Huawei Uganda CSR Profile

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Contents 1

About Huawei

22 | Digital Impact Awards Africa

2 | Huawei was Founded in Shenzhen, China’s Special Economic Zone

23 | Free and Open Source Software Forum

4 | Globalized resource deployment and localized business operations 5 | Today, Huawei is a Leading ICT Company 6 | Huawei Uganda 7| Key Milestone of Huawei Uganda 8 | Huawei Focuses on the Work before “Sudden” Breakthroughs


A Collaborative Industry Contributor and an Innovative Enabler of the Information Society 12 | President’s Visit to China 14 | Huawei Uganda Technology Festival 15 | MOU Signing Ceremony between the Government and Huawei 16 | Seeds for the Future Initiative

24 | UNBS Awards Huawei for Quality Products and Services


A Responsible Corporate Citizen of Uganda 26 | Huawei Hands Over 40 Desktop Computers to Karamoja District 27 | Huawei and Airtel Extend Free Health Services to Kampala City and Fort Portal in Kabarole District 28 | Huawei Partners with MTN to Give to the School of the Deaf in Ntinda, Kampala 29 | Huawei Donates 30 Computers to Schools in the President’s Hometown, Kiruhura 30 | Huawei and the Chinese Embassy Donate 200 Smartphones and Motorcycles to Uganda Police 31 | Huawei Partners With Airtel to Give Wheel-Chairs to the Physically Challenged People in Uganda 32 | Huawei MTN CEO Golf Day

17 | Huawei Uganda Awarded for its Trade Compliance Practices with an Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) Status

34 | Huawei, URA Reach Out to Jinja Road Traffic Police Officers

18 | UCC Annual Communications Innovations Awards

35 | Smiles as Huawei staff deliver UGX 33 million donation to Rahab Girls’ Home

19 | East and Central Africa Cities Development Forum 20 | Thought Leaders Forum 21 | Huawei Offers “Seeds for the Future” Internship Program to University Students

36 | Huawei Boosted MTN Kampala Marathon with UGX 250 Million


About Huawei


About Huawei Huawei is a leading global information and

In our carrier business, our 4G equipment

Benz, and Volkswagen, have selected Huawei



was widely deployed around the world and

as their partners. We have participated in

provider. Driven by responsible operations, ongoing

is now being used in the capital cities of over

the construction of over 660 data centres,

innovation, and open collaboration, we have

140 countries. We recently launched our 4.5G

including 255 cloud data centres.

established a competitive ICT portfolio of end-to-

solution to meet consumer demand for a better

end solutions in telecom and enterprise networks,

experience while protecting carrier investment

In our consumer business, annual revenue grew

devices, and cloud computing. Our ICT solutions,

in 4G. We have built over 280 commercial

by over 70%, securing a position for Huawei

products, and services are used in more than 170

networks with our 400G core routers.

among the top three global device companies



countries and regions, serving over one-third of

in terms of market share. This revenue growth

the world’s population. With more than 176,000

In our enterprise business, we applied our

is attributable to the robust growth of our

employees, Huawei is committed to enabling the

guiding principle of Business-Driven ICT

mid-range and high-end products. Our smart

future information society, and building a Better

Infrastructure (BDII) to lead the transformation

watches and fitness bands have hit the fashion

Connected World.

of enterprise IT towards cloud architecture,

world like a storm. In the Internet of Vehicles



(IoV), we have partnered with leading global




In 2015, Huawei’s revenue reached CNY395



automotive brands. We have made rapid

billion (US$60.8 billion based on the year-end

Global 500 companies, such as the Industrial

progress in software UX and cloud services, and

exchange rate), an increase of 37% year-on-

and Commercial Bank of China, the China

have effectively satisfied user experience needs


Construction Bank, Deutsche Bahn, Mercedes-

across all usage scenarios.





Huawei was Founded in Shenzhen, China’s Special Economic Zone

Huawei developed C&C08 digital switches, which were primarily deployed in rural areas.


