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Thursday Aug. 29, 2013


75 cents

Duncan town hall focuses on health

CVS’ plans for city found in paperwork Company execs unwilling to talk about proposed pharmacy By D.E. Smoot Phoenix Staff Writer

Running group seeks recruits Muskogee’s Run for Pride is having sign-ups Saturday. Caitlin Morton, 14, said it worked well, and if she had time she’d do it again this coming session, which officially begins Sept. 14. The sign-up period is between 3 and 6 p.m. Saturday at Arrowhead Mall. Story on Page 3A

Obama says Syria used chem arms

A final plat has been approved and a building permit “is almost ready to be issued,” but CVS Caremark officials remained mum about plans to open a store in Muskogee. City councilors voted this week to approve a preliminary and final plat

consolidating two parcels on the northeast corner of York Street and Chandler Road. The move allows the 1.174-acre lot to be developed commercially, officials said. Michael Doggett, vice president and engineer with Winkelmann & Associates in Dallas, is acting as the agent for CVS. Doggett told city officials that the plat was submitted in advance of CVS’ plans to open its first pharmacy in Muskogee. Planning Director Gary Garvin said CVS had applied for the building per-

Meeting opens with moment of silence for shooting victim

mit needed to commence construction. Garvin said the permit “is almost ready to be issued,” but he said he knew very little about the company’s plans or a timeline for construction. Mike DeAngelis, public relations director for the Delaware corporation’s retail pharmacy division, said he had “no comment at this time.” The corporation’s 2012 annual report, however, shows that CVS appears to be pursuing an aggressive growth

DUNCAN (AP) — U.S. Rep. Tom Cole on Wednesday reiterated his opposition to the federal health care law but told participants in a town hall meeting that he wasn’t willing to shut down the federal government to try and stop it. Cole spoke to about 50 people at the Red River Technology Center in this city of about 24,000 people, which has been rocked by the arrest of three local teenagers in the shooting

(See STORE, 4A)

FG teen among chosen readers of speech

Story on Page 8A

Poll finds foes of museum funding

By Wendy Burton Phoenix Staff Writer

Should the state Legislature provide matching funds for the American Indian Cultural Center and Museum?


President Barack Obama speaks Wednesday at a ceremony commemorating the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington at the Lincoln Memorial. Behind him is a bell that rang at the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Ala., which was bombed days after the 1963 march, killing four girls. The bell was rung at the ceremony.

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Readers’ poll Should city councilors consider an Oklahoma background as a factor in their search for a new city manager? Yes No

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Obama address culminates day of remembrance activity WASHINGTON (AP) — Standing on hallowed ground of the civil rights movement, President Barack Obama challenged new generations Wednesday to seize the cause of racial equality and honor the “glorious patriots” who marched a half century ago to the very steps from which the Rev. Martin Luther King spoke during the March on Washington. In a moment rich with history and symbolism, tens of thousands of Americans of all backgrounds and colors thronged to the National Mall to join the

Cherokee County child had been subject of Amber Alert By Thad Ayers

Diana Carney of Eufaula for being a subscriber.

nation’s first black president and civil rights pioneers in marking the 50th anniversary of King’s “I Have a Dream” speech. Obama urged each of them to become a modern-day marcher for economic justice and racial harmony. “The arc of the moral universe may bend toward justice, but it doesn’t bend on its own,” Obama said, in an allusion to King’s own message. His speech was the culmination of daylong celebration of King’s legacy that began with marchers walking the streets of

Washington behind a replica of the transit bus that Rosa Parks once rode when she refused to give up her seat to a white man. At precisely 3 p.m., members of the King family tolled a bell to echo King’s call 50 years earlier to “let freedom ring.” It was the same bell that once hung in the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Ala., where four black girls were killed when a bomb planted by a white supremacist exploded in 1963. (See THIS, 4A)

AP file

The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. waves to the crowd during his appearance on the Lincoln Memorial, where he delivered his “I have a dream” speech on Aug. 28, 1963.

A Fort Gibson student read a passage from the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I have a dream” speech on national television Wednesday, the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington led by King. Cierra Fields, a member of the Cherokee Nation, was chosen by the Rev. Dr. Bernice A. King, the civil rights leader’s daughter, to read from Cierra the famous speech in the nation’s capital, according to a letter sent to Fields on King’s behalf. “It was very humbling and inspiring,” said Cierra, 14. “I'm very proud to have been selected, as they had many worthy candidates.” The invitation, sent from the office of Joshua DuBois in Washington, D.C., said: “We are incredibly inspired by Cierra's story and her work in under-served communities. Her efforts to reduce health disparities and cancer risk in Native communities speaks to Dr. King’s vision ‘to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood.’” (See STUDENT, 4A)

Boy found after report of abduction Phoenix Staff Writer

The Phoenix thanks

(See COLE, 4A)

Crowd celebrates King’s cause

President Barack Obama declares unequivocally that the United States has “concluded” that the Syrian government carried out a deadly chemical weapons attack on civilians. But new hurdles emerged that appeared to slow the formation of an international coalition that could use military force to punish Syria.

Yes – 29% No – 71%

death of a visiting Australian baseball player. The Republican from Moore opened the questionand-answer session with a moment of silence for 22year-old Christopher Lane, a baseball player from Melbourne playing for a small Oklahoma college was shot dead Aug. 16 on the city’s north side. Three local teenagers — ages 15, 16 and 17 — have been charged in the killing. But many of the questions Cole fielded centered on the federal health care law — referred to by several participants as Obamacare — and what he

A Cherokee County boy missing since Tuesday has been found and placed into Oklahoma Department of Human Services custody. An NHI Newspaper

Vol. 125 — No. 207 20 Pages in Two Sections Muskogee, Oklahoma Printed on recycled newsprint. Founded Feb. 16, 1888 © 2013 NHI

Kegan Manning, 3, was reportedly taken from his mother by force about 8 p.m. Tuesday. An Amber Alert was issued shortly afterward. He was taken by his father, John Manning, 24, from a home on 15719 W. Flint Rock Road at the Tenkiller Harbor area of Cherokee County, according to the alert. The alert was canceled about 4 p.m. Wednesday. It said Kegan was safe

and in DHS custody. Cherokee County Sheriff ’s Investigator Gary Cacy said the father returned the child peacefully to Tulsa police. “John called TPD and said he was on his way home and could meet him at his house,” Cacy said. As Manning neared the home, Cacy said, a number of area media representatives were nearby. He again called police and told them to meet

him down the road. Cacy said Manning is not in custody because the circumstances of his taking the boy are under investigation. According to the Amber Alert, the boy’s mother, Tabor Manning, said she was cornered by three vehicles Tuesday night, had her tires slashed and was forced to sign and videotape a cus(See INITIAL, 4A)

Submitted photo

John Manning is seen with his son Kegan in this undated photo.

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