Get Fit Get Sexy by Sleekly - November 2014 Issue

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Boost Your


19 Top




YOGA POSES Ways to Get Rid of Belly Fat

for Weight Loss

Do you really need to

LOSE WEIGHT? What are the Benefits of Drinking

Here's How to Tell...


on the inside 5 Do You Really Need to Lose Weight? Here's How to Tell...


6 Yoga Poses for Weight Loss 7 Weight Loss - The Natural Way 9 What are the Benefits of Drinking Green Smoothies? 10 Skin Cream Review - Pros and Cons of Collagen Skin Cream 11 Ways to Get Rid of Belly Fat

12 Bad Breath Solutions 13 Supplements that Really Work 15 Calculating the Amount of Calories to Lose Weight 16 Exclusive Women's Leg and Butt Toning - Beginner to Advanced 17 Ways to Cope With Insatiable Food Cravings 18 Nutrition Has to Be Specific to Your Workout


on the inside 20 20 Make the Most of the Day Get Started With Breakfast 21 Alkaline-Rich Diet May Help to Prevent Fibromyalgia 22 Boost Your Metabolism 23 Pregnancy Weight Loss Losing That Baby Fat 24 Proven Weight Loss Tips to Help You Get In Shape for Summer


25 19 Top Muscle Building Foods

26 The Best Workout Routine for Overweight Women 28 The Natural Way of Skin Care 29 How to Lose Weight by Sleeping 31 The Secret of Stretching: 3 Advanced Techniques 33 You're a Vegan? How Do You Get Your Protein?


FROM THE EDITOR Welcome to this month’s issue of Get Fit. Get Sexy. Magazine. This month we bring you some great new articles that will help you fast track your goals and success.

We work hard to put together each issue of this magazine and welcome the feedback and contributions from all our loyal readers. A publication like this would not be possible without the support of our valued advertisers who provide relevant products and services for our readership. Please visit our sponsors as they know what you need and how to help you with all your endeavors. Lastly, I would like to congratulate you for investing your time to educate yourself by reading this magazine.

We are proud to be able to help all our readers, and look forward to serving you for many years to come. Regards, Moji Tehranian, CPT Health & Fitness Editor (



Do you really have to lose weight? What are the things you need to do for you to be able to know whether you have a healthy body weight or not? These might be just some of the questions you have in your mind right now. Having a healthy body weight is indeed very important for everyone to have because this only shows that you are living a healthy lifestyle. But how do you know you need a weight loss? The best thing you can do to find out whether you need to lose weight or not is to get your body mass index (BMI). The body mass index will tell you whether you are overweight, underweight, or an ideal or normal weight for your age and height. In calculating your BMI, it only requires two measurements: height and weight. There are two ways on how to get your BMI. First is the use of imperial formula where you have to divide your weight measurement in pounds by your height measurement in inches squared. Then, get the result and multiply it by 703.

The other way in getting your BMI is by means of using the metric imperial formula where you have to divide your weight measurement in kilograms by your height measurement in centimeters square. If your BMI weight is below 18.5, then your status is underweight; if the result is 18.5 -24.9, then you are normal; if your BMI result is 25 -29.9, you are overweight; and if you're BMI result is 30 and above, then you are obese. Another way of finding out if you have to lose weight is to measure your waistline by means of using a measuring tape and placing it around your waist. If you are a female and you have a weight

measurement that is more than 35 inches or 88 centimeters, then you probably have to lose weight. But if you are a male and your weight measurement is more than 40 inches or 102 centimeters, you better plan and do something to lose weight. Having a high waist measurement increases your risk of heart disease. Finding out whether you have to lose weight or not, is important for you to have a healthy body and for you be invulnerable with different kinds of illness or diseases. Moreover, when you are planning to lose weight, it is of extreme importance for you to learn about the basic and fundamental weight loss facts.

The best thing you can do to find out whether you need to lose weight or not is to get your body mass index (BMI). Sleekly Recommends: EatSmart Precision BMI/Body Fat Scale



for Weight Loss There has been a lot of curiosity about the best and worst yoga poses for weight loss. Yoga is an ancient discipline from India that was designed to increase self-awareness and self-understanding by using the tools of meditation and controlled breathing practices. The physical poses were actually added later to the practice in order to make it more comfortable to sit for a long time when meditating. In the West, the poses became a popular way to get toned and fit and has become synonymous with a healthy and spiritually secular lifestyle. Yoga is not a religion, but a set of lifestyle practice that help you to become more objective, calmer and more peaceful. The poses, when combined with conscious “breath work” and other healthy eating habits, can be a journey into self-transformation in both body and mind.

Sleekly Recommends: Ashley Turner's Element: Yoga for Weight Loss In Hatha Yoga, most yoga poses for weight loss focus on sun salutations that consist of a series of poses that are designed to warm, stretch and move the spine in different directions. It is best to practice on an empty stomach and to just sip water during the practice. You want to make sure your cell phone is turned off so you can be fully focused on your practice as well as not disturb the other students. The practice starts off by setting an intention, usually by chanting “om” in Ashtanga classes, which connects the group to a larger universal consciousness. The first pose is mountain pose, which is just standing in attention with an emphasis on alignment, engagement and conscious breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth. The next poses are usually forward bends,

followed by plank pose, which is basically a push up which helps to build upper body strength and heat the body. The practice then moves on to an upward dog, which is an intense backbend on the floor. The next pose is then a downward dog, which is designed to stretch the hamstrings, lengthen the spine and strengthen the arms. The downdog is followed by jumping or hopping into a standing forward bend and then coming back to the standing pose and to start this series of poses that flow from one

pose to the next. After about 15 minutes of sun salutations you will find yourself feeling warm and sweat starting to drip down your body so you know that you are getting stronger and more toned. Depending on how fast the transitions from one pose to the next is will affect how many calories your yoga poses for weight loss will burn. Studies show that yoga lowers levels of stress hormones and increases insulin sensitivity—a signal to your body to burn food as fuel rather than store it as fat.

