Professional Footwear Innovation

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the institute formally known as SLEM professional footwear innovation 2017-2018


contents welcome to the footwearists..... 4 who is this for..... 5 locations..... 6 program..... 7 3 buckets of innovation..... 8 general information..... 9 prices for individuals..... 10 prices for companies..... 11 method..... 12-13 instructors..... 14-16 alumni..... 17-19 alumni work..... 20-29


“innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. � - Steve Jobs -

welcome to the footwearists The Footwearists is an international innovation and training institute for footwear and leather that aims to improve the world through shoes. Until recently we were known as SLEM and were based in Waalwijk, the Netherlands, partnering with the local footwear museum. Since the local municipality changed direction and now only wants to support regional activities, we, the former SLEM team, decided to continue our global mission under a new name. We are also expanding our horizon in terms of locations, becoming even more international, inspiring and easier to reach by public transportation, now that we are no longer in a small town. Other than that the contents and quality of courses will remain the same. So why have we started this program? Shoes have been made and sold pretty much the same way for the past century. While we appreciate tradition, our aim is to develop innovative sustainable technologies that will involve fewer, recyclable, biodegradable and non-toxic resources applied locally and in fair and social manner. To achieve this our programs stimulate new ways of thinking about footwear that will open up and improve the industry, involving new solutions and creative opportunities that were not available or thought of before. At The Footwearists we do all this through research, training and applications of new methods that are suitable for the future. Our Professional Footwear Innovation programs eliminates the typical department divisions between technology, design and business, providing a multi-disciplinary platform for professionals from various backgrounds. The program deals with how to forecast future developments for footwear

Investigating better ways of footwear construction is a big part of the program, from new kinds of hand craft to robotics.

and how to translate this future vision into profitable and sustainable business and design concepts that unite the creative, ethical, commercial and technical dimensions of people and their footwear.


“we cannot solve a problem by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.� - Albert Einstein -

who is this for? Professional Footwear Innovation by The Footwearists is meant for anyone who wants to make a profitable and meaningful contribution to the future of the footwear industry. We are looking for companies or individuals who have a passion for footwear and are highly motivated to improve the industry and the environment. Many of our students are experienced individuals, but companies can also actively participate in the program through sponsoring a candidate that was recruited specifically for their needs or by delegating an employee. In all students we look for a creative entrepreneurial spirit, great curiosity for the future and a willingness to learn, work and travel in multi-cultural and multidisciplinary teams. Requirements: This is a post graduate level advanced program, so we do recommend that you either have relevant work experience or a bachelor degree in design, technology or business related studies. We also require a sufficient level of English, which means a level that is equal to at least CEF C1 and preferably CEF C2, which equals an IELTS score between 7-9.

after graduation Professional Footwear Innovation by The Footwearists prepares you to positively impact the industry, wether it is by starting your own innovative footwear company, consult or improve your current position. Our practical approach has proven to be very successfull because 100% of our alumni are working in a high-level position in the footwear industry directly related to product development or business innovation. Some are even recruited by companies while still in the program. About 35% of our alumni are running

Piles of EVA waste outside an insole factory in China; one of the issues that urgently needs a solution.

their own innovative footwear brand or consulting company! You will find an overview of some of our alumni in the back of this brochure. Some of our alumni go on to teach at the program or join our freelance consulting network.








Classes will take place in several places around the world. We start in Vigevano, Italy, close to Milan. Here we have the use of an advanced ‘shoe style lab’ with state-of-the-art cutting and stitching machines, 3d printers and software. Then we move on to The Netherlands, where we will be based in Tilburg, a modern and very centrally located university city. We will have classes in various places, such as this trendy coworking space called Bank 15. In China we will visit several cities, such as Guangzhou, Dongguan and Shenzhen and we will have classes at various factories and design studios. Finally we will go to HK where we will also be based at a coworking space.

