Slidell Magazine, October 2019

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Vol. 111 October 2019


Editor’s Letter This is a difficult letter to write. On September 10, 2019, my beloved pet and Slidell Magazine mascot, Suzy, passed away. I didn’t expect Suzy’s death to hit me as hard as it has. I can’t think about her without crying. It’s still so new. Suzy was an irreplaceable part of my life and, for more than a dozen years, had been the source of so much of my joy and laughter. For Slidell Magazine readers and followers, you’ve come to know Suzy through pictures, videos, stories, and her frequent visits in the community. Her personality was unforgettable. Well, that, and the fact that she was a goat. Who could ever forget being kissed by a goat? I got Suzy when she was 6 months old. We’ve been through a lot together, including the creation of Slidell Magazine. She’s moved with me into three different rental homes and caused more than one landlord to redefine

Kendra Maness Editor/Publisher Slidell Magazine

what is meant by the term “pets allowed.” I’ve written about how Suzy made me the “neighborhood weirdo” but she also made me many neighborhood friends. The neighbors that once had disliked Suzy because of her penchant for eating their landscaping, started leaving carrotts and fruit in their yard for her and began stopping by for visits. Suzy developed many friendships, some that I wasn’t even aware of until later. I didn’t know that the mail carrier brought her watermelon and biscuits until I was home to witness Suzy running full speed down the neighborhood street when she heard the truck. She was a rogue goat and her adventures were legendary: eating the neighbor’s newly planted rose bushes; being stopped and “arrested” by the Sheriff’s Department TWICE; serving as the Queen of the Krewe

of Dionysus King’s breakfast; and being welcomed as a guest of the mayor. Her picture was larger than life on the side of the Slidell Magazine car, and she was probably the most photographed farm animal in Slidell history. She hated playing dress up but would do it anyway, and her wardrobe expanded with every holiday. Her head has been adorned with Mardi Gras beads, bandanas, hats, feathers, and crowns. She even busted herself by coming home with the neighbor’s grape vines tangled in her horns. I’m sad for the Slidell community, and I’m sorry for your loss. So many of you were friends and fans of Suzy’s through social media. She was a Facebook phenom, and made thousands of us smile everytime we saw her. She will be missed. Rest in peace my beautiful girl.

Cover Artist M. H. Reed Ballad of M.H.Reed M.H.Reed is an artist from Slidell. At some point he left to attend the Savanah College of Art and Design. Got lost in the maze but found its center. He explored the cosmos then crash-landed back home. He strolled down the path that depicted the violence of the sun. Trojans fighting Greeks aided by their gods. Stealing beauties, he captured their souls. He took them for prizes of Purples, Blues, Reds, Whites, Yellow, and Greens. Flying so high he fell someplace far below. Standing with the ferryman stuck on a yacht. He bathed in the Styx and was cleansed by a wave of the august lady’s wind. He worked his way out to find the dark-haired lady. Had Blessings of the one and then from the two. Arms reached from out of the canvas to put color to a myth. Many are on his level, but few stand so high. He has influenced the experienced while standing to the side. Constructed palaces for the rich and artworks for his eye. He crossed the alps with historical generals and snuck up on mythological creatures. When the Moon-pies called he gave them their Mona, in return they made him their artist. He has become the Royal Artist to a list of Kings and Queens. He now lives amongst the briar, surrounded by the funny ducks. Calling himself a teacher with some luck. Sometimes called the Artist, sometimes Mr. Reed, but on Facebook, he is just M.H.Reed.

PO Box 4147 Slidell, LA 70459 985-789-0687 Kendra Maness - Editor/Publisher Shane Wheeler - Graphic Designer CONTRIBUTING WRITERS EFOP, Jim Thomas, Charlotte Collins The Storyteller, John Case The Habitat Rosie Program, Story by Kendra Maness, Photography by Paul & Julie Wood Pet Points, Jeff Perret, DVM Fountainebleau State Park Story & Photos by Donna Bush Crimmi-Mommly Insane, Leslie Gates Legal-Ease, Ronda M. Gabb Making Cents of Your Money, Mike Rich

Cover: Mona’s Renaissance by M. H. Reed



OCTOBER 2019 Story by Charlotte Collins

Extraordinarily Fascinating “Ordinary” People Extraordinary Fascinating

Ordinary People

Jim Thomas Paths and journeys are often used to describe people’s lives. To describe Jim Thomas’ life, I have no choice but to use these nouns. Those who know Jim know that his business paths have taken him on journeys across the globe. Thomas Cableway Products is a multi-million dollar business whom many locals have never heard of. Yet, here it stands, tucked away in large warehouses right here in Slidell. The business and Jim’s reputation is far better known in Ghana, Honduras, Guatemala, Central America, Europe, and the Far East.

"Storyteller," John Case) simply that "Jim is a very kind man, who has mentored people in difficult predicaments.” I was led through a labyrinth of hallways to the company president’s office. There were streamers across the door and balloons tied to the rungs of every chair. It turns out that his office staff decorated for his birthday while Jim was off on one of his global trots. A hand drawn caricature of Jim adorned the desk where he sat. His oldest sister, Barb, had drawn it for his birthday. It was obvious Jim was adored by those nearest him.

ever worked in a foundry?’ No, I answered. ‘How about a machine shop?’ No. And so it went for awhile. Finally, they asked, ‘Well, what have you been doing?’ My answer was simple, graduating from college. The manager said, ‘Go home, put on a suit and tie, and come back this afternoon for a different interview.’ I did as he said, and they hired me as an Expediter, helping to facilitate the shipment of sales.” Jim worked there for three years, before moving into management, which turned out to be quite lucrative.

Each month, I strive to introduce you to fascinating people you may not know. Extraordinary people that are your neighbors, and some unsung heroes. Thomas Cableway Products deserves to be appreciated by us, for Jim and his businesses are providing jobs for local drafters, machinists, engineers, and business professionals. In order to tell the story, I will introduce you to individuals overseas, some of whom are finally able to support and sustain their families for the first time. Jim and his businesses are helping their communities to grow and thrive; again, some of them for the first time in history. For Jim, charitable work is not a past-time, it's a lifetime commitment.

Jim’s winding road began in Ohio, where he was born and raised on a dairy farm. He described that simple life, “My mother, Violet Thomas, brought me and my two older sisters to church every Sunday. My father went only rarely, because he worked relentlessly at the farm. He was very religious, but never took a day off for church, or any other obligations beyond the farm. As a youth, I drove the tractor, made hay, fed and cleaned up after the animals. When I first married, that’s exactly what I wanted to do with my life. Then, one day, I looked at the finances and realized that our farm couldn’t support two families.”

Now, I had no idea what water pumps were used for beyond heating and cooling, and providing water from my wells. Jim patiently explained that water pumps are used for irrigation, the food, oil and gas industry, as well as general industry. But irrigation produced the majority of sales. So he was at home with his market... farms. And the farms where his products were most crucial would be banana farms.

On a weekend, when the plant was offline, I walked into Thomas Pump to meet the man I had heard so much about. I had been told by my brother-in-law (Slidell Magazine's 6

Quite the realist, Jim knew he needed a job after college, so he applied with Deming Pumps, also located in Ohio. He described the interview dismally, “They asked a series of questions about my experience. ‘Have you

The Port of New Orleans was headquarters for Chiquita, Dole and Del Monte at the time. I remember as a child, the fascination my own father had with the banana import operations, and United Fruit Company in particular (later known as Chiquita). We would watch those giant ocean vessels pull up and unload mountains of bananas, an unfathomable amount of golden produce. Once Gulfport became the hub, we would

drive to the Mississippi coast and watch the maneuvers there. This was where Jim found his niche. As he described, “The produce farm experience took me to all the places where they grow bananas, Honduras, Columbia, Ecuador, Guatemala and Belize. Through that, I became aware of other equipment needs where I may be of assistance.” Jim casually described the series of events that led him to establish his first business. It all unfolded quite organically. He recalled, “There were paths through which the produce needed to be transported. Chiquita wanted someone to assemble rollers for a cableway to move the bananas, in order to prevent the damage that rough handling and hauling in sacks could cause. The owner, now a friend, had a son who needed a summer job while in college. So, he offered the contract to me, if I would hire his son. And this is how Thomas Cableway Products began.” He smiled broadly as he recalled, “My first order was for 5,000 rollers! We hired his son to assemble the trolleys with these rollers.” Leaning over the desk, he handed me a set of shiny, new steel rollers. I later learned about the special design and heat treatment he added to insure that these components could withstand the harsh environments and continue to operate over time. Jim was very committed to the longevity of his products. When he worked at his previous company, he sold pumps to Dole for use in Ecuador. They were having trouble with them, and Jim offered to go fix them. As he recounted, “I went back to Ecuador, against their permission, but I made sure that I got them operational again. I saw the importance of being able to stand behind the products I sold,” and Jim leaned back thoughtfully. This little bump in the road actually propelled him to travel a different direction.


Lee Williams

Dawn Rivera

Jim had determined to make a difference on the farms he visited. As he outlined, “That was when I started Tropical Pumps with two partners. I was a minority party, which I later learned meant that the company was valued at only what my partners said it was. I was paid less than I expected for my shares, which was entirely legal. But I had learned a valuable business lesson.” Another bump. But we all know he will change lanes, and follow the yellow brick road. Leaning forward again, he gestured around the office. “So, in 1985, I started Thomas Pump with no partners. In 1980, I had already moved my family to Slidell, in order to be closer to Tropical Pump. I had three children - my oldest is Dawn, then Michelle, followed by the youngest, James. They all fell in love with Slidell. When I started my own business, my oldest was a freshman in high school, and she didn’t want to move. Slidell was really nice, and had the quiet bedroom community environment that we wanted back then." The next lesson he learned was that his company didn’t have to be in a big city. He was dealing with a global economy. It seems Jim had a bit of the Midas touch. You have but to meet him to see why. He is a down to earth, genuine man, with the best of intentions for his customers. His company is thriving, so much so that he has now brought his son, James, into the business as CEO. As expected, Jim still watches over every detail of the business. The big warehouse was 3,200 square feet when he purchased it in 1985. It expanded to over 30,000 square feet when he built another warehouse behind the




first one. We took a tour, and the size of the machinery and equipment was quite intimidating. Thomas Pump’s clientele has also evolved to include general industry, oil and gas. Most recently, they began specializing in the food industry. Hey, this is the cuisine capital, right? His pumps proved to also be a powerful component for cleaning and sanitizing food processing plants. Jim described the process, “We build a high pressure pump which is used to clean the plant, but it uses much less water than the traditional cleaning methods. It’s like a car wash inside of a processing plant.” Jim continued with the improvements he instituted, “It used to be that plants ran two shifts for eight hours a piece, then shut down production, and cleaned for eight hours. I can’t believe I proposed that if they cleaned less than 8 hours, they would have more time to produce their product.” He laughed, and said, “Now I wish I had never thought of that. My guys have to really work hard to clean it in the four hours I promised.”