Weight Loss


Losing weight is a tedious task, especially for women. Losing weight from thighs and hips is the most difficult task. With so many weight loss techniques available in the market, it becomes a mountain climbing task for anyone to decide which technique to choose and which to leave. However, most of you would prefer weight loss through natural methods as they are safe and reliable. Avoid oily, junk and food... The foremost rule for obtaining a slim and trimmed body is to avoid oily, junk and food that contain excessive sugar. In short you must curtail your carbohydrate intake as this is the prime reason for a person becoming obese. You can opt for healthy food like green leafy vegetables and fruits. As the saying goes 'To gain something you need to lose something'. Similarly, if you want to lose weight you need to give up on your taste buds. Exercise... Exercising is the second weight loss tool. The more calories you burn, the faster you will lose weight. According to research, 20 minutes of brisk walking

daily is sufficient for maintaining a healthy body. If you further want to reduce your weight, then you must do at least 20 minutes of cardio exercise daily. On an average exercising for about 40-45 minutes daily, 5 days a week can do wonder to your body. Increase your daily activity level.. Take breaks in between your work or household chores and go for a short walk. An increase in the activity level aids in weight loss. The metabolism of the body is enhanced when you remain active; this ensures that you burn extra calories. People who lead a sedentary life are found to be fatter than those who are in an active job. Practice Yoga... Yoga is another very effective technique to lose weight. Yoga not only aids in weight loss, but it is also highly effective in increasing your inner strength. When done properly, it massages the endocrine glands, which are driving reason for weight loss. Yoga is also believed to make people conscious and they automatically start eating healthy. Kick-start your weight loss with "10,000 Steps a Day to a Better You" Pedometer Set

What are the Benefits of DRINKING GREEN SMOOTHIES?

...What’s the big deal about drinking pulped-up veggies and stuff? It sounds healthy. It is healthy. But there’s more to green smoothies than the straightforward benefit of upping your overall fruit and vegetable intake.

Green smoothies are perfect additions for a more healthy life. It is a mixture of fruits and vegetables with cold water or ice, which forms a rich and nutritious drink. What’s the big deal about drinking pulped-up veggies and stuff? It sounds healthy. It is healthy. But there’s more to green smoothies than the straightforward benefit of upping your overall fruit and vegetable intake. Unlike most modern drinks that contain artificial sweeteners and chemicals, they are healthy and above all 100% natural. These artificial sweeteners comprise aspartame and acesulfame potassium, which are always in question as to whether or not they are carcinogenic. In addition to all this, too much consumption of processed sugars can contribute and increase the risk of diabetes and many other diseases. In contrast, there is no risk in drinking green smoothies because they contain fructose that comes from fruits and veggies, which are easily decomposed. The secret that makes green smoothies be the best choice for anyone is that they can combine between the best taste and the best nutrition possible! Because the fruits provide smooth and rich flavor, while vegetables provide thick texture and a large amount of dietary fiber the body needs. So what are the benefits of drinking green smoothies

daily? Here are some: It will help in the regulation of blood sugar levels and reduction of blood cholesterol levels. These smoothies provide your body with the nutrients you need and will make you eat less junk food and unhealthy snacks, which will allow you to lose weight. With all the added nutrients in your body, your hair and nails will not only grow faster, but will also be stronger and healthier. It helps to alkalize our blood pH. A high acidic pH leads to illness and disease, and drinking green smoothies neutralizes this acidic environment. It provides chlorophyll, which cleanses and builds blood. Green smoothies are antioxidant rich, helping our bodies to fight free radicals and toxins in our environment. It helps reduce inflammation. It provides much needed fiber. It encourages healthy digestion.

Sleekly Recommends: 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse (Lose Up to 15 Pounds in 10 Days!) Drinking green smoothies trick you into being healthy. It will affect the way you feel about yourself and your lifestyle. And because the human mind just loves to be consistent, drinking healthy smoothies can make you feel more inclined to get some exercise too!


Skin Cream Review



When you are looking through different skin cream reviews, finding the best anti aging products for your skin, you will often encounter collagen creams. But what are collagen creams exactly? Well, these skin creams contain collagen, an important protein that can be found in the skin naturally. Collagen, alongside with elastin, are indeed the key factors in the skin that keep it looking young, smooth and firm. As their production is slowed down as we age, they cannot keep up with the task and hence wrinkles appear. Having said that, the idea of a collagen skin cream sounds good doesn't it? Before we make any conclusion, it’s best to look at some of the pros and cons of collagen creams. Pros • You can easily get this type of skin cream in your local supermarket or cosmetics store. • Many of these creams are not too expensive. • Most collagen creams have ingredients that make them work better and effectively. Cons • Here's the shock: nearly all collagen skin creams don't work like they should. That's because the collagen molecules are too big to penetrate through the skin into the deeper layers, where the skin's own collagen works. That means the collagen you apply on

the skin is - sad but true - useless. • Collagen creams are usually non-natural, which makes them potentially dangerous for your health due to various chemicals used in them. Conclusion While collagen skin cream might sound like a viable alternative when you're looking for the best anti aging products for your skin, the reality is not quite that rosy. The fact that collagen by nature cannot be used by the skin when applied on it directly, makes the collagen in skin moisturizers plain and simple humbug. There is an alternative though: creams that contain ingredients that can penetrate into the deeper layers of skin, and boost your body's ability to produce more collagen and elastin on its own. This is a method that has been clinically tested and found effective by scientists, not to mention many consumers and users of these creams. One of the best ingredients that has this ability is called Xtend TK, and it is a natural, functional keratin available in only a few of the best anti aging products. My Recommendation Forget collagen skin creams and look for a product that boosts your body's own collagen production, preferably one with the ingredient Xtend TK and other natural, effective ingredients. Xtend-Life Age Defense Active Day Cream for Women contains active ingredients like Xtend TK, Phytessence Wakame, CoEnzyme Q10, etc.

not get the results you really want. Instead of all those crunches, do exercises that engage multiple muscle groups and work your cardiovascular system. Try planking, where you hold yourself in a push-up position, resting your forearms on the ground. Try 3 or 4 sets of holding for 30 seconds each. Getting up and moving throughout the day by going for walks will also help.


BELLY FAT One of the most common questions I get is how to get rid of belly fat. Belly fat is actually the most dangerous type of fat – besides aesthetics, large waistlines are indicators of health problems. Getting rid of belly fat is a process that consists of various steps to follow. In this article, I will explain the 3-step method that will surely help you lose that belly fat.

1st, Control Sugar Intake Fighting belly fat is 80% healthy diet. Reduce calories by filling yourself up with protein, vegetables, whole grains, and replacing bad habit snacks with good ones. For example, if you have a sugar craving, replace your calorie laden latte with a Muscle Milk lite, one of my favorites, because it has zero sugar and a ton of protein that will satiate while also torching my sugar craving! Another great trick is a sprinkle of cinnamon in your morning coffee or oatmeal- the spice has been shown to help stabilize blood sugar. It also slows the rate at which food exits the stomach, which helps you feel fuller longer. 2nd, Exercise After you have the sugar level in control, the next thing you have to concentrate is your workout. 1000 crunches a night may get you strong abdominal muscles, but with a full layer of fat on top, you will

3rd, Eat Good Fat and High-Protein Food It takes fat to burn fat. Like I mentioned above, it’s the sugar that gets you fat, not fat. Good fats include foods rich in Omega 3′s, like salmon, avocados & walnuts. High-protein foods are full of nutrients that help keep you satiated throughout the day.

