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15 Prenatal FAQs, Answered Table of Content § Organic vs non-organic foods §
Pregnancy cravings
Pregnancy weight gain
Herbs and teas
Vegetarian moms
Caffeine, vitamins, and supplements
Reduce toxic exposure
Gestational diabetes
Natural ways to relieve common pregnancy discomforts
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The biggest difference between organic vs non-organic foods is probably the amount of herbicides and pesticides that you will be ingesting. A lot of these chemicals can cross the placenta and get into the fetus. Neurotoxins: §
impact on the child’s nervous system development.
may lead to learning and behavioral issues in later days because of their impact in brain development.
Hormonal disruptors: §
affect the child’s sexual development
some are even implicated in the increased rate of infertility in our society. Your Website URL Here
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Yes, craving is probably your body telling you that you need certain nutrients. But your body may not be always right about the kind of food that you should be eating. The trick is to deconstruct cravings and get to the root cause of the nutritional need. Example: sugar carving: §
You may actually need more protein.
Or, you may be eating too much meat and salt, and your body needs to find balance.
Obviously, in this case you should not be eating that big cookie, but to either increase your protein intake, or cut down on salty meaty food.
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Pre-pregnancy BMI between 18.5 to 24.9 (healthy range): 25 – 35 pounds. Gain 1 to 5 pounds in the first trimester and about 1 pound per week for the rest of your pregnancy for the optimal growth of your baby.
Pre-pregnancy BMI under 18.5 (underweight): 28 – 40 pounds
Pre-pregnancy BMI between 25 to 29.9 (overweight): 15 – 25 pounds
Pre-pregnancy BMI above 30 (obese): 11 – 20 pounds
With twins: 37 – 54 pounds if you start from a healthy range
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Red raspberry leaf o
used by pregnant women for centuries – it is a uterine tonic and may help strengthen the uterus in preparation for childbirth
used to prevent miscarriage
used to ease morning sickness
Nettle leaf o
a great nourishing herb
good source of vitamins A, C, D and K, calcium, potassium, phosphorous, iron and sulphur
used traditionally to ease leg cramps
helps reduce hemorrhoids
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