“in theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. but, in practice, there is.” - Jan L. A. van de Snepscheut -

program Professional Footwear Innovation consists of 4 parts: 6 weeks of class in Italy, 6 weeks of class in The Netherlands, 5 weeks in China and Hong Kong and 17 weeks of working on your graduation project in a place of your choice. This can be one of The Footwearists’ facilities, a company you work with or your home town or all of the above. In each of the countries we travel to we will visit a broad selection of companies, both from inside and outside the footwear industry.

vigevano, italy october 2, 2017 - november 10, 2017 Introduction week, shoe lab instruction and practice, concept development/ design for manufacturing, 3D design/Rhino, wearable technology, project week

tilburg/rotterdam, netherlands november 13, 2017 - december 22, 2017 introduction week netherlands, innovative business, circular business models, circular design, forecasting, innovative business II

guangdong province, china & hk january 8, 2018 - february 2, 2018 introduction to the chinese domestic market, advanced footwear materials, advanced footwear construction, innovative footwear technology

february - june, 2018 graduation project In the final stage of the program you will focus full time on the personal development project that you will have been working on since the beginning. Some candidates choose to start their own company, while others work on an innovative project for an existing company. Both options are possible, as long as the project also meets The Footwearists’ criteria for meaningful innovation.


“the mission of design thinking is to translate observations into insights and insights into products and services that will improve lives.” - Tim Brown -

3 buckets of innovation When it comes to determining whether a graduation project meets our standards, it is essential that the innovation that is suggested is an actual improvement for people and planet, compared to current options. We essentially distinguish 3 big - overlapping - buckets of innovation that we feel summarize a wide range of areas where improvement is needed.

adding emotional value Footwear is a product with a very high emotional value. In fact, research has shown time and again that the main reasons for buying and keeping shoes are emotional, rather than functional, for both men and women. People can even feel actual love for their footwear, like they do for their partner. Shoes and cars are the only products that evoke such strong feelings. If we want consumers to buy more consciously and keep their shoes longer, we have to find ways to use this emotional value even better and to increase it even further.

increasing functionality As our society changes we demand different things of our shoes. In this day and age we see all kinds of new technologies coming to the market, but how do we apply them in a way that actually makes sense and is more than just another disposabe gadget? We do not believe in applying technology for the sake of technology, so during the program we research what current problems might be solved with footwear and how technology could make a positive contribution.

doing no harm In this bucket we aim to make things harmless for people and planet. It is a very essential one for The Footwearists, since any solution for one of the other buckets should not be completely at odds with this one. However, the

The thought process is just as important as the end result; candidates can sketch out their train of thought on paper.

perception of ‘harmlessness’ or ‘sustainability’ can be very broad; that is why we ask each candidate to explain from what angle they are approaching this subject, so we can judge whether their project meets their own criteria.


general information selection procedure

Step 3. Interview The last step is the final selection round, which is a personal conversation with one or more of our faculty or staff. This can take place on campus or online should you live too far away to visit SLEM in person.

For each Professional Footwear Innovation program we only accept 10 candidates, so there is a selection procedure. We run two programs per year: a spring intake (April) and a fall intake (October). There is a rolling application policy and all applications are handled in order of arrival, so the sooner you send in your application the sooner you know if you are accepted. If you wait too long the desired edition might be full!

To apply please follow the three steps below. Step 1. Apply Start by filling out the application form, which you will find on our website and follow the instructions. All applications need to be in English. If you have prior design experience or education, please include a digital portfolio even if it does not contain footwear related projects.

Step 2. Define your project All students carry out a personal development project during the program. This has to be a project that focuses on some kind of meaningful innovation for shoes, in other words: how can you create a, technology, material and/or a business model that is more functional, sustainable or provides another kind of real added value. Please let us know what your objectives are with the program and what project you would like to carry out. We can also help you find the right direction if you do not have a very detailed idea yet. You will find several examples of previous graduation projects on the final pages of the brochure. If you would like to carry out a project for your employer or if you are considering sending a student on behalf of your company, please check the details on page 11.


professional footwear innovation. individual package tuition fee: 12.950 euros

payment The tuition for the program can be paid upfront or in three instalments. Please note that your application is not final, and your place in the program not confirmed, until you have paid the enrolment fee (20% of the tuition fee; 2.590 euros). Before you can move on to the next trimester, you must have paid the tuition for that trimester. Payments can be done by bank transfer, we do not accept credit cards or cheques

Including 21% VAT, which might not apply to everyone!