Huawei, a private company, was founded by Ren Zhengfei and several other investors with an investment of US$3,500. At that time, the company was a reseller of PBX switches of Hong Kong Hong Nian Company.


Huawei transformed itself from a CT company to an ICT company and established three BGs: Carrier BG, Enterprise BG, and Consumer BG.

Huawei established its first international R&D center in Bangalore, India.


Huawei started engaging global top consulting firms for management transformations.



Huawei became a preferred supplier for top carriers such as British Telecom and Vodafone. Revenue from Asia Pacific, the Americas, and EMEA exceeded domestic market for the first time.



Globalized resource deployment and localized business operations Huawei's global value chain allows fluid capability transfer across the globe, develops and retains talent in local countries, and creates jobs and economic opportunities.

Netherlands Toronto



Hungary Romania

Silicon Valley China Bahrain Mexico


India Malaysia

Huawei Headquarters Accounting shared service center


Bidding center


Supply center & Hub R&D center Training center Technical support center



Today, Huawei is a Leading ICT Company

Who is Huawei?


Market Progress

A leading global ICT solutions provider



A Fortune

Global 500

company, ranking 129 in 2016 Interbrand ranking

No.72 Best Global Brands

employees worldwide

45% or 76,000+ employees engaged in R&D LinkedIn World’s

100 Most InDemand Employers

US$60.8B revenue in 2015

Serving 1/3 of the world’s population

Investment in Innovation

Over 10%

of revenue into R&D. Total R&D investment

US$30.7 billion No. 1 Chinese company with the largest number of patents

Top 50

in China; one of the patent holders in the US; one of the

Top 10 patent holders in Europe.

Top 100 Global Innovators (by Thomson Reuters)

The Most Innovative Companies


Huawei Uganda Huawei started operations in Uganda in 2001. It employs over 200 local

As a responsible corporate citizen, Huawei also contributes to local

employees and was among the Top100 tax payers in Uganda in 2015. Its

communities with various technological trainings in Uganda and China like

products and services serve approximately 12 Million plus people in Uganda.

the Annual Internship Training and Seeds for the Future respectively.

Huawei cooperates with all the mainstream telecoms operators in

We also do various partnerships with various Authorities in Uganda, hence

Uganda like MTN, Airtel and UTL among others with a market share

showing our market leadership position.

of 65%, provides solutions to government and enterprises, as well as quality and affordable smart phones such as Mate 8 and P9 for

We have bridged the digital divide and enriched life through communication


and through various donations to schools, hospitals and Churches.

The Staff team of Huawei Uganda gathered for a team building event dubbed ‘Gather for Love’ to fundraise for disadvantaged girls at Rahab Foundation in Wakiso district.


Key Milestone of Huawei Uganda

Open the strategic cooperation between MTN and Huawei at 2G network

2002 Airtel and Huawei started the OCS upgrading

Airtel and Huawei completed the network modernization

MTN and Huawei solely joint launched the first LTE network in Uganda and lead the 4G market




Government of Uganda signed NBI/EGI project with Huawei


MTN and Huawei solely joint launched 3G network

2013 Huawei was chosen by Airtel Group as partner


Huawei Focuses on the Work before “Sudden” Breakthroughs

A Congolese fisherman; a particle super-collider; the world’s fastest woman. What’s the connection between the images in Huawei’s latest brand campaign? Appearing in airports and online, the ads consist of three panels, each capturing a breakthrough moment when focus, perseverance, and preparation yield extraordinary results. What you don’t see in these images are the steps leading to each breakthrough. Yet it is those steps that hold the key to understanding both the campaign and Huawei itself, the culture and the values that have led the company to where it is now. When it comes to ICT (information communications technology), one can point to many factors that drive success: smarter people, more R&D, heavier ad spending, first-mover advantage, and superior customer service. But

remains hidden to most people are the inputs: focus, patient investment of

whatever its ingredients, success is nearly always depicted in its most dramatic

time and money, and dedication to a long-term goal.

