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Volume 11 / Number 01, 405 Magazine (periodicals 21350) is published monthly, 12 times a year, by Hilltop Media Group, 1216 N Blackwelder Ave., Ste. 13, Oklahoma City, OK 73106. Periodicals postage paid at Oklahoma City, OK and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to 405 Magazine, P.O. Box 16765, North Hollywood, CA 91615-6765.
405 Magazine Volume 11, Number 1, January 2025. 405 Magazine is published monthly by Hilltop Media Group at 1216 N Blackwelder Ave., Suite 13, Oklahoma City, OK 73106, 405.806.0672. ©Copyright 2024 Hilltop Media Group. All rights reserved. Reproduction of 405 Magazine content, in whole or part by any means, without the express written consent of the publisher is strictly prohibited. 405 Magazine is not responsible for the care of and/or return of unsolicited materials. 405 Magazine reserves the right to refuse advertising deemed detrimental to the community’s best interest or in questionable taste. Opinions expressed in this magazine are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of ownership or management. Basic annual subscription rate is $14.95. U.S. single-copy price is $4.95. Back issues are $9.50 each
Welcome to a new year! There is so much momentum in the Oklahoma City metro right now. It feels like our dreams of becoming a big-league city have now come to fruition.
One of the most exciting and intimidating parts of creating a magazine is anticipating what people will find interesting in the future. We create an editorial calendar the summer before the next year, so by the time a December issue comes out, its cover story has been planned for a year and a half. It’s called “trend forecasting,” and it is as much an art as a science.
When deciding how to compile an extensive list of all the hottest happenings coming up for Oklahoma City, we went straight to the experts — our own writers. As an editor, I have always been a believer in the monthly contributor model: people who live and breathe their “vertical” or “beat.” They are the ones who are the most passionate about the topic, and I think it comes through in our content. Style can be tweaked and formatting can be learned, but zeal cannot be taught. In this month’s cover feature, we help you get ready for what’s on the horizon for 2025 in food, fashion, design, health and city happenings. Reading through it made me so proud to be an Oklahoma City resident (pg. 26 ). The sky is the limit!
You will also find in our second feature the story of the innovative OKC eye care center celebrating its 50-year anniversary of serving central Oklahoma and beyond (pg. 34).
We drop one of our most anticipated lists of the year, 2025’s Top Doctors. We are introducing a new Top Doctors Celebration this year — coming up on Jan. 30th — and are thrilled to see several of our own personal favorite providers made the list (pg. 38 ).
We are also delighted to introduce you to the dynamic architect who will further transform the downtown OKC skyline with the new arena (pg. 16) and the artist passing on her southern art passion to hundreds of people at time at her studio in Guthrie (pg. 80).
In addition to the up-and-coming eatery openings in the cover story, we cover the new sushi restaurant in OKC’s Wheeler District that has everyone salivating (pg. 48). The photos from the shoot looked so yummy that I immediately booked reservations for our 16-year wedding anniversary this month.
I hope this issue finds you with the sun on your face, preparing for another wonderful year in the 405!
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When we think about the month of January, we often think of new beginnings, a clean slate and a chance to leave behind some of the baggage from the year before. But you wouldn’t leave behind a designer tote or crossbody bag — which is why we should focus on the pieces that did us so much stylistic justice in 2024. We saw a resurgence of the barn jacket, a structured piece to grab on the go. The lug boot brought us comfort without sacrificing the look, and its fusion with the western trend is sure to carry on into the year ahead. Statement pendants prove more is more without overdoing it, and a slip dress transcends trends. As you begin the calendar anew, it is important to acknowledge and embrace what came before, and carry yourself fashionably into the new year.
1. Rachel Nathan, Trilogy Chain Bracelet: Refinery. 2. Rag & Bone, Cami Chain Camera Bag: Cayman’s. 3. Zobel, Hematite Necklace: Naifeh Fine Jewelry. 4. John Hardy, Rata Chain Band Ring: BC Clark. 5. Zadig & Voltaire, Ramelil Butterflies Dress: Edit & Co. 6. Veronica Beard, Arlen Dickey Coat: Gretta Sloane 7. Seychelles, Speak Up Boot: Betsy King Shoes.
The Oklahoma City Philharmonic’s Maestro’s Ball 2024 was held at Oklahoma City Golf & Country Club. The black-tie event was the symphony's largest fundraising event of the year and incorporated a “Pops of Color” theme. Guests were treated to an evening of orchestral pops performances, all in support of the OKCPHIL’s music education programs. Co-Chairs were Terri Cooper and Farooq Karim, and Robert and Sody Clements were honored as the 2024 Maestro’s Circle Inductees.
The annual event honored the 405 Magazine 2024 HER honorees (Honoring, Empowering and Raising up remarkable women) and welcomed previous years’ alumnae. The event was held at The Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits and food was provided by Clayton C. Taylor of the Taylor Group. Guests were treated to drinks, charcuterie, fresh floral arrangements from the Flower Truck and inspirational speeches from the honorees.
Architect David Manica on OKC's new arena
David Manica wanted to be an architect since he was in fifth grade. “Ever since I learned there’s a word for someone who draws buildings for a living, that’s what I wanted to be,” he said.
That dream has led Manica to a highly successful career. From the Golden State Warriors’ Chase Center to the Las Vegas Raiders’ Allegiant Stadium, Manica has designed some of the most stunning sports venues built in the past few years, and soon he will bring that expertise and brilliance to the heart of the Sooner State.
Last fall, Manica, alongside architect of record TVS, was selected to design the new Thunder arena by the city of Oklahoma City. But he didn’t bring a pre-conceived design to the final interviews.
“I came here with my listening ears on, instead of arriving with a design that I thought would be cool for Oklahoma City. I want to make sure that I respond to everything that the city wants.
“The site is big enough, so there’s going to be some nice outdoor spaces. We want to begin to bring the parks and gardens into the site so it feels threaded into the city. While the nearly $1 billion budget sounds like a lot of money, all of those funds aren’t going to the building itself. There are other things
that have to be built, like parking garages and landscaping in public areas,” Manica said. “I am known for being on time and under budget with my projects. I consider myself a steward of the design. The three pillars of success are a good budget, a good site and a good schedule, and we have all three of those here. I have no reason to believe that this thing is going to go off track in any way.”
Manica doesn’t often bid on projects with an architect-of-record partner already secured, but did in this case because he and TVS have had a positive experience teaming up together in Nashville on the Tennessee Titans’ new Nissan Stadium.
“A lot of it is just personality and attitudes — they understand their role on the project and respect our role on the project,” Manica said. “No second-guessing, just 100% support. It’s just a very complementary working relationship.”
Manica instantly understood the potential of this project to affect the city in a different way compared to his projects in San Francisco, Las Vegas, Nashville and Miami (where there are multiple major pro sports teams). “I wanted to work on buildings that make a difference to cities and that people love to go to,” he said, “and I can’t think of a project that will have a bigger impact on a city than this one in Oklahoma City will.”
Oklahoma will wait breathlessly to see the first renderings of the arena this summer. Welcome to the Sooner State, David Manica!
→ The new arena will be built between Reno and Sheridan avenues on the former site of Prairie Surf Studios.
Thyroid health awareness
The American Thyroid Association estimates that 20 million Americans are living with a thyroid dysfunction — and up to 60% may not even be aware of their condition. With potentially confusing terms (What’s the difference between hypo- and hyper-, and what exactly are nodules?) there is a lot to learn about the hormones produced by this small gland in the front of the neck. We spoke with one of 405 Magazine’s Top Docs from last year, Dr. Cassie M. Smith, for more information on thyroid disease.
“The key functions of thyroid hormones include metabolism regulation, growth and development, cardiovascular function, temperature regulation, brain function, mood, muscle function, reproductive function, cholesterol metabolism and hair and nail growth,” Smith said. Women are 5-8 times more likely to develop thyroid disease than men, which is contributed to by intense hormone fluctuations, especially during pregnancy, postpartum and menopause, genetics and the predisposition to develop autoimmune disorders.
Both hypo- and hyperthyroidism are treated with oral medications, and Smith said she also treats with a holistic approach. “I try to find the root cause of elevated antibodies by doing gut, hormone, adrenal and insulin testing,” she said. For hyperthyroidism, treatment may also include radiation or surgical removal.
or imaging tests like ultrasounds,” Smith said. “However, some nodules can cause a visible or palpable lump in the neck, difficulty swallowing, shortness of breath or a feeling of pressure in the neck.” Treatment varies based on the nodule type and can include routine observation, radiation or surgical removal.
Hypothyroidism is when the gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone. Smith reported “approximately 90-95% of hypothyroidism cases are due to Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, an autoimmune condition in which the immune system attacks the thyroid gland.” She noted that this is the most common condition that she treats at her clinic, Modern Endocrine in Oklahoma City. The first symptoms are usually fatigue, brain fog and weight gain, but also may include cold intolerance, dry skin, hair and nail changes, irregular menstrual cycles, depression, high blood pressure, constipation, joint pain or an enlarged thyroid gland.
Hyperthyroidism is an overactive thyroid gland, which between 60-80% of the time is due to Graves’ Disease, especially in younger adults. Symptoms include increased metabolism, weight loss, heat intolerance, rapid heartbeat, diarrhea, tremors, hair loss and anxiety.
Nodules are relatively common lumps or growths within the thyroid gland. Many are benign (non-cancerous), though about 5-10% of thyroid nodules are malignant, which accounts for about 1-2% of all cancer diagnoses worldwide. Most types of thyroid cancer have a high survival rate when detected early. Cancerous nodules are more likely to be solid, grow quickly or cause additional symptoms. “Most thyroid nodules do not cause symptoms and are often discovered incidentally during routine exams
To prevent cancer, Smith said that “Studies show a reduction of cancer risk by 16% with optimal Vitamin D levels, between 60-100nmol/L.” Increased risk factors include genetics, radiation, smoking, obesity, iodine deficiency or excess, poor diet and autoimmune disease.
→ To learn more about thyroid disease visit
As part of Dr. Smith’s holistic approach, she recommends lowering the body’s inflammation. “Focus on eating single-ingredient whole foods and cutting out processed and sugar-rich foods. Sleep seven to eight hours a night, especially during the hours of 11 p.m. to 2 a.m., as this is critical to growth hormone secretion to keep you younger and healthier. Get enough movement and sunlight. Lift weights or do activities to prevent muscle loss. Meditate or practice mindfulness daily, as these effect your parasympathetic nervous system. Without these practices, you will have higher stress levels and ultimately higher inflammation, which leads to disease and illness.”
What do all of these people have in common? They suffer from peripheral neuropathy. It’s estimated that more than 20 million people in the United States have peripheral neuropathy. Unfortunately this figure may be signficantly higher as the disease is often misdiagnosed because of its wide array of symptoms.
Toni Twitty of Be Well Acupuncture in Edmond, OK shares this belief. “I’ve been treating neuropathy, in all its various forms, for over a decade and so often my patients come to me because of the symptoms not because of a diagnosis. They saw one of my television specials, or read a testimonial of another patient and say to themselves, ‘Hey, I feel the same thing’.”
Betty M. of Oklahoma City testified to this, “I remember my husband driving me to my consultation and I saw a woman running just outside our neighborhood. I was so envious- I kept thinking, ‘I would give anything just to walk again’. My primary care doctor told me my troubles with pain and balance were just symptoms of old age and gave me a prescription. I was so depressed.”
Fortunately, Betty would eventually see a review of Toni Twitty talking about similar symptoms and how she offers a real solution at Be Well Acupuncture. “I just knew I had to see her. She was my last hope.”
“Almost all of our patients come to us with a story similar to Betty’s. They’ve been everywhere else. They’ve been told there is no hope. They’ve been told, ‘It’s just part of getting older,’” shares Brooke, a Patient Care Technician at Be Well Acupuncture. “It just breaks my heart but I know that we can help people like Betty so I’m always
so happy when they walk through our door.”
Those diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy often face a grim reality; Western Medicine declares there is no solution while costly alternative therapies carry huge price tags and offer little to no resolve. Which is why Toni Twitty and the staff at Be Well pride themselves on being, “the last resort with the best results.”
Peripheral neuropathy is a result of damage to the nerves. This damage is commonly caused by low blood flow in the hands and feet. Low blood flow results in lack of nutrients; the nerves then begin to degenerate and die which causes pain ranging from discomfort to debilitating. Because neuropathy is a degenerative condition, once those nerves begin to deteriorate they will continue to do so until they completely expire, leaving those suffering with crippling balance issues. “In this case the absence of pain is not a good thing.” shares Dr. Toni. “This usually indicates that your nerves are hanging on by a fragile thread.”
So how exactly is Dr. Toni able to reverse the effects of this degenerative disease? “Acupuncture has been used to increase blood flow for thousands of years. It helps get the nutrients to the nerves. But the real magic happens when I integrate ATP Resonance BioTherapy™. This is tech that was orginally developed by NASA to expedite recovering and healing.”
“I just can’t say enough about Be Well,” Betty shared joyfully. “My husband and I moved here 3 years ago to be near our grandchildren. I always stayed home because of the pain and discomfort. I couldn’t keep up. Yesterday I walked
around the park with him! Next week we’re taking the grandkids with us! I am truly living life these days.”
“According to Betty’s test results, she has seen a 74% improvement in pain and functionality, which is on par with a majority of our patients,” shares Paige. “But more important than those test results is the joy she’s expressed being here and hearing about all the amazing things she’s able to do because she feels great!”
By seamlessly blending the ancient science of acupuncture with modern medical solutions, Be Well Acupuncture has achieved a 90% success rate in reversing the effects of neuropathy. She starts each patient with an initial consultation during which a sensory exam is performed. “This not only aids in making a proper diagnosis but it helps to define just how much nerve damage has occurred,” tells the doctor. “This is important because if a patient has suffered more than 95% damage, there is little that I can do to help them. I’m familiar with the medical miracle but I know my limits as a practitioner and the limits of my medicine.”
When it somes to treating peripheral neuropathy, regardless of its origin, early detection greatly improves your chances of full recovery.
If you or someone you love are suffering with chronic pain that presents as burning, tingling, or “pins and needles” or you’ve recently been diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy, it’s important to know that there are options. There is hope.
Call 405-697-5121 to schedule an initial consultation or visit to read more incredible success stories.
Bold and fresh designs renew the Higginsons’ home in Rose Creek. P. 22
There was a time when Misty and Rick Higginson considered moving out of Rose Creek. Their beautiful Christopher Lee home was 20 years old, and they had already enjoyed living there for 12 years. Rick Higginson was on the verge of retirement. Plus, the Rose Creek golf course was in decline. Perhaps it was time for a new chapter.
Then, everything changed.
“Whenever the new owners bought Rose Creek about two and a half years ago or so, and we saw it coming around, we decided we wanted to stay,” said Rick Higginson.
