Dragon Boat Festival 2017 (Uganda)

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The China Africa Friendship Association Uganda

Festival 2017 Issue 01, 2017

May 28th, 2017

Uganda experiences the first Dragon Boat Festival CAFAU Promoting UgandaChina friendship using the Dragon Boat Festival


boats to compete in the inaugural Dragon Boat Festival

Dragon Boat Festival

Inside. 2|

Programme of the Dragon


Vice President Edward Ssekandi


Dragon Boat Festival boosts


CAFAU promoting tourism

Boat Festival

welcomes Lin Yi, CPAFFC Vice President

Uganda’s tourism industry

between China and Uganda

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Origins of the Dragon Boat

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Pictorial: Launch of Dragon

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CAFAU Promoting Uganda-China friendship

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Entebbe Mayor happy to host Dragon

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Over 30 boats to compete in the

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East Africa experience the first

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Uganda offers a rich travel

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Chinese food ranks highly in the

Festival and goals in Uganda

Boat Festival in Uganda

using the Dragon Boat Festival

Boat Festival

inaugural Dragon Boat Festival

Dragon Boat Festival

destination for Chinese tourists


May 28th, 2017

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Dragon Boat Festival


May 28th, 2017 - Uganda Wildlife Education Center (UWEC), Entebbe

Programme Time


8:00 am

Gates open

8:30 am - 9:00 am

Teams assemble for races

9:00 am - 9:05 am

Arrival of the CPAFFC Vice President, Madam Lin Yi and Chinese Ambassador, Zheng Zhuquiang

9:05 am - 9:10 am

Arrival of the Guest of Honour, Hon. H.E. Edward Kiwanuka Ssekandi Arrival of the dragon boats.

9: 10 am - 9:30 am

Inspection of the participating teams

9:30 am - 9:45 am

National Anthems (Uganda, East Africa and China)

9:45 am - 10:00 am

Welcome speech by His Worship the Mayor of Entebbe, Mr. Vincent De Paul Kayanja

10:00 am - 10:10 am

Welcome statement by Chairman CAFAU, Eng. Benon Mugarura.

10:10 am - 10:20 am

Flagging off the boats for race by the Guest of Honour.

10:20 am - 11:20 am

First round of boat races (dragon and traditional boats)

11: 20 am - 11: 35 am

Presentations on the history of the Dragon Boat Festival by Confucius Institute (Makerere University)

11: 20 am - 12:00 pm

Guided tour of the VIPs by UWEC team to the exhibition ground and the Zoo. Note: To run concurrently with dragon history skits.

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Second and final boat race and water entertainments

2:00 pm - 2:30 pm


2:30 pm - 3:00 pm


3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Speeches 1. Speech of the sponsor’s representatives 2. Vice President CPAFFC Madam Lin Yi 3. Minister of Tourism,Wildlife and Antiquities 4. H.E the Vice President of the Republic of Uganda.

4:00 - 6:30

Open entertainment

Publisher HAI Agency (U) Ltd P.O. Box 24413 Kampala-Uganda JK Building behind Apex House Tel: +256 414 223 507 Mob: +256 772 408 915 Website: www.haiagency.com In Conjunction with; Office of the Vice President Office of the President Building, Apollo Kaggwa Road, Kampala Tel: +256 414 234 590

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Fax: +256 414 234 590 Email: pressvp@statehouse.go.ug Website: www.statehouse.go.ug Embassy of People’s Republic of China to the Republic of Uganda Kololo, Kampala Website: ug.china-embassy.org The China Africa Friendship Association Uganda Plot 3-5, Bins Terrances - Masaka Tel: +256- 481-420-936 Mob:+256 772 425 658 (Chairman)

+256 787293077 (Secretary General) Email: Info@Chinauganda.org/ Kakoozaalex2000@Gmail.com Website: Chinauganda.org

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publishers or any other organisation associated with this publication. The publisher does not guarantee the accuracy of content from the contributors and advertisers nor accept the responsibility of any statements herein.

Dragon Boat Festival


H.E. Edward Kiwanuka Ssekandi, Vice President of the Republic of Uganda.

Dragon boat creates economic empowerment On behalf of the Government and the people of the Republic of Uganda, I take this opportunity to congratulate all those who have taken of time and their resources to make this historic CAFAU Dragon Boat Festival 2017 a success.


uring the China- Africa Local Government Cooperation Forum in Beijing AUGUST, 2012, where I was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Forum, I told participants at the Forum that AfricaChina relationship is not accidental because there are good reasons why the relationship keeps going stronger. One of the reasons is that despite being a noncolonial power on the continent, China has committed substantial resources into Africa development.

in Kampala alone and a reasonable number of Ugandans living and trading in various cities of China.

I wish to see a more harmonious people to people interaction between the Chinese and Ugandans and the Dragon Boat Festival is one way of facilitating this process which I highly commend at the levels. I call upon Ugandans living and trading in China to be good ambassadors of Uganda by being lawabiding citizens.

The Dragon Boat Festival has been modelled out of three foundations of cultural, tourism and sports. I believe they are so cardinal in our future interaction further strengthening our traditional friendship, energizing our cooperation, trade and investment and provides us the opportunity to explore prospects for mutual trade and investments.

By working together with China, we have been able to register many achievements in our cooperation for the mutual benefit of our two countries due to the growing friendship. This friendship has become a source of motivation of trust in strengthening relations between our countries at the Government level and has also contributed to stronger ties between our peoples. There are for example over 100 Chinese businesses

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Generally, close to one million Chinese work in different parts of Africa and more than 200,000 Africans are living and working in China. I wish Ugandans take advantage of this friendship and learn from the Chinese how to undertake sustainable businesses in China so that we can have our trading activities balanced.

Since the 14th Century, Africa has had close relations with China which is well documented in the travels of Admiral

Zheng. He made contact with our continent during the Ming Dynasty. This good relationship, is not accidental. There are good reasons why our relationship keeps warming up and growing. The Chinese model that we crave to emulate is based on solid human principles of fairness.

Dragon Boat Festival

Since the 14th Century, Africa has had close relations with China which is well documented in the travels of Admiral Zheng He who first made contact with our Continent during the Ming Dynasty.

I take this opportunity to urge the organisers of the Dragon Boat Festival to bring on board more stakeholders next year to widen the scope of our interaction so that we can make more friends and partners from the region and the rest of the world to do business. The timing could not have been better than

now when from available information, Africa is ranked the fastest developing continent. I commend the China Africa Friendship Association Uganda the organisers of this year’s Dragon Boat Festival, sponsors of the event, the Chinese delegation, those taking part in the competitions, Entebbe Municipality and the Embassy of the Peoples’ Republic of

China for their efforts and resources that have made this year’s event a success. I take the honour to thank you all for the time and commitment that has made this unique opportunity of interaction possible and historic. FOR GOD AND MY COUNTRY

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Dragon Boat Festival

Vice President Edward Ssekandi welcomes Lin Yi, CPAFFC Vice President The members of the Chinese delegation led by Lin Yi, the Vice President of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC), on behalf of the China Africa Association and on behalf of the Government and the people of Uganda I warmly welcome you to Uganda. This is a historic moment because we will hold the first Dragon Boat Festival on Lake Victoria in Uganda.


his is happening because of the strong bilateral relations and cooperation between our two nations.