form: the champion hoisting the trophy, the entrepreneur clinching the big contract, the Eureka moment where a light bulb switches on to illuminate the

Those are the themes of the Huawei brand campaign. We felt it was important


to show them because, as we go from being a B2B seller of Internet switching equipment to a global brand, we no longer have the luxury of merely selling

The answer, usually, is years of painstaking effort. People who work in R&D

gear. Instead, we must help people understand who Huawei is, and what it

know that innovation is an output: an end result that everyone can see. What

stands for.


The “Huawei Breakthrough” campaign is a first step in that direction. Each

The second visual shows the world’s biggest particle collider. Scientists at CERN

of its three images shows a separate phase of success. The first captures the

spent several decades and more than US$9b to build a machine sophisticated

moment when a Congolese fisherman lunges forward with his massive net to

enough to detect the Higgs Boson, a sub-atomic particle so critical to our

snare fish in the raging waters of the Lualaba River. He chooses the right spot,

understanding of the universe that it’s popularly known as the God Particle.

stays focused amid the turbulent water, and at the vital moment catches his

The quest began in the 1960s. CERN did not announce its discovery of the

prey, all the while maintaining his footing to avoid being swept away by the

God Particle until 2012, when decades of patient investment produced one of


the greatest breakthroughs of modern physics.


The third image shows Florence Griffith-Joyner, the world record holder for the woman’s 100-meter dash, crossing the finish line, her arms raised in triumph. While the picture captures a moment of victory, what remains invisible are the years of dedication that led to it. Unlike our past ads, or almost any advertising by a Chinese company, the campaign reflects Huawei’s 28-year history: our lean years and false starts as well as our technical achievements and growth. The ads are based on a Chinese aphorism consisting of just four characters:


), which

means “to rise suddenly through accumulated effort.” Those characters tell a simple but powerful story about picking your goals, sticking with them over time, and eventually reaping the rewards. The explosive growth of Huawei’s mobile phone business is a perfect example of focus, perseverance, and seemingly sudden breakthrough. Investments in ICT can stretch out over long periods. For example, a decade can separate the successive generations of mobile phone technology (2G, 3G, 4G). This time lag requires companies to adopt a long-term vision and avoid being distracted by peripheral opportunities. If focus lays the foundation of breakthroughs, perseverance serves as its catalyst. The time needed to reach those breakthroughs – whether months, years, or decades – makes the eventual moment of victory all the sweeter.

Stanley Chyn, Huawei Uganda Managing Director


A Collaborative Industry Contributor and an Innovative Enabler of the Information Society


Huawei Senior Vice President, Mr. Li Dafeng (C), exchange documents on Huawei’s development situation and future prospects in Uganda market with the President of the Republic of Uganda H.E. Yoweri Museveni as Huawei Uganda Managing Director Stanley Chyn witnesses.


Huawei Senior Vice President, Mr. Li Dafeng, in a meeting with the President of Uganda H.E. Yoweri Museveni.

President’s Visit to China H.E. Yoweri Museveni, the President of the Republic of Uganda, had a cordial and friendly meeting with Huawei Senior Vice President Mr. Li Dafeng in Diaoyutai State Guest Hotel, during his official visit to China in Beijing in March 2015. In the meeting, both sides exchanged views on Huawei’s development situation and future prospects in Uganda market. The Huawei Seeds for the Future initiative was officially donated to the president.


Huawei Uganda Technology Festival The Huawei Uganda Technology Festival is an event that began on 5th to 8th April and involved various activities such as ICT partnership cooperation, Seeds for the Future launch and the Mobile Broadband Road Truck Show. The festival hosted government officials, academia and telecom companies at Kampala Serena Hotel. It is anticipated to be a powerful engine in promotion of ICT literacy and awareness in Uganda

Uganda Minister of ICT and Chinese Ambassador Cut the Ribbon to Launch the Road Show

Ian William Ellis, the Huawei Eastern and Southern Senior Marketing Officer taking the University Students through cloud communication.


