2008 Addy Winner's Book

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About the Addys About the ADDYs® | The ADDYs ® are the advertising industry’s largest and most representative competition, attracting over 50,000 entries every year in local ADDY® competitions. The mission of the ADDY® competition is to recognize and reward creative excellence in the art of advertising. Conducted annually by the American Advertising Federation (AAF), the local ADDY® Awards is the first of a three-tiered, national competition. Concurrently, all across the country, local entrants vie for recognition as the very best in their markets. At the second tier, local winners compete against other winners in one of 14 District competitions. District winners are then forwarded to the third tier, the National ADDY® Awards competition. Entry in your local ADDY® competition is the first step toward winning a National ADDY®. Entering the ADDY® competition supports our entire industry, because the AAF and its local and district affiliates use the proceeds to enhance advertising through programs such as public service, internships, advocacy groups, advertising education, and consumer awareness. Selection of the most creative entry in each category is effected by a scoring process in which a panel of judges evaluates all creative dimensions of every entry. In each category, a Gold ADDY® is recognition of the highest level of creative excellence and is judged to be superior to all other entries in the competition. Entries that are also considered outstanding and worthy of recognition receive Silver ADDYs ®. The number of awards given in each category is determined by the judges, based on the relative quality of work in that category. The Student ADDY® Awards is also a three-tiered national competition, which is sponsored by the AAF and National Ad2. Occurring in conjunction with the prestigious ADDY® Awards, the Student ADDY® Awards recognize and reward creative excellence by students.

About theg Club

Meet the Judges

Brooke Kenney | Brooke Kenney is a

30-year veteran of the design and advertising community in Minneapolis. After having worked in several agencies there, such as Martin/Williams, Ruhr and DKO (Duffy Knutson Oberprillers), Brooke and a colleague broke out and op ened the first creative service in the Twin Cities. He’s been a freelancer ever since. Brooke also teaches advertising design and layout and typography at the Minneapolis campus of Miami Ad School. Brooke has served The Art Directors & Copywriters Club of Minnesota as vice president and as president (two terms). He has nearly 200 advertising and marketing awards to his credit, including awards from: New York Art Directors Club,

Jim Mathis | Jim Mathis is owner/

the One Show, Communication Arts, Graphis, ANDYS, the

president and Certified Advertologist™

Minneapolis Show and the Typography International Show.

for ADwërks, Inc. located in Sioux Falls,

In 1980, Advertising Age magazine selected his campaign

South Dakota. ADwërks, Inc. handcrafts

for the Minnesota Zoological Society as “Marketing

marketing communications solutions

Campaign of the Year”. In 1985, Newsweek magazine

and strategies for a select group of

reviewed a brochure done for the law firm of Robins Zelle

clients across the Midwest.

Larson and Kaplan, calling it “The wittiest brochure in the

Over the years, Jim has worked in just about every facet

land”. Perhaps his most interesting achievement is the “Bob”

About AAF: CR-IC | The American Advertising Federation: Cedar Rapids‑Iowa

of the advertising business—design and copywriting,

radio commercial. Created for the Minneapolis office of

City is a nonprofit professional development organization enabling professionals

marketing and media strategies and television and radio

AccounTemps Temporary Services in 1985, it is still running

to keep current with trends in the advertising, marketing, and communications

production. He has created for nearly every kind of media

today and has attained almost cult-status.

industries and to increase the level of competency within their profession. We

imaginable from TV, radio and interactive to bus signs and

celebrate achievement, sponsor educational events, and provide a community

airplane banners. And he’s worked with a range of clients

Ron Kohudic | Ron Kohudic is an

forum for the advertising and marketing industry in Eastern Iowa.

such as McDonald’s, the South Dakota Department of

Associate Creative Director at Colman

The American Advertising Federation: Cedar Rapids-Iowa City (AAF: CR‑IC) is

Tourism and regional banks and hospitals. He has served

Brohan Davis, a creative branding and

on the Board of Directors for the South Dakota Advertising

integrated marketing communications

Federation for 8 years, including two terms as president and

agency in Chicago that serves both

two years as chair of the South Dakota Advertising Awards.

B2B and B2C clients. With over 13

He did a four‑year tour of duty as 8th District Representative to

years of advertising experience and

the National ADDY Awards Committee. In May of 2001, Jim

an extensive interactive background, Ron has led the

was presented with the prestigious South Dakota Advertising

development of significant resources and micro sites for

Federation Silver Medal Award, the highest honor given to

Siemens, the Keller Graduate School of Management, Becker

advertising professionals by their peers.

CPA Review and others in the B2B and B2C space.

Jim has judged more than 20 local and district ADDY®

Thanks to its many talented and dedicated members, AAF: Cedar Rapids-Iowa City

His extensive background in print and broadcast advertising,

awards competitions from Green Bay, Wisconsin to Mobile,

has had a notable presence in the 9th District for 40 years. We intend to maintain

direct response marketing and even outdoor enables him to

Alabama. In 1997—the first year the ADDY® s included

our standing in the district as well as nationally. AAF: Cedar Rapids-Iowa City will

ensure that various on- and off-line campaign components

websites—Jim was a judge for the Interactive Division of the

continue to promote advertising-related industries, and the talented people who

are fully integrated and allows him to explore “what-if”

National ADDY® Awards Competition.

scenarios to develop new interactive strategies and tactics.

affiliated with the American Advertising Federation (AAF) which is geographically organized into 15 districts which operate as a link between AAF and its local members. AAF: CR-IC is a part of the 9th district that includes clubs from Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas City (M.I.N.K.).


The American Advertising Federation: Cedar Rapids-Iowa City is in its 40th year. Formerly known as the Advertising Federation of Cedar Rapids, AAF: Cedar RapidsIowa City changed its name this year to more accurately represent its corridorwide membership as well as to co-brand with our national parent organization.

work within them, for decades to come. We are proud to recognize some of that talent and creativity in this 40th edition of the ADDY's ® Winners Book.

Ron’s clients have included: United Airlines, Discover Card, Hyatt Regency Chicago, Eddie Bauer, Bang & Olufsen, and Grainger. He has judged ADDYs ® for Grand Rapids, Spokane and Ontario, California. Ron is a graduate of the Ray College of Design in Chicago.

