WHEN LONGTIME LOCAL KELLYVANHEE references changes the Eagle River Valley has seen in recent decades, her voiceswells. Excepting her college years at Southern MethodistUniversity and a stint in Denver, VanHee has always lived in the valley.
“This placeishome to me Ienjoysharing it with others. Whether clients, friends, family members or folks I’vejust met, Ilove showing them what makes it special,”VanHee says
Her whole life, VanHee has sought varied learning and growth opportunities. She attends Vail’sconcerts and Bravoevents, supports nonprofits likeWalking Mountains Science Center,strolls the farmers markets and fly fishes.
This open-mindedness playedarole in VanHee’searly years when she opted to try equestrian sports. In addition to ski racing and playing soccer, VanHee worked with an equestrian trainer beforea local program existed. Juggling school, sports and social activities VanHee learned teamwork, time management, patienceand commitment.
Her high-caliber work ethic led to success,from competing in the MaclayFinals at Madison SquareGarden to winning the high school StateSlalom championships.
“I stay involved, and Ialso want people to knowthatthey don’t have to ski or snowboard to love it here. From entertainment to food and recreation, there’ssomething foreveryone Iwant to help people find their community… My clients arefromall over
the world. They have different wants and needs. Some want family vacation homes, some want meaningful investments —Ijuggle this while creating strong relationships.
With nine years of real estate experienceinColorado, VanHee has honed her own professional style,but her community-oriented approach is part of alegacythat includes her Realtor father and her mother,aninterior designer.Her partner,Matt, owns alocal excavating company. His dad, Jay Peterson, wasareal estate attorneyand developer
His mom, Lisa Dillon, was President of WestStar Bank; RodSlifer,Vail’sfirstreal estate agent; and Sandy Treat, developer,are greatfriends. VanHee has her feet firmly planted in avariety of real estate activities, ultimately offering clients the best exposuretoall ends of real estate ownership in Vail.
“Manyoftoday’shighend buyers areyounger —they’reintelligent, sophisticated, well-traveled. They expect adifferent way of doing business—you have to keep up,orthey’ll leave youinthe dust!”
Recently,VanHee assisted in selling severalluxury properties, including a residenceinSolaris and currently aLionshead condo Stop by VanHee’sfull-time Slifer Smith &Frampton office at Four Seasons in Vail to start your journeytowardhome ownership with abrokerwho knows the Vail experience better than most.
—Melanie Smith