the couch surfing time I had collected in their very homes. It slowly turned march and then quickly it was slushy when I was not feeling like building jumps. So I went on a solo mission for a week with the Pirate crew to Japan, finding the one of a kind Japan “champagne” Pow. There we linked up with the devoted local photographer Ripzinger hosting us. After this it was time to plan my Alaska season which means part planning other parts need to fall in place. Asking myself if my travel budget would allow this trip? So I got myself a plane ticket to Seattle and from there I was gonna wait for the right time in Alaska. Unfortunately the Filmer had

washed his Passport and couldn’t leave Austria until he got a new one. I went to Mt. Baker to ride and maybe get lucky enough to link up with Scotty Witlake, but he wasn’t to be found. I still could crash at his friends place. No sign of the filmer either. So I diverted my mission and linked up with the dragon crew consisting of Wolle Nyvelt and Luke Mitrani in Silverton, Colorado. We shaped a small spring quaterpipe out of a windlip and Luke and I did handplants on top of each other which we called “doubledecker” or a funnier take on naming the trick was “how eagles mate”. However it was a fun interlude to the season not knowing if anyone has done that trick in snowboarding yet!? Thanks to Dragon, Nic Drago and photographer Aaron Dodds letting us stay at their cabin. I flew back to Seattle with Wolle who was gonna link up with Absinthe Films but his bags were too heavy for the domestic flights. He had brought a few of his Aesmo powsurfer boards which he makes back in Austria. Having left most of my stuff in Seattle I could help him out carrying those boards on the plane. My filmer had arrived with Arthur Longo and a new Passport in his hands ready for our Ak mission. One week in AK and we spent our helibudget having the sickest time riding steeps! Then weather was changing to snowfall, adding a welcoming reset. Alaska to me has this rewarding feeling after we got what we wanted it is very hard for me to wait for possibly getting it better. Anyway I had to conclude my videopart with Absinthe still and I was gonna link up with Blair


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Habenicht and Manuel Diaz, both intimidating freeride aces with sniper precision when it comes to riding lines. I flew one and half hours back to Seattle where Blair lives and Manuel who originally is from Chile spends his winter there. So we decided to drive from Seattle to Revelstoke in Canada where Absinthe Films filmer and owner Justin Hostynek lives nearby. The Hotel hook up at Revelstoke where we ended up had it all from nice beds to swimmingpool. Little did we know that we were gonna need those amenities since the weather was shutting us down for the planned Heliing there. After ten days of waiting we flew two hours of helicopter and left that same day back to Seattle. We targeted for another Alaska window which was gonna happen after the much anticipated snowfall. The very next day I was touching down in Alaska again with only Blair because Manuel got hurt on our Canada trip. After getting our rental car and accomodation dialled everyone kept their eyes on the weather radar. The next day already looked promising and Justin ordered our helicopter to be ready in the morning. After waking up the weather was bluebird and it was hundred percent go time. Our warm up lines were tow-in drops with the helicopter, that’s when you keep your board inside the heli and are ready to jump out to a knife ridge. This happened to be the only day for us to fly and I had to call it a season.


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Twin Shape - Twin Flex, Centered Stance with Camber set-up under the feet and Rocker rise towards nose and tail. Get the idea of this boards Pop Core inside Once you go pop you will not stop. Maybe you find a bonk along your favorite park line, putting our tip protectors to good use. There is really no need for wheels with our sintered base, the fastest and most durable base available due to high-density carbon structure. RAIL ON!


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Andy Wright

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In life we are surrounded by excess and over-stimulation, subject to the overwhelming flooding of our senses. This is the present condition that we are required to navigate, one which results in a loss of sharpness of sensory experience. It is Justin’s opinion we may have become a product of this heavily designed environment as it contributes to and constructs our belief systems and identities. Justin Fry’s work mixes key elements of these visual languages that reflect his culture and that are used as beacons within the visual white noise that has surrounded him in his life. These elements can combine to create fractured hybrid characters that demonstrate the possibility that we are all now fractured individuals taking on parts of our designed environments. Researching memories has begun to show Justin clues to what effect these cultural surroundings have had on him, both positive and negative. Viewing anything from old cartoons, comics, film, magazines and art catalogs, Justin hunts for bits of information that he is emotionally attracted to and moves to organize them to be used as a foundation to build a painting upon. These images can be very strong symbols that may hold significant meaning, or they may be attractive to simply because they have been seen many times in life, causing them to have been burned into his subconscious. After collecting, Justin begins to hunt for new uses for this familiar subject matter and begin stretching and distorting the images, using their recognizable features as a place of departure for his creative process. Justin’s paintings are a record of this process.