costs The tuition fee of Professional Footwear Innovation for individuals, for the duration of 9 months, is 12.950 euros. This includes 21% VAT; please note that according to Dutch law VAT also applies to foreign candidates, unless they follow the program on behalf of a company. This includes: - all courses and mandatory materials in Italy, The Netherlands & China

certificate and employment Upon successful completion of the program you will receive a Footwearists certificate, but more importantly, you will have your own company and/or will be making a positive impact in your current one. We have an excellent track record as all of our alumni are working in the footwear industry or have their own enterprise. Often candidates already begin working while still in the program in the last trimester. There is an overview of our alumni on page 20 and 21 should you wish further information on their stories.

student housing

- mentoring for the graduation project Not included are: - housing and food in Italy, The Netherlands & China - all travel costs for excursions, in Italy, The Netherlands & China - visa for China and/or Europe if needed - health and liability insurance (these are mandatory under EU law)

Students are responsibe for finding their own accommodation in Italy, The Netherlands & China, but we will offer suggestions and connections for finding appropriate and affordable housing. The price for a student room in Vigevano (Italy) or Tilburg (Netherlands) is around â‚Ź400 per month. In China we stay in hotels with an average room room rate of â‚Ź25 per night.

- computers and software! Please bring your own laptop (PC or Mac) with a fully working current version of Microsoft Office* and Adobe Creative Suite** - any extra materials you may want to purchase * & **: we require students to have this software, but do not teach classes in this, since many participants already have knowledge of these programs. Should you want classes in Adobe Creative Suite specifically for footwear, we can offer these in the evening or on weekends for an extra charge.


Finally, this amount guarantees that the assignment will be finished within the 9

professional footwear innovation. company package

months of the program. The Footwearists are a training institute and students

consulting & training fee: 25.000 euros

find examples in the back of this brochure. We have found that the company

21% VAT is only applicable for Dutch companies

of a much higher level than graduate students, whilst keeping R&D costs low for

should be allowed to fail, yet we do understand that this risk of failure is not in the interest of the company. So should the student fail, The Footwearists’ professional consultants will take over and finish the project as requested. So far we have carried out projects for a variety of industry leaders. You will package is a real win-win situation, attracting experienced candidates that are the company.

company package advantages

Company projects are handled confidentially if required, signing a mutual NDA.

Since a growing number of companies asked to have innovation projects carried out by our students, we now offer the possibility to recruit a student that has the right background to handle a specific project or to enroll an employee in the program.

sponsored a student, using the project as a marketing tool.

However, many companies decide to publish the results and the fact that they

costs The costs of for the company package are 25.000 euros. This is excluding 21% VAT, but this only applies to Dutch companies. The amount includes tuition and the extra recruitment and consulting hours of

They will follow the same classes as individual students, but will apply them

The Footwearists’ professional team.

directly to the company project. The final five months they work on the project

It does not include the student’s housing, travel and living expenses. We

full time, mentored by our professional consultants and expert teachers,

highly recommend that the company pays for these as well, since it will

either in our own shoe labs and/or at the company or factory.

greatly increase the chance of finding an experienced student with the right background that will see the program and the project as a next step in their

The company package includes an extra fee for consulting by The


Footwearists own team of professionals. This has three reasons: First of all we define a project brief together with the company and actively recruit

final deliverables for your company

a student for that project, just like you would recruit staff, attracting someone with the right background and prior experience. Some companies employ the

student upon graduation, but that is not mandatory.

form of a project that you own and can actuate

• Furthermore, the extra fee allows us to partially take over the role of company mentor. Most companies do not have the time to mentor a student regularly,

an industry-ready answer to your initial innovation question, in the a well-trained footwear innovation expert that could optionally carry the project forward at the company after the program has finished

a competitive, future forward position in the market

which is usually one of the reasons why they are not doing the project in-house.


“our business with the future is to improve it, not to predict it - at least not infallibly.” - Edward Cornish -

method The Footwearists’ method stands out from any other because of its unique international, practical and personal approach that ensures that all our candidates achieve their goals.

personal development plan This is an innovation program and real innovation takes time. That is why we maximize the time that each candidate has for their own project. As soon as candidates have been accepted, before the start of the program, we enter into a series of conversations - in person or through Skype - to determine what their dreams and goals are. These are then translated into a Personal Development Plan (PDP). In the first three months this can be fairly broad and can also still be changed, but after that the PDP becomes more detailed and determines the focus of the candidate throughout the program. Every candidate will apply each class directly to their PDP; so even though in the same class, they each apply the acquired knowledge to their own project.