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When he spoke of his crew, Jim smiled with a twinkle in his eye. He sat up straight and pronounced, “We have great employees! They are the backbone of the company, and really care about the work they produce. It is because of them that I can say everything from my company is made in the USA! I learned a lot about work ethics along the way, which is something that is hard to find today. I can tell in the first five minutes of an interview if someone has that drive or not.” These words are something I wish all parents would read to their children who are about to enter the workforce. Jim Thomas is truly a motivating person to converse with, and I wish young people had this chance. Today, Jim employs 54 people in the U. S. and 15 in Panama, where he has a second office. The same culture exists at the second branch, as I could tell when Jim related an incredible story. His employees in Panama asked Kathy, Jim's soulmate and partner in all of his charitable endeavors, what to get him for his birthday. She offered, “Please don’t buy anything, because he gets what he needs himself. Just find a worthwhile charity and donate in his name. That will mean so much to him.” The employees found a little boy, Jesus Daniel, who was born without arms and legs. They are currently raising money to help fund his artificial limbs. He and his family will travel to Italy for the surgery when he turns five years old. Jim updated me gleefully, “James told the employees in Panama that his coworkers in Slidell will double the amount they raise. Already, they are well on their way to helping raise the $50,000 that the surgery for his upper limbs will require, thanks to the people in both offices! Amazingly, the Shriners in Shreveport will do the surgery,” Jim said, the joy and pride in his voice obvious. Jim has also been with Habitat for Humanity (HFH) for 20 years, serving on the construction and building committee, as well as President before, during and after Hurricane Katrina. He told many stories about HFH after the storm, from the volunteers mucking houses in Chalmette and New Orleans East; to the college students who discovered a new strain of mold; to building a home on the NBC Today Show Set and then trucking it to Slidell to be erected in a span of 10 days. Jim expounded, “Three of the stories were Devine intervention in the midst of the destruction in Slidell. The first happened before

the Today Show home was built, when we were advised that they were sending an experienced crew and they had everything they needed except someone to do the sheetrock. I thought, where in the world will we find someone to do sheetrock, as that was the thing most in demand after the storm. At the same time, NBC was sending a TV crew with the announcers here to broadcast from Slidell every morning. So, I told HFH volunteers to go house to house and apologize and inform them that big trucks would roll through the neighborhood starting at 3am, disrupting their lives. At the end of the day, they reported to me that every house had been contacted except one. I agreed to make contact with that one. At 9pm that night, I met the man living there and he was very friendly, thanking me profusely. He then asked if he could help us. I asked what he did and he said, “I am a sheetrock contractor.” Jim threw his head back and his hands up in gratitude. But this was not the only miracle he experienced. At the same time, the NBC affiliate from Roanoke, Virginia was also building a house that would piggyback on the Today Show Program. The producers wanted to follow the truck to Slidell to show their audience where the house would go. HFH only had one lot cleared, and that was for the Today Show house; only wooded lots remained. Jim shook his head in frustration at the memory, and recalled, “I asked the HFH folks to pray, as that was all we could do.” Two days later, a man showed up in his truck and announced, “I am here from Deridder and I have come to help. I am a tree climber and tree cutter.” Within minutes, they put him to work.

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It doesn’t stop there. Jim continued, “While the Today Show House was being built, I received a call from California from a man named Tomer DiVito. He said his father-in-law wanted to know about HFH, so I explained the organization to him. He called several times with more questions. Finally, he asked what our next build would be and I told him a five bedroom home for a family whose single mom worked three jobs. He inquired as to the price and I told him $50,000. He promptly asked, ‘Is that per bedroom?’ and I said, 'No, that’s the total price.' He couldn't believe it. The next day, like clockwork, he called and said he and his father-in-law would send a check. I desperately wanted to ask what was the amount, but refrained. He phoned again the next day, ‘My father-in-law will send a check for $100,000 for two houses! You probably have heard of my father-in-law. He is called the 'Hairdresser to the Stars', Vidal Sassoon.” This began a friendship that is a story in itself and is continued through the project “Hairdressers Unlocking Hope” which built 25 homes in Slidell, until Vidal's death a few years ago. "The hurricane was terrible, but a blessing for Slidell in many ways.” Jim stopped and held a reverent moment with this memory of post-Katrina mayhem. Smiling again, Jim rallied, “Mostly, business had been my life until I met Seth. Now my employees know that we have this business in order to support the non-profits I support, and they embrace that." Annually, for almost 35 years (sometimes multiple times a year), Jim embarks on a mission trip to Ghana. He is now the International Director of the Prison Ministry of Ghana. You see,

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Left: Jim's family's farm in Ohio. Middle & Right: The cable rollers that Jim's company manufactures glide along the trolley systems, enabling millions of bananas to be harvested worldwide.

the USA team provides the financial support, as well as helping them with rehabilitation programs. Jim explains, "In Ghana, prisons were strictly punishment, with lots of hard labor, and prisoners are outcasts for life. Even their family and friends abandon them. But the crimes are mostly petty, often stealing just to feed their family. I am happy to report that there are no longer any political prisoners, but that was prevalent in 1985 when I first started this mission.” His passion for these missions began when the Dean of the Medical School in Ghana, Seth Ayettey, came to the states as a visiting Professor of Anatomy at Tulane. By taking three of these year-long sabbaticals, professionals can earn enough to enable them to afford continuing practice in Ghana. Seth was also a Presbyterian minister, and was staying with a family in Slidell. Seth and Jim’s paths would cross at a First Presbyterian Church service. Now, they refer to each other as brothers. First Presbyterian Church had been sending money to Seth’s church back in Ghana. When they learned that Jim was on a business trip to the Ivory Coast, they asked him to stop by Ghana on his way back to ask Seth if he


needed anything. Jim retold how he was struck by emotion. “The moment my foot hit the ground in Ghana, I felt the Holy Spirit in a way that I had never felt before. I asked the Lord, ‘I don’t understand this, why am I feeling this? Why am I really here? I soon came to the understanding that Ghanaian people are wonderful people, but if they run into a road block, they stop. And I don’t stop. I find a way through it, around it, or I find another route. That’s why the Lord sent me there.” Jim also learned that when Seth had returned to Ghana, his church gave him the assignment of Prison Ministry, which meant he would need to visit across the entire country. The church set up his ministry as a Non Government Organization (NGO). Today it incorporates all denominations and a lot of non-denominational churches. However, Seth would need a lot more than what Jim’s church was already doing for the cause. Jim found his purpose, and is still working as diligently today as ever. The two “brothers” put pen to paper and set up a wish list and a dream list. The wish list contained things that could be done quickly: provide food, medicines, and special

programming for holidays. The dream list would require more effort and support: a building, staff, a vehicle, and teams in each region. Jim leaned back in his chair and nodded, “Within ten years, and through a lot of prayer, the Lord achieved everything on the dream list. I fund my trip back every year on my own. Our ministry has never had to spend a penny toward my efforts.” He was justifiably proud of that. As I listened, I realized Jim went beyond the dream list. He listed, “As of today, someone brings the message every Sunday to every prison in Ghana, plus a Bible study each week. We are finally able to provide medical help, build a clinic, a surgical theatre, and started a literacy program. I researched and found that prisoners who learned to read and write while in prison have an 80% less recidivism rate. That was a mandate to me. Seth and I have been mentors for each other, he to me, more so than the other way around.” Through the Prison Ministry, Jim was made the Chief of Development for a small village near the town of Akuse. They built a school there which he continues to support. The Prison Ministry now also has a halfway home near Akuse with a 100 acre farm. Inmates

Left: Jim Thomas with his "soulmate" and partner in virtually all of his projects, Kathy Bass. Middle: Jim with his grandkids, Abigail & Camden in Ghana. Right: Mardi Gras 2015, Jim with his children (l-r): Michelle, James and Dawn.

Left: Jim & Seth in the early years in Ghana. Middle: The Prison Ministry of Ghana. Right: "Hairdresser to the Stars" Vidal Sassoon made contact with Jim and began a friendship that resulted in 25 homes being built for Habitat for Humanity in Slidell after Hurricane Katrina. can now go to the halfway home and learn a trade while being further rehabilitated. But the journey gets even more fascinating. "Several years ago, the Ghana Mission Network (Presbyterian churches who have missions in Ghana), invited a minister to speak about women who have been accused of being witches. She wasn’t able get a VISA, so I went to Ghana to meet her, and we became friends. Fast forward to Seth’s mandatory retirement at age 70. He wanted to continue to support, among others, a small church North of Ghana. He proposed to purchase two sheep for every second grader, the highest grade offered. Together, we funded it. One day he said that Reverend Gladys Lariba would send me a report. She was the minister I met!” Some would say it’s a small world, but Jim sees the hand of the Lord in all of these coincidental events. “He puts the right people together at the right time. These children’s parents are subsistence farmers, with an average income of $500 a year. Thanks to the right team, their children are able to learn the business of agriculture through those sheep. We hope to add 3rd, 4th and 5th grades to the school.” Leaning back again, he chuckled to himself and raised his hand. “My

grandchildren raised $2,300 on their own for the school, by selling donuts and t-shirt’s. I feel confident that they will continue that endeavor throughout their lives.”

Slidell five years ago. The Genesis Project started with people meeting in homes and eventually moved into its present location on First Street.”

So when Jim brought his grandchildren, Abigail and Camden, to Ghana with him, they joined Gladys to visit the accused witches. They met with the Chief who decides if a woman is a witch of not. Jim described the way the Chief makes his decision. “He kills a chicken, and if it falls forward, she is not a witch. But if it falls backwards, she is a witch. You can imagine that this had a profound effect on my grandchildren. This practice still exists today. The Chief has to provide the accused a place to stay, because they can never go home again. Gladys helped the Chief provide a place for the women to stay and food. There are close to 100 of these women. Now Gladys wants to teach them a trade. They are learning bead making, bread making and domestic work.” Smiling again, he admitted, “My grandkids and I helped establish the bead making project."

Jim has had the privilege of traveling to Malaysia, all of Central America, and most of South America. He has been throughout all of West Africa, most of Europe, into Indonesia, Korea, and the Philippines. So what could possibly be left for his “bucket list”?

You might ask, what is he doing to follow his passion within the US? Jim’s answer is, “Kathy and I, Pastor Caylon Depalma and his wife Ashley, along with several other people, planted a church in Olde Towne

“Well, I’ve achieved a lot of my goals, but there will always be new ways to help other people. The Prison Ministry of Ghana is a complete story in itself, and I will continue that story. But it is also my passion. I believe that we are put on this earth to serve each other and that when we see someone in need, you help them, or at least you do what you can. There is no time that goes by that the Lord does not reveal someone or something in need of my help.” So here, my friends, is a neighbor many of us never knew until today. We all are sometimes guilty of taking our wonderfully rich lives for granted. We may not all have the means to be philanthropists, but we can all make someone’s day a little better, here in Slidell, and wherever our life journeys take us!

