One very important component of maintaining healthy skin is vitamin A. Regular intake of this vitamin is vital in preventing and reducing acne, fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage and other skin problems. The best source of this vitamin is from dairy products. However, caution should be exercised in consuming this vitamin in high quantities as very high intake could trigger off health problems like liver diseases. It is also important to consume diets rich in vitamin C. Prolonged exposure of the skin to the sun leads to a drop of vitamin c levels hence constant replenishment of its levels in the body helps the skin to withstand the harmful effects of weather and sun rays on the skin. This vital vitamin is easily available in all vegetables and fruits. A diet that is rich in antioxidants is also important for the health of your skin as antioxidants help minimise damage caused by over-exposure of the skin to the sun. Good sources of antioxidants are green-leafy vegetables and deeply coloured fruits like blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, plums and grapes. Foods that are rich in carotenoids such as carrots and food supplements such as vitamins E and C also nourish the body with antioxidants.
Another prerequisite to healthy skin is consumption of the essential fatty acids omega 3 and 6. These are very important in the formation of cell membranes. Healthy cell membranes act as a passage for nutrients into the skin cells, block harmful substances from entering the skin, and allow cell wastes to escape out. Healthy cell membranes also hold in moisture; the stronger the membranes are, the stronger the barrier, and the better the cells can hold in moisture resulting in supple, youthful and radiant skin. For your good health and a healthier skin, it is paramount to consume omega 3 and 6 fatty acids in good balance. Omega 6 is easily available, unlike omega 3. Rich sources of omega 3 fatty acids are cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil, mackerel, tuna, salmon, flax seed oil and walnuts. It is therefore very important to be aware of what you eat as it reflects on your skin’s appearance; hence the saying ‘you are what you eat’. Most foods that make your body feel good will make the skin look good too. For that luminous glow and supple skin, Slice of Nature recommends a healthy diet that contains minimally processed seasonal foods, lean meats, low dairy fat, deep coloured fruits, leafy vegetables and the superfood salmon. We also recommend protecting your skin with our natural skin moisturizers and adopting a healthy lifestyle; regular exercise and
consumption of at least 6 glasses of fresh water every day. Also, avoid use of tobacco products, consumption of alcohol, coffee, candy, and caffeinated sodas as they are very detrimental to the health of your skin, as much as they are to your general health.
We at Slice of Nature care for your health as well as the health of your skin.