Judgess C hoice




Best ofShow Best of Show | Entrant Shannon Heiman Design Advertiser Kalona Organics

Judges’ Choice Awards | 1 Judges’ Choice–jim mathis Entrant Shannon

Title Kalona Organics Web Site Credits Shannon Heiman, Designer/Developer •

Heiman Design Advertiser Kalona Organics Title Cultural Revolution Organic

Melinda Pradarelli, Writer • iStock, Photography

Yogurt Packaging Credits Shannon Heiman, Graphic Designer • Melinda Pradarelli, Writer • Airlite Plastics, Printer • iStock, Photography 2 Judges’ Choice–

Kalona Organics is a relatively young marketing company that was created to

Brooke kenney Entrant ME&V Advertiser St. Luke’s Health Care Foundation

help small, organic farmers get high quality products to market. The company is

Title St. Luke’s Health Care Foundation Child Protection Center Campaign Credits

focused on supporting foods that are healthy and simple—harkening back to the

Sarah Pauls, Art Director • Deb Niermann, Producer/Writer • Brian Foelske, Editor •

days when products came straight from the farm and were not overproduced.

Kalona Organics competes against many large companies in the organics

Scott Abing, Editor • Mark Mathis, Creative Director • Jim Infelt, Creative Director • Brian Monroe, Account Manager 3 Judges’ Choice–Ron Kohudic Entrant

category—companies that have more money for marketing and advertising. This

Corcoran Communications, Inc. Advertiser University of the Cumberlands Title

website was designed to capture the grassroots nature of Kalona Organics. The

University of the Cumberlands Viewbook Credits Sean Webber, Senior Art Director

soft, friendly colors and the clean, readable fonts and message were created to

• Sue Kelsey, Writer • Cedar Graphics, Printer

be as “homegrown,” straightforward, and simple as possible.


Mosaic ADDY® Award | AAF: CR-IC and the National ADDY® Committee is committed to recognizing advertising which promotes diversity and issues related to multiculturalism. The most exceptional piece(s) are eligible for selection by judges to receive a special Mosaic ADDY®. Entrant University of Iowa Marketing + Design Advertiser University of Iowa Title MLK Jr. Human Rights Week 2007 Credits Sarah Lenger, Art Director/Designer • Kim Nedved Meyering, Designer • Diane Hitzel, Marketing Rep


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Best of



best of category | 1 Sales Promotion Entrant ME&V Advertiser Waterloo Industries Title Waterloo Industries-Audio Visual

Radio Entrant St. Luke’s Hospital Advertiser St. Luke’s Hospital Title Birth Care Choice Radio Credits The Heibing Group,

Sales Presentation Credits Jim Infelt, Creative Director • Deb Niermann, Producer • Deb Niermann, Writer • Brian Foelske, Editor

Ad Agency 7 Television Entrant KCRG-TV9 Advertiser KCRG-TV9 Title Fall Image 2007 Credits David Welsh, Promotion

• Steve Holm, Videographer • Sarah Albertson, Account Executive 2 Collateral Material Entrant Corcoran Communications, Inc. Advertiser University of the Cumberlands Title University of the Cumberlands Viewbook Credits Sean Webber, Senior

Director • Dave LaRonde, Writer-Producer • Dan McCabe, Art Director • Jason Vardaman, Digital Animator 8 Advertising for the Arts and Sciences Entrant Adfinity Marketing Group Advertiser Eastside Arts Academy Title Eastside Arts Academy

Art Director • Sue Kelsey, Writer • Cedar Graphics, Printer 3 Direct Marketing Entrant Fuel Inc. Advertiser Cedar Graphics

Posters Credits Kate Ahn, Art Director/Designer 9 Public Service Entrant Benson & Hepker Design Advertiser Iowa City Area

Title 2008 John Deere Wall Calendars Credits Bob Zeidler, Brand Manager • Denis Bland, Photography Direction • Cedar Graphics, Printer • Lance Lethcoe, Designer • Bill Bollman, Designer • Patrick Prior, Designer • Matt Kempel, Designer • John

illustrator • Linda Schreiber, Editor/Copywriter • Tru Art Color Graphics, Printer 10 Advertising Industry Self-Promotion Entrant

Deere Staff, Photography 4 Consumer or Trade Publication Entrant Fuel Inc. Advertiser John Deere Construction & Forestry

Cedar Graphics, Inc Advertiser Cedar Graphics, Inc. Title Cedar Graphics ‘Be’ Campaign Credits Cedar Graphics, Inc. 11

Title John Deere Talking Parts Campaign Credits Bob Zeidler, Brand Manager • John Thomas, Photographer • Henry Russell

Elements of Advertising Entrant Fuel Inc. Advertiser John Deere Construction & Forestry Title John Deere Forestry Tree-Shirt

Bruce, Creative Direction • Bill Bollman, Designer • Patrick Prior, Designer • Lance Lethcoe, Designer • Matt Kempel, Designer

Illustrations Credits Bob Zeidler, Brand Manager • Bill Bollman, Designer • Lance Lethcoe, Designer • Patrick Prior, Designer •

5 Newspaper Entrant Alliant Energy Advertiser Alliant Energy Title Renewable Energy Campaign Credits Tracey Mason,

Matt Kempel, Designer • Melissa Gavin, Designer • American Identity, Screen Printing

Copywriter • Mark Jacobson, Art Director • John Schultz, Art Director 6 Interactive Media Entrant Shannon Heiman Design Advertiser Kalona Organics Title Kalona Organics Web Site Credits Shannon Heiman, Designer/Developer • Melinda Pradarelli, Writer • iStock, Photography

Development Group Title Iowa City Area Development Group 2007 Annual Report Credits Robyn Hepker, Designer/photo




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Gold Addys 8


SALES PROMOTION | 1 Product or Service Sales Presentation, Sales Kits or Product Information Sheets Entrant Big Behr Design

7 Brochure, Four-Color Entrant Stamats Advertiser UNC Chapel Hill Title UNC Unlimited Credits Kevin Mellen, Design

Co. Advertiser Kenwood Records Management Title Kenwood Records-Sales Kit Credits Randy Behr, Designer • Jack Zumwalt, Copywriter • Cedar Graphics, Printer • Doug Benton, Photographer 2 Audio/Visual Sales Presentation, Audio/Visual

Director • Vinu Warrier, Associate Principal Writer • Pegi Anton, Vice President for Client Services • Ann Ramsden, Senior Project Communication Manager • Melanie Ostmo, Production Manager • Laura McDougall, Production Assistant • Phillip

Sales Presentation Entrant ME&V Advertiser Waterloo Industries Title Waterloo Industries - Audio Visual Sales Presentation

Spears, Photographer 8 Publication Design (Magazine or Book), Cover Entrant WDG Communications, Inc. Advertiser