Left: Witches Camp. Middle: Jesus Daniel will begin his journey to receive artificial limbs in January, thanks to Jim's employees in Slidell & Panama. Right: Each 2nd grade child from this small church north of Ghana is gifted 2 sheep from Jim & Seth.





15 - 16



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Slidell Street Fair Olde Towne • 10am – 5pm

SEPT 28 - OCT 5

Early Voting



Ambassador Meeting TBD • 12 NOON

Trunk or Treat Aldersgate UMC SUNDAY 5-7PM

Education Committee Chamber • 8:30AM

Slidell Newcomers Arts & Crafts Show Harbor Center • SUN 10am-5pm

Dachshund Race Lamb of God Lutheran Church SUN • 12pm – 4pm






SMH Women’s Health Alliance Luncheon Harbor Center • 11am - 1pm

Dine & Discover Grow with Google: Using Data to Drive Growth Chamber •11:30am - 1pm






EYP Meeting TBD • 11:30AM

IGNITE Ladies Nite F.I.T.S. Indoor Range Every Last Wed. • 5-8 PM



Chamber Athena Awards Luncheon The Sadie Jane 11:30AM - 1:30PM


"The Storyteller" John S. Case Free Greenwood Cemetery Tours Tuesdays-Thursdays • 12-1pm By appointment • 985-707-8727

Lobby Lounge Concert Amanda Shaw z Harbor Center z 7-9 PM



10 year celebration Bella Style Salon • 4-7pm Pinking the Fountain SMH Cancer Center 5:30PM - 7PM


TUE Lions Bingo Slidell Noon Lions Club Every Thursday • 3 PM

Lions Bingo Slidell Noon Lions Club Every Thursday • 3 PM

Business After Hours Heritage Bank 5 - 7pm


Business After Hours Patton's • 5 - 7pm

Ducks Unlimited Banquet Harbor Center • 5pm - 10pm



Bras for a Cause Harbor Center • 6 – 9pm

SBDC Small Emerging Business Development Roundtables Chamber • 8:30AM - 12:30PM




Oktoberfest Olde Towne • 5PM

Zombie Crawl Olde Towne • 5PM


Greater New Orleans Corvette Club Car Show Harbor Center • 8am - 5pm


Lions Club Touch-a-Truck Fremaux Town Ctr • 10am - 3pm

Heritage Park • 12 - 8PM


Fully Committed • Cutting Edge Theater • 8pm

Rocky Horror Picture Show • Slidell Little Theatre • 8pm


Slidell Jazz & z z Blues Festival

Mona Lisa and Moon Pie Parade Olde Towne 7pm The Rocky Horror Monster Ball 2000 • Cutting Edge Theater • 8pm

Slidell Noon Lions Pancake Breakfast SATURDAY • 8AM-11AM

FENCES • Slidell Little Theatre • 8pm

Northshore On Tap Slidell Auditorium 5:30 – 9pm

FENCES • Slidell Little Theatre • 8pm

The Rocky Horror Monster Ball 2000 • Cutting Edge Theater • 8pm Slidell Street Fair 25 26 Olde Towne • 10am – 5pm



Slidell Newcomers Sell-A-Bration Arts & Crafts Harbor Center • 10am – 5pm


FENCES • Slidell Little Theatre • 8pm

Pumpkin Fest First UMC, Erlanger Ave 11AM - 4PM



Chamber Golf Tournament Oak Harbor

Chamber Breakfast City of Slidell Briefing Slidell Municipal Auditorium 8 - 9:30am





Harbor Center • December 5th • 5-8 PM

A Holiday Business After Hours

Tis the Season!

Look for the RED Fleur de Lis to see all of the Chamber Events!



Vince Vance Halloween Bash Park z Heritage 5 - 7pm


FENCES • Slidell Little Theatre • 2pm



FENCES • Slidell Little Theatre • 2pm


z Bayou Jam Northshore Community Orchestra Heritage Park 5 - 7pm



Bayou Jam Ronnie Kole John Perkins & Bobby Ohler Heritage Park 5 - 7pm





Musical Worship Service Aldersgate UMC • 10AM





of New Orleans b u l C s s e r P " Winner, 2018 "Best Column


Storyteller RIGGER AND ETHIOPE From the 1800s until 1960 the rural south had an unusual attachment to mules. For example, in 1930 there were 312,366 farms in the state of Mississippi and 370,000 mules. This compares to 102,000 horses and 5,542 tractors. These animals were used for almost any type of drayage that needed to be done on a farm. Looking at the animal, it is hard to understand that, for most farmers, they were more treasured and loved than horses. Cattle only competed because they supplied milk and beef. We generally love what is beautiful, and mules, compared to horses, just don’t compare. None the less, the mule was once held in high esteem. In 1945, when WWII ended, many farm boys took tractors given by the 16

Farmers are a superstitious group. They plant by the moon, they align their terrace rows in a certain direction and they have a specific number of seeds they drop in the earth for each plant, always allowing one for the birds. With all this ritual, some habits are hard to break.

government rather than using the GI Bill to go to college. They could hire out to other farmers, farm their own land, take part in a government program to limit erosion by terracing hillsides and clear drilling sites for the new, booming oil industry. Partly due to this, by the early 1950s, the mule population was in decline.

Slowly, the farmers began to “go tractor� to tend the crops that they sold; but they were not willing to do so with the gardens they grew for their family. These gardens were almost a holy site to the family and the care given them was beyond anything done commercially. Most often, there were two sites, one on the hill and one in the lowland. If it was a dry year, the one in the lowland would be the most successful; and, if it was a wet year, the one on the hill would fare better.

Starting as soon as the previous season’s crop was turned in, all of the animal waste from the farm was spread as fertilizer. In addition, cotton seeds would be ground into meal and added to the soil. Finally, a large oak fire was built, and when it rendered a large pile of ashes, the ashes were spread to add potassium to the soil. In March, it was time to break ground. No tractor would touch this soil. Only the sweat of the farmer mixed with that of the mule could put the last touch on this sacred spot. It was a ritual. I suppose like being Kosher to a Jewish person. As early as 1940, my grandfather only kept two mules. Rigger was almost solid white and Ethiope was almost solid black. Both were male, but if you don’t believe those two had a friendship bond, I am told, you should have seen them. My grandfather always worked them together, in team. Rigger worked right side, a righty, and Ethiope worked the left, a lefty. At the end of a hard day, when unharnessed, they still stayed side by side, choosing to share the same stall and eating from the same food trough.


It was about a half-mile from the barn to the high garden spot down a seldom traveled gravel road. Unfortunately, a fruit vendor making his way north from New Orleans approached my grandfather and the two mules from the rear. The old panel truck he was driving had canvas sides and they flapped in the wind. It spooked Ethiope. Ethiope turned sharply into the path of the truck and was hit, causing serious, painful and terminal injury. My grandfather loved his animals and knew Ethiope had to be put down. He removed the harness as if he were removing the crown from a queen’s head. He then went to the farm wagon where there was water, removed his shirt, dipped it in the water, and bathed the mule's head while he sent word to call the sheriff. Again, mules were held in high esteem. You could shoot a horse, shoot a hog, or kill a cow, but the law required the sheriff or his representative to be present to put down a mule. While the sheriff was en route, my grandfather led Rigger to another field, as if to spare him the sound of the pistol and the grief my grandfather had no doubt he felt. 17

When it was over, there was no other choice. The tractor had been loaned out that day and Ethiope’s body had to be removed from the road. A harness was built and Rigger was retrieved to escort his lifelong friend’s body to a remote corner of the pasture. Rigger would stop and look back after each few steps. It was a procession. The entire farm family, the fruit vendor, and Rigger as the head pall bearer, in solemn order, made their way to Ethiope’s final resting place. Each day, when work was done and Rigger was unharnessed, he would gallop to the spot where Ethiope’s body was returning to the soil. It has been told that he would stand perfectly still for several minutes and then walk away. It was as if he were saying, “Ethiope, it was tough without you, but I made it another day.”

My grandfather replaced Ethiope with a brown mule. Not only was there no chemistry between the two animals, Rigger held deep resentment. No one could take Ethiope’s place, at least not yet. He would kick and bite the new mule and refused to harness with him. That year, Rigger worked alone. It was Christmas Eve, and I think that was just coincidental, but Jarvis Bowman, a neighboring farmer, came to my grandfather’s house leading a black mule.

a rapport with Drummer much as he had with Ethiope. Two years later, my grandfather went “tractor.” The two mules could live out their lives in animal luxury. They never again pulled another plow. Many of the tools that Rigger and Ethiope used to pull remained in the barnyard twenty-five years later. I played on them as a kid. I think my grandfather kept them there to remind him of the special bond between man and beast before “tractor.”

“Mr. Hezzie, come January, I have decided to go tractor. Maybe old Drummer here can take Ethiope’s place. He is a lefty too.” No one in the family had a better Christmas than Rigger. He developed

John S. Case October 2019

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The City of Slidell’s

Concert Series in Heritage Park

October 6

Ronnie Kole

with John Perkins & Bobby Ohler

October 13 An Evening with the

Northshore Community Orchestra

October 27 Halloween Bash with

Vince Vance and the Valiants

Sundays • 5-7 pm • Heritage Park • Free Admission The City of Slidell’s Bayou Jam Concert Series is made possible by the Commission on the Arts and the city’s 2019 Cultural Season Sponsors: Renaissance • $5,000 Sponsors: Sophisticated Woman Magazine

Baroque • $2,500 Sponsors: Acadian Ambulance • C. Ray Murry, Attorney At Law Jazz on the Bayou/Ronnie Kole Foundation • Silver Slipper Casino

Neoclassical • $1,000 Sponsors: Councilman Bill & Laura Borchert • Lori’s Art Depot/Lori Gomez Art Lowry-Dunham, Case & Vivien Insurance Agency • Purple Armadillo Again

Impressionism • $500 Sponsors: Chateau Bleu • CiCi’s Pizza • Slidell Mayor Greg Cromer • Flatliners Entertainment Old School Eats Food Truck • Olde Towne Slidell Print Shop • Pontchartrain Investment Management Roberta’s Cleaners • Semplice’s Pizza • Sirocco Coffee Company • Slidell Historic Antique Association Terry Lynn’s Café & Catering • Weston Three 19 • Tanya Witchen - Engel & Völkers Real Estate

Supported by a grant from the Louisiana Division of the Arts as administered by the St. Tammany Commission on Cultural Affairs.


PREMONITION OR PREPARATION By Rev. Tracy L. MacKenzie Lead Pastor, Aldersgate United Methodist Church

It was never my privilege to know Russ Keene…and, in truth, all that I can say now is that I know a little about him. Leo Russell Keene III, “Russ,” was killed in the south tower of the World Trade Center in New York City on the day that we have come to know as “9-11.” This what I know about Russ’ last day: Russ was employed as a financial analyst at Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, a firm on the 89th floor of the south tower. He called his wife, Kristen, and his two-year-old daughter, Mayzalle, from his office immediately after the first plane struck the north tower. He told his wife that they were beginning to evacuate the building. Shortly, thereafter, the second plane hit the south tower. He and several co-workers were in an elevator at the time. The elevator went into a “freefall” and got stuck right above the first floor. Using his laptop as a flashlight, Russ found a narrow crack in the elevator. Try as they might, they were only able to partially open the elevator. The opening was so small that only two petite women, Russ’ coworkers, were able to escape the elevator. As they made it to safety, Russ told the two women, “I hope that I have not offended God in any way while I have been here on earth. But, if I have, I hope He forgives me.”