MOU Signing Ceremony between the Government and Huawei Huawei Uganda signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of ICT for technological collaboration during the Huawei Uganda Technology Festival at the Kampala Serena Hotel on 5th April 2015. This






government and the general ICT industry in Uganda. Some of the Key components include: both parties to promote of ICT literacy

Huawei Managing Director Stanley Chyn (L) and ICT Ministry Permanent Secretary, Mr. Jimmy Pat Samanya, signing the Partnership Cooperation Agreement. In the background are the Ambassador of China Zhao Yali (L) and Minister of ICT John Nasasira (R).

and awareness to the government, academic institutions and the general public through workshops to expose the public to particular and general technologies. Also,







opportunities for internship among students and provide mentorship to the students and tours to China for 10 trainees.

Huawei Managing Director Stanley Chyn (L) and ICT Ministry Permanent Secretary, Mr. Jimmy Pat Samanya, exchanging the signed MoU.


President Museveni flagging off the 10 ICT talents to China for the Huawei Seeds for the Future training in Shenzhen, Huawei’s headquarters.

The Huawei Seeds for the Future talents are welcomed by the Ugandan Ambassador to China H.E. Charles Madibo Wagidoso in Beijing.

Seeds for the Future Initiative Ugandan ICT talents took part in the Huawei Seeds for the Future training in China from 16th to 30th April, 2016, at Huawei headquarters in Shenzhen, China. The 10 talents that were selected by the Government of Uganda were officially unveiled at the opening ceremony of the Huawei Technology Festival at the Kampala Serena Hotel. These were trained in areas of telecom strategy, ICT industry trends and newest technology and equipment. The training was completed successfully and the talents returned safely. The seeds were flagged off by the President of the Republic of Uganda H.E. Yoweri Museveni.


Mr. Dickson Kateshumbwa, the Commissioner Customs, URA awarding Authorised Economic Operator Status to Mr. Stanley Chyn, Huawei Managing Director.

Huawei PR Director Patrick Tong, the Commissioner Customs Mr. Dickson Kateshumbwa, Huawei Managing Director Stanley Chyn and Huawei Logistics Manger Akongele Steven with the AEO Certificate.

Huawei Uganda Awarded for its Trade Compliance Practices with an Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) Status Huawei Uganda was awarded for its customs compliance practices, with an Authorized Economic Operator Certificate by Uganda Revenue Authority on 15th April, 2016. This Status is to enable Huawei enjoy trade facilitation benefits of having its customs clearance done in eight hours, rather than four or five days which was the case in the past and also enable Huawei to provide better services to local business customers.


Huawei Solutions Director Mr. Jay handing over an award to ACIA winners

Huawei Uganda’s Sales Manager Du Yu receiving an award recognizing Huawei’s support towards ICT Innovations for National Development at the UCC ACIA Awards ceremony by Minister of ICT John Nasasira.

UCC Annual Communications Innovations Awards Huawei partnered with Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) for its Annual Communications Innovations Awards (ACIA) in 2016 as platinum sponsors with the aim of recognizing outstanding innovators and innovations in the development and adoptions of ICT in Uganda. Huawei offered sponsorship and various smart devices which were given out at the event’s gala night on 20th May, 2016 at Kampala Serena Hotel.


East and Central Africa Cities Development Forum Huawei, a leading global information and communications technology (ICT) solutions provider, partnered with KCCA for the East and Central African Cities Development Forum The three day African Cities’ Development forum that was held by KCCA at Speke Resort Munyonyo from 24th to 26th of May, 2016 attracted hundreds of highlevel audience, mayors, scholars, research institutes, enterprises and private sectors to

Ms. Rose Moyo, Huawei’s East and Southern Solutions Director, giving a key note address at the Forum.

participate and discuss extensively topics like realizing UN sustainable development goals, delivering great 21st Century African Cities, safety and Securities in Cities and financing infrastructure investment in African Cities among others. Huawei Uganda delivered a Keynote address on how to promote Smart City and Safe City in African Cities such as Kampala in order to cut down crime. Participants of the East and Central Africa Cities Development Forum.


