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Postpartum Wellness Table of Content § Nutrition for Lactation
Nutrient-dense foods
Herbs and supplements that enhance milk supply
Sensible Weight Loss o
Waste = Weight
Stress reduction
Exercise right
Beat cravings, increase satiety
Tips to Increase Energy
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Nutrition For Lactation Fats The kind of fat that you eat affects the fat profile of your breast milk, even though the percentage of fat remains constant. So it’s important to eat the right kind of fat – omega 3’s in particular. Sources of good fat: §
Cold water fish
Olive oil
Nuts and seeds (walnut, pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds)
Ground flaxseed and flaxseed oil
Chia seeds
Fenugreek seeds and oils
A small amount of coconut oil maybe beneficial – it has been found to increase metabolism. Topical application may help reduce cellulite! Your Website URL here
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Nutrition For Lactation Calcium §
Dairy may not be the best source because of bio-availability.
Also consider other factors that affect calcium absorption. o
Factors that increase calcium absorption: §
Vitamin D intake (get some sun!)
Milk lactose
Acid environment in the GI tract – adequate HCl
Proper protein intake and amino acid such as lysine and glycine
Proper fat intake (moderate amount of good fats)
Exercise (weight bearing exercises)
Magnesium intake (vegetables)
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Nutrition For Lactation Herbs and supplements to enhance milk supply Galactogogues are substances that increase milk supply. §
Fenugreek – because of its bitter flavor, it has to be formulated with other herbs to make it palatable, or taken in pill form.
Borage – also relieve anxiety and stress. The plant loses much of its medicinal qualities when dried, so use it fresh whenever possible.
Dill – has colic- and gas-relieving properties.
Fennel – usually the seeds are used. It is also a digestive aid and can help relieve colic.
Nettle – great tonic herbs with many nutrients, including iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, and chromium. It can also help relieve fluid retention, which affects some women because of fluctuations in hormone levels.
Yogi and Traditional Medicinal, among other brands, sell tea bags with herbs that support lactation. You can find them in health food stores.
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Losing Baby Weight: Waste = Weight You retain weight when your body holds onto metabolic waste, fluid, and toxins. Your body retains fat to protect itself from fat-soluble toxins. §
Facilitate waste elimination: o
Drink water – flush out toxins; maintain fluid balance
Maintain regularity
Eat foods high in fiber: whole grains, fruits, vegetables, flaxseed
Prune or prune juice
Physical activities
Facilitate elimination through skin – the largest organ for elimination §
Dry brushing
Eat cleansing foods §
Raw foods
Leafy greens Your Website URL here
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Losing Baby Weight: Beat Cravings 3 Strategies to beat cravings and increase satiety: §
Cravings can be a result of nutrient deficiency
Eat the right foods to increase satiety without upping the calories
Understand the reason behind cravings so you can get the root of the problem
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