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SIZES 149 / 152 / 154 / 156 / 158

THE BOARD Twin Shape - Twin Flex CamRock Centered Stance Pop Core

THE EXTRAS Ultimate Traction Bumps Tip Protectors Sintered Base - Diamond Finnish (Fastest, most durable base available due to high-density carbon molecular)


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SPECS Size (cm) Nose Length (mm) Running Length (mm) Tail Length (mm) Nose Width (mm) Waist Width (cm) Waist Width (inch) Tail Width (mm) Sidecut Radius (m) Min/Max Stance (cm) Min/Max Stance (inch) Setback (cm) Nose Height (mm) Tail Height (mm) Inserts (#) Rider’s Weight (kgs) Rider’s Weight (lbs)

149 235 1020 235 286 24.7 9.7 286 7 48/60 18.9/23.6 0 52 52 6x2 60-80 132-176

152 240 1040 240 290 24.9 9.8 290 7 50/62 19.7/24.4 0 54 54 6x2 60-80 132-176

154 240 1060 240 292 25.1 9.9 292 7.2 50/62 19.7/24.4 0 54 54 6x2 60-80 132-176

156 240 1080 240 294 25.3 10 294 7.4 52/64 20.5/25.2 0 54 54 6x2 70-100 154-220

158 240 1100 240 295 25.3 10 295 7.6 52/64 20.5/25.2 0 54 54 6x2 70-100 154-220


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Johnnie opted for a Neutral camber and a centered stance on his Twin Flex Board that is specified for urban assaults. The reactive Flex, which is a combination of 2 special fiberglass layouts make the board flex also across the width. So if Johnnie jumps boardslide onto a rail, the board automatically creates a Skateboard-like concave lifting the edges off the rail. The board also got pop core inside to make Johnnie even more fly.


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Darcy Bacha

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I see slash as a new way to express myself in snowboarding and an outlet for some extra creativity. It is something Gigi has dreamed up and something I can help make a reality. I am so hyped to be a part of this journey and to be able to work with and learn from Gigi. I really look forward to making and riding the best boards out there.


My graphic is an embodiment of the northwest and the things I love. Its a reflection of me and what I like and what I want to see when I look down at my board.


The board means a lot, I never thought I would be able to have my own pro model. A lot of companies are going away from that and I think its a shame. It’s a really cool thing to be able to put something together that inspires you and be able to look down and see it between your feet while your snowboarding. Its just a really cool experience and I’m grateful that I have been able to have it. Its kind of a piece of home for me so when I am traveling the world I can look down and remember what got me where I am and the people who helped me along the way


That is tough, these are the first three really good ones that popped into my head...The Sandlot, Endless Summer and The Newsies... Good flicks


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I look for a lot of things but it all comes down to how it feels on my feet. I’m not the most technical when it comes to explaining things but the boards just gotta feel good and work for what I want to do with it. I like medium stiffness and need the board to hold an edge. I also want to be able to press the shit out of it when I want as well as have the pop I need to crack a good ollie. The boards gotta be able to hold up to a beating. I need a board that handles everything the streets can throw at you and thats exactly what we’ve made my board to do.


It means hanging out with your friends and having fun snowboarding and finding new things to snowboard on. Its seeking out the most original and unique setup you can find that usually involves something you wouldn’t ordinarily find in the mountains or on your typical slope. Finding that perfect feature that you have been dreaming about or doing a certain trick you have been wanting to do for so long or just finding something that you are able to have a fun and session on is what its all about.


It happens different all the time but the best and my favorite way is to think and dream about a trick for a while until I find myself in the perfect conditions with the perfect setup that way it comes really quick and easy for the most part. Other times a trick just pops into my head last minute and I give it go and it somehow works out. Sometimes it’s not the best setup so it takes a while to get and you take some slams but if you get it on a sketchy setup you can put it down anywhere. Its not always about the trick too because sometimes your trying an easy trick you land every time in the park but take it to a new feature in the streets with consequence and a larger scale and it can be a whole other story. So a lot of the time its not a new trick for me but a new spot where you need to take a trick you know and tweak it a bit to fit the setup or the spot can allow you to try a trick thats never really been done in that way. A new spot is a huge part of progression and something that I have always tried to incorporate into my snowboarding. As far as the tricks Its really all about visualizing it in you head, if I can visualize it I usually think I can do it but it doesn’t always work out that way haha but as long as you get up and keep snowboarding its all good.