Thought Leaders Forum Huawei Uganda, in a bid to spearhead the embracement of the Digital Revolution in Uganda, sponsored the Thought Leaders Forum organised by Monitor Publications at Serena’s Victoria Hall in Kampala on 12th July, 2016. The breakfast forum aimed at addressing Ugandans on the proper use of digital platforms in order to prosper in the business world through social media and online engagement. Mr. Allan Kyobe, Huawei Uganda Public Relations Manager, gives closing remarks at the event.

Panelists looking through questions from social media fanatics about the digital revolution discussion at the forum.


Huawei Offers “Seeds for the Future” Internship Program to University Students Huawei climaxed the fifth year’s internship training to 45 students from various learning institutions of Uganda on 1st August, 2016. The two months activity that began in June this year climaxed with students presenting research findings for a survey known as ‘Telecom in my eye’. The survey regarding telecom service requirements in Uganda has been part and parcel of the students training.

The Interns of 2016 with their certificates of Completion.

The training that involved 45 students who received hands-on training in areas such as: application and software, transmission, datacom, core network, wireless, radio frequency, device business and public relations. It is a result of the Memorandum of Understanding for






Government of Uganda and Huawei Technologies.

The winning team of the Telecom in my Eye Lyn Tukei (R), one of the interns, is awarded Survey carried out by all interns. a certificate by Huawei Uganda Public Relations Director, Patrick Tong.


Digital Impact Awards Africa Huawei was recognized as the best smartphone brand in Africa during the 2016 Digital Impact Awards Africa (DIAA) held on 17th August at Serena Hotel. Digital Impact Awards Africa (DIAA) is a pioneer technology research project based in Uganda that nominates exemplary organizations in the provision and use of digital infrastructure; web, mobile, social media. Huawei topped other popular smartphone brands nominated within this category including iPhone, Lumia, Samsung and Tecno.

Patrick Tong, Huawei Uganda Public Relations Director, receiving Huawei’s Best Smartphone Brand Award at the Digital Impact Awards Africa.

Winners of the digital impact awards 2016.

Patrick Tong, Huawei Public Relations Director, giving an acceptance speech at the Digital Impact Awards Africa.


Patrick Tong, the Huawei Uganda Public Relations Director giving a key note address at the Free and Open Source Software ceremony.

Free and Open Source Software Forum Huawei partnered with the Ministry of ICT and NITA for the Free and Open Source Software event at Speke Resort Munyonyo. The three day conference from 22nd to 24th August provided a forum for developers and increased awareness, integration and adoption of free and open source software in Africa. The Chief Guest was the current Minister of ICT Hon. Frank Tumwebaze.


UNBS Awards Huawei for Quality Products and Services Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) awarded Huawei Uganda for it’s business excellence and economy building through its enhanced quality of products and services by the implementation of ISO 9001 on Thursday 10th November, 2016. Huawei is among the companies certified for the ISO 9001, which was started by UNBS to enable organisations meet the requirements of Mr Patrick Tong, Huawei Uganda‘s PR Director (L) receiving an award from the Minister of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Hon. Amelia Kyambadde.

Huawei’s Award for its business excellence and quality products and services.

the standards of their customers and enhance their satisfaction.

Huawei Managing Director Stanley Chyn giving remarks in a pre-event recorded video.


