How Long Should You Keep a Memory Foam Pillow?
We spend one-third of our time in bed and thus, sleeping is an important part of our life. A sleeping component like mattress and pillow hence, should be carefully chosen and properly taken care of to ensure better sleep and hygiene. A suitable pillow can significantly improve the quality of sleep and sleeping experience. However, even the premier quality pillow over time degrades and should be replaced periodically. When did you replace your pillow last time? Most people are uninformed of the requirement to replace the pillow after a particular time and mostly the pillow loses its shape and becomes unhygienic to sleep on with time. This also worsens the sleep conditions and develops many health problems. As such, everything affecting the pillow can have a harmful effect on your health and this is particularly true for those suffering from head and neck pain, respiratory diseases, allergies, and asthma. Why Replace Your Pillow? Better sleep: Your pillow directly impacts your sleep quality. A wrong pillow cannot provide proper support to your head and neck curve. This also sometimes inaccurately twists your head or neck curvature making it really painful. Therefore, it very essential to replace your pillow after a point of time and thus, one should buy a perfect and suitable pillow depending on the sleeping needs and sleep position. A supportive pillow also properly aligns the neck and head shape according to the spine. Hygiene: Too old pillow can be unhygienic and further lead to many other health issues and insufficient sleep. Moreover, the dead skin cells peel gets absorbed in the pillow creating a harmful effect on the health. Over time, you might get skin inflammations or allergic reactions resulting from such a pillow. Thus, replacement of pillow from old pillow to high-quality memory foam pillow is very essential to maintain hygiene and comfort.