Credits Jim Infelt, Creative Director • Deb Niermann, Producer • Deb Niermann, Writer • Brian Foelske, Editor • Steve Holm, Videographer • Sarah Albertson, Account Executive COLLATERAL MATERIAL | 3 Annual Report, Four-Color Entrant University

Bridgestone Bandag, LLC Title Bandag “Revolutions” Book Dust Jacket and Cover Credits Duane Wood, Creative Director

of Iowa Foundation Advertiser The University of Iowa Foundation Title Reach, The 2006 Annual Report on Giving Credits

• Eric Johnson, Senior Art Director • C. Randall Heuston, Author • Photo/Editorial Research, Bandag Communications Group 9 Publication Design (Magazine or Book), Editorial Spread or Feature Entrant Benson & Hepker Design Advertiser Cornell

Danette Angerer, Designer • Theresa Black, Designer • Dick Blazek, Designer • Connie Driscoll‑Wicke, Designer • Nic Arp, Editor & Writer • Betsy Hickok, Writer • Leah Klevar, Writer • Jen Knights, Writer • Susan Shulllaw, Writer • Jill Tobin, Photography

College Title Cornell Report: Trivial Pursuit Credits Robyn Hepker, Designer • Dee Ann Rexroat, Editor • Cedar Graphics, Printer 10 Special Event Material, Card Entrant University of Iowa Foundation Advertiser The University of Iowa Foundation

& Digital Imaging • Tom Langdon, Photography & Digital Imaging • Forrest Meyer, Executive Editor 4 Brochure, Four-Color Entrant Corcoran Communications, Inc. Advertiser University of the Cumberlands Title University of the Cumberlands

Title University of Iowa Foundation Holiday Card Credits Dick Blazek, Designer • Leah Klevar, Writer • Jill Tobin, Photography & Digital Imagaing • Sara T. Sauers, Letterpress Printing, UI Center for the Book 11 Special Event Material, Invitation Entrant University of Iowa Marketing + Design Advertiser The University of Iowa Title Installation of President Mason Invitation Credits

Viewbook Credits Sean Webber, Senior Art Director • Sue Kelsey, Writer • Cedar Graphics, Printer 5 Brochure, Four-Color Entrant University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Advertiser Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center at The University of Iowa Title Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center image brochure Credits Dan Fischer, Senior Marketing Specialist 6 Brochure,

Bret Gothe, Creative Director • Sarah Lenger, Designer 12 Special Event Material, Campaign Entrant University of Iowa Foundation Advertiser J. Hayden Fry Center for Prostate Cancer Research Title Highly Toasted, Lightly Roasted, Hayden Fry

Four-Color Entrant Stamats Advertiser LaSalle University Title LaSalle Viewbook Credits Tim Greenzweig, Designer • Cary Jordan, Editorial Director • Chuck Reed, Vice President for Client Services • Lynn Calloway, Principal Project Communication

Dinner Invitation Package Credits Connie Driscoll-Wicke, Designer • Jen Knights, Writer • Jill Tobin, Photography & Digital Imaging 13 Special Event Material, Campaign Entrant Henry Russell Bruce Advertiser Mercy Medical Center Title Mercy

Manager • Melanie Ostmo, Production Manager • Fritz McDonald, Creative Director

Birthplace Journal Credits Steve Erickson, Executive Creative Director • Mike Smith, Creative Director • Paul Bettenga, Art Director • Lynn Manternach, Research Director/Client Supervisor • Leslie George, Client Supervisor • Colleen Schutt, Project/ Production Manager • Evan Brownfield, Production Artist




Gold Addys







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DIRECT MARKETING | 1 Specialty Advertising, Other Merchandise Entrant Fuel Inc. Advertiser Cedar Graphics Title 2008 John Deere Wall Calendars Credits Bob Zeidler, Brand Manager • Denis Bland, Photography Direction • Cedar Graphics, Printer • Lance Lethcoe, Designer • Bill Bollman, Designer • Patrick Prior, Designer • Matt Kempel, Designer • John Deere Staff, Photography OUT-OF-HOME | 2 Site, Interior Entrant Stamats Advertiser University of Idaho Title University of Idaho - Banners Credits Chris Reese, Principal Designer • Cary Jordan, Editorial Director • Chuck Reed, Vice President for Client Services • Lynn Calloway, Principal Project Communication Manager CONSUMER OR TRADE PUBLICATION | 3 Campaign,


RADIO | Local, C :60 (non-station produced) Entrant St. Luke’s Hospital Advertiser St. Luke’s Hospital Title Birth Care Choice Radio Credits The Heibing Group, Ad Agency Local, C :60 (non-station produced) Entrant J.W. Morton & Associates Advertiser Iowa State Bank & Trust Title Lose the Pig Credits Jack Zumwalt, Writer/Producer • Dave Morton, Creative Director TELEVISION  | 7 Local (One DMA), C :30 (non-station/cable produced) Entrant ME&V Advertiser Guaranty Bank Title Guaranty Bank - Local Commercial Credits Jim Infelt, Creative Director • Deb Niermann, Producer • Mark Mathis, Writer

Four-Color Entrant Fuel Inc. Advertiser John Deere Construction & Forestry Title John Deere Talking Parts Campaign

• Brian Foelske, Editor • Scott Abing, Videographer • Dee Vandeventer, Account Executive • Jon Simpson, Animator • Brian Foelske, Post Production 8 TV Self-Promotion, A4 Other Entrant KCRG-TV9 Advertiser KCRG-TV9 Title Video Podcasting 2007

Credits Bob Zeidler, Brand Manager • John Thomas, Photographer • Henry Russell Bruce, Creative Direction • Bill Bollman, Designer • Patrick Prior, Designer • Lance Lethcoe, Designer • Matt Kempel, Designer NEWSPAPER | 4 Campaign, Color

Credits David Welsh, Promotion Director • Dave LaRonde, Writer-Producer • Dan McCable, Art Director • Jason Vardaman, Digital Animator 9 TV Self-Promotion, Single Entrant KCRG-TV9 Advertiser KCRG-TV9 Title Fall Image 2007 Credits David

(any color besides black) Entrant ME&V Advertiser McGregors Furniture Title McGregors Furniture - Chris’ Choice Credits

Welsh, Promotion Director • Dave LaRonde, Writer-Producer • Dan McCabe, Art Director • Jason Vardaman, Digital Animator

Colleen Hayes, Art Director • Brian Monroe, Account Manager 5 Campaign, Color (any color besides black) Entrant Alliant

