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13. What value addition can farmers do so as to have better pay?

• Ensure you use good quality seedlings/cuttings. • Practice good agricultural practices – water the plants especially during the dry season, mulch to retain moisture in the soil, apply manure and/ or manure, only harvest red ripe cherries, dry coffee on a clean surface (tarpaulin, raised beds, cemented floors, etc.), ensure you dry coffee to 14% moisture content, store the dried coffee in a clean place • Process the coffee to kase (green bean) stage • Roast and grind coffee


14. How can I become an exporter?

Click on the Uganda Trade Portal link on www. ugandacoffee.go.ug for instructions on becoming an exporter and take the caller through the process.

15. Which country or countries import Uganda coffee?

Uganda coffee is exported to several countries around the world including the European Union, Sudan, United States of America (USA), Switzerland, Morocco, Egypt, Greece, Spain, Turkey, Kenya, South Africa, India, China, Russia, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Singapore, Australia and Mexico (www.ugandacoffee.go.ug/ Resources/Monthly_reports.

16. What is the current quantity of imported coffee?

This information can be obtained from URA on request.

17. What is the current level of coffee exports (both quantity and value)?

For the past five years, Uganda has exported an average of 4 million 60 kg bags valued at an average of US$ 435 million. Last Financial Year 2019/20, Uganda exported 5.1 million 60 kg bags worth US$ 415.13 million the previous year.

18. What is the percentage of coffee exports value to total goods exports value (fob)?

Coffee exports contributes to about 15% of Uganda’s goods export earnings (fob).

19. What is the current level of exports to the Far East (China, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong-Kong, Korea, Japan, Australia and New Zealand)?

The export market to the Far East is growing. This is due to the increased promotion of Uganda coffee in these countries.

20. Who buys Uganda coffee?

Sixty percent of Uganda’s coffee is bought by the top 10 buyers namely Sucafina, Olam International, Volcafe, Altasheel, Bernhard Rothfos, Ecom, Agro Industrial, Coex Coffee International, Strauss Commodities, Hamburg Coffee, Louis Dreyfus, Icona Cafe.

21. Where can I buy a machine for roasting coffee?

Coffee Equipment and Services Ltd., 7th Street Industrial Area

22. What has the Government done to promote exporting of processed coffee?

Government, through UCDA, has developed a new Coffee Strategy which hinges on quality

improvement and value addition on top of penetrating in traditional and emerging markets in line with the National Development Plan III that hinges on agro-industrialization. The Coffee Strategy has 6 strategic objectives namely: • Increase Coffee production and productivity; • Modernise post-harvest handling and storage; • Increase coffee processing and value addition; • Increase consumption of Ugandan coffee and its products, locally and internationally; • Strengthen legal, regulatory framework and institutional capacities for an enhanced coordinated delivery of targeted results; and • Increase mobilisation & access to Agricultural Finance.

For the 3rd Strategic Objective, emphasis will be on 1) Training and sensitization of actors on good post-harvest handling practices and technologies 2) Investments in modern coffee drying technologies and practices, 3) Investments in modern storage facilities and promotion of improved storage practices, 4) Establishing new and upgrading existing national and regional laboratories for coffee assessments. In regard to Strategic Objective (iv), UCDA partners with the private sector to showcase Uganda coffee in international exhibitions and Trade Fairs.

On the 6th Strategic objective, incentives such as concessions on funding by Uganda Development Bank, Bank of Uganda Agricultural Credit Facility (ACF) and Microfinance Support Centre, will be made. This will ensure access to funds by SMEs involved in coffee processing and exporting.

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