Some might say, after reading a letter like that, that Russ had a “premonition” or a “foretelling” of his own untimely death. I do not think so. I believe that one of the lessons that we can all learn from Russ Keene’s death is that he was prepared to die. His life was in order, his “business” was “taken care of” and he lived each day of his life, ready…for whatever may come…whatever that was…and, probably the last words that he uttered were a simple prayer of confession to God: “I hope that I have not offended God in any way while I have been here on earth. But, if I have, I hope He forgives me.” A few weeks later, I officiated at Russ’ memorial service at Henning Memorial UMC. In the funeral liturgy for our church, there is a prayer where we say, “Give to us now your grace, that as we shrink before the mystery of death, we may see the light of eternity. Speak to us once more your solemn message of life and of death. Help us to live as those who are prepared to die. And, when our days here are accomplished, enable us to die as those who go forth to live, so that living or dying, our life may be in you, and that nothing in life or death will be able to separate us from your great love in Christ Jesus. Amen.” Thank you, Russ Keene, for the vision with which you held the light of eternity. May it be so with all of our lives. Blessings,

Rev. Tracy L. MacKenzie

Before the firefighters could come back to help Russ and the others, the whole building collapsed. I, like many of you, remember all too clearly the events of “9-11.” Throughout that day, as I sat paralyzed in front of the television, I was getting reports and updates on persons from our community who were in NYC and in proximity to the World Trade Center that day. About mid-afternoon, I received the call from one of our church members that there was a Russ Keene who was among those missing. It was her daughter-in-law’s brother. Russ and his family had grown up in the church that I was serving. We soon knew that Russ had never made it out of the elevator. In the wake of his death, his wife Kristen found a letter. In it, Russ told of a “feeling” that he had that he might die young and unexpectedly. He wanted her and the family to know that he was going to be alright. He needed them to know that he loved them and that his life, while cut short, had value. He gave details about things that he knew she would need to take care of. And, he professed a faith in God and Jesus as His Savior.




By Mike Rich, CFP® Pontchartrain Investment Management

RECESSION? WHAT RECESSION? and we’re likely to have one, but I don’t know when it will happen, or how serious it might be. Nor do I know how long it might last, or what might happen to the financial markets.

Mary and I travelled in August to Allentown, Pennsylvania, where my brother Tommy lives, to attend my nephew’s wedding during the Labor Day weekend. Suzie, my sister, was there, too, so it was something of a family reunion for us. Plus, it was a nice break for Mary and me from the oven-like heat we had been having. Coincidentally, Jordan, my nephew, was stationed at Keesler Air Force Base as a meteorologist until just recently. Unfortunately, he and his new wife have now been exiled to Hawaii, where they will spend the next three years. The poor things.

our conversations over the weekend, Suzie asked me if she should be concerned about a recession in our economy. It’s a great question, and I’m hearing it more and more from clients, friends, and my Slidell Magazine readers.

My sister and her husband, John, live in Chicago. I took this picture of them at Jordan’s rehearsal dinner. During one of

My answer to Suzie and everyone else has been pretty much the same: recessions are a normal part of the business cycle

On the other hand, whether Suzie and John should be concerned about a recession is an entirely different matter. Knowing what I do about their financial life and how they have spent their married years saving, investing, and protecting their money, and having a plan in place that matches their financial goals and time horizon, my guess is that they have little to fear. So, my advice to Suzie was that she and John stay the course and, when a recession does rear its ugly head, not panic. That’s probably good





Securities and advisory services offered through LPL Financial, a registered investment advisor, member FINRA/SIPC.

advice for most people, assuming they have a plan in place. When I started in this business more than 11 years ago, I naively thought that my clients had every right to expect me to know what was going to happen in the future regarding the economy, the financial markets, and their money. It didn’t take me long, however, to learn that that was not the case for most people. My clients are smart enough to know that no one can predict the future. Instead, what they really wanted – after we talked about it for a bit – was someone who could help them figure out how to make the most of their money, put a plan in place, keep them from panicking and making mistakes with their money, and figure out a way to turn their hard-earned money into an income stream for retirement. I also learned early on that there are things we can control and things we can’t when it comes to dealing with our money. For example, we can’t control the economy, world affairs, the timing of recessions, the breathtakingly stupid

antics of some of our elected officials, and a host of others. However, we are in complete control of our reactions to these things, how we manage our personal finances, and how we plan for the future. I’m not saying that, by doing the following, you’ll be recessionproof, but they might go a long way to helping you sleep better at night when the next financial crisis du jour comes. Consider the following common sense financial moves: 1. Make sure you have emergency money.

Other than procrastination, few things are more devastating to a long-term financial plan than to be forced to stop it or raid your retirement fund to pay for a short-term emergency. Just a few hundred dollars in an envelope in your desk drawer might be enough to take the edge off an emergency. 2. Save more, spend less.

Need I say more?

3. Protect what you have.

Life and disability insurance are musthaves for most families. A strategy for paying for long term care is important for your retirement years. There are lots of ways to deal with this. Talk with me to learn what might work for you. I’ve been writing these articles for more than ten years, and my guess is that a lot of readers have said to themselves, “You know, this guy makes sense, and I need to call him.” My guess, too, is that some readers have been saying this for all of the ten years that I’ve been writing. If you are one of them, it’s time to act. I’d call you myself, if I knew who you are, but I don’t, so help me out here. Pick up the phone and call me for a complimentary appointment. Mike Rich, CFP®, Pontchartrain Investment Management, 2065 1st Street, Slidell, LA 70458 985-605-5066 Securities and Advisory Services offered through LPL Financial, a Registered Investment Advisor, Member FINRA/SIPC. The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual.

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IT'S ALMOST HERE!! The Slidell Food & Fun Fest and Craft Fair, also known as the St. Margaret Mary Fair, is celebrating 51 years of music, food, games and rides this October 18-20, 2019.

Growing bigger every year, the Slidell Food & Fun Fest and Craft Fair boasts an average attendance of 35,000 guests, drawing visitors from across Louisiana and Mississippi. In addition to the numerous outdoor activities, there is also a Craft Fair in the air-conditioned gym. There are dozens of unique craft vendors, many returning from previous years, featuring a wide array of crafts.

A festival-goer favorite for decades is the famous cake walk, where people of all ages attempt to win a homemade cake to take home. In addition, the fair now holds a popular cake decorating contest; these cakes can be won during the weekend. While waiting for your turn at the cake walk, you can purchase sweets at the delicious sweets booth, with every treat imaginable!

Proceeds from the fair are used for improvements to the church and school, such as building maintenance, sports equipment, technology and more. The first fair was held in November 1968, run by the Ladies’ Altar Society. Despite freezing weather, the fair was a success, netting $3,000, which was used to purchase a tabernacle for the altar.

51st Annual Slidell Food & Fun Fest and Craft Fair

Since 1971, the fair has been held on the third weekend in October. By 1978, the fair was bringing in $35,000 in revenue and had become a Slidell staple. The fair revenue helped to build new classrooms for the expanding school.

Rob says, "I want this fair to be the premier event in the city. I want people to get the best entertainment value for their dollar. It’s free admission and the music entertainment is free, so that makes it affordable for the whole family.” Rob notes that there is something for everyone. While the kids are enjoying the adventures outside, the Craft Fair in the gym offers great shopping and an air-conditioned respite for the grown-ups. “The food is delicious too!” The fair offerings are REAL food like Crawfish Pasta, Alligator Sausage, Steak Bowls, Fried Shrimp, Fried Catfish, and more. The junior high and high school youth groups will have an area set aside with age appropriate games for children 6 and under, called “Toddler Town”. This will be a nice area away from the main stage, and tons of games that are specifically for 1st graders and younger. The Slidell Food & Fun Fest and Craft Fair is a family-friendly festival, which strives to give the visitor a safe and fun experience. In order to do that properly, there is a specific admission policy: • Admission Bands will be required for visitors that wish to go onto the Ride Midway. Admission Bands are not required for the food, entertainment, Craft, and Toddler Town areas. • Admission Bands will be $5.00, cash only, UNLESS supervising children in possession of a full sheet of tickets and/or Session/ Mega Bands and/or CURRENT year fair t-shirts. • Admission Bands can be picked up/purchased at the tents located at the two Ride Midway entrances, and sales will begin one hour prior to the midway opening. • Visitors who purchase a full sheet of tickets, Session Band, Mega Band or CURRENT fair t-shirt will be issued an Admission Band AT NO CHARGE. • The adult Parents/Guardians supervising children in possession of a full sheet of tickets and/or Session/Mega Bands and/or CURRENT fair t-shirt WILL NOT BE CHARGED for Admission Bands.

FRI OCT 18 5-11pm SAT OCT 19 11am-11pm SUN OCT 20 Noon-9pm


The fair is known for its amazing rides and this year promises to be no different! The fair committee is led by Rob Bywater, Fair Director, and is comprised of parents and parishioners who know well the benefits that the Fair brings to the school and church, as well as all of the children in the area. The festival rides are a source of pride for the committee because of their safety, cleanliness, and uniqueness. Some of the rides you'll find at the Food & Fun Fest are the biggest in the country!


5pm .... FAIR OPENS!!!! Craft Fair .... 6-10pm MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT Mixed Nuts .... 7:30-10:30pm Craft Fair .... 11am-10pm SMM Band, Cheer & School performances ....11am-Noon MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT Rock the Flock .... 12:45-1:45pm One Horse Town .... 3-6pm NOLA Rouge .... 7:30-10:30pm


In 1980, in order to increase interest, a food fest was added. The Fair was renamed The Slidell Food and Fun Fest and netted $50,000, the greatest increase being from the food. With the building proceeds, St. Margaret Mary was able to pay for the completion of the gym. Not only does the fair bring priceless memories to thousands each year, but we also get to see the results every time we pass the beautiful 14 acre campus on Robert Boulevard!