Eat fat... It’s sugar that gets you fat, not fat. Good fats include foods rich in Omega 3′s, like salmon, avocados & walnuts. These foods are full of nutrients that help keep you satiated throughout the day. Keep in mind that getting rid of belly fat takes more than just crunches. We start to gain weight in our midsection when our cortisol levels spike. Stress is one of the primary culprits for high levels of cortisol secretion. So make sure you are sleeping well, eating healthy and getting enough exercises to keep yourself off stress. Simple Ways To Best Handle Daily Stress Dr. Oz recommends Suma Extract, and he said this traditional medicine can help the body better deal with stress. He suggested 500 mg of Suma twice a day to help combat stress to promote an overall health.



There are some people who have problems with chronic bad breath regardless of how they brush their teeth. The smell won't disappear even though they're making use of mouth rinse and scrubbing their teeth more often than once a day. This will eventually lead to a loss of self confidence when speaking with individuals. And avoiding individuals after some time might lead to issues.

Neem Solution: Neem herbs when dissolved in warm water provide a great mouthwash. If you’re currently using a mouthwash that irritates your gums and teeth, try switching to the neem solution. This solution is a perfect natural remedy for daily oral hygiene. Gargle with it about four times a day to help prevent and get rid of your unpleasant breath.

The good news is you don't have to stay away from people since there are many things that you can do to fix bad breath. Listed below are some bad breath solutions that are worth trying out:

Mint Leaves: Mint leaves freshen the breath and also give a cool sensation in the mouth. All it takes is chewing them after every meal to get rid of or prevent the possibility of breath problems.

Sweetened Black Tea: In Asian countries, herbal tea has long been used to combat bad breath because the people there feel that the tea contains antibacterial substances that get rid of the germs that bring about offensive breath. So when it comes to a useful home remedy, sweetened black tea is one thing you should consider. Green Vegetables: The immune system is strengthened when you eat green fresh vegetables. If you keep the body healthy by consuming the correct types of foods, then invaders like germs can be fought off. So by building up our immune system we greatly reduce the possibilities for an issue with germs and therefore avert breath problems along the way. Green vegetables help strengthen the immune system and hence prevent the recurrence of halitosis.

5 Surprising Causes of Bad Breath + Drug Store Buys To Keep Your Mouth Odor-Free

Yogurt: Yogurt is another effective treatment for breath problems because it could get rid of the problem completely. Yogurt has good bacteria that the body needs. Consuming it daily for 6 weeks straight will be good for you. Pineapple Juice: Pineapple juice is also very effective. Because of its high acidic content, it keeps the bacteria away from your gums and tongue. Lemon Solution: If you mix lemon juice with warm water, and gargle, your bad breath will go away. Lemon inhibits bacteria formation in the gums and tongue. Sleekly Recommends: Jason Powersmile Toothpaste (With tea tree and neem oils)




REALLY WORK We all want to be healthier but many of us don't know where to begin. By becoming healthier, not only we can increase our lifespan, but we can also improve the quality of our lives. There are lots of things you can do to improve your health and many of them are extremely easy and go a long way. In this article I will describe various ways to improve your health and hopefully you will realize just how easy it can be so long as you have the commitment to make it happen. One thing you may want to consider doing in order to improve your health is take supplements. There are many supplements that have been shown to improve your health in a number of ways. Let’s take a look at some supplements and see how they can actually help improve your health. FISH OIL. Fish Oil capsules contain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are found in oils from certain types of fish, vegetables, and other plant sources. These fatty acids are not made by the body and must be consumed in the diet. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids work by lowering the body's production of triglycerides. High levels of triglycerides can lead to coronary artery disease, heart disease, and stroke. This supplement is best used together with diet and exercise to help lower triglyceride levels in the blood. CREATINE. Another supplement that has been found to increase your strength is creatine. The California study indicates that by consuming creatine, you may be helping your muscles build phospocreatine, which gives you the ability to perform better at shorter, intense strength-building exercises. This form of energy is called ATP and when you have more of it in your muscles they won't tire as quickly. Creatine has also been shown to be good for your brain. It turns out that not only do your muscles store creatine, but your brain does as well. Studies have found that creatine can improve brain function and can increase the amount of oxygen your brain uses.

By becoming healthier, not only we can increase our lifespan, but we can also improve the quality of our lives. LECITHIN. Lecithin is a compound found in egg yolk and other food sources. You can also buy high amounts of lecithin in supplement form. Your body uses it to produce more of a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine, which is needed for memory. VITAMIN C. There have been studies that have examined the effects of vitamin C on the ability to burn fat. Researchers found that when people take vitamin C supplements they are able to burn more fat during submaximal exercise.

Sleekly Recommends: Kirkland Signature Omega-3 Fish Oil

CALCULATING THE AMOUNT OF CALORIES TO LOSE WEIGHT No matter what your diet goal is, the single most important part of every single diet plan is calories. Or, more specifically, your total daily calorie intake. Calories are everything. They are the true key to an effective diet plan regardless of any other aspect of it. No other dietary factor influences what your body does anywhere near the level that calories do. In fact, your daily calorie intake is the only diet component that will truly differ or change based on what your goal is. By using a simple formula called the Harris-Benedict principle, you can assess your basal metabolic rate or what we called BMR. It’s the most common and widely used method of calculating calorie needs. It estimates your caloric needs based on averages. BMR is the amount of energy your body needs to function well. Our body is constantly burning calories, and burns even more calories when we have performed activities and strenuous exercise. There are factors that influence BMR, these are: height, weight, age, sex and level of performed activity. By understanding this formula, calculating the amount of calories to lose weight will be easier.

Calculating BMR To get your BMR, the following are used as a standard value. Women: BMR = 655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age) Men: BMR = 66 + (6.23 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) - (6.8 x age) After getting your BMR, Harris-Benedict equation is used to incorporate your daily activity level. To determine your needed calorie intake, multiply your BMR by activity as follows: • For sedentary lifestyle (little or no exercise) BMR x 1.2 • Lightly active (light exercise) - BMR x 1.375 • Moderately active (moderate exercise) - BMR x 1.725 • Extra active (very hard exercise) - BMR x 1.9 The result will be the number of calories you need every day to maintain your current weight. In order to lose weight, you'll need to take in fewer calories than this result. Conventionally, the recommended weight to lose per week is 1 to 2 pounds or equivalent to eating a deficit of 500 calories per day on your calorie needs.