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SIZES 149 / 152 / 154 / 156 / 158

THE BOARD Twin Shape - Twin Flex Neutral (No preload) Centered Stance Pop Core

THE EXTRAS Reactive Flex Ultimate Traction Bumps Tip Protectors Sintered Base - Diamond Finnish (Fastest, most durable base available due to high-density carbon molecular)


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SPECS Size (cm) Nose Length (mm) Running Length (mm) Tail Length (mm) Nose Width (mm) Waist Width (cm) Waist Width (inch) Tail Width (mm) Sidecut Radius (m) Min/Max Stance (cm) Min/Max Stance (inch) Setback (cm) Nose Height (mm) Tail Height (mm) Inserts (#) Rider’s Weight (kgs) Rider’s Weight (lbs)

149 235 1020 235 286 24.7 9.7 286 7 48/60 18.9/23.6 0 52 52 6x2 60-80 132-176

152 240 1040 240 290 24.9 9.8 290 7 50/62 19.7/24.4 0 54 54 6x2 60-80 132-176

154 240 1060 240 292 25.1 9.9 292 7.2 50/62 19.7/24.4 0 54 54 6x2 60-80 132-176

156 240 1080 240 294 25.3 10 294 7.4 52/64 20.5/25.2 0 54 54 6x2 70-100 154-220

158 240 1100 240 295 25.3 10 295 7.6 52/64 20.5/25.2 0 54 54 6x2 70-100 154-220


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Riding this board my very first time on contest day of the inaugural Supernatural in Canada. I liked the board and took second place away. The Directional Shape concept is the techs redline. A partially stiffer tail than nose is fine tuned with our Backseat CamRock, on top of that the well placed Setback Stance. The ultimate traction bump in the deep center of the sidecut enhances edge pressure for more control and more reactivity especially in variable conditions.


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FABIANA ARTWORK FOR THE STRAIGHT BOARD When I first started working on this board for snow you told me about, I had to think about a good friend who loves the snow a lot. Her roots are in the jungle but today she lives in a snowy place. I think living your dream is what we are all about – despite the logic of origin.

Today I live in the Bahia rainforest with my spouse. The next village lies in a distance of 15km to our farm. If the rainseason hits us hard, the dirt road connecting us to the village turns into a muddy something and we are cut off the rest of the world. No cell-phones, no Internet - we are disconnected.

I grew up in a town with 10.000 other Brazilians until I turned 18 and left for the big city Sao Paolo. My whole family still lives in my hometown region, which used to be all about agriculture; or monoculture rather. Wherever I look now there seems to be sugar cane plantations and there is not much left of the original natural environment.

It gets lonely out there. But I have to remember myself that growing all sorts of fruits and vegetables with the person I love and living of the land is what I always dreamed of. Even though it is the opposite idea of the farming that I experienced in my hometown while growing up. I love the lush green jungle and this is where I met my friend. She was living with her giant tree buddies, the snakes hidden in the woods and Mrs. Tarantula occasionally checking out her living-room furniture. My friend loves her birthplace a lot. But her dream was to touch, feel, and experience snow.

I had the best time growing up there and enjoying the nature of the region as a kid. But today it is hard to live there and sad to see what people do without considering future consequences. I remember that I was drawing a lot of sketches when I was a kid. So I went to a school for fine arts when I got older - just to get stuck between the fine lines there. You learn a lot of things at these schools; you just don‘t know whether they are for you... I think that‘s why I stopped drawing at some point. Fortunately pen and paper came back to and helped me to find and refine my style just around the time when I graduated.

…Today she lives her dream in the snow - and she loves it! This is why I draw her for your board.


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SIZES 156 / 159 / 161 / 163

THE BOARD Directional Shape - Directional Flex Backseat CamRock Setback Stance

THE EXTRAS Ultimate Traction bumps Slick Tip Profile Tip Protectors Sintered Base - Diamond Finnish (Fastest, most durable base available due to high-density carbon molecular)


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SPECS Size (cm) Nose Length (mm) Running Length (mm) Tail Length (mm) Nose Width (mm) Waist Width (cm) Waist Width (in) Tail Width (mm) Sidecut Radius (mm) Min / Max Stance (cm) Min / Max Stance (in) Setback (cm) Mid Stance (mm) Mid Stance (in) Inserts (#) Rider’s Weight (kgs) Rider’s Weight (lbs)

156 250 1080 230 288 24.9 9.8 288 7.9 50/62 19.7/24.4 20 560 22 6x2 55-75 120-165

159 250 1100 230 290 25.1 9.9 290 8.2 52/64 20.5/25.2 20 580 22.8 6x2 60-80 132-176

161 260 1120 230 293 25.4 10 294 8.3 52/64 20.5/25.2 20 580 22.8 6x2 65-90 143-200

163 260 1140 230 296 25.6 10.1 296 8.4 52/64 20.5/25.2 20 580 22.8 6x2 70-100 154-220


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This is the original board I shaped as Pro Model. In the beginning was the vision of creating a lightweight board. Taking a minimalistic approach by adding a re-curve on the tips seemed to save material and weight. As the identity shape for Slash it also brings a solid contrast to conventional snowboards. Starting to feel the excitement this board was gonna offer I selected the best materials I could get my hands on. Swiss Wood Core, Reactive Flex and Ultimate Traction Bumps are the credo if you read the inside story for all the other boards. Besides that the obvious choices for me to make this ATV was my preference to make it a Directional Twin for shortcuts through powder fields, a full camber for full control through tree runs.