learning what is necessary The PDP also determines which courses each candidate needs to follow. During the first three months the program focuses on different subjects through intensive weeks. On Mondays there is the ‘knowing about’ class, which is mandatory for all candidates. The rest of the week is spent on ‘knowing how’ classes, which are only mandatory if hands-on knowledge is needed for that subject. For instance, if you have a business background

At SLEM we use various kinds of brainstorming exercises to help define future opportunities for footwear innovation.

and do not want to be a designer, you only need to follow the ‘knowing about’ class of 3D footwear design. In this class you will learn what different


3D footwear design software packages are on the market, what they are

The professional consulting department of The Footwearists is involved in

used for, how they compare and how much they cost, so that you know what

highly innovative projects for companies from around the world who visit us

skills to look for when you want to hire someone for 3D shoe design.

regularly and often also meet with the candidates then. Sometimes we match

Yet if you want to be a designer yourself, then you need to be able to

a participant with a consulting project as part of their PDP.

actually do 3D design for footwear, so in that case you also follow the

There is also the opportunity to represent your own company or The

‘knowing how’ classes during the rest of the week. Whenever you are not

Footwearists at various international trade shows and events, where

following class, you are actively working on your Personal Development Plan,

you further build your network by speaking for and with other industry

doing research and prototyping for your project.

professionals. Of course the many company visits and social events in major footwear and

not reinventing the wheel The entire program has a strong practical approach, aiming to create meaningful innovation without reinventing the wheel. In the first 6 weeks we will look at how the industry works now, visiting all kinds of footwear companies in Italy and learning a lot of useful technical skills, such as 3D design, sustainable design, automation and wearable technology. Then we are going to The Netherlands for 6 intensive weeks of innovative thinking, considering what we have seen in Italy and how we can improve it for the future. We will visit various companies with fully circular business models, biotechnology solutions and other amazing innovations. In these week we will also spend a lot of attention of how to apply innovation into new business models. Finally, we go to China to experience mass production as well as large scale technology and the growth of the Chinese domestic market.

building your network

innovation regions in Italy, The Netherlands and China also increase network opportunities.

innovative social entrepreneurship The Footwearists consistently stimulates innovative social entrepreneurship and enables candidates to build up a full project or company during the program. We imagine that in the near future most people will work on projects in international, flexible teams of independent free-lancers and entrepreneurs, so at The Footwearists this is the future that we are actively creating. Besides their PDP we encourage candidates to learn from each other’s strengths and to work, live and travel together, which requires reliance, some teamwork, honest feedback, project and business management, time management and professional attitude. All expertise, skills and attitude gained during the program come together in the graduation project, which can encompass creating a new material or manufacturing process and/or a new product or business concept that will

Throughout the program there are continual opportunities to build and

innovate the footwear industry in a meaningful way. The graduation project

increase your professional network. Several classes and seminars of the

can be for an existing company, or you can start your own, either individually

program are also open to external professionals. This means that your

or with a colleague.

colleagues are also CEOs, designers, marketing managers, retailers etc. Furthermore, courses are taught by a wide range of international guest lecturers – all industry experts - each bringing in a huge network of their own.


footwearists instructors

At SLEM all classes are taught by renowned experts from the field and rather than having one professor per trimester, you will have many. Here you see how Nike legend Mike Friton fascinates us with his class in dynamic footwear materials, given on location in Hong Kong. See the next page for some of our professors.

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nicoline van enter

yassine salihine

founder and creative director of The Footwearists

senior consultant at The Footwearists Together with Nicoline he is responsible for The

Nicoline is a world-renowned footwear forecaster and

Footwearists’ professional consulting department. He

consultant, currently she is the creative director of The

also lectures concept development and critiques the

Footwearists and teaches mind blowing forecasting

Personal Development Projects.

classes during the first week of the program.

annaluisa franco

bob snijders

head of training and professional development at The Footwearists

guest lecturer on innovative business models, consultant and student coach

Her tasks include management of full time and part

He is a coach, trainer and consultant for students and

time courses, application procedure and the Personal

customers of The Footwearists, both on a commercial

Development Projects.

and personal level. He has been a brand and sales manager for brands like Diesel, O’Neill and Esprit for many years, then became a certified coach and now combines the best of both worlds.

david hsieh

daniel bailey

Footwearists’ representative in China

guest lecturer on design and entrepreneurship

David has worked for several international companies such as Both and Adidas, now he has his own studio

He is the founder of the footwear design digital

in Dongguan. As Footwearists’ representative in

magazine & co-founder of

China he arranges the schedule and teaches some

footwear design + development agency, The

technical classes.