To enhance their golden years, the Higginsons also decided to redesign their
Rose Creek home and give their everyday surroundings new life. Interior designer Lauren Horton, with Micah and Co. at the time, collaborated with Jordy Acklin of Acklin Construction to transform the previously rustic and neutral interiors into more joyful designs.
“We made it much more modern and colorful and bold,” Horton said. “Knowing them, I just feel like it fits their personalities so much more.”
The downstairs office was converted into a playroom for grandkids. New flooring, lighting, furniture, countertops, tile, wallpaper and cabinets were selected and installed. Every room was freshly painted. The kitchen and bar were
completely refreshed. However, even with all the newness, the couple’s cherished collections were thoughtfully incorporated. (Note the bull skull over the pantry.)
“Lauren was a great listener,” Misty Higginson said. “I noticed that while going through the process, in the little details that she would make. Even though it was being redone, it was still ours — our interests and things that we liked. We still had our own personal touch to the home.”
Now, says Misty Higginson, the rock-androll paintings of Elvis and Jimi Hendrix hanging in the living room look even better. Colors from the paintings are played up in the nearby dining
“The home was pretty neutral overall before, but once I figured out that they’re not afraid to have color and go bold, we just really ran with it,” said Horton.
The Higginson home is now entering “phase two,” which completes the home’s full redesign by updating the primary bedroom and bathroom, guest room and upstairs bathroom.
“I feel more comfortable going into phase two,” Misty Higginson said. “I had never done anything like this, and I know I don’t trust myself to make decisions. So shout out to Lauren and
into phase two, and I feel like it's just going to be easy.”
“Having honed in more on their style, we have a better starting point — whether it’s for the bedroom furniture or the fun textured tile we’re doing in the bathroom,” Horton added. “We already know where we’re starting from.”
The retirement years should be a time for new adventures, relaxation and enjoyment. With their redesigned Rose Creek home, the Higginsons are in a good place for all of the above.
What does 2025 have in store for Oklahoma City? We asked our 405Magazine monthly contributors to give us five things to look forward to in their areas of expertise. Read all about the restaurant and dining options that will be opening, upcoming interior design trends, hot new looks in fashion, innovations in local healthcare and what is on the horizon for city happenings. It stands to be a fantastic year with much to celebrate. Now you are in the know!
By Lavinia Creswa, Jake Durham, Bennett Hill, Evie Klopp Holzer, Matt Kirouac & Julie Partin
Nina Wadley agree: Trends done well can stand the test of time. Working in their shared office, No Coast Design Studio in Norman, the two friends often discuss their projects and best ways to play up (or play down) the latest Insta-craze. The key, they said, is to be strategic and only incorporate concepts that fit the home’s architecture and reflect the homeowner’s personality. Trends are fun, but — in the end — you want your home to feel uniquely yours. Adler and Wadley recently sat down with us to discuss five interior design trends they’ve been noticing and loving; trends with staying power.
By Evie Klopp Holzer
Things have been warming up in the neutrals department. Instead of cool whites, designers have been pulling in natural materials and shades of ivory and beige to build a neutral base. White and black will always have a place in design (Carrera marble will always be in style, noted Wadley), but too much can feel sterile. Clients are embracing more color, too, as seen in monochromatic themes and European-inspired painted trims.
Everything was light and white for so long, but designers are now layering in darker wood tones. While white oak is still popular, you’ll also notice more pine, burl, maple and walnut incorporated into designs.
It’s the finer details — built-ins, trims, moldings and ceiling details — that make a room feel special, like more than just a box. Architectural details add dimension and result in more curated designs.
Many suppliers are embracing a cultural responsibility to use more eco-friendly materials and create products that will stand the test of time. Though it can be more of an upfront investment, buying a solidly constructed chair or sofa means you can reupholster it (again and again) when you’re wanting a room refresh. On that note, upcycled vintage furniture is always a great way to add character.
We love having the latest technology in our homes, but that doesn’t mean we want to see it. Today, framed televisions that display artwork images when turned off are commonplace — as are hidden charging stations and lighting, shades and fans that can be controlled through a phone app.
bars bubble up, and some closures pave the way for fresh perspectives. We saw big-name chefs open bigdeal restaurants, and we saw a shuffling of locations and ownership, as Tulsa’s famed Chalkboard settled into Midtown, right across the street from the new location of Mexican Radio, and Nonesuch got a new owner, right in time for said owner to win a James Beard Award. Heading into 2025, with momentum full speed ahead and more eyes than ever on our fast-growing city, here are some of the trends and openings we’re most looking forward to.
By Matt Kirouac
2025 is going to be a big year for hugely anticipated brandnew concepts from established restaurateurs. First up is Bar Sen, a Laotian noodle bar from Jeff Chanchaleune, the heavily lauded chef behind Ma Der Lao Kitchen right next door in the Plaza District. Then there’s Lori Burson, the veritable queen of hospitality in Midtown, who took over the shuttered 1492 New World Latin Cuisine next to her beloved Stella Modern Italian Cuisine. The restaurant is called Lorena, and the tagline is Southern flair. Named after her grandmother, it’s a concept that she’s had for years, but she wanted to take her time with opening a new concept (Stella opened 15 years ago). Lorena should begin serving elevated Southern cuisine in the first quarter, hopefully before Valentine’s Day, and be open seven days a week for lunch, dinner and weekend brunch. “Much like Stella, my desire is to make it a neighborhood restaurant that’s nice, but still has that comfortable feel,” said Burson.
One of the biggest developments of 2024 was the rise of OAK OKC, a massive district near Penn Square Mall comprised of a hotel, restaurants, shopping and residential. This year, that development is only going to get bigger and better, providing a downtown-caliber environment in an outlying neighborhood.
On the heels of OKC’s first The Capital Grille and Tommy Bahama Marlin Bar, OAK OKC soon adds Mesero, specializing in elevated Tex-Mex and Mexican fare, followed in the summer by RH Design Gallery, complete with rooftop restaurant, garden and wine bar. Across town, The Half development is filling in with a mini golf bar, PopStroke, along with a restaurant and bar at forthcoming Andretti Indoor Karting & Games. A boutique hotel, The Elm, is also in the works. Then there’s Alley North, another dining, shopping and entertainment district in the early stages of development on the north end of Automobile Alley.
Expansion isn’t limited to Oklahomans, though. Vecina is a buzzy Phoenix-born Mexican restaurant where James Beardnodded chef James Fox serves dishes like mussels with jalapeño citrus broth and mesquite-grilled bread; it plans an OKC outpost this year. On the bar side, Dallasbased Truck Yard is turning a portion of the Bricktown canal into a sprawling oasis of outdoor bars and food trucks.
If there’s one cuisine that has taken off in recent years locally, it’s Japanese. Along with the reopening of Nichols Hills’ celebrated Tokyo, new restaurants like Awaji Izakaya and AKAI have offered deeply authentic tastes of Japanese dining and drinking culture. Oshiki Japan opened a location in the Plaza District, offering a Japanese steakhouse experience, while Takaramono is soon to follow just down the block, bringing robatayaki to the former Oak & Ore space.
Among the biggest openings of the year is OKANA resort and indoor water park, a massive riverside project due in the spring next to the First Americans Museum. Much attention will be given to the 11-story hotel and the 100,000-square-foot waterpark, but a concept of this scale and scope is bound to become a dining destination in its own right as well. Indeed, OKANA is poised to contain a dozen food and beverage outlets across a swath of cuisines and dining styles. Details are still largely under wraps, though the resort has hinted that there will be an upscale gastropub, a candy shop and a taqueria, among others.
From classic to contemporary, and from institutions like Pizzeria Gusto to Vito’s, there’s certainly no shortage of Italian cuisine in OKC, but the sheer variety is going to expand in the months ahead. Likely among the earliest big openings of 2025 will be Elisabetta, an elegant-looking concept from Rachel Cope and 84 Hospitality, in Nichols Hills, while Jonathon Stranger — who closed Osteria temporarily nearby a year ago — is reopening in the Britton District as Osteria Italian-American Diner.
January is the time to think about your health, with millions of people making goals in the new year. Sticking with a New Year’s resolution can be hard, especially if it involves lifestyle change. Research shows that individuals are more likely to succeed in all aspects of life when they have community support. So, grab a friend and read on to learn some of the health and wellness trends coming in 2025 to ensure you are living your best life.
By Lavinia Creswa
Long gone are the days of wearing an old-fashioned pedometer to count your steps. In addition to smart watches, there are now products like the Samsung Ring or Oura Ring to monitor your heart rate and other vital signs, physical activity, sleep patterns and even stress.
Moving into the virtual sphere is certainly not a new thing in our post-pandemic world, but the preference for telehealth availability has continued to rise each year. With many clinics and hospital systems offering mobile apps and telephone appointments, remote access to regular healthcare is easier than ever.
Opening Jan. 3 is Chisholm Creek's newest gym, Fit Report. The state-of-the-art facility from co-owners and coaches Kara Brookman and Brooke Bogert combines workouts and Oklahoma weather; designed to help people storm through goals. Functional fitness, kid care, recovery and community will combine to help members stay active and motivated all year round.
With catchy Instagram handles like @pelvicfloormomma and @the.vagina.whisperer, influencers are having a major effect on women’s health, especially when it comes to pelvic floor dysfunction. By highlighting that so many common symptoms are indeed not normal, they’re encouraging more and more women to seek care, including pelvic floor PT, to improve their wellness.
3D printing has become an impressive, costefficient addition to healthcare with incredible possibilities for the future. This has advanced care in ways like surgeons being able to practice on realistic anatomical models and plan for complex surgeries. Patients benefit by being able to receive custom prosthetics and implants.
Biohacking is the term being used for one of the biggest trends in wellness. “Hacking” your body to improve energy, function and vitality is on the rise with practices like intermittent fasting, nutritional supplements, cold plunges and saunas, all shown to improve the body’s physiological state. Since each body is different, biohacking is like a fun experiment to see which changes can make you feel great in your own body this year.
The silhouettes we know and love are here to stay, and demure dressing lays the foundation of your capsule wardrobe. Timeless and elegant, picture crisp button-ups, structured and pleated dresses, bow detailing and muted tones. It is not dull, simply simple and suited for every occasion.
Draped and free-flowing, there has been a shift from the structured and sharp lines we saw in previous seasons. Can you think of a better place than Oklahoma to give your billowing blouse the dramatic effect it was designed to serve? After all, they filmed Twister in the Sooner State.
We genuinely believe in the saying, “If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it,” and floral prints are the perfect example of why. Plant the seed of good dressing as fashionable foliage changes with the seasons in its tone and flowers of choice, all while complementing whatever garment it adorns.
What goes around comes around, and boho is back! It’s as if our well-off aunt has left us her wardrobe, and we should be so glad she did. The eclectic blend of bold prints, loose-fitting garments and free-spirited pairings leave no doubt that the boho style has gotten a facelift.
It appears that the ship of style has made its way on shore, and it has done so with elegance and versatility. Big collars and stripes are no longer limited to an oceanic voyage and can instead add a preppy element to any garb. Time to set sail for 2025.
Twice a year, the streets of New York, Paris, London and Milan become the epicenter of the most fashionable fetes: Fashion Week. Buyers, designers, editors and influencers visit these destinations for a sneak peek of what to expect in upcoming seasons. It has undoubtedly been a year of designer detours, with Alessandro Michele unveiling his first Valentino collection and Chemena Kamali’s appointment as creative director at Chloé. Despite these waves of change, fashion remains a powerful means of self-expression and individuality. Ahead are five trends to meet you where you are while ensuring your closet is up-to-date.
By Bennett Hill
Oklahoma City is gearing up for an exciting year with transformative milestones and memorable events. As the city grows, its vibrant community, cultural pride and commitment to innovation drive change and new experiences for all. OKC is shaping its identity through landmark moments that attract visitors and engage residents, from major resort openings to annual celebrations. Here are five key happenings highlighting OKC’s journey into 2025, each offering a unique lens into the community’s diverse culture, rich history and dynamic growth.
By Jake Durham
Scheduled to open April 1, the $400 million OKANA Resort & Indoor Waterpark will feature a 404-room hotel, a 100,000-square-foot indoor waterpark, a 4.5-acre outdoor adventure lagoon and multiple dining and retail options. This development is expected to significantly boost tourism and provide unique entertainment experiences in Oklahoma City.
There are still months of games left to play and anything can happen, but with the Oklahoma City Thunder’s recent roster enhancements, many fans are optimistic about a potential championship run in 2025. Should the team secure the title (no jinxes), the city would host a celebratory parade, uniting the community with pride and enthusiasm for its hometown team.
The park’s role as a central hub for community engagement and outdoor activities is only growing. Union Station will begin undergoing its renovation, and in addition to the weekly Saturday farmers market at upper Scissortail Park, the lower park will begin hosting one every single Wednesday evening from May through September. Additional events scheduled in the lineup include Pubs in the Park, Taking Flight Wind and Kite Festival, free concert series and many more.
An all-star team has assembled to deliver a new stadium district and future home for women’s and men’s pro soccer and world-class entertainment in downtown OKC. Russell Westbrook, former OKC Thunder superstar and NBA MVP, has joined forces with Christian Kanady, founding partner of multistrategy investment firm Echo, to energize Oklahoma City’s sports and entertainment scene. In partnership with the City of OKC and Robinson Park, this includes the MAPS 4 Multipurpose Stadium, which will anchor the future district and include a regulation-sized playing surface capable of accommodating high school, collegiate and professional soccer competitions and football, as well as concerts, festivals and other entertainment activities.
The beloved Americana classic Route 66 will have its centennial celebration in 2026. In preparation, OKC residents will see installations and celebrations starting to pop up this year. A centennial monument will be installed Uptown at 23rd and Hudson, the first urban district monument installation. Five other monuments have already been installed across the state, with several more installations in progress. The Route 66 Monument Project is a large public art installation effort providing vibrant placemaking for cities, towns and destinations to celebrate the upcoming 100th anniversary.
By Jake Durham
Fifty years ago, a visionary dream took shape in Oklahoma City — a dream that transformed ophthalmology and created a pivotal center for eye care, education and research. The Dean McGee Eye Institute (DMEI) celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, reflecting on a legacy of pioneering advancements and a commitment to the future.
“Since its opening in December 1975, DMEI has had tremendous growth and has developed into one of America’s largest and most respected centers for medical and surgical eye care,” said CEO R. Michael Siatkowski, MD, MBA. “We started with six doctors and no Ph.D. vision researchers, utilizing just 20,000 square feet of space. Today, we have over 35 providers and six Ph.D. vision research principal investigators, utilizing 148,000 square feet of space while also operating our own ambulatory surgical center, the McGee Eye Surgery Center.”
From its early days, DMEI was envisioned as an independent nonprofit dedicated to world-class patient care, groundbreaking vision research and training future ophthalmologists. Founded by Jim Tolbert, Dean McGee, Stanton Young and Tom Eggers, the Institute emerged from McGee’s personal experience with a detached retina. Established in partnership with the University of Oklahoma, it seamlessly blends private practice and academic medicine.