Uganda welcomes China’s rise as a strong, prosperous and successful member of the community of nations. Indeed, China’s success has brought with it economic benefits for our people as well as yours.

Looking back the cooperation between the two countries dates many years back. The Government is extremely supportive in encouraging and developing dragon boating in Uganda. You will agree with me that despite its root in ancient Chinese culture, dragon boating is still relevant in modern times. It has evolved to be a sport that transcends barriers such as race, religion, gender and even nationalities. The past years have been a time of constructive engagement, growing exchanges and understanding and friendship. This visit will strengthen the foundation of our long cordial and lasting friendship.

We can learn a lot from each other. Indeed Uganda has a lot to learn from the Chinese because of their advancement in many fields.

Madam Lin Yi, Vice President, Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries.

In dragon boating, one must have strength, endurance, teamwork, discipline and perseverance. These values reflect our roles as members of society and citizens of the world. We should embrace these values in order to bring out the best of humanity and work together towards the betterment of our societies. I welcome you to Uganda.

The support of the Chinese Government to Uganda over the years has been in many fields. These have included the setting up of the Kibimba Rice Scheme in 1965, Naguru Hospital, buildings like the ministry of foreign affairs, Prime Minister’s office and the Mandela National Stadium. Uganda has received support through scholarships for education and has received support in defense and security. Our friendship has brought us enormous success and mutual benefit. In an interconnected world, in a global economy, nations will be more prosperous and more secure when we work together.

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Part of the advance team from Jianghan University, Wuhan City, shortly after arrival at Entebbe International Airport.

Dragon Boat Festival


Amb. Zheng Zhuquiang, Ambassador, People’s Republic of China to the Republic of Uganda

The First Dragon Boat Festival lands in Uganda The first ever Dragon Boat Festival in East Africa is to be held at Uganda Wildlife Education Centre in Entebbe on 28th May. Uganda is blessed with many lakes and rivers and it is befitting to organize the Dragon Boat Festival similar to the ones organized in China.


ganda is gifted with Lake Victoria, the largest lake in Africa. This year marks the 55th Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Uganda. It is the right time with the right people at the right place to organize a Dragon Boat Festival on Lake Victoria. Given the attraction of the event, it is bound to be adorned by many Chinese and Ugandans. This event will advance the bilateral relations between the two countries. During recent years economic cooperation between China and Uganda has made significant progress. China is now Uganda’s largest source of foreign investment, the largest project contractor and the third largest trade partner. This event will promote tourism in Uganda. Tourism is Uganda’s largest foreign exchange earner and this event is one way to attract more foreign tourists into Uganda. It is also an opportunity to promote cultural exchange and sharing between the two countries. It will be the first time that a Dragon Boat race takes place in East Africa. We are determined to brand the race on Lake Victoria, make it an annual event, to invite African friends to experience Chinese festivals, to have Chinese people get close to Ugandan culture. We want to make the Dragon

Boat Festival take root in Africa The Chinese Embassy in Uganda has given full support to ensure that the festival turns out to be successful. The Embassy has promoted the event among the Chinese communities in Uganda. It has organized teams to participate in the boat race.

of the race. My task has included inviting a delegation of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries to participate in the event. The Embassy has invited the Chinese national media to cover the event and broadcast the race live which will create more awareness in China about Uganda.

The Embassy will mobilise a Chinese medical team to be part of the first aid unit during the race. This team will provide free health services to the local community at Entebbe.

The Embassy is leading in sponsorship of the event and has committed sh61m to the race. I am hopeful that with the joint efforts of Chinese and Ugandans the event will be a success.

The Embassy will support putting up cultural entertainments at the sidelines

Finally, I look forward to your presence at the first ever Dragon Boat Festival!

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Dragon Boat Festival

Prof. Ephraim Kamuntu, Minister of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities during the launch of the Dragon Boat Festival in Kampala.

Dragon Boat Festival boosts Uganda’s tourism industry The launch of the Dragon Boat Festival in Uganda, which is tourism based activity, has touched a very important nerve in Uganda’s transformation process. By John Kamukama


rof. Ephraim Kamuntu minister of tourism, wildlife and antiquities revealed that the entry of the Chinese into the tourism industry will boost the industry. The minister revealed that Uganda has set a target of getting four million arrivals of tourists and visitors annually from the current one million and seven hundred arrivals of which one million, three hundred and fifty thousand are tourists. The minister was speaking during the launch of the festival at Arirang Restaurant in Nakasero, Kampala recently. The minister noted that tourism shapes the future of nations, it promotes

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development and it is one of Uganda’s largest foreign exchange earners.

through scholarships for education and has received support in defense and security.

Going back into history, Kamuntu recalled that the Chinese revolutionaries greatly inspired the liberation of Africa. He said Mao’s red book which had many ideologies was widely read in Africa and inspired Africans to fight imperialism.

“Tourism should be the next level of bilateral cooperation to bring the Chinese and Uganda people together. We can achieve drastic success in tourism if we get one percent of the Chinese travelling globally to travel to Uganda,” Kamuntu noted.

The minister mentioned a number of support given by the Chinese Government to Uganda over the years. These have included the setting up of the Kibimba Rice Scheme in 1965, building up the ministry of foreign affairs, Prime Minister’s office, Mandela National Stadium.

He proposed that the Dragon Boat Festival should take place in all the lakes and rivers in Uganda and it would be a big boost to tourism.

He said Uganda has received support

The minister assured the Chinese of protection and of the security of their investments in Uganda.

Dragon Boat Festival

Statement Eng. Benon Mugarura, Chairman of CAFAU

CAFAU promoting tourism between China and Uganda On this auspicious occasion of the Launch of China African Friendship Association Uganda - CAFAU Dragon Boat Festival Uganda 2017, I thank God who has granted what started as an idea of a few people to be embraced by many and result into an Event that will be an Annual Expectation by Ugandans, Chinese in Uganda and beyond.


wish to thank H. E the Vice President of Uganda Edward Kiwanuka Ssekandi who is also the Patron of CAFAU and the CAFAU leadership for entrusting me with the responsibility of spearheading this event. I wish to thank the ministers and officials of the Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities and the associated agencies for welcoming and participating in this event. In a special way, I wish to thank His Excellency Zheng Zhu Qiang, the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in Uganda for personally welcoming the idea with open hands

and talking to the embassy officials, the Chinese corporates and the community to support the event. The embassy went further to invite a high level delegation from the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Counties (CPAFFC) led by its Vice President Madam Lin Yi to come and attend the festival. The ambassador even assigned his own Deputy H.E. CHU Maoming to be on the organizing committee. This shows total commitment for which CAFAU is most grateful.

The CAFAU Dragon Boat Festival is going to be an annual event to “consolidate friendship between Ugandans and Chinese through culture, tourism and sports”

The CAFAU Dragon Boat Festival is going to be an annual event to “consolidate friendship between Ugandans and Chinese through culture, tourism and sports” CAFAU also promotes tourism between China and Uganda. The Dragon Boat Festival will create a platform for tourists from China and other countries to Uganda. This will be taking place every year and we expect the increase in tourists year by year. There are many expected benefits ranging from increased foreign earnings,employment, direct investment in various sectors Modernity, globalization will only be sustainable through peace and mutual understanding enhanced by appreciating cultural diversity through people-to-people exchange of ideas and contacts. It is on this basis that we in CAFAU see this event as a step in the right direction.