10 Regional/National TV, Single Spots, Consumer Services, Health Care Services Entrant ME&V Advertiser St Mary’s Medical

Energy Advertiser Alliant Energy Title Renewable Energy Campaign Credits Tracey Mason, Copywriter • Mark Jacobson, Art Director • John Schultz, Art Director INTERACTIVE MEDIA | 6 Web Sites, Consumer, HTML/Other Entrant Shannon Heiman

Center Title Cyberknife-Regional/National TV Spot Credits Steve Holm, Producer-Director • Cory Ross, Videographer • Brian

Design Advertiser Kalona Organics Title Kalona Organics Web Site Credits Shannon Heiman, Designer/Developer • Melinda

Consumer Services (45M-45V) Entrant University of Iowa Health Care Advertiser University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics

Pradarelli, Writer • iStock, Photography

Title Expertise Multiplied Exponentially Credits Cheryl Hodgson, Senior Marketing Specialist • Dan Fischer, Senior Marketing

Foelske, Post Production • Scott Abing, Videographer & Audio • John Van Allen, Lighting 11 Regional/National TV Campaigns,

Specialist • Rita Liddell, Media/Project Specialist • Stacy McGauvran-Hruby, Director of Marketing • Storandt Pann Margolis, Agency Partner 12 Cinema Advertising, In-Theatre Commericals or Slides Entrant Metro Studios Advertiser MECCA Title MECCA TV spots Credits Aaron Spears, Editor/Videographer • Kirk Hayden, Videographer • Elliott Politte, Audio Engineer • Keith Hindman, Producer/Director • Keith Hindman, Creative

Gold Addys

5 1 7 3

6 2


8 4


Mixed Media (Cross Platform) Campaigns | 1 Consumer, Local Entrant University of Iowa Health Care Advertiser

7 Campaign, Mixed/Multiple Media Campaign (for categories 60-65) Entrant ME&V Advertiser St. Luke’s Health Care

UI Family Care Title UI Family Care: My Ideal Doctor Credits Cheryl Hodgson, Senior Marketing Specialist • Rita Liddell, Media/Project Specialist • Doug Benton, fisheye • Storandt Pann Margolis, Agency Partner Advertising for the Arts

Foundation Title St. Luke’s Health Care Foundation Child Protection Center Campaign Credits Sarah Pauls, Art Director

Advertiser Eastside Arts Academy Title Eastside Arts Academy Posters Credits Kate Ahn, Art Director/Designer Public

• Deb Niermann, Producer/Writer • Brian Foelske, Editor • Scott Abing, Editor • Mark Mathis, Creative Director • Jim Infelt, Creative Director • Brian Monroe, Account Manager Advertising Industry Self-Promotion | 8 Creative Services and Industry Suppliers, Collateral Entrant Cedar Graphics, Inc. Advertiser Cedar Graphics, Inc. Title Cedar Graphics 2008

Service | 3 Collateral, Annual Report Entrant Benson & Hepker Design Advertiser Iowa City Area Development Group

Calendar Credits Cedar Graphics, Inc. 9 Ad Club or Marketing Club Entrant AAF: Cedar Rapids-Iowa City Advertiser

Title Iowa City Area Development Group 2007 Annual Report Credits Robyn Hepker, Designer/photo illustrator • Linda Schreiber, Editor/Copywriter • Tru Art Color Graphics, Printer 4 Collateral, Annual Report Entrant WDG Communications,

American Advertising Federation: Cedar Rapids-Iowa City Title 2007 ADDY Materials Credits Webber Design Werks, Creative

and Sciences | 2 Campaign, Single Medium Campaign (for categories 53-58) Entrant Adfinity Marketing Group

Inc. Advertiser The Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation Title The Greater Cedar Community Foundation 2006 Annual Report Credits Duane Wood, Creative Director • Jodi Hormann, Senior Art Director • Sherry Crawford, Writer 5 Collateral, Newsletters Entrant Benson & Hepker Design Advertiser University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Title Well&Good Credits Robyn Hepker, Designer • Pat Badtke, Editor/Writer • Tru Art Color Graphics, Printer 6 Broadcast/ Electronic, Audio/Visual Entrant J.W. Morton & Associates Advertiser Linn‑Mar School Foundation Title Beyond - The Campaign for Linn-Mar’s Future Credits Dave Morton, Writer/Producer • Rausch Productions, Production Company

• Henry Russell Bruce, Creative • Mike Fager, fisheye, Photographer • The Brandt Co., Paper/Printing • Pella Printing Co., Inc., Paper/Printing 10 Campaign, Single Medium Campaign (for categories 67-68) Entrant Cedar Graphics, Inc.Advertiser Cedar Graphics, Inc. Title Cedar Graphics ‘Be’ Campaign Credits Cedar Graphics, Inc.

6 1



Gold Addys




7 9

3 5



ELEMENTS OF ADVERTISING | 1 Logo Entrant Webber Design Werks Advertiser Cedar River Soccer Association Title Cedar

8 Photography, Photo Campaign Entrant fisheye Advertiser University of Iowa Healthcare Title My Ideal Doctor Credits

River Soccer Association Mudpuppy Logo Credits Sean Webber, Principal/Creative Director 2 Logo Entrant Webber Design Werks Advertiser Red Penguin Athletics Title Red Penguin Athletics Logo Credits Sean Webber, Principal/Creative Director

Douglas Benton-fisheye, photographer • Cheryl Hodgson, Senior Marketing Specialist • Rita Liddell, Photo Coordinator 9 Animation or Special Effects, Video, Film Entrant KCRG‑TV9 Advertiser KCRG-TV9 Title Fall Image Media Icons Animation

3 Logo Entrant ME&V Advertiser Terry Lockridge & Dunn/World Trend Financial Title Terry Lockridge and Dunn/World Trend

Credits David Welsh, Promotion Director • Dave LaRonde, Writer - Producer • Dan McCabe, Art Director • Jason Vardaman,

Financial Logo Credits Kristy Stern, Account Executive 4 Logo Entrant ME&V Advertiser I’m On Communications Title I’m

Digital Animator Local Only Categories | 10 “Ones That Got Away”, A Print (project pitched to a client but not produced)

On Communication’s Logo Credits ME&V 5 Illustration, Illustration Campaign Entrant Fuel Inc. Advertiser John Deere