Sleekly Recommends: Kitrics Digital Nutrition Scale

Our body is constantly burning calories, and burns even more calories when we have performed activities and strenuous exercise.

EXCLUSIVE WOMEN'S LEG AND BUTT From my experience, toned legs and a nice butt are always one of the top priorities for women when they list their fitness goals. Below is a leg and butt toner program (from beginner, to intermediate, and advanced), which is included in most of my boot camp classes & personal training. Do this workout two to three times a week to receive maximum benefits!

TONING Beginner to Advanced

Note that this is not the only thing you should do. For results, you need to train a total of four to five times a week. Train upper body at least once a week and make it a point to get a couple of conditioning sessions of 30 to 45 minutes in as well.

Pointers: Perform three sets of each exercise and take 45-60 seconds between each. Push yourself to lift more weight. If you are able to complete all three sets for the prescribed number of reps, then you must increase the weight. Do all of the movements with proper form. Do this program for 6-8 weeks.: Beginner: Ball Wall Squat or Single Leg Box Step up: 810 reps (use dumbbells for added resistance) Ball Butt Lift 8-12 reps Split Squat (use only body weight or dumbbells): 8-10 reps each Side Plank Leg Raise 6-10 reps each leg Ball Wall Calf Raise 12-15 reps Intermediate: Med. Ball Squat Jump: 8-12 reps Ball Leg Curl 8-15 reps Walking Lunges (with body weight or dumbbells): 6-10 reps each leg Barbell RDL: 8-10 reps Ball Wall Calf Raises: 10-15 reps Advanced: Box jump: 8-12 reps (work with a height that is comfortable for you, but challenge yourself to go higher)

Barbell Squats: 8-10 reps Barbell RDL 8-10 reps Angled Lunges 6-8 reps each leg (use med ball or dumbbells for added resistance) Ball Wall Calf Raises 10-15 reps 10 other leg and butt exercises that can be done using the following equipment:

Adjustable dumbbells

Medicine Ball

Stability Ball

Skipping Rope

Dumbell Squat and Press Dumbell Swing Dumbell Spilt Squat Dumbell Cheat Press Dumbell alternating back row Stability Ball Leg Curl Seated Med. Ball Twist Med. Ball Push Up or Stability Ball Push Ups Stability Ball Plank Interval Skipping


Ways To Cope With Insatiable Food Cravings A morsel further and you'll end up eating that entire bag of potato crisps - that's attraction. More precisely, that's food yearning, a powerful feeling of gobbling your chosen food or treat that very instant. Cravings for food can happen anytime and usually powerful enough to discard all of your dieting rules. Food can definitely be considered a sinful delight for many. However, this short enjoyment may wreck your well-being, exercise levels and weight loss goals. Through smart food choices and some suggestions mentioned below, you will be able to curb food cravings. Restock Your Fridge. Your fridge may be the cause of your harmful binge and yearn. You simply need to restock it with healthier snacks and food choices. Get rid of sugary items and those saturated in calories. Always make room for low fat cheese, little ice cream packages, fruits, soybeans, vegetables and fresh fruit juices. Try to stay away from sodas, highly-processed foods and ingredients like: refined sweeteners, refined grains, and factory farmed meat. You'll be left with just well-balanced meals to satisfy your cravings. Uncanny, But Accurate - Keep the Mouth Area Clean. If the mouth area is clean and fresh, odds are you will not attempt to spoil it. So next time you have that craving, go brush your teeth with minty toothpaste. Swish with a little minty mouthwash and floss your teeth. As a final touch, apply some peppermint lip balm.

Identify Your Weakness. If you tend to binge eat a bag of potato crisps, then don’t buy it at all or just get a smaller packet. Same thing if you have a weakness for chocolate, avoid it by not having any in the house or opt for a healthier alternative like high protein chocolate pudding. Don’t Starve Yourself. Eating 5 to 6 meals a day is recommended to keep your metabolism up, but it

also helps with cravings. When you skip meals or eat too few calories, you are setting yourself up for trouble because the lower your blood sugar drops the weaker your will become and you’ll likely to make impulsive decisions about food and end up eating the foods you crave. Set a Meal Plan. Planning your day's meal, from breakfast to dinner, would be helpful in curbing food cravings. Drink Your Water. Cravings can often be quenched by hydration. Drink a tall glass of water and then wait 15 minutes. Be sure you are getting in at least 80 ounces of water a day. Consume Natural Hunger or Appetite Suppressant. The trick to coping with insatiable food cravings is to stay full. Having a balanced diet and consuming wholesome foods will do the work. Some of the most effective appetite suppressants are: almonds, apple, avocados, and cinnamon, hot sauce, flax seeds and Yacon syrup.

Studies have shown that Yacon Syrup is a powerful appetite suppressant and can help reduce levels of the hunger hormone ‘ghrelin’ in your body.

...The trick to coping with insatiable food cravings is to stay full. Having a balanced diet and consuming wholesome foods will do the work. Yacon Syrup for Weight Loss: Truth or Fiction?



SPECIFIC to your workout

When most athletes think of sports nutrition and sports supplements, they think protein. But often neglected is finding the proper protein and carbohydrate balance for optimum recovery and enhanced muscle gains. Most of us are more concerned with maximizing our workout efforts and getting the fastest results. But effective workouts demand complete nutrition and we should make the right choices to refuel our body. This is why nutrition has to be specific to your workout, be it circuit training, yoga or HIIT.

‘Muscle Glycogen Depleting’ Workouts ‘Muscle glycogen depleting’ workouts need higher levels of carbohydrates in a ratio of 3 carbohydrates to every 1 protein. These types of workouts are high intensity exercises that elevate your heart rate with a total time lasting longer than 20-30 minutes. Examples would be conditioning work, practice, circuit type training, games, hiking, etc. where at the end of your workout you 'broke a sweat.' The activity would have required a mix of strength, power, and endurance. ‘Muscle Building’ Workouts Muscle building workouts are workouts that occur primarily in the weight room. These are purely anaerobic type workouts that are designed to increase strength and power. For optimum recovery and muscle building you would require a near 1 carbohydrate to 1 protein ratio. This would mean you would be taking in more protein than you would in an endurance type of workout. Most workouts in the gym would fall under this category. However, if you do circuit type of conditioning work in the weight room that elevates your heart rate with the purpose of building endurance, you would need a muscle glycogen depleting formula of 3 carbohydrates to 1 protein.