Craft Fair..... Noon-9pm SMM Choir, Dance Team, & Student performances ...12–1pm MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT Swingaroux .... 2:30-4:30pm Witness .... 6-9pm

RIDE MEGA BANDS (rides for all 3 days)

$65 in advance, $80 at the fair

RIDE SESSION BANDS (good for any one session)

$30 in advance PRICES AT FAIR:

FRI 5-11pm $35 SAT 12-5pm $35 SAT 5pm-11pm $40 SUN 12-5pm $35 SUN 5pm-9pm $30 Advanced Ride Band Sales at until Thursday, 10/17 at midnight


2019 Women Build Sponsor

The 2019 Women Build Story by Kendra Maness, Editor/Publisher Photos by Paul Wood Photography

The 2019 Women Build taking place September 28 - October 11, 2019 will be the largest EVER for East St. Tammany Habitat for Humanity, thanks to the generosity of dozens of donors, the Women Build sponsor, RCI, and the hard work of the “Rosies.” The Rosie program is led by EST Habitat’s Women Build coordinator, Slidell Magazine Editor & Publisher, Kendra Maness. Each year, she selects “Women of Distinction” that represent female leadership in East St. Tammany Parish. Each of these Women of Distinction will lead a team on a build project at a Habitat homesite for a day. The all-female crews are named “Rosies” after the iconic World War II image of female empowerment in the work force, Rosie the Riveter. This year, the Rosies will have nine teams, comprised of 9-14 women each, with each crew working one full day. Being a Rosie requires more than just posing for the amazing photo (donated by Paul Wood Photography). All Rosies must raise $500 each in sponsorships, and donate their time and sweat to build a


Kendra Maness Coordinator EST Habitat for Humanity Women Build

Rene Arcemont Executive Director EST Habitat For Humanity

decent, stable home for a Slidell family. But, this unique and elite sisterhood builds more than a home! The women build bonds and friendships through their charity work that will last forever! East St. Tammany Habitat for Humanity is proud to introduce the 2019 Women of Distinction: Senator Sharon Hewitt Deanna Reine Dania Fandal Councilwoman Leslie Denham Parish President Pat Brister Clerk of Court Melissa Henry Representative Mary DuBuisson Shannon Lipps Peggy Cromer Women Build was created by Habitat International to promote and help women learn the skill sets needed for repairs and projects in their own homes. Working together and under the guidance of the awesome Habitat staff, Construction Director Rock Lastrapes and Site Supervisor, Preston Williams, the Rosies will build on a home located on Terrace Avenue in Slidell.

Kentrell Jones Asst. Director EST Habitat For Humanity

Dawn Rivera Social Media Guru Rosie Committee Member

Habitat for Humanity Habitat for Humanity’s vision is a world where everyone has a decent place to live. Their mission is to put God’s love into action by bringing people together to build homes, communities and hope. Decent, stable housing provides more than just a roof over someone’s head. It provides stability for families and children. It provides a sense of dignity and pride. It offers the opportunity for better health, physical safety and security. Statistically, children raised in a stable home environment have higher educations and better job prospects. Habitat for Humanity believes that increasing the housing supply across the globe is essential if we are to succeed in the fight against poverty. Habitat has more than 1,400 local affiliates in the US. They have helped 6.8 million people improve their living conditions since their founding in 1976. Habitat helps by building or renovating simple, decent houses in partnership with those in need.

Julie Wood Rosie Photo Guru Rosie Committee Member

Paul Wood Rosie Photo Guru

Remarkable Rosies

Rowdy Rosies

WOMAN OF DISTINCTION Senator Sharon Hewitt Build Date October 7, 2019

WOMAN OF DISTINCTION Deanna Reine Build Date October 1, 2019

SPONSORED BY Senator Sharon Hewitt

Jill Bergeron SPONSORED BY Senator Sharon Hewitt

Margaret Varnado SPONSORED BY Global Project Mgmt

Barbara Doyle SPONSORED BY Mike Cooper Waste 365

Jessica Karr SPONSORED BY Jessica Karr, Attorney at Law

Laura Borchert SPONSORED BY Bill Borchert, Councilmanat-Large, Borchert Law, PLC, R&R Powersports

Jess Steelman SPONSORED BY Gulf Coast Bank, Sabadie & Badeaux Financial Group

Heather Case SPONSORED BY Heather Case

Kelly Lutman SPONSORED BY Pursue Wellness Eagles Wing Consulting

Sue Prude SPONSORED BY Pontchartrain Investment Mgmt

Lonnie Favre SPONSORED BY Lakeshore Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram - Kia


Three Divas & a Sugar Daddy

Amanda Rizk SPONSORED BY Three Divas & a Sugardaddy

Susan Williams SPONSORED BY

Julie Teal SPONSORED BY Professional Drywall, Economical Paper & Janitorial Supplies

Nikki Calamari SPONSORED BY Calamari Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc

Rayme Pullen SPONSORED BY Compass Group Wellness Physical Therapy

Monique Culpepper SPONSORED BY SMH/Ochsner

Ashlie Piediscalzo SPONSORED BY Ashlie Piediscalzo, Family & Friends

Deanna Lamz SPONSORED BY Lamz Law Firm LLC

Renee LeBeau Warren SPONSORED BY The Gibson Group Century 21, Sadie Jane, Renele Beau Holdings, Roy & Charmaine Lissarrague

Great Escape Fisheries, Family Drug Mart - Slidell, Caretta’s, Olde Towne Pizza Company

Kim Holden Taylor Frisard Theresa Risley Schultz SPONSORED BY SPONSORED BY SPONSORED BY Shirley & Tommy Holden, Diamond L Royal Golf Club, Fat Burn To Fit, Benson Contractors, Hit the Baldwin Family, Dermatology, Molly Northshore Dermatology, Road Entertainment, Hotard, Justin Goutierrez, Friends & Family Andy & Sherrie Frisard Lorie Hollis, Amelia Cannon 27

Riveting Rosies SPONSORED BY

Randy Fandal, Slidell Chief of Police

Gwen Schmid SPONSORED BY Family & Friends


Sandy Perrien SPONSORED BY In & Out Shipping, Family & Friends

WOMAN OF DISTINCTION Dania Fandal Build Date October 8 & 9, 2019

Marianne White SPONSORED BY Family & Friends

Carrie Calvin, CPA SPONSORED BY Bourgeois Bennett, LLC Rotary Club of Slidell Northshore

Ellen Judlin SPONSORED BY Fidelity Bank

Debbie Armstrong SPONSORED BY Gilsbar, LLC

Nichole Zoller SPONSORED BY Family & Friends

Wendy Howard Hodgson SPONSORED BY Karla Unbehagen, CSC Service Works

Hope Arriaza SPONSORED BY My Salon Thairapy, Lakeshore Contractors, Family & Friends

Miranda Parker SPONSORED BY Resolutions LLC, Home Instead Senior Care, Family & Friends

Rachel Seuzeneau SPONSORED BY Dr. Craig Brandner

Heather Alongi SPONSORED BY Family & Friends

Kelly Burdett SPONSORED BY SMH/Ochsner

Karen Bernhardt SPONSORED BY St Tammany Outreach for the Prevention of Suicide Inc

Shannon Christian SPONSORED BY The Hite Law Group, Waste 365

Lisa Frazier SPONSORED BY Allegiance Title & Land Services, LLC, Dr. Marty & Pam Houser

Amy Thomas SPONSORED BY Front Street Barber, The Blow Dry Bar of Slidell

Traci Plaisance SPONSORED BY Margaret Diaz, Fred Devlin, JD Trucking, True Value Pearl River

Betsy Merrick SPONSORED BY Goldwater Bank, Team Geaux Realty, Freddie Johnson Allstate Insurance

Theresa Simon SPONSORED BY DB&C Advisors LLC, Gloria & Jesse Simon, Shelton Simon, Sheryl & Donald Michelli

Jenn Drennan SPONSORED BY Deric & Amber Drennan, Shaleen & John Lee, Margaret Diaz, Family & Friends

Sponsored by

Slidell Adult Day Health Care, Bar Chicz, Catholic Daughters of Americas #2736

Robin Marquez SPONSORED BY

Sabadie & Badeaux Financial Group, Amanda Trosclair, Edwin Generes, Keri Guttierrez, Friends

Resourceful Rosies

Relentless Rosies

WOMAN OF DISTINCTION Councilwoman Leslie Denham Build Date October 5, 2019

WOMAN OF DISTINCTION Parish President Pat Brister Build Date October 10, 2019

Carolyn Baringer SPONSORED BY

perspecta, Stacy Ladnier, in Memory of Kaci Garrett

Yolanda Paz SPONSORED BY Family & Friends

Angela White-Bazile Thomasina Dunham Michelle Cramer SPONSORED BY SPONSORED BY SPONSORED BY Faith Institute, Gulf States Marble Crescendo Automation, Dr. Angela White-Bazile, Esq. Covenant Home Health, Clarkes Design, Trinity Consulting LA, Olde Towne Pizza Co. Divine Connections

Sam Arcemont SPONSORED BY Family & Friends

Lesley Beard SPONSORED BY Family & Friends

Mary Clement SPONSORED BY The Who Dat Shoppe, Roberta Cleaners

Keseana Smith SPONSORED BY Melissa Smith, Floor Works, Garden Spot

Rosemary Clement SPONSORED BY Boat Stuf, Patriot Title, Linda Larkin

SPONSORED BY Parish President Pat Brister

Joyce Snyder-Donohue SPONSORED BY Home Instead Senior Care

Julia Thomas SPONSORED BY JT Services, LLC, CompuDoc, LLC, Dr. Safeer Ahmad and family

Mary Byrd SPONSORED BY Firemen’s Federal Credit Union

Sharron Newton SPONSORED BY Bill & Sharron Newton Rotary Club Slidell Northshore

Stefanie Autin SPONSORED BY Textron Systems

Leslie Long SPONSORED BY Parish President Pat Brister

Kelly Rabalais SPONSORED BY Parish President Pat Brister

Anne Pablovich SPONSORED BY Parish President Pat Brister


SPONSORED BY Melissa Henry

Ashleigh Garner SPONSORED BY Clear Process Engineering, LLC

Radiant Rosies

Rockin’ Rosies

WOMAN OF DISTINCTION Clerk of Court Melissa Henry Build Date September 28, 2019

WOMAN OF DISTINCTION Representative Mary DuBuisson Build Date October 3, 2019

Wensel Conroy SPONSORED BY The Conroy Law Firm

Madeline Clement-Brown SPONSORED BY Clement Consulting Group

Lindsay Decker SPONSORED BY Family & Friends


Charmaine Marquez SPONSORED BY Revolution Data Systems

Shelta Richardson SPONSORED BY The Academy of Early Learning

Ashleigh D’Addezio SPONSORED BY Bayou Web Designs+ Rick Weems Live Confident Karate, The Venue, Bloom Photography, James & B Bridal Outlet

Amber Pinion SPONSORED BY Family & Friends

Misty Brown SPONSORED BY The Academy of Early Learning, My Little Sprouts Preschool

Cindy Gioe SPONSORED BY Tyler Construction LLC


Katie Case SPONSORED BY Lowry, Dunham, Case & Vivien, Roger & Renie Clark, Friends

Michele Tierney SPONSORED BY The Wine Garden

Sheree Coltora SPONSORED BY Sheriff Greg Champagne

Erica Williams SPONSORED BY The Blow Dry Bar of Slidell

Gwendolyn Clement SPONSORED BY Terrill Talamo, RG Jewelers

Karen Case SPONSORED BY Lowry, Dunham, Case & Vivien, Old School Eats Foodtruck, John & Linda Sitzman