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Dragon Boat Festival

Statement Vincent Musubire, Chairman Organising Committee, Dragon Boat Festival

Dragon Boat Festival to strengthen relations between China and Uganda The Dragon Boat Festival will be held for the first time in Uganda. It is a culmination of the efforts of many persons and organisations. This important event, which will be held with the support of the Chinese Embassy in Uganda and Government of Uganda. It is expected to attract many participants and supporters.


he assembly of local and international participants is a symbol of unity of people from all backgrounds for a common goal to participate in this sport and cultural event for the love of the sport and culture. The festival represents the culmination of the historical relations between Uganda and China. Thanks to an ancient discipline that is today practiced all over the world with many competitions, also as a leisure and tourism activity. On our part, we have been working hard to create a great sports and cultural event, in which many people can participate. Tourism operators can take advantage of the opportunity to provide adventures and boat ride tourism. The programme of the festival is very rich. There will be the dragon boat race, Uganda and Chinese delicious food on display, traditional dances,

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seeing the animals in the Uganda Wildlife Education Centre. This is a great opportunity for Entebbe to host such an important international event of great fascination. It is important that we realize that we can learn so much from each other. While we have different cultures and different histories, we should celebrate that difference, that distinction of each of the different cultures. We should bond our friendship and partnership, for the interests of both our peoples. I want thank the Chinese Embassy, the China Africa Friendship Association, the Government, various persons, organisations and all the sponsors for their important and generous support towards the event. It is remarkable that when many hands are joined together great success is achieved.

The participation of many young people gives a greater value to the event. Young people are strong and enthusiastic and it is our duty to encourage events that allow sport to be practiced in the open air We expect a wide audience to cheer on the athletes who will be giving their heart and soul in the dragon boat race. I want to appreciate the effort of my team in seeing that this event runs smoothly. It is only with generous contributions of time, effort, advise and resources by various persons and organisations that the committee has been successful in organising this event. A big thanks goes to all the competitors, without them we cannot have the race. We expect this event to grow and develop every year. Thank you and have an enjoyable Dragon Boat Festival day.

Dragon Boat Festival

Organising committee of the Dragon Boat Festival - 2017

Eng. Benon Mugarura, Chairman of CAFAU

Zheng Biao, mobiliser

Vivian Lyazi, member

Eng. Benon Mugarura, chairperson

Dr. CHU Maoming, Deputy Ambassador and Representative of the Chinese Embassy

Dr. Alex Kakooza, secretary

Dr. David Mukasa Bulonge, member

James Mututa, treasurer

Justin Ojangole, publicity

Maureen Mulangira, media

Eng. Richard Musoke, in-charge of venue

Israel Mukasa, incharge of the boats

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Dragon Boat Festival

Organising committee of the Dragon Boat Festival - 2017

Joseph Katongole, member

Dr. Sarah Nkonge, 1st Vice Chairperson, CAFAU

Eng. Jimmy Gwayambadde, In-charge Dragon Boat participants

Dragon Boat Festival - 2017 sponsors Get a

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12 | May 28th, 2017

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Julius Kanamwangi, member

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China Communications Construction Company entered into the Uganda market in 2006. It currently has four projects under construction in Uganda, namely; the Upgrading and Expansion of Entebbe International Airport Project, the construction of the Kampala-Entebbe Expressway, which is the first modern highway in Uganda, the Upgrading of Soroti-Irere Road Project and the Upgrading of the Mubende-Kakumiro-Kagadi Road Project. Nambigirwa Bridge along Kampala-Entebbe Expressway.

CCCC in Uganda adheres to the people-oriented cultural ideas and actively implements the localization of management. The company currently employs nearly 2,000 local employees. It has provided about 10,000 jobs for local communities accumulatively. The company has played an important role in skills training, technology transfer and has cultivated a group of highly skilled, competent local staff.

Kingfisher Access Road.

Over the years, the company has been committed to the implementation of it’s Corporate Social Responsibility role. By repairing roads for local communities, carrying out HIV/ Aids prevention, gender equality activities, building local schools, donating necessities to orphanages, sponsoring charity marathon competitions and organizing other forms of social welfare activities. The company is returning its favour to Uganda society. Through performing its social responsibility, CCCC has won wide appreciation and praise from the local community and Government. CSR: Residents of Kibaale district receive free medical services.

Plot 61, Block 395, Sekiwunga Hill, Kitende, Kajjansi, Kampala P. O. Box 74910, Kampala, Uganda Website: www.ccccltd.cn

Dragon Boat Festival

Origins of the Dragon Boat Festival and goals in Uganda By John Kamukama

The Dragon Boat Festival has its origins over 2,000 years ago in China. It was intended to commemorate a patriotic poet Qu Yuan who was devoted to his country with heart and soul.


t has grown into one of the most important traditional festivals in China. Between May and June yearly, there are many dragon boat races held in China and in other parts of the world. The China Africa Friendship Uganda (CAFAU) under the Patronage of H.E. Edward Ssekandi the Vice President of Uganda, together with the Embassy of China in Uganda and the ministry of Tourism are organising the first Dragon Boat Festival in Uganda. The event will take place on 28th May, 2017, at the Uganda Wildlife Education Centre (UWEC) in Entebbe Municipality. The theme of the event is: ‘Strengthening Friendship in Cultural Diversity’.

Activities Cultural Trade Expo; Uganda and Chinese organisations will exhibit trade items and services themed under fashion, food, health and hospitality services. Cultural games; it will involve martial arts, tug rope competitions, acrobatic displays, cultural dance competitions, language articulation, music and dance competitions among others. Cultural cuisines; Chinese and Ugandan

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menu will be presented.

Boat competition highlights The highlight of the boating regatta will feature competitive boating race of the participating corporate organisations. The dragon boats will be specially branded with a ‘dragon top’ and sticker of the competing team. The rowing teams will be comprised of four professional rowers, competing teams have the choice of using their team members as back up or hiring extra professional rowers. The morning race will feature four hits of the competing teams. The first three teams in each hit will qualify for the final race scheduled for the afternoon. The winning prize will be the Dragon Cup and the runners up will be awarded dragon shields. All participating teams will receive certificates of participation. Other activities during the week include; health camps in Entebbe Municipality, identification, training of the competing teams to know the rules of the game and safety requirements and skills.

Expected achievements -To promote friendship and cultural

understanding of the Uganda and China communities -To promote adventure, sports and cultural tourism -To build diversity of tourism attractions particularly marine tourism

Legacy The event is planned to raise resources for two attractions on Lake Victoria; First, the Equator Island on Lake Victoria, installing a circular monument for photographic opportunities, marking the Equator Point, installing an inflatable equator ball and providing demonstration kit for the Equator Line. Second; resources will be raised for building and commissioning a dragon tour boat for the UWEC. The boat will have capacity to transport 30 visitors to tour the attractions along the Entebbe peninsular.