A Responsible Corporate Citizen of Uganda


Huawei Hands Over 40 Desktop Computers to Karamoja District Huawei handed over 40 desktops to the First lady and Minister for Karamoja Affairs Hon. Janet Museveni to support education and administrative purposes in Uganda. The 40 desktop computers were handed to the First Lady by Huawei Managing Director Stanley Chyn and Patrick Tong the Public Relations Director, in the presence of the Charge d’Affaires of Chinese Embassy Mr. Chu Maoming. This donation came as a result of the pledge made to President Yoweri Museveni during his state visit to China in March 2015.

First Lady and Karamoja Affairs Minister, Hon. Janet Museveni, receiving a desktop computer from Mr. Stanley Chyn, Huawei Managing Director. Besides them are the Charge d’Affaires of Chinese Embassy and Mr. Chu Maoming (L), and the Public Relations Director of Huawei Mr. Patrick Tong.


Huawei and Airtel Extend Free Health Services to Kampala City and Fort Portal in Kabarole District Huawei and Airtel offered free medical services to over 4,000 community members in an effort to improve their wellbeing and empower them with the basic health information and the services they need to make appropriate health decisions. The medical camp was held in Kampala and Fort Portal on 28th May and 30th July respectively. This was in partnership with the Hind’s Feet Project, a NonProfit Organization that focuses on making health information accessible to all.

Patients receive medical attention from nurses at the Huawei- Airtel Health Camp.


Huawei Team with students of Ntinda School for the Deaf.

Huawei Partners with MTN to give to the school of the Deaf in Ntinda, KAMPALA At the 10th edition of the 21 days of Y’ello Care; a staff volunteerism project that aims to continue driving access to education, particularly through the digitization of teaching and learning in the countries in which MTN Operates. This year the project is running under the theme ‘Investing in Education for All’. Huawei Uganda donated Mobile Phones and other Smart gadgets to the Ntinda School of the Deaf in partnership with MTN Uganda.


Students gave performance to the guests during the ceremony.

The Minister of ICT Hon. John Nasasira (C), Huawei MD Stanley Chyn (L) and Chinese Ambassador H.E. Zhao Yali (R) handover a desktop computer to Karoo Secondary School.

Huawei donates 30 computers to schools in the President’s home town, Kiruhura Huawei donated 30 Computers, fully connected with internet from Airtel Uganda, to Kashwa Primary School, Rwemikoma and Karo Secondary Schools, all in Kiruhura District on 10th June, 2016. The 30 PC-donation to these schools is as a result of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) previously signed between Huawei and the Ministry of ICT of Uganda for bridging the digital divide through knowledge transfer. Other items donated were three high definition television screens to each school by the Chief Guests H.E Zhao Yali, the Chinese Ambassador to Uganda, and 30 dongles with one year’s unlimited data by Airtel Uganda.

Mr. Stanley Chyn delivering a Speech in Kiruhura at the 30 desktop computer hand over ceremony.


Huawei and the Chinese Embassy Donate 200 Smartphones and Motorcycles to Uganda Police Huawei and the Government of the Republic of China gave 200 Smartphones and other materials to the Uganda Police Force at the Police headquarters in Naguru for capacity building. The 200 Smartphones and other materials like mattresses, motorcycles, T-shirts, footballs were handed over by the Huawei Managing Director Mr. Stanley Chyn and the Chinese Ambassador H.E. Zhao Yali to General Kale Kayihura, the Inspector General of Police.

The Inspector General of Police, Gen. Kale Kayihura, takes a look at one of the 200 Smartphones donated to Uganda Police Force.

Motor-cycles were part of the donation to Uganda Police Force by the Chinese Embassy.


Huawei Partners With Airtel to Give Wheel-Chairs to the Physically Challenged People in Uganda Huawei partnered with Airtel to give wheel-chairs to the physically challenged people in Uganda at Mulago hospital. The donation of approximately 100 wheel-chairs, artificial limbs and crutches were handed over to the physically challenged people through the Narayan Indian Foundation at the Mulago Orthopedics Department on 26th August, 2015.

A boy with walking aids given by Airtel and Huawei.

Huawei Airtel Account Director Nilong (3rd right) and Narayan Foundation with the donated wheel-chairs.

