010 Diets Explaine Sample Slides

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Diets Explained Table of Content §

The Zone


Nutri System and Jenny Craig


Fit For Life


Weight Watchers Point System


Grapefruit Diet


South Beach Diet


Raw Foods Diet

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The Zone §

Based on a theory that excess insulin, which is a hormone that helps control blood sugar levels, makes us gain weight and keep it on.


By regulating blood sugar levels with a balance of carbohydrates, fats and protein at every meal, the body burns fat more efficiently and results in more energy.

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Raw Foods Diet §

All the fruits and vegetables not cooked over 18o°.


Raw foods proponents believe that you will feel more alive with more live foods and you don’t lose digestive enzymes as you do with cooked foods.


A 100% raw food diet can be very depleting to some people. It is great if you are on the “excess” side, but listen to your body closely and if you start to become depleted, add some cooked food into your diet.

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