Dragon Boat Festival

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In our consumer business, annual revenue grew by over 70%, securing a position for Huawei among the top three global device companies in terms of market share. This revenue growth is attributable to the robust growth of our mid-range and high-end products. Our smart watches and fitness bands have hit the fashion world like a storm. In the Internet of Vehicles (IoV), we have partnered with leading global automotive brands. We have made rapid progress in software UX and cloud services, and have effectively satisfied user experience needs across all usage scenarios.

Huawei cooperates with all the mainstream telecoms operators in Uganda like MTN, Airtel and UTL among others, provide solutions to government and enterprises, as well as quality and affordable smart phones for consumers, such as Mate 9 and P9.

Huawei started operations in Uganda in 2007, it employs over 200 local employees and among the Top 100 tax payers in Uganda in 2015. Its products and services serve approximately 12 Million plus population in Uganda.

We also do various partnerships with various Authorities in Uganda hence showing our market leadership position. We have bridged the digital divide and enriched life through communication through various donations to schools, hospitals and Churches.


As a responsible corporate citizen, Huawei also contributes to local communities with various technological trainings in Uganda and China like “Seeds for the Future” training program and “Seeds for the Future” internship program respectively.


May 28th, 2017

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Dragon Boat Festival

CNOOC Uganda Limited

CNOOC Uganda Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) Limited. CNOOC Limited is China’s largest producer of offshore crude oil and natural gas, and one of the largest independent oil and gas exploration and production companies in the world. It mainly engages in exploration, development, production and sales of oil and natural gas. CNOOC Limited’s core operation areas are Bohai, Western South China Sea, Eastern South China Sea and East China Sea in offshore China. In overseas, it has oil and gas assets in Asia, Africa, North America, South America and Oceania. CNOOC Uganda Limited entered the Ugandan market with the acquisition of onethird (1/3rd) interests from Tullow Oil Plc. The transaction was completed on 21 February 2012. CNOOC Uganda Limited now holds a one-third interest, along with Tullow Uganda Limited (Tullow) and Total E&P Uganda B.V. (Total) in each of the following: 1. Block EA1/EA 1A – Total is the Operator; 2. Block 2 – Tullow is the Operator; 3. Kingfisher Development Area – CNOOC Uganda Limited is the Operator

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Dragon Boat Festival

TIAN TANG GROUP Tian Tang Group was founded in 2009. It has industrial park at Mukono District, covering more than 33 acres. Four factories are established within the park dealing in steel, mattress and plywood manufacturing. It has an annual production capacity of around 100,000 tons of steel, more than 1 million pieces mattresses and 2.5 million pieces different kinds of plywood, which puts the annual output value in millions of dollars. With a 15% growth rate, it employs over 1,000 people directly, 95% being local,

with another 10,000 employees through our products sold countrywide.

All the four factories in the park are members of the Uganda Manufacturers Association. They have obtained the Quality Management Systems Certification ISO 9001: 2008. All the products made in the park are qualified with UNBS Q-Mark have taken high percentage of local market share including other East Africa Market.

Tian Tang Group always carries out social responsibility activities. We actively participate in various public welfare events that improve lives of Ugandans. We are committed to creating smiles on peoples faces where we operate at every step of the way. For more information,visit: www.tiantang-group.com

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NANJING RESTAURANT & MOTEL Nanjing Restaurant & Motel was started on 28th October, 2007; located in Kololo. The rooms are fully equipped. Able to sit over 500 guests, we are prominently known for hosting various kinds of parties, office dinners, weddings, birthdays, graduations, showers. Our dishes are typical dishes representing various branches of Chinese cuisine, like Hot Pots & Barbecue.

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Dragon Boat Festival


April, 2017

Launch of Dragon Boat Festival in Ugan

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Dragon Boat Festival


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Dragon Boat Festival

The Speaker of Parliament, the Rt. Hon. Rebecca Kadaga (C) with members of CAFAU and Busoga consortium.

CAFAU Promoting Uganda-China friendship using the Dragon Boat Festival By Our Writer

Ugandans and Chinese will converge in Entebbe for the first ever Dragon Boat Festival in the country. The aim of this engagement is to promote friendship


he Secretary General of the China Africa Friendship Association Uganda (CAFAU) Dr. Alex Kakooza says friendship is what will open a flood of opportunities for both Uganda and China.

at promoting tourism, culture and boat race sport, attracting Chinese tourists to Uganda and also promoting cross-cultural understanding comes with a multitude of benefits,” he says.

“The Chinese are excited that we are organizing one of their three most celebrated festivals here in Uganda, and are eager to participate and see what we shall deliver.

Dr. Kakooza says the Chinese population of over 1.3 billion now has more money and many want to explore the world. He says their goal is to get many of the Chinese to visit Uganda. “Last year, Uganda received around 1.2 million tourists from across the

For us the Dragon Boat Festival is aimed

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world but our plan is to double the figure this year by attracting more Chinese tourists,” he says.

How CAFAU has promoted Uganda to China CAFAU was started in 2012 after the Beijing Forum on China Africa local government cooperation with the aim to use the private sector and local government to promote development.

Dragon Boat Festival

Today they have twinned different districts including greater Masaka (8 districts) Lake Victoria shores (12 districts) and Busoga (10 districts) to form consortia and after which they have twinned these consortia with Chinese municipalities, cities and provinces to foster development. Under the patronage of the Vice President Edward Ssekandi, in liaison with the Chinese Embassy in Uganda and friendship associations in Uganda, CAFAU has also attracted Chinese investments to the country. Now CAFAU has ventured into tourism starting with the Dragon Boat Festival to be able to attract more Chinese tourists into visiting Uganda.

Why the Dragon Boat Festival Dr. Kakooza says China has only seven public holidays in a year and the Dragon Boat Festival is one of the public holidays. It is only one of the three big festivals held yearly by the Chinese nationals. Kakooza says the Dragon Boat Festival is also held international, which means they will not only attract tourists from china, but also Asia, Europe and across the world.“The Dragon Boat Festival is like the World Cup, people will travel from all parts of the world to come and be part of it, and usually over 1000 teams across the world register for the sport ” he says.

put on the International Dragon Boat Festival calender. “If we achieve this, it will be a massive tourism attraction for the country,” he says. Participants will use a mix of real dragon boats and local boats decorated with the dragon. A team from Jianghan University is in the country and will be taking part in the Festival in Entebbe come May 28, 2017.

Dr. Alex Kakooza, the Secretary General of CAFAU country to direct them towards tourism in Uganda,” Kakooza says.

Other benefits Kakooza says they aim to see water transport that was booming on Lake Victoria in the 1970s revived with the promotion of this sport. Investment in the water transport sector is one of our targets.

This will be after hosting the CAFAU annual general meeting on May 27, 2017 that will be graced by Vice President of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC), Madam Lin Yi. Together with her delegation and Vice President Edward Ssekandi, they will also grace the festival. The race will be aired live on Ugandan televisions and all CCTV Channels to create awareness of Uganda as a leading tourism destination and boost relations with China.

Also they intend to boost boat racing as a water sport and they are hoping that the Dragon Boat Festival to be held in Entebbe is

We aim to make a statement that the festival which will be held on an annual basis. We will attract an even bigger participation from China, Asia and from across the world. “It will be a massive tourism attraction for the country, because towards the festival participating teams will always come months early to prepare. We intend to use their long stay in the

Dr. Alex Kakooza, the Secretary General of CAFAU, presents a copy of the China Uganda Friendship magazine to Hon. Rebecca Kadaga.