..effective workouts demand complete nutrition and we should make the right choices to refuel our body. Refueling your muscle glycogen and having appropriate amounts of carbohydrates are important for multiple reasons. The first obvious reason is that it refuels your glycogen. These are your stores of fuel located in your muscle. If you run out of glycogen, you run out of fuel. The second most important reason for having carbohydrates is that carbohydrates turn your body from a catabolic state (muscle breakdown) into an anabolic state (muscle building). Protein alone has a hard time turning your body into an anabolic state immediately after a workout. If you want to maximize your workout, build muscle, and recover faster.. it's important to have the correct amounts of nutrition. By having nutrition specific to your workout, you will recover quicker and come back stronger. No longer are the days of just taking a protein shake and trying to get as much protein as possible. The one size fits all approach is not the most efficient way to accomplish your goals (building muscle, muscle recovery, etc.). The right workout nutrition is very important, but it doesn't have to be complicated or difficult to fit in. Plan ahead to ensure the body has the right nutrients for fast, adequate recovery.



Moji Tehranian, CPT


Make the Most of the Day


WITH BREAKFAST The key ingredients for a healthy breakfast include: • Whole grain rolls, bagels, cereals, low-fat bran muffins, English muffins, Melba toast, and, crackers. • Low-fat protein such as peanut butter, almond butter, Nutella® spread, Canadian bacon, low-fat mozzarella cheese sticks, turkey bacon and sausage, scrambled egg whites or an egg-white omelet, hard-cooked eggs or vegetarian protein items. • Low-fat or fat free dairy foods i.e., fat-free milk, Greek-style low-fat yogurt, cottage and natural cheeses. • Fruits and vegetables including fresh or frozen items, 100 percent juice beverages without added. If you've been a 'breakfast skipper," consider the following tips, which should make the meal a little easier to get on the table (or in your hand on the way out the door):

You can build the foundation for a winning day by simply starting it with breakfast. I know you've heard it before, it's true, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you are grabbing your house keys and heading out in the mornings without eating, then you are setting yourself up for some serious health problems in the future. By skipping breakfast, you’re also skipping on the fuel your body and brain need to get started and help you focus on high performance. The side effects of not eating breakfast negatively impact weight, hormonal health, memory, cognition and mood. Studies show that adults and children who eat breakfast are: more focused, more productive and have better problem-solving skills. Breakfast also aids in consuming adequate amounts of the vitamins and minerals recommended for a healthy lifestyle. If you eat breakfast you are more likely to control your weight.

Pre-pack to-go bags the day before a crazy morning. Include a zip-top plastic bag of granola; add a hard-cooked egg, low-fat yogurt, and a handful of grapes just before you leave. Have a smoothie. Just make sure to add some protein, like yogurt, whey protein powder, or tofu, to keep you satisfied longer. Make quick and healthy breakfast sandwiches with frozen waffles (toasted), peanut butter and sliced banana. Set foods aside the night before; cut up fruits, pour cereal or prepare mixtures for baked or scrambled eggs. Consider steel-cut oats for a super-healthy and convenient meal. Combine the oats and water, bring to a boil, remove from heat, cover and let set overnight. The next morning, you just have to reheat them. Keep your freezer stocked with frozen waffles and healthy breakfast burritos. Don't think of berries as an extravagance. They're outrageously good for you and they dress up a bowl of cereal. Always keep a bowl of fresh seasonal fruits available for the easiest grab-and-go. Adding breakfast to the day is easy; just make a few adjustments to your schedule, plan ahead, and grab-and-go with one of these simple breakfast choices. Get this make ahead recipe: Spicy Sausage and Egg Breakfast Muffins

ALKALINE-RICH DIET may help to prevent Fibromyalgia

A body that is too acidic can be a host of so many diseases such as fibromyalgia. This is why many people sought refuge in a diet that is alkaline-rich. While origins and root cause of the disease is still unknown to many experts and doctors, the symptoms can easily be managed. Stress, an acidic diet and an unhealthy lifestyle can all trigger symptoms and can aggravate fibromyalgia. This is why having an alkaline diet is important to people with the disease; so they can control and manage the symptoms. Here are some ways to help you manage symptoms of fibromyalgia with alkaline foods: Eat the right foods. The best way you can do to prevent symptoms from attacking is to eat the right foods. A healthy diet is important to keep your body from getting acidic. Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of alkaline-forming compounds. Such foods will maintain the right level of alkalinity in your body and thereby prevent any symptoms of the disease that you might feel. Turkey for meat. Most red meat contains high amounts of fat that can increase the acidity levels of your body and thereby produce the disease. It can aggravate the condition and make symptoms even harder to manage. This is why resorting to healthier alternatives is the best option to maintain low levels of acidity in the body and to maintain a healthy body.

Turkey is also rich in tryptophan, which is an essential amino acid that helps in preventing muscle fatigue that is often associated with the disease. Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of alkaline to neutralize your body. They are best eaten raw and unprocessed so you get maximum benefits.

Sardines. Recent studies point to one possible cause of muscle pain--the most common symptom of fibromyalgia: a dietary deficiency of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), a nutrient essential for muscle function. Sardines contain high amounts of CoQ10, making it a superfood for those with fibromyalgia. Red Fruits. Cherries and raspberries are more than sweet summer treats. They’re also potent pain reducers. That’s because these fruits contain a compound called anthocyanins, with 10 times the anti-inflammatory relief of aspirin, research shows. Raw fruits and vegetables. As mentioned earlier, fruits and vegetables are the best sources of alkaline to neutralize your body. They are best eaten raw and unprocessed so you get maximum benefits. Having an alkaline-rich diet can greatly help reduce symptoms of fibromyalgia. It has been helping sufferers to live a healthier, happier life again.

Boost Your Metabolism


5WAYS weight, height, daily activity, genetics, and diet. If you are looking at the word genetics with a sinking feeling, only 5% of our metabolism comes from genetics. Increasing your metabolism is possible; it will take a lot of work, but will definitely pay off in the end.

Stay Hydrated. Dehydration can trick you into feeling hungry, diminish athletic and mental performance, and impede metabolism. Hit the weights! Using heavier weights than what you normally use will increase the amount of calories you use the rest of the day. Not only you do get that awesome after burn, but building up muscle will involve burning more calories all day long. Muscle burns more calories than fat. In other words, the more muscle mass you have, the more your metabolic rate increases—even while you’re at rest. Kick up the intervals. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has also been shown to increase calories burned the rest of the day. Adding an interval program to your cardio one or two days a week will jack up your calorie burn. Eat Your Breakfast. Eating breakfast wakes up your metabolism after fasting for seven or eight hours during sleep.