Jonna Turner SPONSORED BY Green Oaks Apothecary, Restaurant Cote’, Amy Wiggins, Friends, Victoria Langlinais

Stacey Boerner SPONSORED BY Ron Davis, Family & Friends

Kathy Lowrey


Friends of the Harbor Center

Jennifer Jennings SPONSORED BY Parents Againts Bullying St. Tammany, Sheree Coltora, Family & Friends


Rip-Roaring Rosies


WOMAN OF DISTINCTION Shannon Lipps Build Date October 4, 2019

Morgan Lipps

Samantha Betancourt

April Corey

Christy Casanova

Jodi Rotolo

Debbie Rotolo

Laura Rotolo

Courtney Hammontree

The RCI Rosies thank their Team Sponsors: Simon Parkin – Cypress Golf Course Services, Wilburn Goff, Ewing, The Keeling Company, The Maple Room/Restaurant Cote, The Dock, Jeff Phillips, Family & Friends

WOMAN OF DISTINCTION Peggy Cromer Build Date October 2, 2019

Niki Cromer

Lisa Noto

Pam Ricca

Carol Giardina

Renee Shives

Lin Jackson

Brenda Case

Deborah Roberts

Mary Swann

Melissa Martinez

The Rip-Roaring Rosies thank their Team Sponsors: Paul Bracelona, Lowry-Dunham, Case & Vivien Insurance, EndoCenter, LLC - Gastro Group AMC, Chris Jean, Covenant Home Health, Kevin Schneider, Michael Lamb, Rae & Mamal Motahari, Slidell Mayor Greg Cromer, Councilwoman Cindi King, Coastal Environmental Services, Oak Cove Realty



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“Your Estate Matters” By Ronda M. Gabb, NP, JD, RFC


A ROSE BY ANY OTHER NAME… As Shakespeare said, “What’s in a name?” Well, where the law is concerned…a lot! Since the USA PATRIOT Act was passed back in 2001 (because of the 9/11 hijackings), it has been more important than ever to have our legal names be consistent. So many people go by nicknames, middles names, or derivatives of their legal names, and it isn’t usually a problem…until it is. Men are the biggest culprits. Why? Because most of the time it is men who are Juniors (Jr.) and Thirds (III) and Fourths (IV) and so on (although I have seen my fair share of women who are indeed named “Jr.”). News flash gentlemen, under the law: when your father dies, you don’t “legally” drop the Junior. Junior is almost always on your birth certificate, passport, and driver’s license. Look at it this way, if you are a Junior and you have a son who is a Third, when Senior dies, and Junior “drops” Jr. from his name, then shouldn’t the Third step up and become Junior now? Does everyone now move up the chain? Maybe for genealogists, but not under the law. We did a Succession a few years ago and had to A/K/A (also known as) the Succession pleading heading with “John Doe, V, VI, and VII” because this gentleman used every variation of his name when buying property during his very long lifetime. Another misconception: “Senior” is not a legal part of your name. You were not born a Senior (unless your parents named you Senior because they knew you would have a son and name him Junior, just kidding). Senior is not on your birth certificate, like Junior is. Gentlemen often add “Sr.” on their names when they have a son named “Jr.”, and so it begins. In order to stop this madness, just keep the name and suffix you are given at birth. So now let’s put this into motion…legal John Doe Jr. (on his identification) is named on his wife’s Power of Attorney (POA) simply as “John Doe”. John goes to Bank to use his wife’s POA and Bank asks for John’s identification and it clearly states “John Doe Jr.” yet the paperwork says “John Doe”. How does Bank know that this isn’t a son trying to “pose” as his dad? Under the true Patriot Act, the Bank has a legal duty to inquire further and possibly not pass the transaction. This should hold true for title attorneys, OMV (Office of Motor Vehicles), and any other legal depository or institution. Using nicknames and middle names have the same problems. A nickname will almost never be on legal

identification. (Although I have seen some in my career but usually only for the very elderly as many years ago this did happen.) We often see both first and middle names on identification, which does help. But again, the Patriot Act could cause the institution to deny access if the name on the account and the legal identification don’t match. We sometimes see this problem arise when someone dies and their death certificate (which should have the full legal name) shows a different name than the name they used to obtain the life insurance policy. This could cause a substantial delay in paying out the death benefit until the insurance company is certain that their insured is indeed the decedent. Here is a little Legal LAW-niappe (La. R.S. 9:292): at ANY time (without needing court approval) a woman may go back to her maiden name, any prior married name, present married name, or any combination thereof. Moral of the story: while you are alive and competent, make sure all of the titles on your assets match your legal name on your identification. Or minimally, have a Notary Public draft a “One and the Same” (A/K/A) Affidavit to tie the names together, which will help you during life and make it easier for your loved ones when you are gone.

See other articles and issues of interest!

40 Louis Prima Drive, Covington, LA Ronda M. Gabb is a Board Certified Estate Planning and Administration Specialist certified by the Louisiana Board of Legal Specialization. She is a member of the American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys, National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys and the Governor’s Elder Law Task Force. Ronda grew up in New Orleans East and first moved to Slidell in 1988, and now resides in Clipper Estates.

40 Louis Prima Drive (off Hwy 190, behind Copeland’s) • Covington, Louisiana • (985) 892-0942 •


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Fontainebleau State Park Story and photos by Donna Bush

Back in August, I decided to write about the beautiful Fontainebleau State Park located on the banks of Lake Pontchartrain in Mandeville, about a 25 minute drive from Slidell. It is a popular destination for locals and travelers. For weeks, I attempted to take sunset photos of the park. My first visit was mostly gray skies, which was great for photographing the remains of the sugar mill, but not good for a stunning sunset. Other evenings, as I loaded my camera gear, pouring rain would start, dashing all hopes of a sunset. Finally, after spending the day in Covington teaching kitten yoga (yes, it's a real thing), I headed to the park. I drove around taking shots of other scenic locations as I waited for the sun to sink on the horizon. I love the oak alley area with numerous six-hundred-year-old oak trees draped with Spanish moss. Of course, the single twisted oak still standing after a lightning strike sports character like no other! I wasn’t the only one after photos that day. An expectant mother and her family were being photographed, along 36

with a couple shooting wedding photos. Proud to only get a few mosquito bites, I returned home after sunset with 3 or 4 shots that I liked. The park has much more than sunset photos and oak trees! The scenic beauty offers many desirable locations for photo shoots – engagement photos, wedding photos, prom and more. With 2800 acres inside the park border, activities abound. Camping, hiking, biking, kayaking, sunbathing, swimming, fishing, birding and picnicking are just a few choices. There is a camping style for everyone. Whether you are driving a big RV or looking to set up a tent, they have a site for you. Campground amenities include BBQ grills, fire rings, firewood, campsite tables, drinking water, bath houses and laundry facilities. A covered pavilion is available for rent. There are plenty of shaded picnic tables and large open areas for children, and adults, to play. Playgrounds and a splash park make this location a big hit with the kids.

If you are looking for more of a “glamping” experience, check out the Fontainebleau State Park Lodge. This historic log cabin offers 3 bedrooms and can easily sleep 10 people between the 6 bunk beds and 2 queen beds. Constructed sometime in the mid-1930’s by the Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC), the lodge features a vaulted ceiling with a huge stone fireplace, completely furnished kitchen, loads of room outside for the kids to play and a fire ring for making nighttime s’mores while you soak in the night sky. Looking for something a bit smaller than the lodge? Check out their deluxe cabins built out over Lake Pontchartrain with their own sandy beach. Each cabin sleeps 8 between two bedrooms and a fold-out sofa. There is a fully stocked kitchen. Each cabin has a large porch overlooking the Lake, some screened and some open. There is also a platform where you can fish or crab, launch a kayak or jump in for a swim. You don’t have to rent a cabin or book a

campsite to enjoy a swim, kayak or play at the beach. Just venture down to the day use area where you will find a public fishing pier, small fishing pond, a beautiful white, sandy beach with lots of room to spread out your beach chair and umbrella. Launch your kayak and paddle around the Lake. Other nearby paddling choices include Cane Bayou and Bayou Castine. This swimming area is shallow, offering a great place for kids. Don’t forget to build a sandcastle! The area also offers two public pavilions providing shade while you enjoy your picnic. Wide-open spaces promise plenty of room for games and playtime. Want to go for a hike? The St. Tammany Trace is always an option, but the Park offers an approximate 5-mile trail that will take you to Cane Bayou and a 1-1/4 mile nature trail. Be sure to bring your binoculars! With over 400 different species of birds frequenting this amazing ecosystem, you will not want to miss seeing your favorites. For a guided hike, join the local Interpretive Ranger from 10-11:30 Tuesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Learn about the history of the park, day-to-day life on the plantation, the plants and animals that reside in the park, natural features of the park and birdwatching.

Bring a bike! Besides biking inside the park, the St. Tammany Trace passes through and offers longer distance options of pedaling east to Lacombe or Slidell, or west to Mandeville, Abita Springs or Covington. Don’t despair if you are bike-less or without a kayak! Plenty of places nearby rent both! If you’re not up for hiking, biking or paddling, stop by the Visitor’s Center for an afternoon talk by the Interpretive Ranger, Fridays and Saturdays from 1-2pm. Learn about the Park’s history and environment. Check out the displays of artifacts and memorabilia about Fontainebleau and the area. Tuesdays and Sundays from 1-3pm offer a real treat – primitive woodworking. Knowledgeable volunteers demonstrate the use of a shaving horse, froe, draw knife, handsaw and a pocket-knife to make useful wooden objects such as spoons, paddles, tool handles, hiking sticks and slingshot forks. I sat in on this and found it very educational and fun! Richard Scott, former Fontainebleau State Park Interpretive Ranger, makes flutes, among other items. The Cherokee flute, used for romancing, has a beautiful tone. The Choctaw flutes were used for chanting and have less notation. It’s easy to hear the difference.

One of the volunteers, Tom, lived with and learned skills from local Bayou Lacombe Choctaw since he was 16 years old. They taught him to harvest his own native river cane, weave baskets with it, and live off the land in their traditional ways. Now he shares and teaches these skills to others following the same customs. Virginia, who is Mowa Choctaw, is one of his students. She and her sister have the desire to learn their Native traditions in order to share with their children and others. Several microscopes are set up to view interesting items found within the grounds. It might be a feather or wildlife scat or anything else you discover and want to explore further. Fontainebleau State Park started its life as a 19th century sugar plantation owned by Bernard De Marigny de Mandeville. The great-grandson of one of New Orleans’ founders was the sole heir to his father’s Marigny Plantation located outside the French Quarter, south of the city on the Mississippi River. In the early 1800’s, business in New Orleans was expanding. Marigny had the foresight to subdivide his father’s plantation into residential lots, offering them for sale with 15-year financing at 8%.