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The Muzinga Park monument located in the centre of Entebbe Municipality.

Entebbe Mayor happy to host Dragon Boat Festival By John Kamukama

Entebbe Mayor Vincent De Paul Kayanja is very happy to host the Dragon Boat Festival. No mayor cannot afford a smile on his face with such a great event happening in his town.


he mayor has pledged to support the rowers to grow their talents. “You should not only use your rowing talent for fishing. Use it for sports as well to earn money. We will ensure we help our rowers master the sport and participate in international competitions,� Kayanja says. Entebbe is a pleasant town in Uganda that nearly everyone sees as the place

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where one arrives or departs the Pearl of Africa through Entebbe International Airport. Entebbe is a town from where you can explore the various parks, places, islands, the national zoo and more. Entebbe has a pleasant climate. It is on Lake Victoria and you can access various choice destinations from there, most of

them a short drive, boat ride, even by chartered plane or helicopter. Kayanja appreciates the twinning arrangement between cities in China with towns and municipalities in Uganda aimed at boosting relations between the two countries. Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province in

Dragon Boat Festival

Key tourist attractions The extensive National Botanical Gardens, laid out in 1898, are located in Entebbe.

Entebbe is the home of the Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI)

His Worship the Mayor of Entebbe, Mr. Vincent De Paul Kayanja

central China is the first Chinese city to twin with Entebbe Municipality. The two cities in 2015 signed an agreement where Wuhan City Vocational College will provide vocational skills training. The trainees drawn from different specialties will gain skills in fish farming, information communication and technology, tourism, pre-school and carpentry among others. Kayanja says the skills gained by the trainees will be shared out to others to have a multiplier effect. He expresses hope that the journey started with Wuhan will address the challenges faced in Entebbe. He notes that skills training are critical in fighting poverty. Twenty Ugandans have been to Wuhan for a one-month vocational training. The two cities have also signed a partnership deal to promote the game of football between them. Kayanja says they have focused the town as a major tourist destination. He says the first impression of Uganda comes from the beauty of Entebbe. It has the oldest golf club in East Africa, it has great

Entebbe is the location of the Uganda Wildlife Education Centre. The centre also serves as the national zoo.

Entebbe is the location of Nkumba University, one of the more than thirty licensed institutions of tertiary education in Uganda.

Entebbe is home to the historical site in Kigungu where the first Catholic missionaries Brother Amans and Father Mon Maple Lourdel landed to establish the Catholic faith in Uganda.

Entebbe is home of the oldest golf course in East Africa called Entebbe Golf Club, which was established in 1900.

hotels, the botanical gardens, wonderful nature and green, it has many bird species and many beaches. Entebbe is among the cleanest towns in Uganda. It has a unique location on the Lake Victoria Peninsula, approximately 37 kilometres Southwest of the Ugandan capital, Kampala

It is known for the dramatic rescue of 100 Israeli hostages kidnapped by the resistance group of the PFLP-EO and Revolutionary Cells (RZ) organizations. Entebbe is also the location of State House, the office and residence of the President of Uganda.

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Uganda Wildlife Education Centre hosts the first Dragon Boat Festival By Jackie Ayari

For the first time in Uganda, adventure seekers are to take part and experience the Dragon Boat Festival, a huge water sport affair that originates from China. The Wildlife Education Centre (UWEC) which is the venue for the festival is expected to be a melting pot of Ugandan, Chinese and other foreign nationals on May 28, 2017 which is the race day.


ames Musinguzi the executive director UWEC says besides the boat race, the boat festival is a perfect opportunity for revellers to discover and enjoy wildlife and tourism products at UWEC. UWEC today boosts of specialized behind the scene activities. “You will among others get to feed elephants, lions, giraffes, snakes, chimpanzees, crested cranes, touch rhinos and greet shoe bills,” Musinguzi says.

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He adds: “This is a time to have fun, enjoy water sport and connect to wildlife so as to be inspired to conserve our environment.” Musinguzi says the opportunity to get in contact with animals at the Zoo between 10:00am to 11:00am. He underscores that humans and the wildlife are not enemies but rather partners and should co-exist without harm.

James Musinguzi, Executive Director, UWEC

Dragon Boat Festival

Explore To be explored on the day is the longest beachline in Entebbe that is right at UWEC. Maureen Mulangira one of the organizers of the Dragon Boat Festival and employee at the ministry of tourism. She says that by 7:00am people are expected to start arriving at the festival grounds. This is amid entertainment from Ugandan bands and artists plus a Chinese troupe from the Confucius institute, Makerere University. As revellers pour in, there will be an assembly of boats. Also lined up for the day is both Ugandan and Chinese cuisines that will be in plenty for revellers to sample. Musinguzi says the Dragon Boat Festival is an opportunity for Ugandans to come to UWEC to boost domestic tourism. “UWEC has rebranded. We have a new play centre for children. This is a perfect opportunity to showcase our new tourism features,” he says. Adults are paying shs 10,000 to be part of the Dragon Boat Festival whereas children are paying shs 5,000.

Benefits for UWEC According to Musinguzi, at the end of the very first Dragon Boat Festival at UWEC, the proceeds from revellers will be used to build a dragon boat for the centre. “We intend to introduce a boat cruise service on what we call the Lake Victoria tourism circuit were we will move tourists from UWEC, to different beaches and Island for site seeing. “The boat cruise will start at UWEC, heading to botanical beach for nature view, to Lutembe Beach for crocodiles viewing, then to Bulago Island for bird viewing, to Ngamba Island for an experience with chimpanzees and back to UWEC,” he says. Musinguzi says this way they will get to utilize more of the Lake Victoria for tourism. UWEC in preparation has already

Knowing UWEC UWEC was formed in 1994 as a trust to revive the neglected Entebbe Zoo and provide leadership in educating Ugandans about the benefits of conserving the country’s biodiversity. built a pier and docking area. Also the money will be used to enhance the equator mark on the equator island as a key tourism attraction on Lake Victoria. A floating restaurant/hotel will be built by UWEC for conferences and mainly tourism purposes.

Today, UWEC undertakes several conservation initiatives in Uganda including wildlife rescue and rehabilitation. This is in addition to fully fledged veterinary hospital services and captive breeding of endangered species of the area. UWEC also contributes to scientific research and is committed to develop education programmes for the general public.

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SINOHYDRO, is a leading player in the global market of engineering & construction, power investment, real estate development, electrical and mechanical plant fabrication and installation. SINOHYDRO has the flexibility of a highly responsive group, offering a full range of comprehensive solutions from design, construction, procurement, operation and maintenance stages including financing to operation. SINOHYDRO continues to have hydropower as the core of its world-leading position demonstrating its market edge, not only in the full range of energy facilities, but also railways, airports, roads, urban public facilities, harbours and buildings.

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As a responsible company committed to the best practice in global operations that meets customers’ needs for quality, health and safety, environment protection, and sustainable growth through deliverables, SINOHYDRO highly cherishes its corporate values that outline the following major business competencies to drive performance: Responsiveness, Integrity, Innovation and Excellence. SINOHYDRO is happy to be working towards the realization of the Government of Uganda’s vision of the creation of employment for Ugandans and the larger vision of economic empowerment through reliable and sufficient energy for all. We believe that this addition into the national grid will enhance economic development in Uganda.