Boosting metabolism is the holy grail of those who want to lose weight, but how fast your body burns calories depends on several things. Some people inherit a speedy metabolism. Men tend to burn more calories than women, even while resting. And for most people, metabolism slows steadily after age 40. Our metabolism is basically the rate in which our body breaks down fat, protein, and carbohydrates in order to maintain the needs of our body. Every person is different and has different requirements based on their age,

Get Up and Get Moving! Take small breaks to stand at your desk every 30 minutes, take stairs instead of lift, park farther away or bike/walk to work. Find reasons to be active.

Getting your metabolism moving in the right direction aren’t all that difficult to implement into your daily routine. The key is to be consistent. You can also try these natural products, which are known to speed up metabolism: 100% Pure Raw Yacon Syrup Well Roots Green Tea Calorie Burner

PREGNANCY WEIGHT LOSS - Losing that Baby Fat Some studies find that breastfeeding exclusively can help you return to your pre-baby weight faster.

Having a baby and giving birth are both wonderful life passages that women can experience. However, along with carrying a baby inside for some 40 plus weeks comes the not-so-nice feeling of unwanted weight gain. The desire and challenge to lose that baby fat, while trying to raise a newborn, can be challenging.

calories without doing much physical activity. After all, going to the gym is probably difficult in the first year after the baby is born as the mother deals with a lot of responsibilities. Some studies find that breastfeeding exclusively can help you return to your pre-baby weight faster.

As part of being pregnant, a woman puts on weight as the fetus grows and her body readies itself for childbirth. Unfortunately, this extra weight doesn't go away with the delivery of her baby. Like in any weight loss pursuit, there needs to be a conscious effort to lose baby fat.

Stay Relaxed and Realistic There is a natural tendency to want to lose weight fast after pregnancy. However, women should be mindful not to sabotage their pregnancy weight loss plan by doing irrational things such as under-eating. After all, that extra weight was put on over some 9 months; so it might take a while to lose it all. When this relaxed view is taken, a planned approach to weight loss can then happen within realistic expectations.

Physically and emotionally, the mother can be at odds with taking care of her baby's needs and her own. Hormonal changes after giving birth can affect how she feels. Plus the stress that arises from baby's demands and sometimes even from family (like differing views in bringing up children) can often take the toll on pregnancy weight loss. Fortunately, there are ways to lose weight after pregnancy. The following tips will help you fit back into your old jeans. Breastfeed Your Baby Breastfeeding is good for your baby as it boosts immunity and provides a number of other important health benefits to your child. The good news is that breastfeeding can actually help with weight loss.

To produce breast milk for the baby, the average mother utilizes between 500 to 800 calories a day -- this is a great way to burn

As a benchmark, medical experts suggest a loss of 2 pounds a week is reasonable. Assuming a woman gained 30 pounds during pregnancy and shed 14 after childbirth, she's got another 16 pounds to lose. So a rough gauge for that to happen is 8 weeks. Setting an expectation of roughly 3-4 months is probably fair and objective. Take It Easy It is understandable that a mother would want to look the way she was before she got pregnant, and she can't wait to restore her figure. It is important to accept that weight loss takes time and a realistic approach is always better. Staying relaxed helps the woman set fair goals and take everything in her stride.

Post Pregnancy Weight Loss: How to get back in shape quickly without struggles


Proven Weight Loss Tips to Help You

GET IN SHAPE FOR SUMMER Winter is fast approaching, but for most single men and women, it’s never too early to think about getting in shape for everyone’s favorite season. During summer time we all love to go the beach and have fun. However, if you are fat and overweight, you would most likely be too shy to get into a bikini or a pair of shorts which will only expose your protruded belly, bloated hips and buttocks. This is why most women will be desperate in their search for a way to shed off the extra fat on their hips and waist while most men will be looking for ways to melt their beer bellies and tone up their arm and chest muscles once summer is approaching. In this article we will look at some ways on how to get that bikini body in time for summer 2015: Tip 1 - Consume more of lean and natural diets Natural foods are foods that have undergone minimal or nil artificial processing and that do not contain any artificial ingredient. Examples of good natural foods include fresh fruits and vegetables, poultry meat (without the skin), fish, and dry or tinned pulses (lentils, beans, chick peas etc). Get rid of junk foods from your diet totally; stay away from candy, chips, pastry based snacks, packaged meals and virtually every food that you can buy at fast food restaurants.

Keep in mind that dieting is a lifestyle change, not a boot camp. Your effort to lose weight may involve a total change in the way you eat and the way you live your life. Here's a few nutrition lifestyle to try:

If you want to drink fluids you should avoid soda at all costs; replace soda with water, coffee, tea and fresh fruit juices with no sugar additives. Note, however, that if you want to drink coffee, you must avoid drinking lattes; you can make use of low fat milk instead of full milk.

If you want to consume carbohydrates, make sure you eat only those that have low glycaemic index; you can start your day with muesli oat for breakfast (do not add sugar or salt). You should add protein supplements to your diet only if you engaged in a lot of weight training exercises; if you can eat a well-balanced diet, your body will be supplied with all the protein it needs without making use of extra supplements. You do not need to starve yourself if you want to lose weight; eat your 3 major meals every. You should have a healthy cereal based meal for breakfast; your lunch should be a mixture of carbohydrates (those with low glycemic index load), protein and healthy fats like omega 3 fatty acids inside fish; your dinner should consist of a light and well balanced meal. Tip 2 - Daily exercise The most important thing about exercises for weight loss is that you must commit yourself to doing it everyday; you might not do the same exercises daily, but you have to do some form of exercise 30-40 minutes a day.

Living Low-carb (recipes) Vegan Living Wheat-Free Living Tip 3 - Be more active If you live a sedentary life you would not lose weight successfully. If you want to become fitter and slimmer, you have to engage in a lot of lively activities like the following: Hiking: Engage in mountain hiking when you take weekend trips. Cycling Gardening Rowing Walking (be it with your friends or your dog) Engage in sports. Examples of great fat burning sports are badminton, swimming and tennis.

19 TOP

MUSCLE BUILDING foods One reason why you may want to build muscle is to lose weight. The connection between muscle gain and weight loss is probably one of the most misunderstood aspects of health and fitness. Adding muscle to your body helps you to lower your body fat percentage in a variety of ways; however, these effects are often indirect and can be confusing. With a little bit of information, you can connect the dots between muscle gain and weight loss and increase your results (and your motivation to exercise).