Entrant ME&V Advertiser Adtrack Title Adtrack-Hot Leads Credits Mat Greiner, Art Director • Mark Mathis, Copywriter • Kristy Stern, Account Executive 11 “Ones That Got Away”, A Print (project pitched to a client but not produced) Entrant Stamats

Construction & Forestry Title John Deere Forestry Tree-Shirt Illustrations Credits Bob Zeidler, Brand Manager • Bill Bollman, Designer • Lance Lethcoe, Designer • Patrick Prior, Designer • Matt Kempel, Designer • Melissa Gavin, Designer • American Identity, Screen Printing 6 Photography, Color Entrant fisheye Advertiser John Deere Title We’re On It Credits Douglas

Advertiser Gonzaga University Title Gonzaga “1” Credits Kevin Mellen, Design Director • Vinu Warrier, Associate Principal Writer • Beatrice Szalas, Senior Client Consultant • Tara Behmer, Project Communication Manager

Benton‑fisheye, Photographer • Bill Bollman-Fuel, Art Director 7 Photography, Color Entrant fisheye Advertiser University of Iowa Healthcare Title Baby Mia Credits Douglas Benton-fisheye, Photogragher STUDENT ADDY® Categories | 12 Collateral Material, Poster Entrant Sheena Wendt Advertiser University of Northern Iowa Title Kurt Vonnegut Fiction Prize Credits Sheena Wendt, Student 13 Elements of Advertising, Illustration Entrant Stephanie Delagardelle Advertiser Hawkeye Community College Title Clown Credits Stephanie Delagardelle, Student

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Brochure, Campaign Entrant Stamats Advertiser Saint Mary's College Title She's Saint Mary's Credits Chris Reese, Principal Designer • Michelle Sillman, Senior Writer • Chuck Reed, Vice President for Client Services • Melanie Ostmo, Production Manager • Laura McDougall, Production Assistant • Fritz McDonald, Creative Director Brochure, Campaign Entrant Stamats Advertiser Philadelphia University Title Philly U Publications Credits Mark Keele, Senior Designer • Jodi Hormann, Senior Designer • Cary Jordan, Editorial Director • Pegi Anton, Vice President for Client Services • Ann Ramsden, Senior Project Communication Manager • Melanie Ostmo, Production Manager • Laura McDougall, Production Assistant Poster, Single Entrant AEGON Advertiser AEGON COMPANIES/ Executive Title Retirement Poster Credits Pam Malloy, Graphic Designer Special Event Material, Campaign Entrant University of Iowa Foundation Advertiser The University of Iowa Foundation

SALES PROMOTION | Product or Service Sales Presentation, Catalog Entrant Benson & Hepker Design

Title The Presidents Club Assembly Invitation Package Credits Dick Blazek, Designer • Betsy Hickok,

Advertiser Maddi's Gallery Title Maddi's Gallery Holiday Brochure Credits Robyn Hepker, Designer •

Writer • Tom Langdon, Photography & Digital Imaging

Diane Sulg, Photographer/Writer • Goodfellow Printing, Printer Product or Service Sales Presentation, Printed Newsletter Entrant J.W. Morton & Associates Advertiser New Covenant Bible Church Title

DIRECT MARKETING | Single (Either B2B or Consumer), Flat Entrant Stamats Advertiser UNC Chapel

Faithful Endeavor Newsletter Credits Jeff Westrom, Creative Director • Kris Paulson, Writer • Kim Pagel,

Hill Title UNC Junior Viewbook Credits Kevin Mellen, Design Director • Vinu Warrier, Associate Principal

Writer • RSI, Illustrations Packaging, Campaign Entrant Shannon Heiman Design Advertiser Kalona

Writer • Pegi Anton, Vice President for Client Services • Ann Ramsden, Senior Project Communication

Organics Title Cultural Revolution Organic Yogurt Packaging Credits Shannon Heiman, Graphic

Manager • Melanie Ostmo, Production Manager • Laura McDougall, Production Assistant • Phillip

Designer • Melinda Pradarelli, Writer • Airlite Plastics, Printer • iStock, Photography Packaging, Campaign

Spears, Photographer Single (Either B2B or Consumer), 3-D Entrant AEGON Advertiser AEGON

Entrant Fuel Inc. Advertiser Cedar Ridge Winery & Distillery Title Clearheart Spirits Labels Credits Matt

COMPANIES/AFP Business Development Title Termination Package Credits Mary Russell Curran, Writer

Kempel, Designer • Bill Bollman, Designer • Lance Lethcoe, Designer • Patrick Prior, Designer • Melissa

• J&A Printing, Printer • Pam Malloy, Graphic Designer Campaign, Flat Entrant Fuel Inc. Advertiser

Gavin, Designer Audio/Visual Sales Presentation, Audio/Visual Sales Presentation Entrant University of

Cedar Ridge Winery & Distillery Title Cedar Ridge Distillery Postcard Series Credits: Douglas Benton,

Iowa Marketing + Design Advertiser University of Iowa, Iowa Memorial Union Title IMU Guest and Event

Photographer • Lance Lethcoe, Designer • Bill Bollman, Designer • Matt Kempel, Designer • Patrick

Services Video Credits Shelly Stout, Script Writer • Nancy Abram, Marketing Manager • Matt Hauge,

Prior, Designer • J&A Printing, Printer • Gamut, Printer Specialty Advertising, Apparel Entrant J.W.

Director • Student Video Production, Filming/Production/Editing

Morton & Associates Advertiser Iowa State Bank & Trust Title Lose the Pig T-shirt Credits Dave Morton, Creative Director • Connie Collins, Art Director • Jack Zumwalt, Writer Specialty Advertising, Other

COLLATERAL MATERIAL | Brochure, Four-Color Entrant Stamats Advertiser UNC Chapel Hill Title UNC

Merchandise Entrant Rockwell Collins, Inc. Advertiser Rockwell Collins Title 2008 Rockwell Collins

Travel Piece Credits Kevin Mellen, Design Director • Vinu Warrier, Associate Principal Writer • Pegi Anton,

Calendar Credits Rockwell Collins, Inc.