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May, 2017

Receiving of contributions for he Dragon

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Over 30 boats to compete in the inaugural Dragon Boat Festival By Our Writer

More than 30 boats have been registered to be used in the first Dragon Boat Festival being held on Lake Victoria in Uganda at the Uganda Wildlife Education Center (UWEC), Entebbe.


olomon Muwonge director Nalubaale Water Sports Club who is among the organizers asked spectators to get ready to see the boats being rowed at the speed of engine boats. “Each boat will have 20 paddlers, 10 to each side of the boat hence the high speed,” he says. One other member will be at the front of the

boat drumming to give his/her team rhythm and momentum and another member will be at the back to steer the boat towards the desired direction.

employee at the ministry of tourism says safety has been well taken care of.

But before you get into the dragon boat and experience the thrill and fun of paddling, safety most definitely comes to mind.

“We have a marine team from Uganda Police, guides from the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) and an Insurance team all charged with maintaining safety of the participants in the race,” Mulangira says.

Maureen Mulangira one of the event organizers of the Dragon Boat Festival and

The teams are coming from the Chinese Embassy, Chinese businesses in Uganda

Ms Ruth Kajolima and Mr Robert Kanusu Dragon Boat expert at the boat testing event.

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and local organizations including UWA and UWEC. Eng. Richard Musoke, managing director China Africa Friendship Association Uganda (CAFAU) Tours and Travel that stems from says they will monitor the water waves to get the best time for the race as it is normally done. “If too strong, we may have to move the race earlier than 11:00am, but if the water stays calm then we will stick to 11:00am”he says.

Safety Plans The steersperson is in charge of and responsible for your boat at all times. The commands must be obeyed to insure everyone’s safety.

Stretching and moderate exercise is advisable before paddling. Maintain hydration by drinking fluids before getting into the boat. Two people on each team should have whistles attached to their life vests for use as a warning signal in case of emergency. All paddlers must wear an approved life jacket at all times while on the water.

Competition format Mulangira says they will use a league format and a mix of the real traditional dragon boats Eng. Richard Musoke, Managing Director, and traditional Ugandan boats. CAFAU Tours and Travel Ltd. “This will be more of an exchange of culture. It will enable the Ugandans and Chinese experience each other’s cultures,” she says. Mulangira hopes the festival will turn into an annual event to promote Uganda’s tourism.

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Teams participate in Dragon Boat Festival test race By Jackie Ayari

There is a lot to compete for in the first Dragon Boat Festival to be held in Uganda. The race is set for May 28, 2017. As Ugandans prepare for this event they have been invited to participate in the international Dragon Boat Festival in September in China.


obert Kanusu a dragon boat race official was a winner of a gold medal in the officiating category at the 2014 International Dragon Boat Festival in Ravenna city, Italy. Kanusu revealed that the International Dragon Boat Federation executive President Mike Thomas promised the invitation to the world championship, should Uganda hold an up to standard race. The deputy principle private secretary to the Vice President Vincent Musubire promised all the support from the Vice President’s office in growing the water sport and ensuring that Ugandans participate at the international Dragon Boat Festivals. The Mayor Entebbe Municipality Vincent

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Kayanja has pledged to support the rowers to grow their talents. “You should not only use your rowing talent for fishing but sports as well to earn huge sums of money. We will ensure we help our rowers master the support and go to international competitions,” Kayanja said. Six top teams were awarded cash prizes on Sunday May 21, 2017 as the Dragon Boat Festival trials were held at Kitubulu in Entebbe ahead of the main event on Sunday May 28, 2017. Kasenyi Port Bell team took first position, followed by Bugunga, Nakiwogo B, C and A teams and in sixth position was Kigungu. Representatives of Uganda

in the race will be picked from these winning teams. Kanusu says commitment and attitude will be very important during the race. He says it is important for Uganda’s teams to make it to the world championship. This he says will be a point of no return for Uganda. “Qualifying first for the international dragon boat is what we want. There is always room to improve after that,” he says. Over 30 teams are taking part in the Dragon Boat Festival including a professional team from Jianghan University of China.

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April, 2017

Dragon Boat Festival test race

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East Africa experience the first Dragon Boat Festival By Jackie Ayari

For the very first time ever, Ugandans are set to experience the exciting Dragon Boat Festival courtesy of China Africa Friendship Association (CAFAU) and the Chinese community in the country who have found it uniting to share their culture with their hosts.


olomon Muwonge Director Nalubaale Water Sports Club says various local teams and a Chinese visitors coming from the China will be taking part in the dragon boat race on May 28, 2017 in Entebbe at the Uganda Wildlife education centre (UWEC). Each dragon boat will have a 22 member crew, 10 rowing on each side of the boat. One person with a drum will sit at the front of the boat drumming and instructing his crew. The noise gives momentum and helps the team paddling to move faster. Another person will be at the back of the boat with a steer oar giving the boat direction and turning the boat in the direction required. “Because there are 10 people rowing on each side of the boat, expect it to move as fast as an engine boat, as so many people will be working together to win” Muwonge says. “It is an energetic sport and a lot of fun to be part of.” Muwonge says the sport has come to Uganda to stay. “It is the easiest sport to win medals,” he says. He adds: “Over 2000 Ugandans go to the lake on a daily basis to fish. They are all candidates for this sport. They can use the fishing technique they employ daily to be part of the sport and emerge victors.” Water sport is growing in Uganda despite

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A representative of Kasenyi Port Bell team receives the winning prize from an official of Entebbe Municipality. being a fairly expensive sport according to Rodrick Muhumuza the Technical Director Uganda Rowing Association who is from the Uganda Prisons Maroons Aqua Rowing Club. Muhumuza recalls that Uganda participated in 2012 world rowing championship in Bulgaria, in 2015 in the qualifiers in Tunisia, as they aimed to qualify for the 2016 world rowing championship in Netherlands but they did not make it. Muhumuza reveals that having suffered that setback, they are now preparing the team comprised of seven males and four females for the 2020 rowing Olympics in Tokyo Japan by sending them to all competitions. “We are sending our team to the African and world rowing championships and we have also lined up the 2017 rowing championship

in Florida USA. This should give the team a real experience, to get them ready and qualify for the 2020 rowing Olympics in Tokyo Japan”. Muhumuza adds the involvement in all these competitions should give the Ugandan rowing athletes speed, endurance and ability to compete and qualify them for the 2020 rowing Olympics in Tokyo Japan by 2019. He says the team is quite young and by 2020 heading to Tokyo Japan for the rowing Olympics, they will have enough experience to compete. He says hosting the Dragon Boat Festival on Lake Victoria in Entebbe is a sign that water sport is getting bigger in Uganda.