“Our mission statement says that we are dedicated to both excellence and leadership in clinical and surgical care, medical education and vision research, and that we aspire to improve the lives not only of all Oklahomans but also of the global community,” Siatkowski said.
Today, DMEI stands as a worldclass institution, renowned for cutting-edge facilities, innovative research and compassionate patient care. Under Siatkowski’s leadership, it continues to attract top talent and improve lives through groundbreaking treatments.
“Ophthalmology has changed tremendously since DMEI first opened its doors,” Siatkowski said. “At one time, people were in the hospital for 3-5 days for cataract surgery and had to wear thick glasses afterward. Now they have a 15-minute surgery, go home the same day and can elect to have advanced lens implants so they don’t need glasses at all anymore. At one time, there was no
treatment for diabetic retinopathy or macular degeneration; now we have multiple medicines that can be injected into the eye that preserve and improve vision.”
As DMEI celebrates its golden anniversary, the Institute reflects on the contributions of those who built its foundation. Its founders’ and leaders’ creative ideas, dedication and generosity have set the standard for excellence that guides the Institute today.
“DMEI is proud of our Oklahoma roots, and we have a strong desire to give back to our city and state,” Siatkowski said. “We participate in a wide variety of activities in this
regard. Some examples include participation in many charity clinics throughout OKC, performing vision screening evaluations at local schools and lecturing about vision problems to the public.”
According to Siatkowski, DMEI provides four unique contributions to OKC and the state:
“We provide the full spectrum of medical and surgical eye care, and have by far the state’s largest group of eye specialists, equipment and technology.”
“We turn no one away and treat everyone regardless of insurance status to ability to pay.”
“We are the only institution in the state that has an ophthalmology residency or fellowship training programs.”
“We have the state’s largest collection of vision researchers under one roof. DMEI is active and successful in laboratory, clinical, educational and public health research as it affects vision and the eyes.”
As DMEI marks this milestone, it stands as a testament to the power of shared vision and enduring commitment. Here’s to another 50 years of transformative care.
Date: January 30, 2025
Time: 6-9pm
Location: Omni Hotel Oklahoma City
Join us for 405 Magazine’s Top Doctors Celebration, a special evening celebrating the hard work, dedication and achievements of our region’s top physicians from their respective fields. This exclusive event at the Omni Hotel will feature a strolling dinner, drinks and entertainment. Network with the best in their medical fields and their guests while enjoying a night of camaraderie and celebration.
With over 400 doctors recognized on the 2025 Top Doctors list, this is a unique opportunity to connect and celebrate with other distinguished medical professionals in the Oklahoma City metro.
Interested in sponsorship opportunities?
Reach out to our Publisher, Kendall Morgan Hammack, at
Summary. DataJoe Research is a software and research company specializing in data collection and verification, and conducts various nominations across the United States on behalf of publishers. To create the "top doctors" list, DataJoe Research facilitated an online peernomination process, also referencing government sources. In addition, DataJoe often conducts media analysis through Internet research to factor in public perception. DataJoe then tallied the nominations per category for each doctor to isolate the top nominees in each category. After collecting nominations and factoring additional information from the media analysis, DataJoe checked and confirmed that each published winner had a current, active license status with the state regulatory board. If we were not able to find evidence of a doctor's current, active registration with the state regulatory board, that doctor was excluded from the list. In addition, any doctor who has been disciplined, up to the time-frame of our review process for an infraction by the state regulatory board, was excluded from the list. Finally, DataJoe presented the tallied result to the magazine staff for final review and adjustments.
Final note. We recognize that there are many good doctors who are not shown in this representative list. This is only a sampling of the huge array of talented professionals within the region. Inclusion in the list is based on the opinions of responding doctors in the region and the results of our research campaign. We take time and energy to ensure fair voting, although we understand that the results of this survey nomination are not an objective metric. We certainly do not discount the fact that many, many good and effective doctors may not appear on the list.
Disclaimers. DataJoe uses best practices and exercises great care in assembling content for this list. DataJoe does not warrant that the data contained within the list are complete or accurate. DataJoe does not assume, and hereby disclaims, any liability to any person for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions herein whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause. All rights reserved. No commercial use of the information in this list may be made without written permission from DataJoe.
Questions? For research/methodology questions, contact the research team at
Jedidiah Perdue
Integris Health Medical Group-Psychiatry Edmond 405-669-2642
Laura K. Chong Oklahoma Allergy And Asthma Clinic 405-235-0040
Martha M. Tarpay Allergy Asthma And Clinical Research Center 405-752-0393
Vivek Angadi OU Health-University of Oklahoma Medical Center 405-271-4351
James Eiszner The University Of Oklahoma College Of Medicine 405-271-1417
Heath D. Higgins OU Health Sciences Center 405-721-4351
David Sharrah Comprehensive Pain Center 405-330-0015
Nigam Sheth SSM Health Medical Group 405-272-9641
Kofi Vandyck 405-271-4351
Christine Vo OU Health University of Oklahoma Medical Center 405-271-4351
Casey Windrix OU Health University of Oklahoma Medical Center 405-271-4351
Jeremy Wynn SSM Health Medical Group 405-272-9641
Mazen Abu-Fadel Oklahoma Heart Hospital 405-608-3200
Usman Baber OU Health PhysiciansCardiology Pulmonary & Vascular Medicine Clinic 405-271-7001
Jon Blaschke Integris Health Medical Group-Cardiology Clinic 405-948-4040
George Chrysant
Integris Health Medical Group-Cardiology Clinic 405-948-4040
Archana Gautam Norman Regional Health System 405-515-2222
John R Harvey Oklahoma Heart Hospital 405-608-3200
Tanzeel Iqbal
SSM Health Medical Group-St Anthony Hospital 405-272-7000
Michael Koehler Oklahoma Heart Hospital 405-608-3800
Faisal Latif
SSM Health Medical GroupHeart & Vascular Care 405-231-3737
George Madden Integris Health Medical Group-Cardiovascular Physicians Western 405-644-5120
Christina M. Murray OU Health PhysiciansCardiology Pulmonary & Vascular Medicine Clinic 405-271-7001
Ryan Norris Integris Health Medical Group-Cardiovascular Physicians Western 405-644-5201
Reji Pappy SSM Health Medical Group 405-273-5801
Niraj Prasad SSM Health Medical Group 405-231-3737
John D. Randolph Oklahoma Heart Hospital 405-608-3800
Chittur A. Sivaram OU Health PhysiciansCardiology Pulmonary & Vascular Medicine Clinic 405-271-7001
Harold M. Burkhart Oklahoma Children's Hospital OU Health Heart Center 405-271-4411
C. Craig Elkins Integris Health Medical Group-Cardiothoracic Surgery Clinic 405-951-4345
C. Eric Howell
SSM Health Medical Group 405-231-3737
Scott Lucas
SSM Health Medical Group 405-310-3028
J. Matthew Reinersman OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center - Thoracic Cancer Clinic 405-271-1632
Kristina Booth OU Health PhysiciansGeneral Surgery Clinic 405-271-1400
Steven Carter OU Health-Stephenson Cancer Center-Colon & Rectal Cancer Clinic 405-271-1632
Anu Bajaj Bajaj Plastic Surgery 405-810-8448
Tim Love Love Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics 405-751-5683
Tessa Meyer Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates 405-842-6677
Emily Archbald SSM Health Medical groupDermatology 405-280-7546
Allyson Black Integris Health Medical Group-Dermatology 405-773-6470
Tiffany Brazeal SSM Health Medical Group 405-280-7546
Lindsey K. Collins OU Health PhysiciansDermatology Clinic 405-271-6110
Renee Grau SSM Health Medical Group 405-280-7546
Kimberly Jerdan Jerdan Dermatology & Laser Institute 405-212-2280
R. Blaine Lehr The Dermatology Clinic INC 405-951-4949
Julie Lowe Lowe Dermatology 405-608-6877
Ngoc Nguyen Oklahoma Sports Science And Orthopedics 405-467-5340
Roy Rindler SSM Health Medical GroupDermatology 405-280-7546
Christian L. Koopman Oklahoma Radiology Group PC 405-272-6166
Jared Morgan Ssm Health Medical Group 800-841-4236
Justin North The University Of Oklahoma College Of Medicine 405-271-1417
Theresa Thai OU Health PhysiciansRadiology 405-271-9355
Jason M. Wagner OU Health PhysiciansRadiology 405-271-1654
Chad Borin SSM Health Group- St Anthony Healthplex 405-252-3446
Josh C. McWilliams HPI Community Hospital South 405-602-8100
Mark C Sauerwald SSM Health Group- St Anthony Hospital 405-272-6152
Matthew Wood Integris Health Medical Group-Southwest 405-636-7000
Mary Zoe S. Baker OU Health Harold Hamm Diabetes Center 405-271-1000
Perihan Dimachkie Integris Health Medical Group-Endocrinology And Rheumatology South 405-644-5030
Donny Wynn SSM Health Medical Group 405-231-8740
Dustin Baker Complex Primary Care 405-603-4660
Heather Barnes Integris Health Medical Group-Yukon 405-717-5400
W. Stanley Bevers HPI Community Hospital North Campus 405-419-2980
Joseph C. Broome HPI Community Hospital South 405-602-8100
Maurice Corman The Piedmont Clinic 405-373-0380
Jeffrey Cruzan Integris Health Medical Group-Memorial West 405-773-6470
Anton Dreier Total Healthcare Partners 405-467-4440
David Fisher Total Healthcare Partners 405-787-1199
Rachel Franklin OU Health Physicians Family Medicine Center Okc 405-271-4311
Adam Gardner SSM Health Medical Group 405-252-3450
Holly Goracke Total Healthcare Partners 405-730-6460
Russell D. Ingram Total Healthcare Partners 405-470-7414
Summer Jatala Variety Care 405-632-6688
Gregory Kelley Kelley Family Clinic 405-769-7201
Laura Kilkenny Integris Health Partners 405-692-9300
Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
Eye and Facial Cosmetic Treatments
Clinical Assistant Professor
Clinical Associate Professor Director of Glaucoma Fellowship
Comprehensive Ophthalmology and Cataracts Clinical Professor
Comprehensive Ophthalmology
Clinical Associate Professor Vice Chair for Quality and Innovation
Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Clinical Associate Professor
Neuro-Ophthalmology and Cataract
Retina and Vitreous Diseases Clinical Professor
Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Professor
Clinical Professor Director of Neuro-Ophthalmology Fellowship
Medical Director of Clinical Operations
Cornea and External Diseases
Clinical Professor
Thelma Gaylord Endowed Chair in Ophthalmology Vice Chair for Clinical Research Director, Stephenson Refractive Surgery Center
Past President and Chair
David W. Parke II MD Professor Vice Chair for Faculty Development and External Relations
Regents’ Professor
Pediatric and Neuro- Ophthalmology
Chief Executive Officer
Edward L. Gaylord Professor and Chair
David Ross Boyd Professor
Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
Eye and Facial Cosmetic Treatments
Clinical Associate Professor
Tolbert Family Endowed Chair in Ophthalmology Director of Global Ophthalmology
Comprehensive Ophthalmology Clinical Associate Professor
Cornea and External Diseases
Clinical Professor Director of Cornea Fellowship
Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Clinical Professor Director of Medical Student Education
Lee Kirsch
HPI - Integris Health Medical Group 405-378-3300
Preethi Krishnan Integris Health Medical Group-Baptist 405-713-7402
Stuart Lisle
Total Healthcare Partners 405-787-8550
Judy Magnusson Integris Health Medical Group 405-692-9300
Melanie Marshall Integris Health Medical Group-Council Crossing 405-470-2590
Patrick Martin
SSM Health Medical Group 405-231-3000
Adam McConnell
SSM Health Medical Group 405-231-3000
Wade T. McCoy
Total Healthcare Partners 405-787-7747
Stefanie Meredith
Total Healthcare Partners 405-467-5145
Jan Miller
SSM Health Medical Group 405-231-3000
Angela K. Morgan Morgan Family Medicine 405-330-8819
Elizabeth Nelson OU Health Primary Care Edmond-Family Medicine Clinic 405-271-5541
Yendung Nguyen SSM Health Medical Group 405-815-5060
Tomas Owens Integris Health Medical Group-Great Plains 405-951-2855
Bryan M. Potthoff
OU Health Physicians Fountain Lake A Family Medicine Clinic 405-271-5541
Paul Rothwell
Total Healthcare Partners 405-787-8556
Jeffrey Lawrence Sabine Mercy Clinic Primary Care 405-789-4150
Stanley Christopher Shadid Shadid Medical Group 405-252-8761
Robert Gene Stepp Jr. Mercy Clinic Primary Care 405-755-4050
Brian E. Thatcher Fountain Park Family Physicians 405-378-3300
Avinash Vyas SSM Health Medical Group 405-231-8888