12) Yogurt. Rich in protein, calcium and can promote fat loss. It can also potentially reduce your risk of cancer. 13) Spinach. Full of vitamins and calcium, a true super food and calorie free! 14) Broccoli. Full of iron and vitamins and calorie free, great for keeping the immune system going. 15) Oats. Great for low GI energy, keeping fat storage to a minimum and studies have shown it’s also good for reducing cholesterol.

Here are some foods to consider adding into your diet if you are on the journey of muscle building:

16) Salmon. Packed with protein and omega 3 oils, just watch the calories as it does contain a lot of fats.

1) Pineapple. Apart from being naturally sweet and very tasty, pineapples contain Bromelain and enzyme that helps break down amino acids in proteins and promotes good digestion.

17) Blueberries. Loaded with antioxidants, delicious in pancakes or in some natural yogurt for breakfast. 18) Beans. High fiber complex carbohydrates, great for making you feel full but very healthy.

2) Eggs. Eggs contain muscle-building amino acids in every shell, as well as proteins and healthy fats - including the yolk, just don't eat too much! 3) Water. Being hydrated at all times is very important, especially if you are exercising regularly. It can also kick-start your metabolism.

7) Grapefruit. Half a grapefruit first thing in the morning will not only provide you with vitamin C, but will also help you to burn fat due to a special ingredient that helps prevent weight build up around the waist.

4) Sweet Potatoes. A low GI carb, ideal for maintaining and building muscle and avoiding fat gains.

8) Cottage Cheese. Slow release protein source, low in fat and ideal before bed.

5) Turkey Breast. Low in fat and high in protein, this white meat is also usually very cost effective if you are on a budget. 6) Olive Oil. High in monounsaturated fats very good for the heart in moderation.

9) Green Tea. Cancer prevention and weight loss, green tea has been shown to help with both. 10) Beef. Full of protein, muscle building amino acids and iron. 11) Whole-wheat Bread. Complex carbohydrates, great for making you feel full but still fairly low GI, use in moderation.

19) Avocado. Full of healthy fats, great as a source of energy on a low carbohydrate diet.

Additional protein from the following products are easy to drink, convenient to carry around and low in cost per serving, just remember to use them as supplements for real food: Now Foods Pea Protein Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Protein Six Star Whey Protein Powder (in Triple Chocolate)

The Best


ROUTINE FOR OVERWEIGHT WOMEN Exercise will help you lose weight and reduce body fat. However, you may find certain exercises challenging if you're already overweight. Overweight people carry extra weight around their midsections -- this makes certain movements impossible or uncomfortable. For instance, you may find weight benches and machines too small to get into or sit on comfortably. Luckily, you can take advantage of other workout routine options. AEROBICS Die-hard sports freaks swear by the power of aerobic exercises to lose body fat, such as jogging and running. These fat-burning exercises are effective and, depending on your speed of running and your body weight, you can lose a lot. Walking, cycling, skiing, swimming and working out on elliptical machines are equally effective. The effectiveness of aerobics is borne out by a study conducted at Duke Univ. Medical Center, Durham, USA, titled, Effects of aerobic vs. resistance training on visceral and liver fat stores, liver enzymes, and insulin resistance by HOMA in overweight adults from STRRIDE AT/RT.

...The goodies aerobic fitness deliver include a dose of moodboosting endorphins, activation of the immune system, reducing health risks, strengthening the heart and the likelihood of living a longer and better quality life.

The study aimed to examine the effect of aerobic training, resistance training and a combination of both as an effective means of reducing body fat. A randomized trial comprising 249 subjects, aged 18 years-70 years, were asked to perform a four month run-in term. Of these 249, 196 completed the run-in and were randomly placed into each of the eight month exercise-training groups.

exercise, waist circumference, lipid profile, total fat mass, trunk fat mass and highdensity lipoprotein ratio.

The study revealed that aerobic training led to substantial visceral fat and liver fat and abdominal fat. It also proved to be more effective at reducing body fat than resistance training. The study concluded that if overweight or obese people sought to reduce their body fat, moderate aerobic exercise is the best solution. RESISTANCE TRAINING Resistance training helps by adding weight to the body, which is really muscle tissue. The greater the amount of muscle tissue, the easier the body finds it to burn calories and reduce body fat. If one does resistance training three times a week, exercising the arms, chest, stomach, legs and back, you will grow muscle tissue and reduce body fat. A study titled Long-term Lifestyle Intervention with Optimized High-Intensity Interval Training Improves Body Composition, Cardiometabolic Risk, and Exercise Parameters in Patients with Abdominal Obesity, was conducted at Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation Centre (ÉPIC), Montreal Heart Institute, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The study examined the impact of high-intensity interval training with a long-term lifestyle to see the effect it had on body composition, tolerance to exercise, and other related factors. For purposes of the study, 62 overweight subjects aged about 50 years-60 years, were entered into a 9-month program comprising customized nutritional advice, resistance training and high-intensity interval exercises, three times a week. Weekly results were documented and at the end of the 9-month period, it was found that resistance training significantly improved body mass, body mass index, capacity to

If you're overweight and looking to lose weight through exercise, it is worth weighing yourself a month into your new routine to see if it is working - and whether it is likely to continue working. If there is no change, or you have put on more weight (and it is not from muscle mass), I suggest you look closely at your diet and other activities. Aerobics or high-intensity interval exercise, coupled with lifestyle change can significantly impact your weight and overall health. Once you hit a certain weight you almost feel hopeless, and starting a workout can be intimidating. Try starting a workout with: Elliptical Machine Exercise Ball "10,000 Steps a Day to a Better You" Pedometer Set

Saving the



Skin is the most sensitive part of the body and requires proper care to keep it healthy. There is a lot of pollution around us, which destroys our skin, makes it dry and causes other damages. There are many products available in the market that can help maintain your skin and repair it. The main function of the skin is to protect the inner organs and muscles from any contamination. The skin performs this great duty perfectly well, but as we age, the skin starts to wrinkle and becomes prone to diseases itself. The most common problem is dry skin, which can occur due to many reasons. Although, the most prominent reasons include taking heavy medicines for blood pressure, tension and headaches, it can be avoided by monitoring skin irritation after starting a new medication. Poor nutrition is another cause for dry skin. Since the skin is also a part of the body, it requires proper nutrition to keep it healthy. Being a complete vegetarian is not very good for the skin, since not taking enough animal fat will soon cause dry skin. Additionally a lack of vitamin B12 is considered responsible for the formation of acne. Correcting the diet can often be the best solution to the problem of dry skin. It is often advised to drink lots of water, in

order to restore the skin’s moisture. This is because water naturally removes toxins from the body.