Conceptkicks Lab llc. Through his class he helps designers bring their concepts to life.


sanne van den dungen

eva klabalova

sustainable business lecturer

instructor on advanced pattern making

An expert in circular economy and working for EPEA

She has her own consulting company and works for

to support companies such as Puma to get cradle

YNOT as head of product design. At SLEM she trains

to cradle certification. At The Footwearists she trains

professionals in both traditional and high-tech shoe

professionals at sustainable business cases.

making techniques.

marloes ten bhĂśmer

mike friton

instructor on sustainable design

guest lecturer on dynamic footwear materials and non-traditional last construction

A ground breaking designer and researcher in the field of footwear. She fuses artistic and technological experiment in order to redefine shoes and to create

A sneaker legend and one of the founders of Nike’s

new high-tech methods of construction. She shares

Innovation Kitchen, Mike is the man behind iconic styles

her unique approach in her classes about concept

such as the Nike Presto and the Nike woven. Currently

development and sustainable design.

he runs his own design and prototyping studio out of Portland.

troy nachtigall

lorenzo masini

wearable technology and 3D printing guest lecturer

3D modelling rhino guest lecturer

With a broad background in fashion and technology,

He is a product designer and 3D modelling expert

from designing for Calvin Klein and Fendi, he is

who worked as a 3D modeller and engineer for

pushing the boundaries of wearable technology and

AGDS studio and as a professor at IED in Florence. At

3d printing. Working on his PhD in textile thinking, which

The Footwearists he takes candidates through the

involves smart textiles, he mentors professionals who

process of modelling a full shoe and creating printable

want to specialize in this field.

files for prototyping or wearable 3D printing.


footwearists alumni

You can find profiles of some of our alumni on the next page.

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leon witherow

jordi montaner

footwear designer at Nike WHQ

innovation designer - 3D knitting at K-TECH

He studied at the Royal Melbourne institute of technology and came to The Footwearists to pursue

Trained as a professional dancer Jordi fell in love with

his passion for well-designed sneakers. At first Nike had

the idea of improving dance shoes. He arrived at The

turned him down for a traineeship, but then asked him to

Footwearists with this objective in mind and from there he

come work for them after seeing his work for the course.

began pushing the boundaries of innovation forwards

Currently he is still a Nike designer in Portland.

within the footwear industry. He already started his current job at K-TECH while he was still in the program.

eva klabalova

miller bryant

independent footwear designer, product developer

Luxury brand management at Stahl Arriving at The Footwearists from Italy, where he learned

She studied footwear design in Czech Republic and

traditional shoe making, he aimed at learning how to

Israel and came to The Footwearists to learn more

bring footwear production to the future. Currently he is

about shoe innovation. She graduated for Atomlab in

working at Stahl, market leader in tanning chemicals and

Italy, designing the first shoe that is made by robots,

finishes for leather and syntherics, creating a bridge

and now works as a lecturer for The Footwearists and a

between their technical teams and luxury fashion brands.

successful freelance designer.

renĂŠ medel

katherine scott

3D product innovator for at Birkenstock

3D printing consultant for footwear

He arrived at The Footwearists after studies in

She came at The Footwearists through a company

industrial design and 3D modelling and graduated

project for Nimco Made4you, developing a system for

with a ground breaking concept to print lasts in-house,

3D printing outsoles for orthopaedic footwear in the

an ideal solution for starting designers. Now he has

factory and is currently training their team for this.

a full time job as a 3D innovator at Birkenstock and

She has become a true 3d printing expert for

occasionally consults for The Footwearists.

footwear and will also be teaching courses for The Footwearists.


helga rán sigurdárdottir

ruben lekkerkerker

footwear innovator and podiatrist

concept developer at Red Rag

She came to The Footwearists to improve the world of

He graduated with his own zero-waste sneaker brand

orthopaedics by working on a better system for last

RUIT. Companies soon noticed his unique creative

making. During her internship at PLT she developed a

ingenuity and now he has a very successful consulting

fully cirular system using industrial wax that is now being

company called KerKerKer, working for Red Rag and

evaluated for further implementation.