China Gezhouba Group Company (CGGC hereinafter), founded in 1970, is a super-large transnational corporation under the jurisdiction of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council of China. It’s business scope covers water conservation, hydropower, thermal power, nuclear power, nuclear power and wind power. It covers electromechanical installation, power transmission and transformation, highways, railways, bridges, municipal works, airports, ports, waterways. It handles design construction of and investment in industrial and civil buildings, as well as real estate development, the production of cement and civil explosives. CGGC is also involved in machine manufacturing and shipbuilding. CGGC leads China with innovative engineering construction technologies, has strong financing capability. The company holds a number of top level professional qualification in the construction Industry in China, and formulated over 40 National and industrial technical standards. CGGC is a master in world leading technologies in river diversion and closure, high strength concrete casting, the installation of

large- scale hydro-power units, large- scale metal manufacturing and installation, and the production of special cement and emulsified explosives, with over 900 scientific and technological achievements that won prizes such as the prize of China National Awards for Science and Technology progress, CGGC has extraordinary influence worldwide in the field of water conservation and hydro power works. As the transnational enterprise with the fastest growth in China, CGGC has increased its turn over from overseas operations dramatically in recent years, doing business with over 100 countries and regions in the world, respectively in Uganda since July 2014. Within this period CGGC is to undertake construction of the proposed Ayago Power Station 840MW located at Ayago on the Victoria Nile, under-build, Own, Operate and Transfer (BOOT). CGGC is dedicated to improving people’s livelihood and promoting social development via construction and investment in Uganda. We are committed to Infrastructure development, long term relations with Uganda and its people.

E-mail: uganda@cggcintl.com Website: www.cggc.cn

Dragon Boat Festival

Uganda offers a rich travel destination for Chinese tourists By Jackie Ayari

There is a popular Chinese proverb which says: “Pearls don’t lie on the sea shore. If you want one you must dive for it.” This is a true definition of Uganda as a leading tourism destination in the world. Dubbed the Pearl of Africa by former British Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill, Uganda offers a rich destination in terms of wildlife, nature, food, culture and heritage.


ccording to the Chief Executive Officer of the Uganda Tourism Board (UTB) board Stephen Asiimwe Uganda has a rich bio-diversity with for example over 1,000 species of birds. The country possesses hundreds of heritage sites illustrating the rich culture of Uganda. There are diverse foods from the different ethnicities and regions in the country.

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“The Chinese like culture and heritage and we have Kings plus kingdom’s that have existed for over 700 years. We have a diversity of dance and traditions from the different tribes and regions of the country that is perfect for the Chinese tourists to explore,” he says. “The Chinese are becoming more affluent and many now like to travel and to sample the different foods in the travel destinations

selected and Uganda is just perfect for this,” he says. Asiimwe says Uganda equally has a variety of art and craft for tourists to appreciate and take home as souvenirs. He adds that many of the Chinese coming to Uganda have been able to explore the central region, the hotels, food and craft among other but they want to see the visitors travel upcountry.

Dragon Boat Festival

Early this year the National Geographic voted Uganda as its number one travel destination. It put Uganda as its preferred safari destination in Africa. This was after the United Kingdom travel publication; Rough Guides placed Uganda in fourth position worldwide, for adventure travel. In March this year, American broadcaster CNN also ranked Uganda 5th best tourism destination in the world.

Travel researchers reveal outbound Chinese tourist numbers will reach 200 million by 2020 and tourist spending will triple. The Chinese love to shop and spend money and Uganda wants the high number of Chinese leaving China to visit the Pearl of Africa and experience the best of tourism. The wildlife, nature, food, culture and heritage plus art and craft all combined, make Uganda a top tourist destination in the world.

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Chinese food ranks highly in the world By our reporter

Chinese food is ranked as one of the best in the world among others such as after Italian food. He who takes medicine and neglects to diet wastes the skill of his doctors is a famous China proverb.

Dragon Boat Festival

From the antique to modern times, the Chinese have believed that food is not just meant to satisfy hunger, but that in its abundance, it can bring good fortune. The ancient Chinese proverb-“To the ruler, the people are heaven; to the people food is heaven” underlines and encapsulates best what the Chinese think of food. Chinese food is popular across the globe for it’s up to the mark and fascinating palate tickling titbits.


hinese Cuisine is an important component of Chinese Culture. The popularity of Chinese cuisine now extends beyond China’s borders,to places like Uganda,” Peng Chiang, a chef at Huo Quo restaurant in Kampala, says. There are several Chinese eateries in Kampala where people can experience for themselves how good Chinese Cuisine is. “The people of China do not just cook food; they make the food taste well,” Peng Chiang,” Chiang says. Chinese cuisine depicts a vibrancy of food cultures. China has about has eight elaborate cuisine traditions based on geographical traditions. “There are a number of different styles that contribute to Chinese cuisine but perhaps the best known are the Hunan, Cantonese, Shandong, Jiangsu cuisines,” Chiang reveals.

wealth. Hunan food is tasty and delicious. One of the model dishes in the “Hunan” cuisine served in restaurants and homes is farmer pepper fried pork. This spicy flavoured dish is made with several common ingredients: such as pork belly, green pepper and Douchi (a special bean in Hunan). The common cooking techniques for the Hunan cuisine include stewing,frying, pot roasting and smoking.

The Cantonese Cuisine Another Chinese cuisine in high favour with people across the globe is the Cantonese cuisine. The Cantonese cuisine is the most widely served style of Chinese cuisine in the world. A variety of foodstuffs are used to make Cantonese

dishes. These include steamed eggs; made by beating eggs to a creamy consistency and then steaming, dryfried beef and noodles, soy sauce chicken,barbecued pork and small pan rice, amongst a host of other foodstuffs.

The Shandong Cuisine Shandong Cuisines are known for their salty and crisp taste. The typical dishes on a Shandong menu are braised abalone, braised trepang, sweet and sour carp, Dachang and Dezhou Chicken.

Jiangsu cuisine Jiangsu cuisine is famous all over the world for its distinctive style and taste. Typical courses of Jiangsu cuisine are the Jinling salted dried duck, crystal meat (pork heels in a bright, brown sauce), clear crab shell meatballs (pork meatballs in crab shell powder, fatty, yet fresh) and the Yangzhou steamed Jerky strips (dried tofu, chicken, hamand pea leaves).

The Hunan Cuisine “Chilli peppers, shallots and garlic occupy an important part of the Hunan cuisine. This cuisine is from the south of China. Chilly and hot spicy flavoured foods are a dietary niche in the Hunan cuisine. Hunan province where this cuisine originates from is known of its sweet and sour dishes like the Yellow river carp, which is China’s best known fish dish,” Chiang explains. The yellow river carp is also known as the god of wealth fish because it came to symbolize good fortune, abundance and

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Bella Wine growing from kitchen stores to global stalls By Julie Nabibirye

From her small house in the middle of the city, Prudence Ukkonika started her small wine business which has now grown into a big enterprise.


kkonika got inspiration from her late son Godwin Onika Mugisha to start the business. Mugisha realized that during graduation parties of his relatives that the guests were demanding the locally brewed wine. The wine was brewed and transported from the village. At the end of the party he shared his experience with the mother. As university student then Onika decided to take on the business of selling locally made wine which he got from the village at a small level. While trying to pursue a visa to the United Kingdom to continue with his studies, he collapse and died but his dream did not go with him, as his mother picked up bits and pieces from where her son left.