Often, pimples are formed because the sebaceous glands in the skin are clogged with dirt. Properly moisturizing the skin will restore the sebaceous glands to its pre-damage conditions. The sebaceous glands can also be responsible for producing too much sweat and making the skin oily. Both problems can be fixed by correcting the diet. At some point in time though, the body will need additional help to keep the skin healthy. Natural skin care products should always provide this help. Using artificial products would mean that you are exposing your skin to medications, and these products should not be tried if you have sensitive skin. Of course, you would want to see what ingredients were involved in the making of the product. Also, never buy a product without reading consumer reviews. You can definitely go natural and get a great looking skin. Here are some resources to read: 4 Ways To Fix and Prevent Dry Skin How To Get Rid of Blackheads (Once and For All) Tasty Beauty Foods For Your Skin


How to for Quick Weight Loss



- Lose Weight Without Diet or Exercise BY SLEEPING

internet has put a lot of strain on the quality of sleep a lot of people get. A lot of scientific research has revealed that there is a definite relationship between sleep and weight loss. When we get tired without getting enough sleep, our basal metabolic rate decreases and the rate at which our body burn fat also goes down. Furthermore, scientific studies have revealed that people who get only around 5.5 hours of sleep at night will lose 55% less fat than overweight people who get full night's sleep. The quality and quantity of sleep that you get when you are on a weight loss diet is one of the things that will determine the success or failure of your weight loss plan; if you do not get enough sleep, you might not be able to achieve your weight loss goals. Moreover, lack of a good night’s sleep also increases your risk of developing heart disease and other serious health problems. So how can you improve the quality and quantity of your sleep to aid your weight loss? Sleep in a dark room. When you sleep in total darkness, you sleep better and longer than when you sleep in a room that has light even, if it is a dim light. Avoid sleeping late. The advent of late night television and 24/7 access to the

All these night activities, playing games or scrolling through your Facebook or Instagram feed, eat up the number of hours that we should use to sleep and the amount of light that they expose us to at night stimulates our brains to prime our bodies to crave for midnight snacks.. If you're trying to slim down or shape up, hitting the sack is just as important as sweating at the gym. Not only do you have more energy to take on the day after a good night’s sleep, but your body also torches calories, even when you’re not working out. Also, sleep-starved people are more likely to add additional calories in snacks to their digital “plate” compared to well-rested ones. So tonight, make sure you stay away from your gadgets, hit the snooze button and get more sleep. Deep Sleep Now and Be More Productive at Work The Beauty and Health Benefits of Sleeping



The Secret of STRETCHING 3 Advanced Techniques

Muscle Spindle Stretch Receptor Held within the belly of each muscle is a stretch receptor that protects the muscle from being overstretched. During this stretch, as the muscle length changes the Stretch Receptor sends a signal to the spinal cord for the muscle to contract. The subsequent contraction of the muscle ensures that the muscle is protected from not being overstretched. You have 2 ways to overcome the Stretch Receptor and perform a deeper stretch: (1) Maintaining the stretch for 45 - 60 seconds will cause the muscle spindle to reduce its firing and the muscle will slowly relax. (2) Reducing the intensity of the stretch will also calm the muscle spindle firing and allow for a deeper stretch. Reciprocal Inhibition Muscles work in unison with its opposing number on the other side of the joint. In order to produce movement, one muscle must contract while the other relaxes. For example the biceps contracts while the triceps relaxes. This primitive spinal cord reflex is a nerve response that ensures unobstructed movement. You can take advantage of this nerve response by contracting the opposing muscle you intend to stretch, encouraging the opposite muscle to

Sleekly Recommends: OPTP Stretch Out Strap with Exercise Booklet further relax. For example, contracting the quads during a hamstring stretch will allow you to deepen the hamstring stretch.

Golgi Tendon Organ The Golgi Tendon Organ is another sensory stretch receptor that protects the muscle from being damaged. Located where the muscle and tendon joint this sensory receptor detects excess lengthening of the tissue and sends a signal to the spinal cord to relax the muscle. Note this is the complete opposite of the Muscle Spindle Stretch Receptor that signals a contraction. Practitioners have been taking advantage of the Golgi Tendon Organ response for years. The timings below may vary, but the process is generally the same: (1) Contract the muscle you are looking to stretch (20% - 30% max effort). (2) Hold this contraction for 8 - 12 seconds. (3) Take a deep breath out and stretch again.

November is


Discover if the Vegan Lifestyle is for You, Download this report


V E G A N? How Do You Get Your Protein? that protein can be found in a variety of sources, including grains, beans, lentils, nuts and seeds, vegetables, and even fruit! Here’s a list of plant-based, protein-packed foods:

Whenever people find out that you eat a plantbased diet consisting of hardly any animal products, 3 things inevitably happen: You get the you-are-crazy look, followed by "Oh my gosh, I would die without being able to eat _________!" (Insert food of choice), and finally, the big question: "How do you get your protein?" This is then followed by either a look of either extreme interest or skepticism as you start to divulge variety of foods that you eat to get your protein. Most of us were raised to think that the main way to get protein is through eating lots of meat products, and vegetarians and vegans couldn’t survive without them. Yes, our bodies do need protein, as it is essential for building and repairing cells, as well as for growth, especially during childhood, adolescence and pregnancy. In reality though, humans don't need as much protein as people typically think. Only about 15% of your daily calories should come from protein! With tons of plant-based protein-rich foods available, getting enough protein in your diet is actually a cinch. You might be surprised to learn

Lentils. A cup of lentils packs as much protein (18 grams) as 3 ounces of steak. Beans: I especially love garbanzo and black beans. These contain 15 grams of protein per cup. Tofu: A 1/2 cup serving contains 10 grams of protein. Tempeh: A firmer, chewier, less processed cousin of tofu that has about 15 grams per 1/2 cup. Spinach: 1 cup has about 5 grams of protein, not to mention it's a great source of calcium and iron. Quinoa: 1 cooked cup has about 8 grams. This is my favorite "grain" (it's technically a seed). It's a great source of fiber as well. Peanuts: While all nuts are good sources of protein, peanuts top the list at 7 grams per 1 ounce. They are also loaded with healthy fats. While I don't think that a vegan diet is right for everyone, I do wholeheartedly believe in reducing meat and dairy consumption. I also feel that processed meats like ham and hotdogs should be completely eliminated from the diet, as these have been linked to an increased risk of cancer and other health problems.

Is Vegan Lifestyle for you? Find out here >>

Motivation is what gets you started; Habit is what keeps you going.



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