Vice President for Client Services • Ann Ramsden, Senior Project Communication Manager • Melanie Ostmo, Production Manager • Laura McDougall, Production Assistant • Phillip Spears, Photographer

OUT-OF-HOME | Vehicle Graphic, Wrap Entrant ME&V Advertiser Southwestern Community College

Brochure, Four-Color Entrant Stamats Advertiser Defiance College Title Defiance College-Defy the

Title SWICK Car Wrap Credits Mat Greiner, Art Director • Bob Foster, Account Executive Mass Transit,

Ordinary Credits Kevin Mellen, Design Director • Kelly Scott, Senior Writer • Chuck Reed, Vice President

Exterior Entrant Stamats Advertiser University of Idaho Title University of Idaho-No Fences Bus Wrap

for Client Services • Lynn Calloway, Principal Project Communication Manager • Laura McDougall,

Credits Chris Reese, Principal Designer • Cary Jordan, Editorial Director • Chuck Reed, Vice President for

Production Assistant • Jason Jones, Photographer Brochure, Four-Color Entrant Stamats Advertiser

Client Services • Lynn Calloway, Principal Project Communication Manager • Steve Allen, Photographer

California State University-Monterey Bay Title Cal State - Monterey Bay-What's Your Story? Credits Tim

Campaign, Out-of-Home, Campaign Entrant J.W. Morton & Associates Advertiser 2nd Story Software

Greenzweig, Designer • Melissa Erbes, Writer • Carrie Thorp, Project Communication Manager • Fritz

Title Do Your Taxes Free-Outdoor campaign Credits Kevin Northway, Art Director • Kim Ketelsen, Writer

McDonald, Creative Director • Scott Lomas, Client Consultant • Jennifer Jones, Client Consultant •

• Dave Morton, Creative Director • Mike Schlotterback/fisheye, Photographer

Melanie Ostmo, Production Manager Brochure, Four-Color Entrant Stamats Advertiser Villanova University Title Villanova Libral Arts Viewbook Credits Roger Menken, Senior Designer • Fritz McDonald, Creative Director/Writer • Pegi Anton, Vice President for Client Services • Vinu Warrier, Associate Principal Writer • Ann Ramsden, Senior Project Communication Manager • Melanie Ostmo, Production Manager

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RADIO | Local, C :60 (non-station produced) Entrant KCRG-TV9 Advertiser The Eastern Iowa Airport Title ‘Construction’ Credits LeAnn Neel, Editor • Cindy Ek, Writer/Production Coordinator • Pam Hinman, Writer/Director of Marketing • Markus Cannon, Voice Over • Jon Carter, Voice Over Local, C :60 (non-station produced) Entrant Metro Studios Advertiser Pool Tech Title Pool Tech ‘Cannonball’ Credits Penny Sund, Writer/Producer • Elliott Politte, Audio Engineer • Steve Merrick, Account Executive • Penny Sund, Creative Director Regional/National Campaign Entrant J.W. Morton & Associates Advertiser 2nd Story Software Title Tax Act-Late-filer Campaign Credits Kim Ketelsen, Writer/Producer • Kevin Northway, Art Director • Dave Morton, Creative Director • Soundscapes, Production House

TELEVISION | Local (One DMA), C :30 (non-station/cable produced) Entrant KCRG-TV9 Advertiser

CONSUMER OR TRADE PUBLICATION | Consumer or Trade Publication Entrant Stamats Advertiser

The Eastern Iowa Airport Title “11th Destination” Credits Paul Huenemann, Animator/Music • LeAnn

Furman University Title Engage Magazine Credits Chris Reese, Principal Designer • Cary Jordan,

Neel, Editor • Cindy Ek, Writer/ Prod Coordinator • Pam Hinman, Dir of Marketing • Jon Carter, Voice

Editorial Director • Pegi Anton, Vice President for Client Services • Melanie Ostmo, Production

Over Campaign Entrant Metro Studios Advertiser North Iowa Area Community College Title NIACC

Manager • Ann Ramsden, Senior Project Communication Manager Consumer or Trade Publication

First Credits Connie Westpfahl, Senior Producer • Connie Westpfahl, Senior Writer • Kirk Hayden,

Entrant Gazette Communications Advertiser Bob Mickey Auto Group Title A Taste of Great Service

Videographer • John Fenton, Senior Editor • Elliott Pollitte, Audio Engineer Regional/National TV, Single

Credits Pam Hyberger, Senior Designer • Mary Reeder, Media Consultant • Randy Oakley, General

Spots, Consumer Outlets, Retail Stores Entrant ME&V Advertiser McGregors Furniture Title McGregors

Manager • Mark Tade, Photographer

Furniture-’March Mega Mania’ TV Spot Credits Deb Niermann, Producer/Writer • Jim Infelt, Creative Director • Brian Foelske, Editor • Jon Simpson, Editor • Brian Monroe, Account Manager

NEWSPAPER | Fractional Page, Color (any color besides black) Entrant J.W. Morton & Associates Advertiser Iowa State Bank & Trust Title Lose the Pig Credits Dave Morton, Creative Director • Connie

MIXED MEDIA (Cross Platform) CAMPAIGNS | Consumer, Local Entrant Henry Russell Bruce

Collins, Art Director • Jack Zumwalt, Writer Campaign, Color (any color besides black) Entrant ME&V

Advertiser Mercy Medical Center Title Mercy Medical Center Private Rooms Credits Steve Erickson,

Advertiser Dubuque Greyhound Park and Casino Title Dubuque Greyhound Park and Casino-

Executive Creative Director • Mike Smith, Creative Director • Paul Bettenga, Art Director • Lynn

DRAmatic Results Credits Mark Mathis, Writer • Jennifer Williams, Writer • Colleen Hayes, Art Director

Manternach, Director of Research/Client Supervisor • Leslie George, Client Supervisor • Colleen Schutt, Project/Production Manager • Evan Brownfield, Production Artist

INTERACTIVE MEDIA | Web Sites, Consumer, Flash Entrant University of Iowa Foundation Advertiser The University of Iowa Foundation Title The Iowa Journey Credits Connie Driscoll-Wicke, Designer

ADVERTISING FOR THE ARTS & SCIENCES | Collateral, Brochure/Sales Kit Entrant Rockwell Collins, Inc.

• Nic Arp, Writer • Hilery Livengood, Web Production • Jill Tobin, Photography • Tom Langdon,

Advertiser Rockwell Collins Commercial Systems Title VENU Capabilities Brief Credits Rockwell Collins, Inc.