From there, he parlayed the income into purchasing land on the north shore of Lake Pontchartrain west of Bayou Castine in the late 1820’s. His plan was to build a resort town that would appeal to the New Orleans wealthy desiring to escape the summer heat and diseases. This resort town was named Mandeville. He had a vision and a town plan that incorporated governing and operating guidelines, along with street layouts, markets, churches and wharfs. Lot sizes were set at 60 x 90 feet and advertised in New Orleans’ newspapers. He even offered steamship service from New Orleans to his resort town for those interested in purchasing a lot. The town was a big hit and a highly successful business proposition. Influences from his design can still be seen today. During June of 1829, Marigny purchased the 4000+ acre Bonnabel Plantation and fashioned it into Fontainebleau Plantation, named for the French king’s beautiful forests outside of Paris. His purchase came with cattle, a corn mill and a rustic residence to which he added a brick kiln, sugar mill, blacksmith’s shop, sawmill and infirmary. He even dug a canal to connect his industrial buildings to the Lake for transport of products to and from New Orleans. This may well have been the first


St. Tammany Parish Industrial Park! The Panic of 1837 was not good for Marigny and, in 1852, the bank compelled him to sell Fontainebleau. Marigny had quite the reputation as a gambler and partier. Legend has it that he fought 19 duels under the oak trees in City Park. He is credited with bringing craps (the dice game) to the U.S. He died at the age of 83 after slipping and hitting his head on a cobblestone while out for his evening stroll. The only structure from Marigny’s time that is easily visible now is what remains of the sugar mill. If you look closely, you may see some brick fragments under the grass around the oak alley. Different from most plantations, the alley of beautiful oak trees did not lead to a large plantation home. Instead, these magnificent oaks shaded the homes of the slaves. Many of the oaks were already there, but additional ones were planted by Marigny to provide plenty of shade. Marigny lived in the original small rustic residence that came with the property, which was located near today’s brick bath houses in the day use area. Fontainebleau State Park dates back to the beginning of the state park movement in Louisiana. In September of 1937, 5800

acres were purchased from the Great Southern Lumber Company. A portion was set aside to become the state park while other portions were destined for reforestation and a wildlife preserve. Originally opened as Tchefuncte State Park in 1938, it was renamed in the early 1940’s. The Park’s infrastructure and original buildings were constructed by the CCC from 1938-1942. It is bordered by water on three sides – Bayou Castine, Cane Bayou, and Lake Pontchartrain. The majority of the Park is located south of Highway 190, but approximately 80 acres resides north of the highway where you can find the beautiful and historic Fontainebleau State Park Lodge. The State Parks Commission described Fontainebleau as "a place possessing scenic beauty, historical interest and the natural recreation features of Lake Pontchartrain” in their 1936-1937 biennial report. It remains all that and more today. In 1999, Fontainebleau was added to the National Register of Historic Places in an effort to preserve this beautiful and historic piece of Louisiana for future generations. Pick a day, pick an activity, grab a friend and partake of the beauty and heritage this park offers.



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lie Gates

Les Story by


I’m sitting on my back porch at 10pm on a Sunday night, staring at the flame of a tiki torch and listening to music. I’ve done this for the last 4 nights, trying to find something to write about. So, this paragraph is where I shall start. On my legs, there are at least four mosquito bites. There’s also one on the top of my hand. But the night is young. I can’t find the bugspray; and, just like the previous 3 nights, I’m pretty sure none exists. My husband went in 30 minutes ago because we ran out of conversation. The kids were pulled off screens a couple hours ago, mainly after one of them gave me attitude for our poor internet connection. School clothes were just put in the washer to start another long school week, and I’m hoping I don’t fall asleep before it’s time for the dryer. There are still dishes to clean and food to be put up in the kitchen, but it will wait. Three dogs are staring at me because I haven’t fed them yet. The chickens were fed though, and we got our first egg this morning. The new kitten was also fed, and the litterbox scooped out. I've heard a few rats that have snuck back into the gutters of our detached garage, so my pellet gun is propped against the table next to me. It is unbearably hot and muggy outside, which is why my clothes are soaking wet. I dipped in the pool. The cloudy, greenish pool. After that brief dip, while standing still in the coolness, I stared up into the dark sky, where the moon filled me with some sort of cosmic energy. Using that energy to climb out of the pool and walk back to the porch, I twisted my ankle in a hole my Australian Shepard dug. The same ankle where one of these mosquitoes has left me with an endless itch. And now, I’m imagining my 21-year-old self with big dreams and an endless amount of energy and goals watching this whole scenario of my 40

41-year-old self, then thinking, Ummm, is this my life? Because nobody EVER gave me THIS speech! Earlier today, longing for greater connection in the world, I numbingly clicked upon one of those uplifting, motivational college graduation speeches, not even sure how I ended up there. An hour later, I had listened to FOUR of them, all which had AMAZING life advice for someone in their early 20’s, heading into an unknown world of opportunity and excitement. I thought, what a great way to start that new journey into the unknown! Then, just as quickly, as I looked around at the reality that surrounded me, I replaced that thought with the last 20 years of my life. Where’s THAT speech?! The speech about the ups and downs of 17 years of marriage, sibling fights, anxiety-induced stomach pains, premenstrual psychosis, kids never doing their daily chores? Finding greater purpose in mundane household duties? Why did no one give me THAT speech back then?

Artwork by Leslie Gates

There are stages of marriage where you both can’t stand to look at one another, but then you grow past it and love each other again. Even more than before. And the sex even gets better. WAY better. Nope. Didn’t get that speech. There are many years your kids will constantly need you for EVERTHING, and then, what seems like overnight, they grow up and want space. They no longer want to tell you about their day or hang out with you. This leaves you feeling guilty about all the opportunities you missed because the constant neediness from 3 children got to be way too much. And now, the irony hits, because all you want to do is sit and snuggle with them, BUT they are too cool for you now. Again, no speech. If someone told me that the dates with my husband would go from dressing up for dinner and dancing, to shopping at the grocery store together for a bottle of wine and a slab of baby back ribs, I wouldn’t have believed them. Or that once back home, the back porch turns into a make-shift dance floor and the essential factors imperative to our happiness are Citronella tiki jars to prevent mosquitoes, a standing fan to prevent a heat stroke, and deciding who’s gonna be the DJ. Didn’t get that speech either. And honestly, it would have been a little weird if I had.

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Nope. Wasn’t prepared for ANY of those scenarios. I decided to take a break and search through more college speeches to find one that may have, SOMEHOW, prepared me for these situations later in life; maybe not in the specific ways I mentioned, but in broader terms. It took me awhile, but I found one that I think could work. I will add my thoughts with it as well, to bring you… “THE SPEECH YOU NEVER GOT.” The University of Texas at Austin 2014 Commencement Speech: 10 Lessons learned from Navy Seal Training by Admiral William H. McRaven: “Our struggles in this world are similar, and the lessons to overcome those struggles and to move forward, changing ourselves and changing the world around us, will apply equally to all." #1. “Make your bed. It will give you a small sense of pride and encourage you to do another task. And another. And another. It will reinforce that the little things in life matter. If you can’t do the little things right, you’ll never be able to do the big things right. And if, by chance, you have a miserable day, you will come home to a bed that is made. One that YOU made.” So, I’ll just tell you. I don’t make my bed,


but I do somehow manage to do many other things even when I don’t make my bed. Ok, fine. I get it. I’ll make my stupid bed. And if this turns out to be the answer to half my struggles, just knock me in the head really hard with a pillow. #2. “Find someone to help you paddle.” In other words, you can’t go it alone. Get help around the house, with taxes, with your children’s needs, with chasing the chicken around the yard before the dog kills it. Again. You can find help from someone you know, someone you love, or even from a complete stranger if the situation calls for it. Hey! Find a friend with LITERAL paddles and go kayaking down the canal on a fun day Monday with cheese, Vienna sausages and a bottle of Malbec! Just make sure you are back before the school bus! #3. “Measure a person by the size of their heart not the size of their flippers.” Well, I guess it all depends on what he means by “flippers”, but, yes, whatever obstacle might be keeping you from pushing forward quicker than you like, put some heart into it! Push yourself if you want it bad enough! Stick to that low-carb diet! Go for that job you want! Tell your husband he’s taking you dancing somewhere that will necessitate you putting on a bra! As far as others go, yes, see their heart before judging their flippers. Let flippers be whatever you need them to be. I just feel blessed that my husband has a big heart AND big flippers. Uhhh… that’s because he’s a SCUBA DIVER. Sicko. #4. “Get over being a 'sugar cookie' and keep moving forward.” Sugar cookies are the Navy guys that must roll in wet sand during a uniform inspection. After getting everything perfect from head to toe, they had to become this “sugar cookie”, leaving all their efforts of perfection in vain. The purpose was that, no matter what you did, you were never going to have a perfect uniform. The guys that walked off and gave up 42

missed the purpose of the training. So basically, if you look “ate up” as we call it in the military, on the outside OR the inside, keep moving forward and striving for better things. Don’t give up so easily. This is also the time you should eat a sugar cookie. Because, why not. #5. “You will fail. And it will be painful. It will be discouraging. At times, it will test you to your very core, but don’t be afraid of the circus.” The “circus” is an extremely challenging course that puts a big toll on the Seal trainees’ bodies and minds, but pushing through it without fear builds inner strength and resiliency in them. So, don’t be afraid of the extremely large laundry piles that go on for days, your child’s freakishly strong will, or changing out your own darn car parts! Go for that run! Lift those weights or join that Yoga class! Build that inner strength! Make your bed! You can do it!!! #6. “Sometimes you must slide down the obstacles head first.” Is this head first into the water, the mud, or a brick wall? I guess it will all depend on how hard your situation is, and luckily, it’s metaphorical. Need to tell someone they hurt you? Head first into the water. Need to tell your boss you quit? Head first into the mud. Need to tell your husband you would like a week by yourself at a nice relaxing spa getaway? Head first into the brick wall. There’s also a little hidden advice in that one to get him to say yes. You either see it or you don’t. Moving on... #7. “Don’t back down from the sharks.” Who are the sharks? People after what you have, those who cannot show happiness for your achievements, the jerks that bully our kids, neighbors that bully us, a situation you are fighting for to achieve greater good, your in-laws…. If it’s a literal shark, just know I did not add that to the list and have cleared myself from any legal action regarding this. But hey, be brave and good luck!

#8. “You must be your very best in the darkest moments.” For me, I have been my worst in the darkest moments. When you see light again, you find meaning, as well as new strength. Remember, the darkest moments won't last forever. What WILL last forever are mosquitoes. Seriously, they haven’t stopped biting since I started this! #9. “Start singing when you’re up to your neck in mud.” Mud, dirty diapers, bullshit, hardship, a fight with your spouse… Just sing. Others will join in and it will bring joy into the situation. The most likely outcome is they will think you lost your mind. Who cares! They already know you have! So dance too! #10. In SEAL school, there is a bell. At any time, a trainee can ring it. Doing so says he has given up, checked out, no longer able to make it. In life, there are times where ringing the bell seems like the only option, but it’s not. Like I said, the darkest moments won't last forever. Even in the most dire conditions, hope can heal. So, the last lesson from the Admiral is, “DON’T EVER RING THAT BELL!” The Admiral’s closing statement: “It will not be easy, but start each day with a task completed, find someone to help you through life, respect everyone, know that life is not fair and you will fail often but if you take some risks, step up when the times are the toughest, face down the bullies, lift up the downtrodden and never ever give up, you will have changed the world for the better.” And, yourself. It’s morning now and I just got the kids off to school. I put their clothes back in the dryer so they would be warm and cozy and made them breakfast. Only one of them gave me a hug goodbye and said thank you, but I’m hopeful the other two will come around with some kind words. Or any words at all, really. You know what, who needs words? I’ll take a head nod or fist bump. Don’t know what the deal is. All I do know is, nobody ever gave me THAT speech.