Britanny Werme SSM Health Medical Group 405-418-5400
Tauseef Ali SSM Health Medical Group 405-772-4338
Neil Crittenden Digestive Disease Specialists INC 405-702-1300
Ralph Guild III OU Health PhysiciansGastroenterology Clinic 405-271-8478
Shih-Kuang Sam Hong SSM Health Medical Group 405-772-4338
John T. Maple Integris Health Medical Group-Advanced Interventional Endoscopy 405-633-9101
Son H. Nguyen Digestive Disease Specialists INC-South 405-632-4000
Salman Nusrat Digestive Disease Specialists INC-South 405-632-4000
Carl A. Raczkowski Digestive Disease Specialists INC 405-702-1300
Amir Ruman OU Health PhysiciansGastroenterology Clinic 405-271-8478
George Salem OU Health-Edmond Medical Center-Gastroenterology Clinic 405-271-8423
Kenneth Seres Integris Health Partners 405-702-1300
Sanjay Sikka Integris Health Medical Group-Advanced Interventional Endoscopy 405-633-9101
Pooja Singhal Oklahoma Gastro Health And Wellness 405-608-2772
David S. Stokesberry Digestive Disease Specialists INC 405-702-1300
William Tierney OU Health PhysiciansGastroenterology Clinic 405-271-8478
Tony Huu Tran Mercy Clinic Gastroenterology 405-749-4247
Clinton Wallis HPI Gastroenterology-Clinton G Wallis MD 405-486-6960
Allan Weston
SSM Health Group - St Anthony Hospital-Crohn's & Colitis Center 405-772-4338
Michael Winters HPI Community Hospital North Campus 405-254-3669
Christopher D. Carey Integris Health Medical Group-General Surgery Baptist 405-713-9935
Joshua P. Carey Integris Health Medical Group-General Surgery Edmond 405-657-3690
Alisa Cross OU Health University Of Oklahoma Medical Center 405-271-4700
Timothy Eldridge
SSM Health Medical Group 405-232-4211
Jessica Enix Surgical Partners Of Oklahoma PLLC 405-265-2210
Brady Hagood Surgical Partners Of Oklahoma PLLC 405-265-2210
Svein Holsaeter SSM Health Medical Group 405-232-4211 Legacy
Hamilton S. Le Integris Health Medical Group-Weight Loss Center 405-951-2131
Jason S. Lees OU Health University Of Oklahoma Medical Center 405-271-4700
Jared Lepley SSM Health Medical Group 405-772-8605
Alexander R. Raines OU Health Physicians-General Surgery Clinic 405-271-1400
Emily Switzer OU Health PhysiciansGeneral Surgery Clinic 405-271-1400
Stephanie Taylor Surgical Partners Of Oklahoma PLLC 405-265-2210
Timothy Vavricka Surgical Hospital Of Oklahoma 405-634-9300
Tim Weaver Integris Health Medical Group-General Surgery Yukon 405-717-5462
Ryan F. Wicks Integris Health Medical Group-General Surgery Baptist 405-713-9935
Robert S. Mannel OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center - Gynecologic Cancer Clinic 405-271-8707
Debra L. Richardson Stephenson Cancer Center 405-271-8707
Christina Washington OU Health-Stephenson Cancer Center-Gynecologic Cancer Clinic 405-271-8707
Teresa A. Folger Lakeside Women's Hospital 405-936-1000
Noel R. Williams Optimal Health Associates 405-715-4496
Rachelle Wilson Wilson Medical 405-265-2733
Brian Chenoweth OU Health PhysiciansOrthopedic Surgery Clinic 405-271-2663
Ashley C. Cogar HPI Community Hospital South 405-602-8100
Daron C. Hitt Oklahoma Sports Science And Orthopedics 405-486-6800
Clayton E. Nelson SSM Oklahoma Hand-Clayton E Nelson MD 405-218-2530
Mark Shreve Mcbride Orthopedic Hospital 405-230-9270
Robert S. Unsell Oklahoma Sports Science And Orthopedics 405-692-3748
Jess Franklin Armor Mercy Clinic Oncology And Hematology 405-751-4343
Leonard M. Bowen
Saint Anthony's HematologyOncology Physicians 405-228-7100
J.K Feisal SSM Health Medical GroupCancer Care 405-228-7100
David Lam SSM Health Medical GroupCancer Care 405-228-7100
Waddah Nassar SSM Health Medical Group 405-470-6900
Robert Salinas OU Health Physicians Family Medicine Center OKC 405-271-4311
Shehan Abeyewardene, MD
Orthopedic Hand Surgeon
10001 S. Western, Ste. 101 OKC, OK 73139
Phone: 405.692.3700
Fax: 405.692.3783
Eric Johnson, MD
Orthopedic Surgeon
9800 Broadway Ext., Ste. 203 OKC, OK 73114
Phone: 405.216.1027
Fax: 405.216.1028
Barry L. Northcutt, MD
Orthopedic Surgeon
9800 Broadway Ext., Ste 201 OKC, OK 73114
Phone: 405.340.4744
Fax: 405.677.8319
Doug Beacham, DO
Pain Management
9800 Broadway Ext., Ste 201 OKC, OK 73114
Phone: 405.424.5415
Fax: 405.419.5413
M. Brandon Johnson, MD
Orthopedic Surgeon
9800 Broadway Ext., Ste. 203 OKC, OK 73114
Phone: 405.424.5417
Fax: 405.424.5418
Nathan M. Odor, MD
Orthopedic Surgeon
North - 9800 Broadway Ext., Ste. 201, OKC, OK 73114
South - 3115 SW 89th Street OKC, OK 73159
Phone: 405.906.4059
Fax: 405.920.6377
Brett Braly, MD
Orthopedic Spine Surgeon 9800 Broadway Ext., Ste. 203 OKC, OK 73114
Phone: 405.424.5415
Fax: 405.424.5416
Nick Johnson, MD
Orthopedic Total Joint Surgeon
North - 9800 Broadway Ext., Ste. 201, OKC, OK 73114
South - 3115 SW 89th Street OKC, OK 73159
Phone: 405.216.1029
Fax: 405.216.1030
Darryl D. Robinson, MD Pain Management 3110 SW 89th, Ste 102 OKC, OK 73159
Phone: 405.703.4950
Fax: 405.703.4955
Ashley C. Cogar, MD
Orthopedic Hand Specialist 6600 N. Olie, Ste. C OKC, OK 73116
Phone: 405.419.5665
Fax: 405.419.5429
Paul Kammerlocher, MD
Orthopedic Foot & Ankle
Surgeon 3115 SW 89th Street OKC, OK 73159
Phone: 405.286.7837
Fax: 405.486.6839
Paul B. Jacob, DO
Orthopedic Surgeon 9800 Broadway Ext., Ste. 201 OKC, OK 73114
Phone: 405.424.5426
Fax: 405.424.5431
Nevin Sam, DO
Interventional Pain Management Specialist
North - 9800 Broadway Extension, Suite 201 OKC, OK 73114
South - 10001 South Western, Suite 101, OKC, OK 73139
Phone: 405.286.2725
Fax: 405.286.2724
Jason M. Leinen, MD, ATC
Family Care & Sports Medicine 3110 SW 89th Street, Ste 102C, OKC, OK 73159
Phone: 405.703.3611
Fax: 405.703.3711
Wade Schwerdtfeger, MD
Orthopedic Surgeon 3115 SW 89th St. OKC, OK 73159
Phone: 405.216.1031
Fax: 405.216.1032
Robert F. Hines, MD
Orthopedic Surgeon 9800 Broadway Ext., Ste 201 OKC, OK 73114
Phone: 405.348.6004
Fax: 405.419.5549
Mac E. Moore, MD
Orthopedic Surgeon
South - 3130 SW 89th St., Ste. 100, OKC, OK 73159
North - 9800 Broadway Ext., Ste. 203, OKC, OK 73114
Phone: 405.692.3737
Fax: 405.692.3707
Daron C. Hitt, MD
Plastic Surgeon - Hand 3115 SW 89th Street OKC, OK 73159
Phone: 405.486.6800
Fax: 405.426.6441
Jeffrey P. Nees, MD
Neurosurgery - Spine 3110 SW 89th, Suite 200E OKC, OK 73159
Phone: 405.486.6720
Fax: 405.286.6485
Ryan L. Nelson, DO
Orthopedic Surgeon 9800 Broadway Ext., Ste. 203 OKC, OK 73114
Phone: 405.330.8847
Fax: 405.330.8849
Sheri M. Smith, MD
Orthopedic Foot & Ankle Surgeon North - 9800 Broadway Ext., Ste. 201, OKC, OK 73114
South - 3115 SW 89th Street OKC, OK 73159
Phone: 405.419.5610
Fax: 405.419.5471
Garrett Steinmetz, MD
Orthopedic Surgeon 9800 Broadway Ext., Ste 201 OKC, OK 73114
Phone: 405.486.6985
Fax: 405.486.6986
Robert S. Unsell, MD
Orthopedic Hand Specialist 10001 South Western, Ste 101 OKC, OK 73139
Phone: 405.692.3748
Fax: 405.692.3783
Clinton G. Wallis, MD
North - 6516. N. Olie Ave, Suite A, OKC, OK 73116 South - 3115 SW 89th Street OKC, OK 73159
Phone: 405.486.6960
Fax: 405.486.6961
Michael D. Winters, MD Gastroenterology
North - 6516. N. Olie Ave, Suite A, OKC, OK 73116 South - 3115 SW 89th Street OKC, 73159
Phone: 405.254.3669
Fax: 405.254.3841
Lance C. Smith, MD
Orthopedic Spine Surgeon North - 12344 Market Dr. OKC, OK 73114
South - 8101 S Walker Ave Suite B, OKC, OK 73139
Phone: 405.656.7476
Fax: 405.656.7561
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Deanna Ward Plain
SSM Health Group- St Anthony Hospital-Palliative Care 405-272-7000
Saud Ahmed Crescent Infectious Diseases 405-594-5848
Ahmad Ashfaq Crescent Infectious Diseases 405-594-5848
David Chansolme Integris Health Medical Group-Southwest 405-644-6464
James Kirk
SSM Health Group- St Anthony Hospital 405-272-7000
Vijay Kolli Crescent Infectious Diseases 405-594-5848
Michelle Salvaggio OU Health PhysiciansInfectious Disease Clinic 405-271-6434
Andrea R. Scott Infectious Diseases Consultants Of OKC 405-644-6464
Kevin White Prime Health Associates 405-716-7030
S. Dean Brown Total Healthcare Partners 405-787-4592
Todd Krehbiel Vital Health Medical Clinic 4050-726-2702
Summer Lepley
SSM Health Medical Group 405-815-5060
Joanne C. Skaggs OU Health PhysiciansInternal Medicine Clinic 405-271-3445
George Tardibono OU Health PhysiciansInternal Medicine Clinic 405-271-3445
Bryan Cogar Integris Health Medical Group-Cardiology Clinic 405-948-4040
W. Lance Garner
Cardiovascular Health Clinic 405-646-7022
Vinodh Jeevanantham
SSM Health Medical Group 405-252-3550
Dwayne A. Schmidt Cardiovascular Health Clinic 405-646-7022
Marcus Smith Cardiovascular Health Clinic 405-646-7022
Jeffrey Sparling Integris Health Medical Group-Cardiology Clinic 405-948-4040
John M. Williams
Cardiovascular Health Clinic 405-646-7022
Charles Paul Mirabile Jr The Perinatal Center PLLC 405-748-4726
Stephanie L. Pierce OU Health-Oklahoma Children's Hospital-Prenatal Diagnostic Center 405-271-5400
John R. Stanley III The Perinatal Center 405-748-4726
Marvin Williams Oklahoma Children's Hospital - Prenatal Diagnostic Center 405-271-5400
Pankaj Baluja
SSM Health-PMH Specialty Clinic 405-527-2220
Gary Bond
Kidney Specialists Of Central Oklahoma 405-942-5442
Benjamin Cowley Jr. OU Health PhysiciansNephrology Clinic 405-271-8478
J oseph Ghata
SSM Health Medical Group 405-272-8367
Rajesh Kumar
SSM Health Medical Group 405-272-8367
Gigi Toma
SSM Health Medical Group 405-272-8367
James Michael Alvis
Integris Health Medical Group 405-321-6347
Andrew M. Bauer
OU Health-Harold Hamm Diabetes Center-Neurosurgery Clinic 405-271-4912
Shon Cook
Keyhole Brain And Spine 405-310-6977
Ian Dunn
OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center - Brain Tumor Clinic 405-271-8299
Christopher Graffeo OU Health-Harold Hamm Diabetes Center-Neurosurgery Clinic 405-271-4912
Michael Hahn II
SSM Health Medical GroupNeurosciences 405-979-7875
Brent Hisey
SSM Health Medical Group 405-979-7875
Jeffrey P. Nees
Oklahoma Sports Science And Orthopedics 405-486-6720
Jeremy T. Phelps
Integris Health Medical Group-Spine And Neurological Surgery 405-552-0401
Zachary Smith
OU Health Physicians-Harold Hamm Diabetes CenterNeurosurgery Clinic 405-271-4912
Qualls E.J. Stevens
Neurosurgical And Spine Associates Of Oklahoma 405-455-3322
Nidhiben A. Anadani
OU Health PhysiciansNeurology Clinic 405-271-3635
John Barghols
Integris Health Medical Group-Integris Neuroscience Institute 405-644-5160
William Bendure
Integris Health Medical Group-James R Daniel Stroke Center 405-644-5160
Brent Beson
Integris Health Medical Group-Integris Neuroscience Institute 405-644-5160
Aaron Keith Farrow
Mercy Clinic Neurology 405-302-2661
David Lee Gordon OU Health PhysiciansNeurology Clinic 405-271-3635
Joshua Kershen Integris Health Medical Group-Integris Neuroscience Institute 405-644-5160
Farhan Ahmed Tariq SSM Health Medical GroupNeurosciences 405-815-5050
Salman Zubair SSM Health Medical Group 405-815-5050
Erin Alward Integris Health Medical Group-Women's Edmond 405-657-3525
Susan L. Chambers Lakeside Women's Hospital 405-936-1000
Lorri Dobbins Integris Health Medical Group 405-702-9000
Jessica Lutz OU Health PhysiciansWomen's Health Clinic 405-271-5239
Gwendolyn Neel OU Health PhysiciansWomen's Health Clinic 405-271-5239
Elizabeth Pinard Lakeside Women's Hospital 405-936-1000
Julie Wiley Dr Julie Wiley DO 405-339-0204
Jason M. Leinen Oklahoma Sports Science And Orthopedics 405-703-3611
Raid Aljumaily OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center - Thoracic Cancer Clinic 405-271-1632
Michael Bowen SSM Health Cancer Care 405-228-7100
Sagila George OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center - Gastrointestinal Cancer Clinic 405-271-1632
Hassan Hatoum OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center - Gastrointestinal Cancer Clinic 405-271-1632
Jennifer Holter-Chakrabarty OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center - Transplant & Cellular Therapy Clinic 405-271-8299
Thy Nguyen SSM Health Medical Group 405-228-7100
Namali Pierson Norman Regional Health System 405-515-1000
Aleda Toma SSM Health Medical GroupCancer Care 405-942-9200
Susanna V. Ulahannan OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center - Gastrointestinal Cancer Clinic 405-271-1632
Andrew K. Bailey
Dean McGee Eye Institute 405-271-6060
John M. Bell
Dean McGee Eye Institute 405-271-6060
Reagan H. Bradford Jr Dean McGee Eye Institute 405-271-6060
Victoria A. Bugg
Dean McGee Eye Institute 405-271-6060
Thai Do
Dean McGee Eye Institute 405-271-6060
Rising Star
Brian K. Firestone
Dean McGee Eye Institute 405-271-6060
Ben J. Harvey
Dean McGee Eye Institute 405-271-6060
Ralph B. Hester III
Dean McGee Eye Institute 405-271-6060
David W. Jackson
Oklahoma Eye Associates 405-286-2688
Jared R. Jackson
Eye Care Specialists Of Oklahoma 405-771-0880
Mahmoud A. Khaimi Glaucoma Surgeons Of Oklahoma 405-920-5222
Ronald M. Kingsley
Dean McGee Eye Institute 405-271-6060
Carolyn E. Kloek
Dean McGee Eye Institute 405-271-6060
Maria E. Lim
Dean McGee Eye Institute 405-271-6060
Andrew T. Melson
Dean McGee Eye Institute 405-271-6060
Amalia M. Miranda
Amalia Miranda MD 405-602-0002
Annie Moreau
Dean McGee Eye Institute 405-271-6060
Sumit Kumar Nanda Oklahoma Retinal Consultants 405-948-2020
Sayeda Nazir
SSM Health Medical Group 405-225-1305
James C. O'Brien
The University Of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center 405-271-6060
Anil D. Patel
Dean McGee Eye Institute 405-271-6060