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Andy Wright

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I created this graphic a long time ago from Super8mm film that I found on the cutting floor of PMP (Pirate Movie Production). Then using sandpaper to scratch the films surface and run it through the light projector again. It resulted in these light leaks and made for astounding variety of random compositions. Now having the freedom to create my own board I gave these images to Papriko Ink. who is my graphic designer for Slash. We imposed this as our launch graphic to take a distant look onto origin of life. Isn’t it pretty?


This is the original board I shaped as my pro model. In the beginning was the vision of creating a lightweight board. Taking a minimalistic approach by adding a re-curve on the tips seemed to save material and weight. It is now the identity shape for slash because it brings a solid contrast to conventional snowboards.


I like my board to give me confidence. A twin deck excites me the most whether I land tricks forward or backward it seems to be the right tool. My choice of calling this board “all terrain vehicle” suggests my outlook as a rider to be versatile.


I didn’t understand it from the get go. Getting in touch with snowboarding I figured there is a lot to learn and sort out. So as I understood freestyle was the term for different grabs and tricks which I wanted to learn. To do so myself would ideally need a curved up board best would probably be soft boots too. To become a freestyler is a path I chose because I could take-off extracting freedom such as wearing baggy pants and flannels all the way to even pulling the middle finger to skiers with their distinguished looks. It was about outlived passion. Freestyle goes hand in hand with lifestyle and such leads to trends but the other way around the trend injected snowboarding into my conscience. But the meaning of freestyle doesn’t get stretched to a limit by expression of personality! Not too long I asked my sister what she was cooking - and she said “I freestyle something” and so I knew she was taking the ingredients that were at hand and didn’t follow a recipe. This improvisation made her use her creativity. Freestyle is a term that can’t take roots because it aims for your own interpretation. Snowboarding is doing tricks. Tricks can be concealed by simplicity and fluidity in style to deceive the clueless. It’s nothing else than to conjure - trying to deeply impress somebody. /G*


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SIZES 154 / 156 / 158 / 161 / 165w

THE BOARD Twin Shape - Directional Flex Camber Setback Stance Swiss Wood Core

THE EXTRAS Reactive Flex Ultimate Traction Bumps Tip Protectors Sintered Base - Diamond Finnish (Fastest, most durable base available due to high-density carbon molecular)


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SPECS Size (cm) Nose Length (mm) Running Length (mm) Tail Length (mm) Nose Width (mm) Waist Width (cm) Waist Width (inch) Tail Width (mm) Sidecut Radius (m) Min/Max Stance (cm) Min/Max Stance (inch) Setback (cm) Nose Height (mm) Tail Height (mm) Inserts (#) Rider’s Weight (kgs) Rider’s Weight (lbs)

154 240 1060 240 292 25.1 9.9 292 7.2 50/62 19.7/24.4 0 54 54 6x2 60-80 132-176

156 240 1080 240 294 25.3 10 294 7.4 52/64 20.5/25.2 0 54 54 6x2 70-100 154-220

158 240 1100 240 295 25.3 10 295 7.6 52/64 20.5/25.2 0 54 54 6x2 70-100 154-220

161 245 1120 245 297 25.5 10 297 7.8 52/64 20.5/25.2 0 57 57 6x2 70-100 154-220

165w 245 1160 245 305 26 10.2 305 7.9 52/64 20.5/25.2 0 57 57 6x2 70-100 154-220


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“IT’S ABOUT PERSONALITY, DISPLAYING A RIDERS INVOLVEMENT AND DRIVE TOWARDS REAL FACTS” When it fell to the ground it barely made a sound the wind picked it up as I reached down, a frown and a couple steps closer, to hold it on my own.


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Turning over the page of artificially synthesized mass culture that has been created from the market driven fashion change and superficial stylistic innovations that are manufactured forms of the consumer culture. We created the Hub for riders to clear the way towards their highest demands. Welcome to Slash! Being a ‘rider designed’ line can only ever benefit a snowboard. The Hub is making the difference to progress true needs and not follow trends. Clearing the way for createand destroy assignments by our Teamriders, allowing them involvement at 100%.


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See you soon..

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