mathieu hagelaars

rachael noon


concept creator at Nike Innovation

He graduated with a great concept for a modular

Rachael came to The Footwearists with the dream of

upcycling kit for footwear. Now, barely two years later,

working for Nike and after her succesful graduation with a

he runs his own successful independent design studio

professional cheerleading shoe as part of a traineeship

out of Amsterdam, working for brands like Off-White

for Mike Friton she is now indeed working as a concept

footwear, and making a name for himself with his

creator for Nike’s Innovation Kitchen.

“Maker Monday” interpretations of iconic sports shoes.

petra beins

franny odziana

owner of ZOUTBEACH

footwear product developer at Wolverine

Petra developed her own brand concept from scratch,

She set out to be a technical developer for footwear,

including a ground breaking business plan for pop-

working on creating shoes that are more functional,

up stores on unique locations. She also developed

sustainable and affordable, and today she does

innovative materials, such a salt-based finish that makes

exactly that, working internationally for Wolverine

leather even more beautiful when worn on the sea side.



alumni work

At The Footwearists we do not just do design; candidates get a great variety of assignments trhoughout the course. However, we do strongly believe in prototyping as a thinking and design tool, even for people who are not designers. This sneaker prototype was made by Petra Beins within one day!

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advanced 3d printing

A lot of candidates come to us because of our advanced level of 3D printing. We can print fully wearable shoes and orthotics and are now exploring new areas, such as 3D printing on textiles or even to encase wearable technology, such as LED lights and sensors. Footwearists candidates get full freedom to use all our 3D printing facilities and those of our partners.


innovative functions

Footwearists candidates are encouraged to think of new meaningful functionalities for footwear and to develop full concepts, including extensive background research, product development and marketing. This is an example by Leon Witherow, who designed sneakers for urban activists, incorporating gas masks, webcams and eye-flushing kits for tear gas victims among other useful elements that can be adjusted to their specific needs.


creative upcycling

Sustainability is a very important aspect of the program. This inspired Mathieu Hagelaars to create a concept that encourages people to get creative with their shoes, recycling upper panels from their old shoes or creating new upper panels by recycling other materials that they would otherwise throw away. The panels can then be used to play with the look of the iconic, classic boot through an ingenious sole system and back loop. He presents the shoes as a complete kit, including tools and instructions.


made by robots

At The Footwearists we push the boundaries of footwear manufacturing, by actively investigating new methods of construction that will make production more sustainable, faster, more cost effective etc. Eva Klabalova graduated for Italian machinery manufacturer Atomlab, designing a shoe that can be made entirely by an ABB Yumi robot. She also designed the workflow, including functional 3D printed lasts, and the whole concept was recently demonstrated at the Simac show in Italy, where it astounded the professional visitors!


images: sharieta berghuis

combining tech + craft

The Footwearists is one of the regular participants in Craft the Leather, a veg tan leather workshop, excursion and contest for leading design schools, organized by the Consorzio Vero Cuoio from Italy. In 2015 we selected student Eva Klabalova and she came up with a spectacular new way to use veg tan outsole leather vertically, in a way that is strong enough to stand on. She added a detachable 3D printed outsole, ingeniously combining 3D printed horizontal layers with hand crafted vertical layers without using any glue.


footwear construction

Before you can innovate, you first need to understand the current situation. That is why we visit a very wide range of shoe companies in China and Italy to understand the current state of footwear and leather production and the challenges that should be met in the future. We make sure that the companies we visit are already on the forefront of technology, so that after each visit we can brainstorm about how to improve the current situation, without reinventing the wheel.


overwhelming experiences

Visiting China can be an overwhelming experience for the candidates, since it is not only a different culture from what they are used to, it is also a country of extremes: from visiting the brand new Innovation Tower by Zaha Hadid at Hong Kong’s Polytechnic university, to facing polluting factories in back streets filled with piles of garbage, and from deluxe high-fashion shopping malls to blatant copy-cat products in cheap material markets.


the next professional of footwear innovation by the footwearists will start in october 2017. see you then! The Footwearists Hoflaan 127 5223LT Den Bosch The Netherlands phone +31 653 22 79 07

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