A man trying out his new wheel-chair.


Guests Prepare for official tee off from: (Left to Right) - Chinese Ambassador Zhao Yali, Minister of Karamoja affairs Hon. John Byabagambi, Minister of Works and Transport Hon. Monica Ntege, former ICT minister Hon. John Nasasira, MTN CEO Wim Vanhelleputte, Huawei MD Stanley Chyn, Head of MTN –Business Reginald Kafeero.

Huawei MTN CEO Golf Day Golfers in Kampala participated in the Huawei-MTN golf day tournament on Saturday 17th September at Serena Hotel Kigo. Present at the event to tee off included the Minister of Works and Transport Hon. Monica Ntege, Chinese Ambassador Zhao Yali, Minister of Karamoja affairs Hon. John Byabagambi, former ICT minister Hon. John Nasasira, Huawei MD Stanley Chyn, MTN CEO Wim Vanhelleputte.


Golf tournament winners receiving their give-aways at the event as the Chief Guest Hon Monica Ntege the Minister of Works and Transport (2nd Left) and others cheer on.

Monica Ntege, the Minister of works and transport tees off at the event.

Huawei MTN Account Director hands over a trophy to a winner at the event.

Huawei Managing Director Stanley Chyn at the tee off.


Sharon Nasuubi, Huawei Tax Manager (Left) with Ms. Doris Akol, the Uganda Revenue Authority Commissioner.

Ms. Doris Akol, the Commissioner General of URA, hands over food to Kampala Metropolitan Traffic Police Commander, Mr. Norman Musinga, as Chen Jing, Huawei Chief Financial Officer, Witnesses.

Huawei, URA Reach Out to Jinja Road Traffic Police Officers Huawei, URA reached out to Jinja Road traffic Police officers with a donation of food items at the ‘URA@25 CSR Day’ on 20th September, 2016. The donation of approximately 100 carriers with Sugar, wheat flour, maize flour, soda, rice, bread, and soap among others was handed over to the officers by Uganda Revenue Authority Commissioner General Ms. Doris Akol and Huawei Chief Financial Officer Mr. Chen Jing.

The Jinja Road Police Constables that received the assorted items.


Huawei Staff (dressed in white T-shirts) and the Trustees of Rahab Foundation at the donation ceremony.

Huawei team give “Gather for Love” T-shirts to the administrators of home.

Smiles as Huawei staff deliver UGX 33 million donation to Rahab Girls’ Home Huawei fulfilled its US$10,000 donation to Rahab Foundation to rehabilitate disadvantaged girls. The ceremony that took place at Rahab Foundation Home in Kasangati, was attended by the Board of trustees of the Charity home, Huawei Public Relations Southern Africa Regional Director Charles Zhang, Huawei Staff and Rahab Girls’ representatives. This donation was a result of Huawei staff participation in team building activities at the “Gather for Love” event at the Speke Resort Munyonyo on 16th October, 2016 to raise points that were generated into monetary terms worth US$10,000.

Huawei team visit the dormitories of the girls’ home.


Huawei Public Relations Director Patrick Tong with the winner of the smart phone.

Huawei Staff that took part in the MTN KAMPALA MARATHON 2016.

Huawei Boosted MTN Kampala Marathon with UGX 250 Million Huawei boosted the 2016 MTN Kampala Marathon’s cause with UGX 250,000,000 to support schools’ sustainable sanitation in Kampala. The 2016 MTN Kampala Marathon took place on Sunday 20th November, with the aim of raising funds towards the Marathon participants in the warm up. Right: Huawei MD Mr. Stanley Chyn (L) giving a dummy cheque of UGX250,000,000 to Mr. Wim Vanhellepute (R) the MTN Chief Executive Officer.

construction of bio toilets with water harvesting facilities and environmental friendly bio gas technology. The bio toilets will reduce the cost of energy used in preparing meals for school children in Kampala.



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