Kamran M. Riaz
Dean McGee Eye Institute 405-271-6060
Steven R. Sarkisian Jr. Oklahoma Eye Surgeons 405-943-4413
Vinay A. Shah
The American Society Of Retina Specialists 405-691-0505
R. Michael Siatkowski
Dean McGee Eye Institute 405-271-6060
Rhea L. Siatkowski
Dean McGee Eye Institute 405-271-6060
Gregory L. Skuta
Dean McGee Eye Institute 405-271-6060
Carl L. Sylvester
Sylvester Eye Care & Aesthetics 405-607-8948
Deena Sylvester Sylvester Eye Care & Aesthetics 405-607-8948
Jeremy F. Tan
Dean McGee Eye Institute 405-271-6060
Lucas Trigler
Children's Eye Care PLLC 405-751-2020
Deana S. Watts
Dean McGee Eye Institute 405-271-6060
Tammy L. Yanovitch Dean McGee Eye Institute 405-271-6060
James Bond Norman Regional Health System
Timothy Geib
SSM Health Medical GroupBone & Joint 405-218-2530
JT Glomset JT Glomset MD 405-885-8195
Paul Jacob Oklahoma Joint Reconstruction Institute 405-424-5426
M. Brandon Johnson
Oklahoma Sports Science And Orthopedics 405-424-5417
Mac E. Moore
Oklahoma Shoulder & Knee Institute 405-692-3737
Ryan L. Nelson Oklahoma Sports Science And Orthopedics 405-330-8847
Lance C. Smith
Oklahoma Sports Science And Orthopedics 405-656-7476
Jeremy Woodson McBride Orthopedic Hospital 405-230-9270
Matthew Diesselhorst Integris Health Medical Group-Lakepoint 405-463-3337
Kevin Hargrove Orthopedic Solutions 405-513-8326
Paul A. Kammerlocher
OU Health PhysiciansOrthopedic Surgery 405-271-2663
Laura Luick 405-286-7837
Sheri Smith OKFootMD 405-419-5610
Garrett Steinmetz Oklahoma Sports Science And Orthopedics 405-486-6985
Austin L. Taylor Mcbride Orthopedic Hospital 405-230-9270
David C. Teague
OU Health PhysiciansOrthopedic Surgery Clinic 405-271-2663
Jeremy White
OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center - Bone & Soft Tissue Cancers Clinic 405-271-2663
Wayne E. Berryhill Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates LLC
Benjamin Collins Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates LLC 405-759-7600
R Kent Dyer Jr SSM Health Medical Group 405-946-5563
Brandon W. Pierson Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates LLC 405-759-7600
Keith Clark SSM Health Medical Group 405-272-6027
Edward El Rassi
OU Health Physicians - Ear Nose & Throat Clinic 405-271-1368
J. Mark Gilchrist Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates LLC 405-562-1810
Greg A. Krempl
OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center - Head & Neck Cancer Clinic 405-271-7559
Troy Major SSM Health Medical Group 405-272-6027
Kibwei McKinney SSM Health Medical GroupENT 405-272-8435
Jonathon M. Pillow Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates LLC 405-562-1810
Brent Scott SSM Health Medical Group 405-608-4440
Nilesh R. Vasan OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center - Head & Neck Cancer Clinic 405-271-7559
Sailesh Arulkumar SSM Health Medical GroupPain Care 405-231-2900
Arthur Douglas Beacham HPI Community Hospital North Campus 405-419-2980
Kar-Ming Fung University Of Oklahoma Medical Center 405-271-8001
Lewis A. Hassell OU Health Sciences Center 405-271-4062
Jo Elle Peterson OU Health Physicians Building 405-271-9355
Zhongxin Yu OU Health Sciences CenterChildren's Hospital 405-271-2422
Bret R. Haymore Oklahoma Allergy & Asthma Clinic 405-235-0040
Sherri Baker
Oklahoma Children's Hospital OU Health Heart Center 405-271-4411
Matthew D. Campbell OU Health-Oklahoma Children's Hospital-Heart center 405-271-4411
Andrew T. Cave OU Health-Oklahoma Children's Hospital-Heart Center 405-271-4411
Elizabeth Makil
Oklahoma Children's Hospital OU Health Heart Center 405-271-4411
Arshid M. Mir
Oklahoma Children's Hospital OU Health Heart Center 405-271-4411
Aswathy K. Vaikom House Oklahoma Children's Hospital OU Health Heart Center 405-271-4411
Kent E. Ward Oklahoma Children's Hospital OU Health Heart Center 405-271-4411
Hillary Lawrence Spectrum Dermatology 405-285-8823
Ankur Rughani Integris Health Medical Group-Pediatric Endocrinology 405-713-7060
David P. Sparling
Oklahoma Children's Hospital - Pediatric Diabetes & Endocrinology Clinic 405-271-3303
Muhammad Adnan Altaf OU Children's Physicians 405-271-6549
Sirish Palle
Oklahoma Children's Hospital - Pediatric Gastroenterology Clinic 405-271-6549
David Y. Chong
Oklahoma Children's Hospital - Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery Clinic 405-271-2669
Joseph Davey
Oklahoma Children's Hospital - Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery Clinic 405-271-2669
Thomas R. Lewis
Oklahoma Children's Hospital - Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery Clinic
William Puffinbarger
Oklahoma Children's Hospital - Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery Clinic
Paul Digoy Pediatric ENT Of Oklahoma 405-608-8833
Colin Fuller
Oklahoma Children's Hospital - Pediatric Ear Nose & Throat And Audiology Clinic 405-271-2662
Robert S. Glade Pediatric ENT Of Oklahoma 405-608-8833
Vic Ramjee OU Health-Oklahoma Children's Hospital-Pediatric Ear, Nose & Throat & Audiology Clinic 405-271-2662
Elena Woodson Pediatric Ent Of Oklahoma 405-608-8833
Dominic Frimberger
Oklahoma Children's Hospital - Pediatric Urology Clinic 405-271-3800
Catherine Hunter
Oklahoma Children's Hospital - Pediatric General & Plastic Surgery Clinic 405-271-4357
Jeremy Johnson
Oklahoma Children's Hospital - Pediatric General & Plastic Surgery Clinic
Alessandra Landmann
Oklahoma Children's Hospital - Pediatric General & Plastic Surgery Clinic 405-271-4357
Cameron Mantor OU Health-Oklahoma Children's Hospital-Pediatric General & Plastic Surgery Clinic
Paul McGaha OU Health-Oklahoma Children's Hospital-Pediatric General & Plastic Surgery Clinic 405-271-4357
Nikola Puffinbarger
Oklahoma Children's Hospital - Pediatric General & Plastic Surgery Clinic 405-271-4357
Adam Rensing
Oklahoma Children's Hospital - Pediatric Urology Clinic 405-271-3800
Alejandro Ruiz-Elizalde Oklahoma Children's Hospital - Pediatric General & Plastic Surgery Clinic 405-271-4357
Bhalaajee Meenakshi Sundaram OU Health-Oklahoma Children's Hospital-Pediatric Urology Clinic
Brittany Daniels
SSM Health Medical Group 405-578-3250
Stephanie D. DeLeon Oklahoma Children's Hospital OU Health 405-271-6827
Casey N. Hester Northwest Pediatrics Of Oklahoma City 405-755-2230
Julie M Morrow SSM Health Group- Medical Group-Pediatrics 405-272-7337
Natalia Tutak
SSM Health Medical Group 405-713-2696
Archana Barve Integris Health Medical Group 405-949-6481
Rita Hancock Rita Hancock Md 405-900-5300
Jonathan Stone Ssm Health Medical Group 405-601-5899
Brent Tipton
Integris Health Medical Group-Jim Thorpe Rehabilitation 405-644-5256
Christian A. El Amm OU Health Physicians - Plastic Surgery Clinic 405-271-4864
Stephen Gauthier
Gauthier Plastic Surgery 405-286-5606
Suhair Maqusi OU Health Physicians - Plastic Surgery Clinic 405-271-4864
Oscar Masters Masters Plastic Surgery 405-777-7540
Mark Mims
OU Health Physicians - Ear Nose & Throat Clinic 405-271-1368
Scott Shadfar Integris Health Medical Group-Facial Plastics & Reconstructive Surgery 405-657-3895
Patricia Boehle SSM Health Medical Group 405-272-7055
Shea Charbeneau Orthopedic Solutions 405-513-8326
Christopher J. Green Foot & Ankle Surgeons Of Oklahoma 405-463-4140
Lance Hardison Advanced Foot & Ankle Clinic-North 405-751-6152
Henry D. Spingola Oklahoma City Orthopedics Sports Medicine 405-418-4500
Melanie Barrett Lifestance Health 888-257-3132
Rachel Dalthorp Lifestance Health 855-633-4770
David Allen Well Again Medical Care LLC 405-272-4978
Samid Farooqui SSM Health Medical Group 405-272-8338
Mark Thad Godish Mercy Clinic Pulmonology And Sleep Medicine 405-755-4290
Shane Hull
OU Health Edmond Medical Center A Edmond Pulmonology Clinic 405-715-2022
Muhammad Ishaq SSM Health Medical Group 405-272-8338
Kellie R. Jones OU Health-Oklahoma Children's Hospital-Pulmonary & Cystic Fibrosis Clinic 405-271-2234
Jeremy Moad OU Health Edmond Medical Center 405-715-2022
Syed Naqvi SSM Health Medical Group 405-272-8338
Shoab A. Nazir Breathe Oklahoma 405-757-0150
Christina Henson OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center 405-271-3016
Andrea Johnston OU Health-Stephenson Cancer Center-Radiation Therapy 405-271-5641
Anthony Alleman OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center - Transplant Center 405-271-3932
Trent James SSM Health Group- St Anthony Hospital 405-486-7250
Charles Anthony Lawrence Jr. The University Of Oklahoma College Of Medicine 405-271-4750
Blake Parsons Cardiovascular Health Clinic 405-646-7022
Sandeep Prabhu OU Health Science Center 405-271-5533
William B. Vanlandingham OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center - Interventional Radiology Clinic 405-271-1632
LaTasha B. Craig OU Physicians Reproductive Medicine 405-271-1616
Karl Hansen OU Health PhysiciansReproductive Medicine 405-271-1616
John Goetzinger Rheumatology Associates Of Oklahoma 405-608-8060
Fahed Hamadeh SSM Health Medical Group 405-272-4953
Latisha Heinlen Rheumatology Associates of Oklahoma 405-608-8060
Omar Silvestre SSM Health Medical Group 405-272-4953
Amanda Titus Rheumatology Associates Of Oklahoma 405-608-8060
Norman K. Imes Imes Sleep Services 405-600-1210
Asim Maqsood SSM Health Medical GroupSleep Services 405-815-5680
Brett Braly HPI Community Hospital North Campus 405-419-2980
Scott DeLaGarza SSM Health Medical GroupBone & Joint 405-218-2530
C. Shane Hume
Integris Health Medical Group-Orthopedics Central 405-713-9940
Fadi F. Nasr Spine Surgery Associates 405-242-4345
Santaram Vallurupalli OU Health PhysiciansOrthopedic Surgery Clinic 405-271-2663
Robert J. Wienecke Neuroscience Specialists PC 405-748-3300
James Barrett
OU Health Physicians Family Medicine Center Okc 405-271-4311
Robert F. Hines
HPI Community Hospital North 405-419-2980
Seethal Madhavarapu
SSM Health Medical GroupBone & Joint 405-218-2530
Barry L. Northcutt Oklahoma Sports Science And Orthopedics 405-340-4744
M. Sean O'Brien Oklahoma Center For Orthopaedics 405-759-2663
Morgan Bonds
OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center - Gastrointestinal Cancer Clinic 405-271-1632
Juan Claros-Sorto
OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center - Breast Cancer Clinic 405-271-7226
William Dooley
SSM Health Medical Group 405-271-7867
Barish H. Edil
OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center - Gastrointestinal Cancer Clinic 405-271-1632
Ajay Jain
OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center - Gastrointestinal Cancer Clinic 405-271-1632
Benjamin Barenberg
Optimal Health Associates 405-715-4496
Lieschen Quiroz
OU Health PhysiciansWomen's Pelvic & Bladder Health Center 405-271-9493
Michael S. Cookson
OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center - Prostate & Urologic Cancer Clinic 405-271-4088
Brian Cross
OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center - Prostate & Urologic Cancer Clinic 405-271-4088
James Furr
OU Health PhysiciansUrology Clinic 405-271-6452
Jonathan E. Heinlen OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center - Prostate & Urologic Cancer Clinic 405-271-4088
Johnny Hickson III Integris Health Medical Group 405-749-9655
Jared Higley
Jared Higley MD-Urology and Robotic Surgery 405-943-1137
Michael Holzer Integris Health 405-943-1137
Farhan Khan Galzie SSM Health Medical GroupUrology 405-772-4533
William Miller Integris Health 405-943-1137
Kristy Nguyen SSM Health Medical GroupUrology 405-772-4533
Sanjay G. Patel
OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center - Prostate & Urologic Cancer Clinic 405-271-4088
Stephen Pittman Urology Associates 405-749-9655 Rising Star
Mohammad Ramadan
SSM Health Medical Group 405-772-4533
Gennady Slobodov
OU Health PhysiciansUrology Clinic 405-271-6452
Charles Snyder Urology Associates 405-749-9655
Kelly L. Stratton OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center 405-271-1112
Benjamin Chou OU Health Physicians-General Surgery Clinic 405-271-1400
Joshua L. Gierman OU Health PhysiciansGeneral Surgery Clinic 405-271-1400
Benjamin Greif OU Health Physicians-General Surgery Clinic 405-271-1400
Jim Melton Cardiovascular Health Clinic 405-646-7022
Bernadino Rocha
SSM Health Medical GroupHeart & Vascular Care 405-231-3737
Carlos Alberto Rueda Cardiovascular Health Clinic 405-646-7022
Donald Spadone
SSM Health Medical GroupHeart & Vascular Care 405-231-3737
Lenny D. Stubbs Oklahoma Heart Hospital 405-608-3200
Sherisa Warren
Cardiovascular Health Clinic 405-646-7022
Brant Bennet Norman Regional Health System 405-900-4995
Svein Holsaeter
SSM Health Medical Group 405-232-4211 Legacy
Gregory L. Skuta Dean McGee Eye Institute 405-271-6060 Legacy
Thai Do Dean McGee Eye Institute 405-271-6060 Rising Star
Stephen Pittman Urology Associates 405-749-9655 Rising Star
Dr. Mahmoud Khaimi, founder and president of Glaucoma Surgeons of Oklahoma, is a globally recognized leader in glaucoma and premium cataract surgery. A Detroit native, Dr. Khaimi earned his undergraduate and medical degrees from Wayne State University, graduating summa cum laude. He completed his residency at Henry Ford Hospital and a fellowship in glaucoma at the renowned Dean McGee Eye Institute in Oklahoma City, where he later served as Clinical Professor, and James P. Luton, MD Endowed Chair in ophthalmology, glaucoma fellowship director and director of glaucoma services.