Photography Web Sites, Consumer, HTML/Other Entrant ME&V Advertiser Guaranty Bank Title Guaranty Bank Website Credits Arend Miller, Programmer Web Sites, Consumer, HTML/Other Entrant

PUBLIC SERVICE | Collateral, Annual Report Entrant Benson & Hepker Design Advertiser Kirkwood

ME&V Advertiser Iowa Student Aid Commission Title Iowa College Student Aid Commission Website

Foundation Title Kirkwood Foundation 2007 Progress Report Credits Robyn Hepker, Designer/Art

Credits Programmer, Arend Miller Online, Micro or Mini Sites Entrant Stamats Advertiser Columbia

director • Doug Benton, Photographer • Melinda Pradarelli, Copywriter • Tru Art Color Graphics, Printer

College of Missouri Title Columbia College-Small is BIG Credits Adam Blyth, Senior Interactive Media

Collateral, Annual Report Entrant WDG Communications, Inc. Advertiser University of Dubuque Title

Designer • Roger Menken, Senior Designer • Pegi Anton, Vice President for Client Services • Sarah

University of Dubuque 2006-2007 Presidents Report Credits Duane Wood, Creative Director • Jodi

Barnett, Interactive Project Manager Online, Micro or Mini Sites Entrant Stamats Advertiser Saint

Hormann, Senior Art Director • Sherry Crawford, Writer More Public Service >>>>

Mary's College Title St. Mary's Virtual Tour Credits Adam Blyth, Senior Interactive Media Designer • Tina Wisnoski, Interactive Strategist • Adam Lowe, Quality Assurance Tester • Angie Nebola, Interactive Project Manager • Mike Erbes, Interactive Production Lead • Michelle Sillman, Senior Writer • Chuck Reed, Vice President for Client Services

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ELEMENTS OF ADVERTISING | Logo Entrant Webber Design Werks Advertiser Jefferson High School Title Jefferson High School Athletic Logo Credits Sean Webber, Principal/Creative Director Logo Entrant The Corridor Insititute Advertiser The Corridor Institute Title The Corridor Institute Logo Credits Amy Belice, Roach Communication Design, Designer Logo Entrant University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Advertiser Volunteer Services/UI Hospitals and Clinics Title Wild Rose Gifts logo Credits LeeAnn Eddins, Art Director/Designer • Jane Zukin, Project Manager Logo Entrant Alliant Energy Advertiser Alliant Energy Title Alliant Energy EarthWise Logo Credits Mark Jacobson, Art Director Logo Entrant J.W. Morton & Associates Advertiser New Covenant Bible Church Title Faithful Endeavor Logo Credits Jeff Westrom, Creative Director • Kim Pagel, Creative Director Logo Entrant Fuel Inc. Advertiser Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries Title Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries

Collateral, Brochure/Sales Kit Entrant J.W. Morton & Associates Advertiser Linn-Mar School

Identity Credits Melissa Gavin, Designer • Matt Kempel, Designer • Bill Bollman, Designer • Patrick

Foundation Title Beyond-The Campaign for Linn-Mar’s Future Credits Dave Morton, Account Manager

Prior, Designer • Lance Lethcoe, Designer Logo Entrant Fuel Inc. Advertiser CarePro Health Services

• Dave Morton, Creative Director • Kelly Weber, Art Director • Leah Rodenberg, Copywriter • Cedar

Title CarePro Health Services Identity Credits Melissa Gavin, Designer • Matt Kempel, Designer •

Graphics, Printer Collateral, POP or POPS Material (Other than Posters) Entrant ME&V Advertiser

Patrick Prior, Designer • Bill Bollman, Designer • Lance Lethcoe, Designer Illustration, Single Entrant

Horizons-A Family Service Alliance Title Horizons Panels Credits Mat Greiner, Art Director • Liz Mathis,

Rockwell Collins, Inc. Advertiser Rockwell Collins Government Systems Title MH-53E Super Stallion

Copywriter • Brian Monroe, Account Manager

Collateral, Cards/Invitations or Announcements

Rotary Helicopter Credits Rockwell Collins, Inc.

Photography, Color Entrant University of Iowa

Entrant WDG Communications, Inc. Advertiser American Cancer Society Title Rally for a Cure 2007

Advertiser The University of Iowa, University Relations Title Swimmer Photograph Credits Tim Schoon,

Gala Save the Date and Invitation Credits Duane Wood, Creative Director • Eric Johnson, Senior

Photographer Entrant Metro Studios Advertiser House of Almonds/Harvest Manor Title Cameo

Art Director • Eric Johnson, Illustrator • Mike Schlotterback, Photographer Print, Magazine Entrant

Collection Credits Kirk Hayden, Photographer • Penny Sund, Creative Director • Donna Lunstrum,

WDG Communications, Inc. Advertiser University of Dubuque Title Lanterns 2007 Alumni Magazine

Food Stylist Photography, Digitally Enhanced Entrant fisheye Advertiser University of Iowa Center

Credits Duane Wood, Creative Director • Eric Johnson, Senior Art Director • Sam Otis, Designer • Kristi

for Enterprise Title One Door Credits Douglas Benton-fisheye, Photographer • Robyn Hepker, Art

Brachman, Editor Broadcast/Electronic, TV Entrant KCRG-TV9 Advertiser KCRG‑TV9/Show You Care

Director Photography, Photo Campaign Entrant Dawn Lively Advertiser InnerSources Title She Who

Title Paying Tribute To Iowa Troops Credits Shannon Booth, Executive Producer • Melissa Ives, Producer

& Product Launch Credits Dawn Lively, Photographer

• Scott Chrisman, Editor • Bruce Aune, Host • Josh Hinkle, Reporter • Claire Kellett, Reporter • Katie Wiedemann, Reporter • Steve Nicoles, Reporter • Beth Malicki, Reporter • Mark Geary, Reporter • Dave

STUDENT ADDY® Categories | Collateral Material, Stationery Package Entrant Emily Kane Advertiser

Franzman, Reporter • Karen Ultis, Community Affairs Director Campaign, Single Medium Campaign

Hawkeye Community College Title Javalicious Stationary Credits Emily Kane, Student Collateral

(for categories 60-65) Entrant Metro Studios Advertiser Mecca Title MECCA TV spots Credits Aaron

Material, Brochure, Annual Report Entrant Emily Kane Advertiser Hawkeye Community College

Spears, Editor/Videographer • Kirk Hayden, Videographer • Elliott Politte, Audio Engineer • Keith

Title Javalicious Brochure Credits Emily Kane, Student Collateral Material, Brochure, Annual Report

Hindman, Producer/Director • Keith Hindman, Creative Campaign, Single Medium Campaign (for

Entrant Sheena Wendt Advertiser University of Northern Iowa Title German Studies Brochure Credits

categories 60-65) Entrant WDG Communications, Inc. Advertiser American Cancer Society Title

Sheena Wendt, Student Elements of Advertising, Logo Entrant Joshua Wilson Advertiser Hawkeye

