2 minute read
Dearest SLEMSians,
Day by day we are getting closer to our 8th NGA, and once again there is a presenting opportunity for SLEMSians to serve the association at the highest level through the executive positions.
As a SLEMSian who is ready, competent and qualified enough to run for an executive position, and as i sit infront of my PC typing this letter, allow me to give you a quick insight as to why and how I am doing it.
“Young man, do you have any intention to run for executive position in the association”, I was perplexed, “uhhhhh no, why do…….” stuttering as I replied, but before i could complete my sentence, “the level of professionalism you have showed trying to get me as a trainer for your upcoming NGA is impressive, SLEMSA will be in safe hands, think about it” he added before we wrapped up the conversation..This was the phone conversation between myself (the then director of trainings for the 6th NGA) and a former Secretary General whom I was trying to get to conduct one of the training session during the NGA “Maybe in the future, why not? '' I said to myself as I went about my day trying to get the other trainers to commit to their respective training, as I was just another SLEMSian trying to serve the association to the best of my ability with nothing else in mind
Notwithstanding, there have been speculations over the years, with a plethora of questions from SLEMSians about when I will be making use of the opportunity to diligently serve the association at the highest level As the 8th NGA is fast approaching, with such a presenting opportunity to serve the association at the highest level, now more than ever, with utmost certainty I am ready to take the leap and apply for the position of the Secretary General I am more than aware of the huge challenges that it entails, but thinking about the impact SLEMSA and IFMSA will have on medical students makes me more and more excited about applying I want to help build an association where every single SLEMSian can feel included and safe, and where everyone has equitable access to the opportunities SLEMSA has to offer.
Mohamed Foday Sesay (Slim) is a household name whenever there is a discussion about SLEMSA, but for those who might not know me well, let me take the time to introduce myself
A couple of years ago I embarked on one of my biggest adventures to date, the position of National Officer on Human Rights and Peace (NORP), this was a position entrusted to me by the Dr. Abdul Karim Bah's led executive after serving as the Local Officer on Human Rights and Peace (LORP) the previous year Most of my fellow Scorpions will attest to how hardworking and productive our standing committee was despite the crumbling effect of the COVID19 pandemic. I have lived the SLEMSian way, from heading my standing committee, to serving in various organising committee positions to representing SLEMSA both at national and international levels. Better days are ahead.
As i metaphorically stand before you reading this letter, i want to assure you that i will apply all my acquired knowledge as a long standing SLEMSIAN, LORP, NORP, OC and IFMSA member into EB’s decision-making processes while surpassing your expectations for me as the administrator of our noble association.