In 2013, Dr. Khaimi transformed glaucoma care with the development of ab-interno canaloplasty (ABiC), a minimally invasive procedure that restores natural eye drainage without stents or tissue damage. This groundbreaking technique has significantly improved patient outcomes. In 2023, he partnered with Nova Eye Medical to launch the “iTrack Advance.”. Dr. Khaimi became the first U.S. surgeon to perform canaloplasty using this innovative tool, further extending his influence on a global scale.
Dr. Khaimi has received numerous accolades throughout his career, including “The Journal Record’s Innovator of the Year” and “405 Magazine’s Healthcare Innovator of the Year.” His dedication to advancing ophthalmology is reflected in his clinical research and professional organizations and in his mentorship of surgeons worldwide.
Dr. Khaimi is renowned for his technical expertise and compassionate patient care. He ensures patients feel informed and supported by explaining conditions, treatment options, and steps to preserve vision. His patient-centered approach instills confidence, empowering individuals to take an active role in their care to achieve the best health and vision possible.
With decades of experience, pioneering innovations, and a commitment to compassionate care, Dr. Khaimi remains a trusted authority in glaucoma and cataract treatment, helping patients restore vision and improve their quality of life.
For over 30 years, Digestive Disease Specialists, Inc. (DDSI) has been a trusted provider of advanced gastroenterology care in Oklahoma City, Edmond, Midwest City, and Yukon. With a team of 17 Board-Certified Gastroenterologists and five highly skilled Gastroenterology Specialty Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants, DDSI stands out for its dedication to delivering exceptional care tailored to each patient’s needs. Moreover, DDSI is home to a pioneering “Clinical Trials Department,” offering patients access to Phase III trial medications for conditions like Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis.
We are proud to celebrate the recognition of five of our physicians:
• Neil Crittenden, MD;
• Son H. Nguyen, MD;
• Salman Nusrat, MD;
• Carl A. Raczkowski, MD; and
• David S. Stokesberry, MD
At DDSI, patient care is not just a priority, it’s our ethos. We treat every patient like family, ensuring clear communication and providing thorough explanations of symptoms and treatments. Patients frequently commend our efficiency and expertise, as one noted, “This was an extremely efficient visit! You must do this all the time!” This patient-centric approach is what sets us apart and what you can expect when you choose DDSI for your gastroenterology care.
Our physicians bring expertise from leading fellowship programs across the country. We go beyond standard care by voluntarily measuring our physicians’ performance against quality indicators established by the American College of Gastroenterology and the American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. This ensures our procedures, including colonoscopies, meet the highest benchmarks for safety and efficacy.
Our commitment to excellence has driven our expansion to a state-of-the-art facility at 10029 N. Oklahoma Avenue in the city’s medical corridor. This modern facility is designed to provide the best possible care. To learn more, visit or call 405.702.1300. At DDSI, we are dedicated to improving lives through exceptional gastroenterology care.
r. Tessa Meyer, is a board-certified cosmetic surgeon celebrated for her exceptional surgical skills and compassionate approach to patient care. With a foundation in general surgery from her residency at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, NY, and advanced training through an American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (AACS) Fellowship, Dr. Meyer blends technical expertise with an artistic vision to deliver natural and transformative results.
Her surgical expertise encompasses various specialties, including trauma, vascular, minimally invasive and plastic surgery. During her residency, Dr. Meyer served as a leader in the COVID-19 Intensive Care Unit and later as a senior resident at SHOCK Trauma in Baltimore, MD. These experiences shaped her ability to manage complex cases with precision and poise. Her dedication earned her the prestigious ‘Chief Resident of the Year’ Award in her final year of her General Surgery Residency, honoring her exceptional skills, remarkable clinical acumen, and unwavering commitment to patient well-being.
Dr. Meyer’s philosophy of care is rooted in professionalism and respect. She adapts her approach to meet each patient’s unique needs and personality. Her personable, empathetic nature allows her to form meaningful connections with patients, ensuring they feel valued, confident and cared for throughout their journey.
Outside of her medical career, Dr. Meyer is an accomplished former soccer player who competed at the national and international level. She brings the same discipline, determination, and teamwork to her practice that she demonstrated on the field. A native of Vancouver, British Columbia, she has a passion for outdoor recreation, including hiking, water sports, and running, and a deep commitment to community outreach inspired by mission trips during her undergraduate studies.
Dr. Meyer’s dedication to excellence, both in and out of the operating room, defines her as a compassionate healer and skilled surgeon. Her patients benefit from her remarkable ability to combine artistry with surgical precision.
Contact Dr. Tessa Meyer today for more information or to schedule a consultation.
Dr. Brian Thatcher of Fountain Park Family Physicians stands out in Oklahoma City with his modern, evidence-based approach to primary care. Welcoming all ages and genders, his practice is tailored to meet the unique health goals of each individual, emphasizing efficiency and prompt service.
Fountain Park Family Physicians is distinct for its patient-centered care. “We take the time to really listen to our patients and meet them where they are,” Thatcher said.
“This helps us tailor our care to each person’s unique needs.” This approach ensures that patients feel respected and valued, a critical aspect of effective healthcare.
The practice’s small size allows it to stay agile, quickly adapting to new developments in medical science. This flexibility ensures that patients receive the most current treatments available, enhancing the quality of care provided.
Located in the 405 area, where Thatcher grew up, he is committed to improving local health and wellbeing. His practice is often praised for its attentiveness, efficiency, and availability, making it a key healthcare resource in the community.
For Thatcher, the greatest reward is the positive impact on his patients’ lives. “Helping people reach their health goals and live their best lives is incredibly fulfilling,” he said.
This dedication to patient care drives everything at Fountain Park Family Physicians, establishing it as a cornerstone of community health in Oklahoma City.
r. R. Garrett Steinmetz, . is a board certified, fellowship trained orthopedic surgeon specializing in sports medicine treating adult and pediatric patients. Dr. Steinmetz has advanced training in arthroscopic and open treatment of shoulder, knee and elbow injuries.
Growing up in the small town of Fort Cobb, Oklahoma, Dr. Steinmetz was a part of the Fort Cobb-Broxton basketball dynasty as both player and coach, which has resulted in multiple state basketball championships. Prior to his medical training, Dr. Steinmetz attended Oklahoma Baptist University where he was a starter on the 2010 NAIA National Basketball Championship team. Dr. Steinmetz believes his humble upbringing in rural Oklahoma and his athletic accomplishments have helped sculpt his professional career, and are reflected in his orthopedic practice.
Dr. Steinmetz completed his medical school and residency training at the University of Oklahoma and fellowship training in sports medicine and shoulder surgery at the prestigious Washington University in St. Louis. While in fellowship, he was an associate team physician for the Stanley Cup Champion St. Louis Blues and multiple NCAA Division I, II and III universities. As a native Oklahoman, he strives to provide exemplary orthopedic care for his fellow Okies, explaining options and treatment plans in-depth.
“I encourage my patients to always be engaged with the decision-making process when it comes to their medical care,” he said.
Dr. Steinmetz has been published over 25 times in various major medical journals regarding orthopedic surgery and sports medicine. He has presented multiple poster and podium presentations at conferences across the country and has received several awards for his research throughout his career. He has continued to advance medical knowledge through research and is currently involved in multiple clinical trials.
Dr. Anureet Bajaj is redefining plastic surgery with a patient-centered approach rooted in artistry, precision, and empathy. As a board-certified plastic surgeon with decades of expertise, she is a trusted professional in her field. Specializing in aesthetic and reconstructive surgery, Dr. Bajaj focuses on procedures such as breast augmentation, breast reduction, tummy tucks, facial rejuvenation, and body contouring, providing her patients with the highest level of care.
Dr. Bajaj’s journey reflects a lifetime of dedication to her craft. She earned her B.A. from Rice University and her medical degree from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, where she discovered her passion for plastic surgery. Her residency at Loma Linda University Medical Center and fellowship at MD Anderson Cancer Center gave her advanced training in reconstructive microsurgery, including the transformative DIEP flap breast reconstruction.
Dr. Bajaj’s dedication to patient care is as unwavering as her surgical expertise. She prioritizes building meaningful connections and taking the time to understand each patient’s unique goals and aspirations. Renowned for her honesty and transparency, she guides patients through their options, empowering them to make informed decisions with confidence and clarity.
Beyond surgery, Dr. Bajaj is a passionate advocate for education and safety. She emphasizes the importance of choosing a board-certified plastic surgeon to ensure patients receive the highest-quality care. As a speaker, writer, and artist, she brings creativity and intellectual curiosity to every aspect of her life, inspiring her patients and peers.
As a prolific contributor to the field, Dr. Bajaj has authored more than 20 peer-reviewed publications. Her leadership extends to her active participation in esteemed organizations such as The Aesthetic Society and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
Whether you’re seeking to restore, enhance, or redefine your appearance, Dr. Bajaj offers personalized solutions that blend science, art, and compassion to help you achieve your vision.
Start your journey today with Dr. Bajaj, who is committed to supporting you every step of the way.
r. Summer Jatala is a family medicine physician who delivers personalized, patient-centered care. With a philosophy rooted in treating each patient, she tailors her approach to the unique needs of every individual, fostering a collaborative relationship built on trust and respect.
“I like to treat the patient as a whole,” said Dr. Jatala. “Each person is unique and deserves individualized care.”
Dr. Jatala’s medical journey began with a B.S. in Genetics from the University of California, Davis, followed by earning her medical degree from St. Matthew’s University College of Medicine. She completed her residency training at OU Health Sciences Center and served as chief resident. Dr. Jatala is board-certified by the American Board of Family Medicine and an active member of the American Academy of Family Physicians, the Oklahoma Academy of Family Physicians, the Obesity Medicine Association, and the American College of Lifestyle Medicine.
Patients praise Dr. Jatala for her compassionate, empathetic demeanor and thorough approach. She creates a warm and welcoming environment where patients feel heard and valued, taking the time to listen to their concerns and clearly explain their care options. Her focus on preventive care and healthy lifestyles encourages patients to take a proactive role in their health, resulting in improved outcomes and greater empowerment.
As part of Variety Care, Dr. Jatala embraces the mission of improving health for all, particularly underserved populations. Her dedication to this cause is a testament to her commitment to positively impacting her community through accessible, high-quality healthcare.
Beyond her medical practice, Dr. Jatala enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, reading, and discovering new music. Her balanced lifestyle reflects the values she instills in her patients, emphasizing the importance of overall well-being.
Choose Dr. Summer Jatala for a healthcare experience that combines expertise, compassion, and a focus on your unique needs. Take the first step toward better health today.
For over 23 years, Dr. David Jackson has been a beacon of hope for patients seeking life-changing improvements in their vision. His fellowship training in anterior segment and refractive surgery from Baylor College of Medicine, coupled with his exceptional expertise, sets him apart. But what truly distinguishes him is his compassionate, patient-centered approach, which ensures that each patient receives the care and attention they deserve.
Dr. Jackson specializes in procedures that restore vision and reduce or eliminate the need for glasses, offering a path to greater freedom and clarity. His expertise extends to cataract surgery, clear lens extraction, and refractive surgery, utilizing cutting-edge intraocular lens and laser technology. From LASIK and PRK to SMILE and implantable lenses, he customizes each treatment solution to meet the unique needs of his patients.
Renowned for his clinical excellence, Dr. Jackson is trusted by some of the most prominent figures, including business leaders, professional athletes, and championship-winning coaches. He has been recognized
as one of the “Best Doctors in America” and a “Castle Connolly Top Doctor,” solidifying his reputation as an elite ophthalmologist. Beyond his clinical practice, Dr. Jackson has trained 21 fellows, mentored countless residents, and lectured internationally, making a lasting impact on the field of ophthalmology.
Patients consistently praise Dr. Jackson for his warm and understanding demeanor. He is committed to educating his patients about their conditions, ensuring they feel confident and informed every step of the way. Whether guiding them through the latest technological advancements or offering thoughtful advice, Dr. Jackson prioritizes trust and transparency in every interaction.
When he’s not in the clinic or operating room, Dr. Jackson enjoys spending time with his family and contributing to advancements in vision care. This personal touch makes him more than just a doctor but a relatable figure. For personalized, expert eye care tailored to your goals, trust Dr. David Jackson to help you see the world with clarity.
r. Pollard is a distinguished leader in interventional pain medicine, known for her expertise and dedication to patient care.
As the founder of Align Interventional Pain, with two thriving clinic locations, she has built a reputation for delivering cutting-edge, minimally invasive solutions for chronic pain.
Dr. Pollard began her academic journey at Baylor University, where she excelled both in the classroom and on the women’s golf team. She went on to earn her medical degree from the University of Oklahoma before completing her anesthesiology residency and an Interventional Pain fellowship at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.
In 2020, she founded Align Interventional Pain to provide individualized care that prioritizes each patient’s unique needs. Her practice offers advanced procedures like spinal cord stimulation, radiofrequency ablation, and regenerative medicine therapies, all aimed at improving function and quality of life.
Outside of her clinical work, Dr. Pollard enjoys spending time with her husband and two children, traveling, staying active on her Peloton, and hitting the golf course. These activities reflect her commitment to a balanced and fulfilling life, which she also encourages in her patients.
With a steadfast dedication to her field and her patients, Dr. Pollard continues to elevate the standards of pain management, helping individuals reclaim their lives from the grip of chronic pain.
Finding relief when back or neck pain disrupts your life can be challenging. But with the expert care and personalized approach of Dr. Brett Braly at The Spine Clinic of Oklahoma City, you can find comfort in knowing that you’re in good hands. Dr. Braly’s state-of-the-art treatments are designed to bring you the relief you’ve longed for.
Born and raised in Oklahoma, Dr. Braly is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon specializing in minimally invasive spine surgery. Dr. Braly brings world-class expertise to his patients, backed by advanced training from prestigious institutions, including a residency at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and a fellowship at Emory University.
Dr. Braly and his team prioritize your unique needs, recognizing that no two patients are the same. He works closely with each individual to develop personalized treatment plans tailored to their problems. This philosophy drives the clinic’s focus on cutting-edge, minimally invasive procedures, such as spinal decompression, revision surgery, and spinal fusion, to provide relief without unnecessary trauma.
At The Spine Clinic, the focus is on achieving lasting results while minimizing disruption to your life. Dr. Braly is committed to advancing spinal medicine, bringing proven, minimally disruptive techniques to Oklahoma City. His expertise and dedication, recognized by the North American Spine Society as one of the “20 under 40” top spine surgeons, should instill confidence in his ability to provide the best care.
Dr. Braly and his team prioritize listening to patients, recognizing that everyone knows their body best. They provide personalized care tailored to unique needs and goals, ensuring every patient feels valued and understood from consultation to treatment.
Take the first step towards reclaiming your life by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Brett Braly and his team. Discover the difference in compassionate, patient-first care today.
The mission of Oklahoma Eye Surgeons is for every patient to feel well-loved and to serve each one with excellence, grace, and compassion. Dr. Sarkisian is committed to innovation in minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS) by being active in over 30 clinical trials. He is also dedicated to helping his patients be free of glasses after cataract surgery by offering the newest technology available including PanOptix, Vivity, and the Light Adjustable Lens.