Rally for a Cure 2007 Gala Campaign Credits Duane Wood, Creative Director • Eric Johnson, Senior

Community College Title Javalicious logo Credits Joshua Wilson, Student Elements of Advertising,

Art Director • Eric Johnson, Illustrator • Mike Schlotterback, Photographer • J&A Printing, Printer

Logo Entrant Patricia Waiyaki-Brown Advertiser Hawkeye Community College Title Javalicious Logo Credits Patricia Waiyaki-Brown, Student

ADVERTISING INDUSTRY SELF-PROMOTION | Creative Services and Industry Suppliers, Collateral Entrant Metro Studios Advertiser Metro Studios Title Web Booklet Credits Penny Sund, Designer/Copywriter • Mark Jones, Copywriter • Penny Sund, Creative Director • Keith Hindman • Steve Merrick Creative Services and Industry Suppliers, Collateral Entrant Cedar Graphics, Inc. Advertiser Cedar Graphics, Inc. Title Personalized digitalcover day planner Credits Cedar Graphics, Inc.

Past PPresidents

AAF: CR-IC PAST PRESIDENTS | 68-69 Wally Miller | 69-70 Charles Edwards | 70-71 Larry Buchanan

| 71-72 Dick Meyocks | 72-73 Vaughn Even | 73-74 Jack Gilbert | 74-75 Bob Jolley | 75-76 Carol Gee | 76-77 Richard Mayes | 77-78 Steven Hunter | 78-79 Jim Ball | 79-80 Bob Bill | 80-81 Joan

Board of Directorsa

AAF: CR-IC Board of Directors | President Jeff Wolff, Gazette Communications 1st Vice President Susie Makinster, Women’s Edition 2nd Vice President Jodi Palmer, Stamats Communications Executive Director Audrey Wheeler, Gazette Communications Treasurer Hattie Hawkins, MediaQuest

Alexander | 81-82 PJ Rasmussen | 82-83 Howard Fine | 83-85 Evelyn Camp | 85-86 Clay Bergren

Outdoor ADDY® Chair Sean Webber, Corcoran Communications Club Achievement chair Jessica

| 86-87 Nancy Schirm | 87-88 Robert Buckley | 88-89 Terry Bergen | 89-90 Dan Wiese | 90-91

Esch, Xavier Foundation Communications Chair Diane Debok, University of Iowa Continuing

David Morton | 91-92 James Debth | 92-93 Val Judd | 93-94 Andy McLellan | 94-95 Chris Iversen

Education Education Chair Amanda Miller, Agilon, LLC Endowment Co-Chairs Haley Beyer,

| 95-96 Sheryl McColley | 96-97 Steve Krusie | 97-98 Mike Wyrick | 98-99 Sabra Fiala | 99-00 Sheri

Gazette Communications • Sheena Wendt, Heartland Vinyard Church Fundraising Chair Barb

Carstensen | 00-01 Cassie Willis | 01-02 Joan Benson | 02-03 Rose Slaymaker | 03-04 Jan Clarke |

Lindstrom, Trade Show Marketing Government Relations Chair Eric Johnson, WDG Communications

04-05 Joe Lock* | 05-06 Steve Merrick | 06-07 Duane Wood*

Inc. Membership Co-Chairs LeeAnn Eddins, University of Iowa Health Care • Jennifer Reed, Reed

*Named Ninth District President of the Year

Communications Past President Duane Wood, WDG Communications Inc. Program Chair Scott Ireland, KCRG-TV9 Public Service chair Ruth Paarmann, Paarlance Creative Writing Student Representative Beth Johnson, University of Iowa Senior Advisory Board Larry Buchanan, Co-Chair

Hall of Fame

AAF: CR-IC HALL OF FAME | 1985 Larry Buchanan • Bill Munsell | 1986 Gary Anderson • Buehla March • Vaughn Even • Beryl Starbuck • Gene Dowie • Dick Pinney | 1987 Peter Langmack • Charles Edwards

| 1988 Bill Fritz • George Dorrington | 1989 Frank Magid | 1990 Dan Perkins | 1991 Tony Staab • Buzz

• Bill Munsell, Co-Chair • Gary Anderson • Dick Damrow • Bill Fletcher • Joe Hladky • Mary Quass • PJ Rasmussen • Dan Wiese • Duane Wood • Candy Wong

Thank You

thank you to | Metro Studios (07/08 Platinum Sponsorship) • Cedar Graphics, Inc. • Cedar

Baker • Marv White | 1992 Richard Meyocks | 1993 Ron Howes | 1994 Bob French | 1995 Bill Wernimont

Rapids Museum of Art • Corcoran Communications, Inc. • Cutting Edge Engraving Arts • fisheye •

| 1996 Bob Buckley | 1997 Mary Quass | 1998 Mary Breitbach Anton | 1999 Sheryl McColley | 2000 Al

Gazette Communications • JP Gasway • KGAN-TV/DT • Pella Printing Co., Inc. • University of Iowa,

Schmidt | 2001 Dick Damrow | 2002 Dan Wiese | 2003 Steve Erickson • Eliot Keller | 2004 Candace

Marketing + Design • Webber Design Werks ADDY® Committee | Sean Webber, Chair • Ashley Davis •

Wong | 2005 Arthur "Art" Christoffersen | 2006 Joe Hladky • Frank Kinney

Elyse Fletcher • Pam Hyberger • Lori Jantzen • Beth Johnson • Marc Wallace • Denise Wubben ADDY® Volunteers | Diane DeBok • Mike Fager • Bret Gothe • Sarah Lenger • Dan Sweeney • Maggie Voss • Audrey Wheeler • Jeff Wolff Winners’ Book Production Notes | Project Management Sean Webber, ADDY® Chair • Creative Sarah Lenger, University of Iowa, Marketing + Design • Photography Mike Fager, fisheye • Paper & Printing Cedar Graphics, Inc.

Paper and Printing Donated By:

Printing Specifications: Loreum ipsum dolor sit amet, contempor incidunt ut labore et do veniami quis nostrud exercitati commodo consequat. Duis aut esse molestaie son consequat, accusam et justo odio dignissim molestrais exceptur sint occaeca aliquam erat volupat. Officia deserunt millit anim id e possing accomodare nost ro amice et nebevol, olestrtias ut enim a suscripit laboris incidunt ut veniami quis nisi ut aliqua. Contempor incidunt ut labore et do veniami.

>>>>>> 07/08


embership directory


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07/08 Season AAF: CR-IC Platinum Sponsor


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