How she started Ukkonika, the managing director of Belle Wines explains that after the death of her son she developed capacity and skills to start brewing the wine at home. She tried selling her wine at her work place and in the neigbourhood and it was a success. She then approached NOGUMU, an organization which deals with organic products and they gave her better skills and knowledge on how to make juices and organic wine. She attended trainings with the Uganda Industrial Research Institute where she acquired knowledge on how to handle the processing of wine. And she approached the Uganda National Bureau of Standards to meet the required standards. Today the company employs over 100 people working directly in the factory at Kira,

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Prudence Ukkonika Namugongo. In the beginning it was the husband and family members who helped with production, sales and distribution. The firm indirectly employs over 100 people who include the farmers who supply her with the fruits, those who sort the other products needed to process the wine. She started with brewing using only passion fruits. She later learnt that other fruits like mangoes and grapes could make wine. She also embarked on making hibiscus wine which she regards as ‘medical wine’. Where she is The firm sells wine in Uganda and the region. They are targeting to sell to France and Italy. They have a production capacity of about 100,000 liters of wine daily. Rwanda, she intends to set up a factory to produce wine as the fruits are readily available. This

will reduce on cost of transporting the processed wine.

Achievements Ukkonika has received several awards locally and internationally, among those are the Uganda Women Entrepreneur, Best Women Entrepreneur, People Choice Quality Awards, Best Woman Entrepreneur in East Africa.

Challenges Like any business the business faces challenges. Exporting the products across the borders are not easy. The taxes are high. The rising exchange rate of the dollar increases their taxes. The high quality packaging materials are also expensive. The company cannot raise prices because the product will become expensive. In the near future Ukkonika intends to increase exports internationally as the company grows.

Plot 9, Ssezibwa Road, Nakasero, Kampala, Uganda Telephone:+ 256 414 235 828/+ 256 414 233 115 |E-mail: fangfanghotel@gmail.com

Plot 1, Colville Street, Roof Terrace Communication House Phone: +256 414 340 067, +256 414 344 806, +256 414 340 067, +256 312 260 681 Website: www.fangfang.co.ug www. fangfang.co.ug

Dragon Boat Festival


MINERALS COMPANY LIMITED Company Introduction The main business is doing mineral prospecting and geological survey in Uganda. The company has 12 permanent local staff. So far, the company has already purchased 5 mineral licenses and is ready to commence a national mineral laboratory project construction at Kampala Industrial and Business Park at Namanve. The company runs very well in Uganda and will employ more than 30 Uganda staff in total.

Plot 1408, Block 269, Lubowa Estates | P.O Box 10125, Kampala 46 | May 28th, 2017

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Some of the delegate and participant who attended the Uganda-China Economic, Investment and Trade Cooperation Forum - 2017.

Chinese investors are key players in infrastructure investments in Uganda By Jackie Ayari

Whenever you see large construction projects taking place in Uganda it probably has Chinese firms undertaking it in partnership with Ugandans. These projects in power, ICT, roads, airport, oil, gas, mining have contributed a lot to economic growth and development of Uganda. They will solve the big unemployment problem in Uganda especially among the youth.


s of end of 2016 China’s investment in Uganda had reached $ 3.07 b, according to statistics from Chinese government authorities. It highlights Chinese investment in Uganda has been largely in the infrastructure sector. The projects among other include the $1.68 billion Karuma hydropower plant north of the country, the $560 million Isimba hydropower plant by SINOHYDRO Corporation and China International Water and Electric Company (CWE).

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Others are the $470 million EntebbeKampala expressway and the $200 million Entebbe international airport expansion drive by the China Communications Construction Company (CCCC) entered into the Uganda market in 2006.

plus oil and gas sector, the Chinese are playing important roles.

CCCC currently has other projects which include the upgrading of Soroti-Irere Road Project and the Upgrading of the MubendeKakumiro-Kagadi Road Project.

Huawei is a leading global information and communications technology (ICT) solutions provider. Huawei started operations in Uganda in 2007. Huawei Technology Uganda Company Ltd cooperates with all the mainstream telecoms operators in Uganda like MTN, Airtel and UTL among

In ICT infrastructure, in agriculture, service, real estate, hotels, manufacturing, mining,

The Chinese National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) is investing around $2b in developing the Lake Albert oil fields.

Dragon Boat Festival

others, provide solutions to government and enterprises, as well as quality and affordable smart phones for consumers, such as Mate 9 and P9. Fang Fang Hotel in Kampala is active in the hospitality industry in Uganda. The Chinese are also supporting the financing of the standard gauge railway. These investments alone make China the largest source country of foreign investment to Uganda. To consolidate this status, at the beginning of May, the Chinese Enterprises Chamber of Commerce in Uganda organized the UgandaChina economic investment and trade cooperation forum 2017.

The NRM manifesto aims at taking Uganda to modernity through job creation and inclusive development.

the Patron of the China Africa Friendship Association in Uganda emphasized that the economic empowerment of Uganda is a vision both Uganda and China share.

One of the key commitments in the manifesto is strengthening employment and macro-economic stability and China has been a key ally in achieving this goal through its investments in Uganda.

Ssekandi encourages the Chinese taking up investment opportunities in Uganda to focus on value addition for increased profitability.

The Chinese ambassador Zheng Zhu Qiang looking into the future says China-Uganda relations can expect an era of fast growth.

The Chairman of the Chinese Enterprises Chamber of Commerce in Uganda Zhang Weidong expresses hope that both Uganda and China will deepen cooperation on economy and trade.

Vice president Edward Ssekandi who is also

The forum attracted about 100 companies that are looking forward to establishing factories in Uganda. The state minister of finance for investment and privatization Evelyn Anite at the forum highlighted the investment climate in the country and the benefit of Chinese investments in Uganda. Anite said over 100 Chinese had shown interest in investing in Uganda. “If these 100 companies set up factories in Uganda. We can be rest assured we will have jobs for our youth who are struggling to find gainful employment,” she says.

Nambigirwa Bridge along Kampala-Entebbe Expressway

The executive director Uganda Investment Authority Jolly Kaguhangire says over 45,000 jobs have been created since 2007 when Chinese companies started investing in the country. Kaguhangire adds that since 2007 over 485 investments from china have been licensed with an investment value of $1.6 billion and planned employment opportunities of 66,300 jobs. “Government has priority sectors through which we hope to be able to create job opportunities for Ugandans,” she says.

President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni commissioning the Entebbe International Airport upgrade works on August 29, 2015.

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May, 2017

Uganda-China Economic, Investment and Trade Cooperation Forum - 2017

The high level delegates, participants and panelists during the Uganda-China Economic, Investment and Trade Cooperation Forum - 2017 held at Speke Resort Munyonyo.

50 | May 28th, 2017

Dragon Boat Festival


May, 2017

Uganda-China Economic, Investment and Trade Cooperation Forum - Appreciation Dinner

Some of the delegates, participants and members of SINOCHAM during the reception held to appreciate the sponsors and organisers of the Uganda-China Economic, Investment and Trade Cooperation Forum - 2017 at Nanjing Restaurant, Kololo, Kampala

May 28th, 2017

| 51

Dragon Boat Festival


May, 2017

Uganda-China Economic, Investment and Trade Cooperation Forum - Appreciation Dinner

The Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Uganda held a reception to appreciate the sponsors and organisers of the Uganda-China Economic, Investment and Trade Cooperation Forum 2017 at Nanjing Restaurant, Kololo, Kampala.

52 | May 28th, 2017

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