Dr. Sarkisian was the first surgeon in Oklahoma to implant the PanOptix trifocal lens. He was also the first surgeon in the state to perform the iStent, iStent Inject, iStent Infinite, iDose, Excimer Laser Trabeculostomy (ELT), Hydrus, XEN Gel Stent, Trab-Ex, SION, and canaloplasty. He was the first surgeon in the USA to use the OMNI device, and the first in the world to use the TRAB360 and VISCO360 surgical systems, the predicate devices to the OMNI. He was the first in Oklahoma and one of the first in the USA to own and perform DSLT. Dr. Sarkisian is the former director of the glaucoma service and fellowship at the Dean McGee Eye Institute and former Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology at the University of Oklahoma in Oklahoma City.
Dr. Sarkisian obtained his undergraduate degree from Wheaton College, outside Chicago, IL, received a Certificate in Christian Studies from Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, PA, received his medical degree from Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia, PA and completed a residency in Ophthalmology at the State University of New York (SUNY Downstate) in Brooklyn, NY. After a fellowship in glaucoma surgery at UT Memphis, he was on faculty there for two years before being recruited by OU.
Due to his involvement in the development of new glaucoma technology, he has been active in presenting and publishing his work both in America and internationally. He co-authored the book Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery, a Practical Guide. Dr. Sarkisian currently serves on the Editorial Board of numerous journals that include the Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, Glaucoma Today, Ophthalmology Management, and Glaucoma Physician. Dr. Sarkisian is board certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology. He and his wife Anne have four children and reside in Edmond.
Dr. Kimberly Jerdan, a renowned dermatologist, is the driving force behind Jerdan Dermatology Laser and Aesthetic Institute. Her journey to success began in rural Illinois, where she spent her formative years before embarking on an impressive academic journey. Dr. Jerdan pursued a well-rounded education at Duke University, juggling pre-medicine studies with a major in Spanish and minors in History and Chemistry.
She completed her medical degree from the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Rockford where she received the Adolph A. Rostenberg Jr. Award for Outstanding Student in Dermatology. Dr. Jerdan completed her dermatology residency at the University of Illinois College (UIC) of Medicine at Chicago, where she was selected as Chief Resident her senior year of residency training. Driven by a passion for cosmetic dermatology, she secured a year-long cosmetic and laser surgery fellowship at the Gateway Aesthetic Institute and Laser Center in Salt Lake City, Utah.
She has published numerous articles for peer-reviewed journals and presented the findings at local and national dermatology meetings on general dermatology, cosmetic dermatology, and laser surgery.
Aside from treating general dermatology issues, Dr. Jerdan believes in a synergistic approach to the practice of cosmetic dermatologic surgery by complementing a maintenance program with the latest advances in dermatologic surgery and technology. She believes this unique skillset should be done by those trained for this with an artistic eye and emphasis on natural beauty to make patients become a more rejuvenated and refreshed version of themselves. She adheres to the Hippocratic oath, prioritizing patient well-being over cosmetic interventions. Her patients appreciate her transparency, often joking that she is the “worst salesman” as she will not oversell and compromise a natural look.
At Jerdan Dermatology Laser and Aesthetic Institute, Dr. Kimberly Jerdan continues to make significant strides in the field, ensuring that her patients receive the highest quality of care, blending medical expertise with cosmetic enhancements.
r. James Bond at Ortho Central takes great pride in his approach to patient care. “Listening to my patients is more than just a cliché, it is the bedrock of my practice. Patients provide information just as valuable as any MRI or X-Ray if you take the time to listen. My goal is to motivate, encourage and provide medical expertise to get each patient back to their game. We take healing and surgical outcomes very seriously, but what I never forget is the importance of treating each patient as a unique individual. I love to sing and often leave my patients with a special song following surgery. We have fun, we laugh and work together for maximal results. I take great pride in seeing former patients achieving great results both on and off the field.”
After receiving his medical degree from the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine, he completed his residency at the OU Health Science Center and his sports medicine fellowship at the Southern California Orthopedic Institute. He is board-certified by the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery with subspecialty certification in Orthopedic Sports Medicine. Dr. Bond specializes in the surgical treatment of sports injuries and orthopedic disorders of the shoulder and knee.
t Stephenson Cancer Center at Norman Regional, Dr. Namali Pierson treats her patients like family members as they embark on a cancer treatment path.
“One of my favorite aspects of my job is getting to know my wonderful patients and their supportive family members, and being there for them every step of the way,” she said.
Dr. Pierson sees patients with a wide variety of benign blood disorders, as well as cancer diagnoses and strives to provide excellent service. Her hope is to provide evidence-based, compassionate care to all of her patients.
She received her Bachelor’s degree with a double major in Biology and English at Wellesley College in Massachusetts. She worked as a Research Fellow in a cancer research lab at Harvard Medical School in Boston before starting medical school at the University of Oklahoma. She completed her residency and fellowship at the University of Oklahoma and the Stephenson Cancer Center.
r. Archana Gautam’s mission is to keep her patients’ hearts as healthy as possible at every stage of life. She understands that the heart is more than just a muscle; it is an important organ, and plays a critical role in overall health.
“I work with anyone needing cardiovascular care and who is also looking for help optimizing their overall health and wellness,” she said.
Dr. Gautam is in practice with Norman Regional’s Heart and Vascular Associates. She is a board-certified interventional cardiologist.
Dr. Gautam’s practice includes all aspects of cardiology, including limb salvage, peripheral vascular disease, vein clinic, and numerous structural heart procedures such as Transcatheter valve replacement.
In addition to her board certification in interventional cardiology, Dr. Gautam is also board certified in cardiovascular disease, nuclear cardiology, echocardiography and nuclear medicine and Cardiac CT. She completed a residency and fellowship at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center.
r. Brant Bennett has provides exemplary service to patients at Norman Regional’s Oklahoma Wound Center. He is a Certified Wound Specialist Physician who provides Comprehensive Wound Care and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy with a focus on Diabetic Limb Salvage.
Dr. Bennett knows patients arrive at the wound center in Norman with large challenges. His overall goal is to renew hope and give the patient understanding in their path to recovery. Dr. Bennett sees wounds as breakdowns where the body is not able to keep up with demands. Wounds take extra resources from the body to “catch up” and improve. Dr. Bennett focuses on collaboration and communication to improve, understand, and resolve healing obstacles. There are many advanced treatment options the wound center can coordinate: support surfaces, home supplies, hyperbaric oxygen, skin grafts, negative pressure dressings, and skin protectants that keep dressings on longer to work better and make removal easier.
Dr. Lance Smith, a board-certified orthopedic spine surgeon, is committed to providing exceptional care tailored to each patient’s unique needs. Trained at Drury University and the University of Kansas School of Medicine and with advanced AO Fellowship training in spine surgery, Dr. Smith brings expertise and compassion to every case, specializing in conditions such as degenerative disc disease, disc herniations, and scoliosis.
Dr. Smith, as a founding partner of Spark Spine and developer of next-generation screw systems for Zavation Medical, is a pioneer in the field. He prioritizes clear communication, ensuring patients fully understand their conditions and treatment options. By fostering a collaborative relationship, he helps patients feel confident in their care plans, whether surgical or non-surgical. Dr. Smith and his team proudly serve patients across Oklahoma and neighboring states. Their mission is to help patients reclaim their quality of life through personalized care and unwavering support, no matter where they are.
Dr. Martha Tarpay, founder of the Allergy, Asthma, and Clinical Research Center in Oklahoma City, has dedicated her career to advancing care for allergy and immunology patients. She earned her Doctor of Medicine Summa Cum Laude from the prestigious University of Budapest Medical School and received advanced training in pediatrics, internal medicine, infectious diseases, and immunology at leading institutions across Hungary, Canada, and the United States.
Before establishing her center in 1987, Dr. Tarpay served as Chief of Pediatric Allergy Services at Children’s Hospital. She is renowned for her compassionate, personalized care and has received numerous accolades, including being named “Best Doctor in America” and “Top Allergist/Immunologist of Oklahoma City.”
Committed to advancing care, Dr. Tarpay remains at the forefront of clinical research in allergy and asthma treatment. In May, she attended the 2024 American Initiative in Mast Cell Diseases Conference, inspiring her to host a patient-centered event in Oklahoma City with expert speakers to foster education and community support. Plans are underway to make it an annual event and expand to immunodeficient patients next spring.
eet Dr. Jared Higley, a trusted name in urology and a proud native Oklahoman. Certified by the American Board of Urology, Dr. Higley graduated with honors from Heritage Hall School and Oklahoma State University in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. He then earned his medical degree and completed his general and urologic surgery training at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center.
Dr. Higley specializes in minimally invasive robotic cancer surgery, complex kidney stone management, and care for conditions like prostate health, incontinence and erectile dysfunction. His patient-centered approach is evident in his passion for empowering patients, encouraging them to advocate for their health while providing expert guidance.
“Dr Higley performed my robotic prostatectomy. I am extremely pleased with the work that has been done and the excellent service I continue to have.”
Dr. Higley is now welcoming new patients at his Oklahoma City and Yukon offices, offering cutting-edge, compassionate care.
Born and raised in Oklahoma City, Dr. Morgan brings a hometown touch to healthcare. A board-certified practitioner with academic roots at the University of Oklahoma, she earned her Zoology degree in 2001 and a medical degree in 2005, followed by a residency at OU Health Sciences Center. In 2014, she founded Morgan Family Medicine, redefining care holistically and emphasizing lifestyle choices as a team effort.
Dedicated to caring for patients of all ages, Dr. Morgan and her practice offer tailored medical care from routine wellness exams to acute treatments. Her friendly chair-side manner fosters a unique patient experience, transcending the typical doctor-patient relationship. Patients praise her non-judgmental support and collaborative approach.
Balancing a fulfilling career and family life, Dr. Morgan embodies the spirit of Morgan Family Medicine. Visit them for healthcare that goes beyond – where expertise, compassion, and community converge for your well-being. Schedule your appointment and begin your journey to lasting health today!
At SSM St. Anthony, Dr. Svein “Matti” Holsaeter and Dr. Timothy Eldridge have combined their decades of experience to provide patients with compassionate and expert care. They provide a variety of surgical needs, including minimally invasive and robotic treatment for variety of surgical conditions including gastrointestinal problems, thyroid, hernias, gallbladder, heartburn, cancer, and other conditions.
Dr. Holsaeter is originally from Norway and received his medical degree from Eberhardt Karls University in Germany. He completed his
residency at Texas Tech University and served in the 654th Medical Group at Tinker Air Force Base.
Dr. Eldridge attended medical school at Georgetown University. He completed his residency at Wright State University and did a surgical endoscopy fellowship at Mt. Sinai in Cleveland, OH before serving in the 49th Medical Group at Holloman Air Force Base.
Located at 608 NW 9th St., Suite 6200, Oklahoma City. Call 405.232.4211 for appointments.
Palo Santo spins off an instant classic in Midtown P. 76
OKC’s most ambitious sushi spot makes a splash
uch like the tuna on its menu, draped over a mound of sticky rice or diced into tartare, Oklahoma City’s newest sushi restaurant started out small. Bluefin tuna, a prized ingredient in the best Japanese restaurants around the world, begin life no bigger than an eyelash, before eventually growing to several feet in length and several hundred pounds in size. So too, AKAI evolved from a seed of an idea into the most ambitious and impressive sushi spot in the metro — and the only one where a chef puts on periodic Maguro Kaitai shows, literally breaking down bluefin tuna behind the sushi bar.
A project long in the works, AKAI debuted front-and-center in the rapidly growing Wheeler District in October 2024, culminating a 22-month buildout filled with intricate design details, a hidden omakase room and that actionpacked sushi bar, where chefs — including seasoned sushi chef Shinichi Okamoto — work with the oceans’ freshest, from bluefin tuna and red snapper to octopus and Spanish mackerel. It’s all courtesy of owner Viet Pham, a native
Minnesotan who, after decades working as a tennis coach in Minneapolis, chose to pursue his restaurant dreams in OKC, a market he saw as ripe for growth and opportunity.
His passions and experiences are woven throughout the restaurant, from the Japanese greeting of “Irasshaimase” etched into the entryway floor to the Japanese coins lining the wall by the bathrooms, and the 500 sake cups displayed across the main dining area. Subtle nods to the sea can be felt throughout, including rippling light effects behind a banquette, silvery ceilings that conjure the surface of water, even light fixtures dangling above the bar, reminiscent of translucent sea glass. And that’s to say nothing of the food menu, a seafaring spree so pristine and fresh that you’d never guess you were in a landlocked state.
The menu trades in comforting classics with novel updates; the rock shrimp tempura comes with Sriracha ranch and micro celery, while miso soup features spicy snow crab and yuzu kosho. Even edamame comes with kimchee butter, while shishito peppers are flecked with
bonito flakes and potato salad features cod roe and poached egg.
Sushi, though, is the main character. Bluefin belly, in all its fatty richness, comes as both nigiri and sashimi, along with other prized specialties like amberjack, octopus, sea urchin, scallops, snow crab and sweet shrimp. Signature rolls allow the chefs to really flex their artistic side, such as the Tropic Thunder, a kaleidoscope of color and texture rolled with shrimp tempura, spicy salmon, spicy tuna, mango, sesame aïoli and unagi sauce, with a dramatic tangle of crispy burdock root for crunch. The Cherry Blossom, too, is a rainbow of jumbo lump crab, avocado, cucumber, tuna, yellowtail, bright-yellow yuzu masago and tangy yuzu yogurt sauce along with crispy onions. The Shogun, meanwhile, is a riceless and nori-less roll that wraps tuna, salmon, yellowtail and jumbo lump crab mix in delicate slivers of fresh cucumber.
The restaurant offers omakase tasting menus, with multiple courses of sushi, and a dedicated dining room — hidden behind a speakeasy-style wall — in which to partake in
a private degustation. For those who prefer turf to surf, AKAI features a decadent selection of Wagyu beef dishes, including a nigiri-style Wagyu with dashi soy, garlic chips and 24k edible gold flake, as well as items like chicken karaage, dashi-braised short ribs and Fuji applemarinated lamb chops. The bar, meanwhile, is stocked with all manner of sake and Japanese whiskies (try the A5 Old Fashioned, with smoked fat-washed Japanese whisky and orange liqueur caviar), plus a Japanese highball machine, doling out crystal-clear Japanese whisky sodas.
Quality seafood is not new in OKC, but the kind of sushi experience served at AKAI — a Japanese gem with tuna-sized ambitions — marks an exciting new chapter for a city that is, increasingly, asserting itself as a dining destination on an international scale.
