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Yogic Lifestyle and Nutrition A yogic lifestyle includes dietary guidelines, as well as ways to better ourselves through various practices to enhance mindfulness. Yoga poses can help reduce stress and enhance health. Table of Content §
Three gunas and food choices
Our challenges today
Yoga sequence for detox
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Three Gunas Yoga philosophy directs us to be pure in body and introduces three gunas, or attributes of nature, for consideration: Tamasic, Rajasic, and Sattvic. Nutritional choices based on the gunas are essential to achieving all other Yogic principals. The gunas describe the ways of nurturing the mind, body and spirit: §
Tamas: laziness, inertia and dullness
Rajas: heat and over activity
Sattva: calmness, lightness and balance
Nutrition may also be separated based on these gunas.
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Three Gunas – Sattvic Food §
Light, wholesome, fresh, and juicy
Nourishing and easily digestible
Water, fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains, nuts, seeds etc.
Sattvic foods balance the body by giving it the necessary energy without draining it.
These foods are calming and purifying.
Eating a diet of Sattvic foods gives the body the nutrients for proper functioning because whole, natural foods are easiest to digest, and result in a peaceful mind and a fit body.
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Our Challenges Today – Solution §
Get back to the simplicity of whole foods
Remain present and become mindful of how you are treating your body
Focus on nourishing your soul – “primary foods”: o
The things that feed us that are not edible – career, relationships, finances, physical activity, education, spirituality, etc.
As important and integral to our well-being as is the food that we eat. They are all inter-related and affect each other
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Yoga Sequence for Detox 4. Sage Pose (Marichyasana 1) §
From Downward Facing Dog, drop knees to the mat, sit back on heels, roll over 1 hip to seated.
Bring legs straight out in Dandasana (Stick Pose.), toes pointed towards the sky, thighs engaged, knees lifted.
Bend right knee and put right foot on floor close to sitting bone.
Inhale and raise arms overhead. Exhale and fold forward over left leg.
Back should remain flat and neck an extension of the spine.
Reach arms forward and place hands on shins or hold outsides of feet.
Draw belly in to give more space for reaching forward. Press right knee in as close to the side body as possible.
Stay in posse 30 – 60 seconds.
Release, come up and repeat on left side.
Come back to Dandasana
This pose squeezes the abdominal organs and stimulates digestion and elimination. Your Website URL Here