Slidell Noon Lions

Touch A Truck

Kids, parents and grandparents, it's that time of the year again! The 5th Annual Slidell Touch a Truck will be Saturday, November 2 from 10am-3pm at the Fremaux Town Center! This event is perfect for children up to Grade 5, with lots of cool fire trucks, CLECO bucket trucks, sanitation trucks, police trucks, sheriff trucks, small trucks, old trucks and a few surprise vehicles for the kids to touch, explore, honk the horn and have parents take photos. In addition, the Lions will be conducting free vision screening for all kids aged 6 months to 6 years. SMH/Ochsner will have a Healthy Kids nutrition and diabetes education information booth. Admission is $3 each for adults and children aged 2+. Funds raised from this event will be used to support Lions charities including: the Louisiana Lions Eye Foundation, which conducts vision and blindness prevention research; Cub Sight vision screening program for pre-school children around the state; Louisiana Lions Camp providing a free week-long camp experience for diabetic and disabled children; Leader Dog seeing eye dog program; Lions Vision Assistance for the poor; Lions Eyeglasses Recycling program; and a new Diabetes Education program. Last year, the Slidell Noon Lions' Cub Sight program examined over 1500 Slidell area pre-school children with 100 identified as needing doctor’s treatment. They donated over $8000 to Lions blindness programs and $2350 to various local charities.

Saturday November 2

Touch A Truck is the club's primary fundraiser and is supplemented by the Lions Club weekly Bingo on Thursdays at 3pm and the Last Saturday Pancake Breakfasts from 8am-11am, both of which are held at their Den at 356 Cleveland St. in Olde Towne Slidell. The Slidell Noon Lions is proud to be the oldest service organization in Slidell, founded in 1927. The Lions are part of the world’s largest service organization with over 2.4 million members in 208 countries. In early 2020, the Slidell Noon Lions will celebrate their 90th (plus 2!) Anniversary Celebration. Members include current and former businesswomen and men of the Slidell area including their longest participating member, Jerry Begue, who has been part of the organization for over 52 years. The Lions meet two Thursdays per month at noon for a served lunch for Lions Business, fellowship, and presentation given by guest speaker. Club members also meet twice a month for an informal brown bag and fellowship lunch. Anyone interested in serving their community and helping to make the world a better place should consider joining the Lions. Stop by the Den at 356 Cleveland St at 1 pm on Thursdays to talk to members and pick up an application. The Lions look forward to seeing you at Touch A Truck!!!



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by Jeff Perret, DVM

I Vant to Talk about Blood I’m a big fan of crime movies. Huge. I often stay up far too late watching them. Last night, as I was watching Netflix, just as the tension reached its peak, one of our cats, Jules, knocked a box off the kitchen counter, and I nearly went into cardiac arrest. Jules is even named after a character in a crime movie! (Bonus points if you can tell me the names of both!) One common ingredient in many crime movies is blood. I have a pet peeve when the movies get their fake blood wrong. Special effects crews often use red-colored syrup, which is clear; blood is not clear. It drives me to distraction and pulls me right out of the movie when I see trickles, splashes, or buckets of clear strawberry syrup in a movie. I know blood, and I know what it looks like. I’d be happy to consult on any horror film that needs a blood technical advisor.

So, why is blood not clear? Isn’t it just this red water that courses through our pets’ bodies, and ours, dropping off oxygen here and there? No, it’s so much more. Let’s open up a vein and take a peek at just what makes blood so amazing.

the heart. To do that, it has to stay liquid so that it can flow into all the places necessary to keep us running.

1. Blood is not clear because it has stuff in it.

All of Fido’s blood would just leak out everywhere, maybe killing him and certainly leaving a big mess. Luckily for Fido and Sonny, your blood has the amazing ability to go from liquid to solid when the need arises.

It’s packed full of cells, fragments of cells, proteins and other good stuff. Red blood cells (RBCs) are donut-shaped little guys that are full of hemoglobin, an iron-containing compound that carries the oxygen. White blood cells (WBCs) have a few jobs. More on them later. 2. If your blood clots, sometimes it saves your life, but sometimes you could die. Most of the time, blood is a liquid that courses through our arteries and veins, pumped by the pressure generated by

Dr. Jeff recommends using:

Happy Halloween. No fleas. Lucky dog.


But what if Fido springs a leak? What if he’s Sonny Corleone at the causeway toll booth? (Look it up.)

How blood goes from a crimson river of oxygen delivery to a jelly-like clot is complicated, a dance of proteins and cells that we don’t fully understand. Basically, when Fido gets shot, cut, or injured, proteins in the blood vessels that are normally kept under wraps are exposed and the blood knows it’s

time to clot. Making a clot involves platelets, which are tiny chips of specialized white blood cells that are just loaded with substances that encourage blood to clot. When activated, they arrive on the scene of the cut and just sorta release all their insides everywhere. All that platelet action makes another protein in the blood (fibrinogen) turn from a liquid to strands of a glue-like substance known as fibrin. Fibrin is nature’s glue and, without it, Fido’s blood wouldn’t clot. Go fibrin! Sometimes, though, blood gets confused and triggers this whole process inside Fido’s body, and a blood clot forms in places that it shouldn’t. A heart attack in a person is basically a blood clot forming inside an artery to your heart muscle: when the heart doesn’t get oxygen, bad things follow. Sometimes blood can clot in the blood vessels of the lungs, preventing them from picking up oxygen, a phenomenon known as a pulmonary thromboembolism, or PTE. Similar story with a stroke blocking flow to the brain. Cats are especially prone to forming blood clots in their legs. Factors like high blood pressure, slow-flowing blood (from sitting too long) and certain genetic diseases can predispose a cat to errant blood clots.

PET SITTING • No Exposure to Diseases or Parasites from Other Dogs • Medication Administered • Less Separation Anxiety • Insulin Injections • Waste Cleanup • Mail Pickup • Daily Walks • Nail Trim


3. Fido’s blood fights cancer and bacteria and viruses and fungus. Now back to the WBCs, which basically flow along through the blood stream looking for trouble. They are like angry bikers, cruising through Fido’s body, looking for anyone suspicious that they meet, and then roughing them up. When they encounter anything foreign, they have an arsenal of impressive weaponry to handle the situation. They can shoot toxic chemicals right out of their little bodies to kill and dissolve viruses and bacteria. They can smother bacteria by enveloping them in their cell membranes, then finish them off in an acid-bath. They can coat the invaders with proteins that punch holes in them and make all their insides ooze out. And they can release chemical signals that alert other WBC biker gangs that there’s some serious stuff going down and they should come join in the fun. More like a horror movie than a crime film, but you get the picture. Another thing that WBCs do is fight cancer through xenophobia, which is your basic fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners. Here’s a scary thought: right now, somewhere in Fido’s body (and yours), a cancerous cell is swimming around in the blood. Happens all the time. Our bodies have many, many ways to keep that one cancerous cell from falling in love and making more cancerous cells, one of which is by using our WBCs. They are wonderfully xenophobic and, if they see a cell that just doesn’t look right, they go all “You’re not from around here, are ya?” on it and take it out of commission. Real world xenophobia = bad. WBC xenophobia = lifesaving. Your pet’s blood is a shapeshifting, cancer-fighting biker gang that keeps him alive and healthy every day. I think that level of awesome deserves some respect. And maybe a movie deal.

Gina Triay




Monday 10:30-11:30 am Tuesday 5:30-6:30 pm Thursday 5:30-6:30 pm Privates available

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OUT TAKES Slidell Magazine was EVERYWHERE this month! Here are just a few of our adventures!

The Rosies had a great time at The Dock for dinner, drinks and fundraising for the 2019 Hab itat Women Build! l-r: Habitat’s Women of Distictio n, Deanna Reine and Dania Fandal, Rosie program director, Kendra Maness, Police Chief Randy Fandal, and Susan Williams

Crimi-Mommly Insane writer Leslie Gates has a duet wit h Bobby Ohler at the after-party fo r John Case’s reading at the Wine Garden


The Storyteller, John Case, tells his tales to a packed house at a dinner reading at the Wine Garden in Olde Towne

Rep. Mary DuBuisson shows her support for Habitat for Humanity at the Sponsor Appreciation Party

ag Slidell Mr 2019 obe

111 - Oct

SO WE LL DESERVED! da Larkin Carl Arredondo and Lin Samaritan n ee Qu & g Kin are named of Slidellians! for the 2020 Krewe

Mona Lisa & MoonPie Queen, Kendra Maness, and krewe members catch MoonPies from King Kevin Young at the Mona Lisa ball

Let’s go to the hop for some 50’s FUN! good The sisters of the Slidell Women Civic Club have milkshakes and ! charity to d donate ds procee times at Bonnie C’s, with a portion of the ry Rosema & Mary Miller, l-r: Michelle Chappuis, Dania Fandal, Rhonda Clement, Jill Scholl, Jean Glover and Kendra Maness

Promoters Donny Cannon, Jeffrey Stuben & Susan Falls

Mi ke Siebenkittel, rdware Pontchartrain Ace Ha

The Inaugural Gulf Coast Sportsmen & Outdoor Expo was a great success! Vendors displayed boats and all types of outdoor gear for attendees to purchase! If you didn’t make it this time, keep an eye out for the next expo in 2020!

Ben Tiblier, NOLA Fly Shop

Yolanda Paz & Tanya Leader, St. Tammany Parish Tourist Commission

Oct. 4 Oct. 8 Oct. 9 Oct. 10 Oct. 12 & 13

Private Event Private Event Private Event Bras For A Cause Fundraiser Slidell Newcomers Club “Sell-A-Bration”

Amanda Shaw will perform at the Lobby Lounge October 15. Tickets available on

Lobby Lounge

Rebecca Hillebrant, LA Wildlife & Fisheries

Oct. 15

Lobby Lounge Concert Series presents Amanda Shaw

Oct. 16 & 17 Private Meeting Oct. 19

GNOCC Corvette Club ExtraVETTEganza

Oct. 22

Private Meetings

Che ck out o ur n ew w e bsite!

Oct. 23 LA PHCC Conference Oct. 24 Ducks Unlimited Annual Banquet Oct. 26 Private Event Oct. 29 Slidell Memorial Hospital Women’s Health Alliance Fall Seminar

w w w. h a r b o r c e n t e r. o r g


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