→ For more information visit
Palo Santo spins off an instant classic in Midtown
n March of 2020, one of the most promising craft cocktail bars in OKC made its debut in the Farmers Market District. Four days later, Palo Santo — and the rest of the city — shut down due to the pandemic. In spite of its precarious start, the bar, from California transplants Brian and Bailey Butler, not only survived, but thrived. It’s gone on to solidify itself as among the mustdrink spots in town, and one of the foremost destinations for mixology. Now, four years-plus and one pandemic later, those same owners have branched out with a new bar, and one that could set the new standard for quintessential neighborhood bars in OKC. Say hello to Later Bye.
Considerably smaller than its elder sibling, though no less dazzling, Later Bye resides in a cozy nook of a space in Midtown, sandwiched directly behind The Harvey Bakery & Kitchen. Where Palo Santo feels airy, lofty and downright Californian, Later Bye feels more subtle, channeling the aesthetic energy of neighborhood corner bars in big cities like
Chicago and New York. It’s fitting, then, that neighbors from nearby Mesta Park have so quickly added it to their walkable routine — it’s the kind of space where regulars are made, and where guests can share snacks while clinking martini glasses.
The long-simmering concept, which stemmed from the owners of the building having known the Butlers at Palo Santo, took shape as an intentionally intimate cocktail bar, with the goal of simply showcasing flavors that they craved.
“It’s a lot of the things that we want to eat and drink and share with people,” explained bar manager Steven Idlet, citing those aforementioned martinis, as well as an aperitivo menu with low-ABV cocktails, rejiggered versions of classic drinks and a food menu that far exceeds the call of bar snack duty (and shows just how much you can do with a small kitchen).
The aspiration may seem simple and straightforward, but the concoctions are anything but; frequently incorporating ingredients, from red bell pepper to fermented
honey, you’d sooner expect to find in a salad than in glassware. Such as the Tomato Tonic, one of those low-ABV aperitif-style drinks, that features French dry vermouth, lemon, tonic and tomato oleo, made by macerating tomatoes in sugar for 24 hours to extract and concentrate all the juice and flavor. The Money on the Dresser is just as verdant — a blend of rum, sherry, matcha, pineapple, lime, absinthe and Argentinian gin, redolent with botanicals of eucalyptus and yerba mate. More of that gin finds itself into the Surf Club, a dainty martini that packs a wallop of flavor and aroma via agricole rhum, vermouth, lime leaf, absinthe and an herbal French liqueur called genepy. With each drink, bartenders elegantly layer and balance flavors like they’re composing a potable symphony. Such as the Gone for Smokes, a heady medley of Islay Scotch and German and Italian herbal liqueurs with pineapple, lime, demerara and bitters. On the nose, and on the palate, it’s at once tropical and smokey, like a bonfire on a beach in paradise.
The cocktails are the star, but you’d be remiss not to graze on the equally inspired
dishes. Eschewing familiar bar fodder for internationally inspired snacks and sandwiches, you’ll find everything from a minty zucchini julienne and anchovy-draped bocherones to deviled eggs with crispy prosciutto, meatballs bubbling in ragout and bocadillos — Spanishstyle pressed sandwiches — stuffed with cured meats and cheeses.
Despite its diminutive size, especially compared to Palo Santo, this is a bar that pours a huge amount of effort and care into each drink and each dish. Coupled with its cozy design, anchored by an elongated bar fronted by a few high-tops and a banquette, Later Bye is a community cornerstone in the making.
→ For more information visit
n the southwest corner of the West Village District near downtown OKC, Carpenter Square Theatre has found its forever home. “We are in our 41st season and second full season at 1009 W. Reno. This is our fifth, and last, location,” said Artistic Director Rhonda Clark.
Clark has been involved with Carpenter Square Theatre in some capacity for the last 36 years. And after losing 30 years of furniture, props and equipment in a devasting fire a few years ago, the theatre company has been rebuilt better than ever. Clark is understandably proud of the new space that houses the theatre company: “Everything is now under one roof,” she said. The theatre has approximately 120 seats with ADA accessibility, and Clark joked, “With about five and a half feet between each row, we have the most leg room in town.” Visitors are encouraged to enjoy the art gallery in the lobby which exhibits work from local, centralOklahoma artists while having a beverage from the concession stand. “We are a small house, so our shows are up close and personal,” Clark noted. “Our audiences can immerse themselves in the performance. If the actors are crying, you are going to see the tears roll down their face.”
For those involved in the productions, there is a rehearsal hall, break room, space for prop, costume and furniture storage and a large scene shop all on site. This convenience is ideal for the eight plays Carpenter Square produces each season, each offering 10 performances over three weekends. As it is a traditional community theatre, everyone, including the actors, directors and stage crew, is from the OKC metro.
“We present a wide variety of productions, with many styles of plays from comedy to drama to farce,” Clark explained. “We have a committee we lovingly call our theatre book club that consists of about a dozen people. We read plays from September to February, then meet every other week to discuss and rate each one. We assess the entertainment value of each piece, whether or not we would be able to produce it within our space and whether or not we have people in the community to play the roles.” Clark noted that they do intentionally choose plays which include minority actors and promote auditions to those performers. Most plays that the committee chooses are contemporary pieces, though they will often include the classics if they are relevant for our times.
This month, Jan. 17-Feb. 1, Carpenter Square will be performing The Children by Lucy Kirkwood, which Clark says is its most serious drama of the season. “It is set in a dystopian time, after a nuclear power plant meltdown. It is kind of an admonition to watch what we are doing with our environment.”
Next month, Feb. 28-March 16, Silent Sky by Lauren Gunderson will take the stage. This production is part of Carpenter Square’s educational programming, during which grant funding allows it to bring at-risk high school students to the theatre for a free morning matinee. The grants will provide transportation if needed, and teachers are supplied with a study guide they can incorporate into their curriculum. Silent Sky is the story of real women who were employed by Harvard and responsible for major breakthroughs in astronomy.
The season is rounded out by three other productions which take place through July 27.
→ To learn more about the rest of the 41st season, or about Carpenter Square Theatre, visit
iffany Bohrer’s days as an artist and entrepreneur are as full as the historic building she and her husband own in downtown Guthrie. Inside the 10,000-square-foot Osage Building, her Tipsy Artist “palace” accommodates as many as 80 painters. The building also provides her home and living space for several tenants and Airbnb guests — plus a personal painting studio, sunroom and garden. LOKals retail shop sells handmade goods from the Osage Building, too.
On any given day, Bohrer may be leading a painting class in Guthrie or in front of hundreds at a large venue somewhere in Oklahoma or Texas. Or she may be painting quietly in her studio. Or she may be preparing for a live painting session, when she paints a piece on full display at a party. Though she stays busy, we were able to catch up with Bohrer to discuss her abundant art.
You paint so many different things, including abstracts, people, places, animals and spiritual works. Do you have a favorite subject?
Yeah, for sure, I do. I love to paint horses and cows and animals — and I definitely love the coastal cowgirl theme and color scheme. Of course, you can see the pink hues kind of running through everything.
Do your coastal cowgirl paintings reflect anything about you personally?
I just have a little soft spot for California, but I was raised primarily in Texas. We moved when I was about 5 years old. We would still go back to visit every year, which was also kind of torture. My parents moved because of the oil business, and they moved us to Midland, Texas. And I don’t know if you’ve ever seen Midland — and I don’t want to be unkind — but it is not California.
Why do you paint so many animals?
I just love the way it feels. There’s an experience that happens when you paint animals. When you’re painting humans, honestly, there’s so much pressure. It’s not nearly as much fun. The animals don’t really care that much if you get their exact likeness. There’s a real pleasure factor with actually painting an animal that’s very therapeutic, when you start to paint the fur … it’s just a very, very spiritual experience. I highly recommend it for everybody.
What are your painting classes like?
We always start with templates. I am a huge fan of those. I think it’s a lot to expect somebody to draw everything out, so the templates make it a little bit easier … I’ll guide them through the process of tracing, and then I’ll start teaching them step by step — how to actually paint each step. We’ve got a big monitor up above me too, so I can have a zoomed in close-up while I work. The templates give them a lot more confidence, knowing that they’ve got this recognizable, iconic shape in front of them that they can just kind of paint into.
What do you love most about creating on canvas?
On a simplistic level, [that’s like asking] “Why do I drink water every day?” I just have to. It’s a part of what I have to do for my soul, my passion. I just love it so much.
Bill Braum built a chain of ice cream and dairy stores throughout five states
ost Oklahomans are familiar with — and probably often tempted by — the colorful ice cream cone-adorned store signs that dot the metro and the state. What awaits inside are delicious cold and creamy treats, sometimes accompanied by a burger and fries.
But it’s the ice cream that’s the real standout, and has been since Bill Braum opened his first Braum’s Ice Cream and Dairy Store in Oklahoma in 1968. It was a business he knew well, after growing up in Emporia, Kansas, and working at his family’s small butter and milk processing plant and their chain of Peter Pan ice cream stores.
After graduating from college with a degree in business administration, Braum bought the business from his father and purchased his first dairy farm. Years later, he received an offer from a wholesaler that was too good to pass up. Braum kept ownership of the dairy herd and processing plant, but the terms of the sale prohibited him from selling ice cream in Kansas for 10 years.
So his future took root in Oklahoma — he and his wife, Mary, opened the first Braum’s Ice Cream and Dairy Store at 2428 N. Meridian Ave. in Oklahoma City. Business grew quickly, with 24 more stores opening throughout the state in 1968. Initially, the stores didn’t offer grill service, but that soon changed.
Such growth intensified day-to-day operations. The processing plant and dairy herd were still in Emporia, so for three years all products and supplies were transported daily from Kansas to Oklahoma. Consolidation became necessary, and a 60,000-square-foot processing plant was built in 1971 on NE 63rd Street near I-35 in Oklahoma City. A few years later the dairy herd, more than 900 cows in 45 semi-trucks, was moved from Kansas to the new Braum Farm in Tuttle. It was a cattle drive for the modern ages.
Business and operations continued to grow. In 1978, a bakery was built next to the processing plant. Then came the 1980s, a whirlwind for the owners and the business. A 260,000-squarefoot processing plant was built on the farm in Tuttle, and the original processing plant became the company’s corporate headquarters. In 1988, Braum and his wife purchased a large farm near the Oklahoma border of Shattuck and Follett, Texas. It is used primarily for growing alfalfa hay for the dairy herd. A milking operation, touted in the 1990s as the largest of its kind in the world, today consists of a milk barn and 16 free-stall barns on the Tuttle Farm, which covers 14,000 acres.
The company and its operations continued to grow, and improvements followed. A 240,000-square-foot bakery and warehouse distribution facility were built on the Tuttle Farm in 2010. Bill Braum, always the innovator, designed and built a trolley to transport the dairy herd to and from the milk barn, eliminating the long and tiring walk several times each day.
Bill Braum died in 2020, but he excelled in overseeing all aspects of the company’s business, from farming to manufacturing to retailing.
The family now owns and operates more than 310 stores throughout Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, Missouri and Arkansas, with more planned throughout 2025 — and all are within 300 miles of the Tuttle operation. Each store, offering everything from milk and ice cream to packaged meats and bananas, receives a fresh delivery every other day.
The stores are easy to spot. Just look for the large, colorful ice cream cone signs. And for anyone wondering, Bill Braum’s favorite ice cream flavor was Chocolate Almond.
For 75 years, NewView Oklahoma has been a cornerstone of vision care and advocacy in our state, championing independence, accessibility and quality of life for those with visual impairments. From its stateof-the-art clinic and diverse service offerings to a cutting-edge manufacturing warehouse, NewView continues to redefine what it means to see beyond limitations.
A thriving manufacturing and distribution warehouse is at the core of NewView Oklahoma’s operations. This facility creates high-quality products for government and commercial contracts and serves as an employment hub for individuals with visual impairments. The warehouse provides meaningful work, fostering a sense of purpose, self-reliance and economic independence among its employees.
“There are high unemployment rates for many who are blind,” said President and CEO Lauren Branch.
Every task, from assembly to distribution, reflects NewView’s commitment to growth and inclusion, with adaptable technologies showcasing how accessible processes empower
both individuals and the organization. It produces a diverse array of high-quality products, including fire hoses, sanitation products, shower curtains, survival and first aid kits and wooden and composite chocks for the aerospace industry.
NewView Oklahoma’s clinic aids individuals with visual impairments through specialized rehabilitation, mobility training, assistive technology and personalized care to foster independence.
“Approximately 95% of most people who are ‘blind’ can actually see something,” said Development Manager Mark Ivy. “I was going to play baseball, but I lost my sight by 22, and was using a cane by 27. Embarrassment is the first component. I couldn’t drive. I was missing handshakes. I was bumping into people. How do I convince everyone I am not blind? Adapting to not being able to take my daughter places is a current hurdle. And how do I be a husband? NewView is connecting people with the tools for independence.”
“I was a CAN [Certified Nursing Assistant],” said Rehab Assistant Mellisa Vega. “I had no
family history of vision loss. I stopped driving and had to learn to use a cane. There are hurdles and emotions you go through, and coming to NewView has made things a lot easier. Every time something changes with your vision, it is easy to go back to square one, so that is why a support system is necessary, and there is a support group here at NewView.”
Patients also receive personalized care from certified therapists focused on maximizing sight and providing practical solutions, with adaptive skills and technologies helping individuals with vision loss lead active, fulfilling lives.
NewView Oklahoma invites guests to attend its 75th Anniversary Gala on March 28, and embrace the 1940s Big Band Swing era with a special performance by jazz musician Matthew Whitaker, who has appeared on “Showtime at the Apollo” and CBS’s “60 Minutes.” The Honorable George and Donna Nigh will receive the Durward K. McDaniel Award for their dedication to empowering individuals with disabilities. Guests can also savor a Blind Bourbon, Wine and Mocktail Tasting.
“The organization has evolved over the
years,” Branch said. “NewView was started in 1949 by six blind individuals, and we want to honor the founders and everyone over the years who have contributed.”
As NewView Oklahoma celebrates its 75th year, the focus remains on building a future where those with visual impairments are empowered.
“Vision rehabilitation is completely left out of any health care coverage,” Branch said. “The vast majority of people will never receive any care because of a lack of coverage, and we rely heavily on donations.”
“It is hard not to think about that future, and that is where I need to rely on my support system,” Vega said. “I try to stay as independent as I can. I am learning new things like Korean, and I am leaning to dance. I am living a little bit more than before.”
→ To learn more about how you can support NewView and its 75th anniversary, visit
“Boom Town Creamery will open a 4th location in the Skirvin Hotel this spring. The Skirvin was recently purchased by local investors and has started a $15 million renovation which will refresh every room, ballroom and public area.”
"Big news for the Oklahoma film scene: Twisters was nominated for a Golden Globe in the category of cinematic and box office achievement, a newer category for the awards. More than 15 Oklahoma cities and towns and hundreds of Oklahomans engaged with the production and filming of Twisters. The film was hugely successful, earning $267.76 million in North American box office."
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"The City of Oklahoma City is set to consider $3 million in tax increment financing to renovate the landmark Gold Dome into a concert venue."