FR | November State of Luxury

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Haute Hors D'Oeuvres

Whether celebratingwithashipfull of guestsor friendsat home,small platessavor theseason

Global Bites

Our Regular Gourmet Forkful

10 Support the RADA Community

Joinusaswecontinueto support theRiver ArtsDistrict in Asheville,NorthCarolinaastheyrecover fromHurricaneHelene.




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Across our Rocky Mountains

Illustratingour widerangeof luxurylistingsacrossour mountainregionswithinSlifer


Whether celebratingwithaship full of guestsor friendsat home, small platessavor theseason

Myjourneyin theculinaryworld,from thequaint vineyardsof Mainz, Germany, to the luxurious kitchens aboard Scenic and Emerald yachts, has always revolved around enhancing the dining experience with creativity and precision The essence of fall, with itscrisp air, vibrant foliageand festivegatherings sets a perfect stage for culinary artistry - especially when it comes to hors d'oeuvres, the small bites that tantalize the palateand start theconversation

The beauty of hors d'oeuvres lies in their ability to convey complexitythrough simplicity Each biteisabalanceof flavor, texture and aesthetic On Scenic ultra-luxury voyages, we approach each dish as a piece of a larger narrative, where every flavor is a chapter of its own This philosophy is perfectly suited for a cocktail party, where each amuse bouchecanreflect theseason'sabundanceand warmth.

As we embrace a time of gatherings, let me guide you through the art of creating an exquisitemenu of small plates that encapsulatethespirit of fall and holidaycelebrations.

When designing a menu for festive occasions, I draw on the principles of organization and creativity The key is to create dishes that appear intricate yet can be prepared in advance, allowingfor aseamlessflowduringaparty

My approach involves choosing seasonal ingredients that can make simple components shine Think of the rich flavors of butternut squash, the earthy notes of mushrooms or the crisp sweetness of apples, all transformed into elegant bites that areeasyto enjoyasyoumingle

For example, the pumpkin mousse recipe shared here (see QR code) is a testament to this approach It involves a delicate balance of seasonal pumpkin enriched with spices and lightened with a soft texture, making it a perfect filling for vol-au-ventsor tartlets

Similarly, the carrot kappa glaze recipe (see QR code) showcases simple ingredients like carrots transformed with a kappa glaze that adds a glossy, inviting finish, ideal for creating a visually striking component on a canapé platter. These dishes exemplify how basic elements, when skillfully prepared and presented, can elevate a cocktail party's culinaryexperience.

The selection of hors d'oeuvres can also reflect seasonal colors. In the fall, the rich palette of nature's offerings inspires delicious and visually appealing dishes, with deep reds of beetroot, vibrant oranges of pumpkin and subtle brownsof wholegrains.Thesecolorscan bemirrored in your presentation,addinganextralayer of delight for your guests

On Scenic, my team of 38 diverse chefsfrom more than 12 countries works like a well- oiled machine, each knowing their role and contributing to a flawless culinary experience. Translating the efficiency of a cruise-ship kitchen to a home setting involves meticulous planning and smart execution.

You can emulate this at home by preparing several components of your dishes ahead of time, leaving only minimal assembly or last-minute cooking for the day of the event For instance, elements like pumpkin compote (see QR code) can be made in advance, stored and used as a flavorful base or toppingfor freshbruschettaor cheesepairings

Thisreducesstressand enhancesthe enjoyment of hosting Plus, you can involve friends and family in the final stages of assembly-creating new memoriesof teamwork inthekitchen

GATHERINGFORfestiveholidaypartiesat homeshould bean enjoyable and creative process that celebrates the season's bounty It's about creating an experience that lingers in memorylongafter thelast guest hasdeparted

By planning, focusing on seasonal ingredients and applying the techniques refined in professional kitchens, you can deliver an unforgettable culinary experience that captivates your guestsand satisfiestheir palates

Whether you're a seasoned chef or an enthusiastic home cook, I encourage you to explore these concepts and embrace the joy of cooking Remember that the heart of hospitality is about sharing joy through the food we make andthemomentswecreatetogether.

Global Bites

Our Regular Gourmet Forkful

Asautumnturnsto winter inthenorth,themorethekitchencleavesto oldstaplesof ancient worth Inrestaurantstoo,it?snot thefanciful but the elemental that beckons.Here,Storied?sregular columndaresto mix two touchpointsfor theseason?oil and fire.

From the hills of Corfu?

Corfu, among the Greek islands, feels steeped in ancient myth, known as the place where Odysseus was shipwrecked It?salush isleof tall cypresses,cliffsthick with ancient trees, and groves of silvery olive trees, whosefruit hasbeen cherished for ages Standing here, with the sun hot on your neck, brings new meaning to grabbingoliveoil fromthestoreshelf back home

Likemany Mediterranean islands,Corfu hasahistoryof wars over ownership When Venice brought stability from 1386-1797, olive trees symbolized peace, and VenetianincentivesturnedCorfuinto ahub for oliveoil, keepingVenice?slampsalight

Today, 400 million olive trees (mainly *Koroneiki* and *Lianolia*) cover Corfu?s 230 square miles, yielding 15,000 tonnes of oil yearly Olive oil?s health benefits wereknownwell before?wellness?becameatrend,and its culinary status skyrocketed with the rise of the MediterraneanDiet inthe1990s

Spanish, Italian, or Greek? Spain, Italy, and Greece produce most of the world?s olive oil, each reflecting unique cultural traditions But Corfu?s October harvest yieldsagolden-green extra-virgin oil ideal for dressings, while the remainder, from November to April, becomes quality oil for cooking Though often linked to summer, the freshest oil arrives in winter, pouring vibrant and peppery ? a taste of Corfu's sun, even in the chill of November

...To the Fire of the Vulcans

It?s all about men, meat, and fire. Since ancient times, when the Roman god Vulcan ruled the flames, the ritual of fire and sacrifice has been man?s domain. From backyard barbecues to chef Francis Mallmann?s blazing bonfireson Chef?sTable,fireisasymbol of masculinity. Mallmann?s primal, open-flame cooking resonated deeply, reminding us of our connection to elemental forces.

Fire-cooking has become an experience, a theatrical return to our roots. In Mallmann-inspired restaurants, tomahawks sear over charcoal, herbs smoke, and spits rotate dramatically ? inviting diners into a sensory link to our past. As stoves and ovens are shunned for open flames,thefireitself becomesanostalgic,introspective experience,echoingtheoriginsof humanity.


In response to the devastating damage from Hurricane Helene, one of our Top Boulder Brokers, Phil Booth, alongsideSlifer,hosted anart fundraiser at hisactive15thStreet GallerylistinginBoulder to support theRiver Arts District Association in Asheville, North Carolina. Hurricane Helene's flooding has severely damaged nearly 80%of RADA,puttingthecommunity'sartistic spirit at risk and presentingahugerebuildingchallenge.

Join us as we continue to support of the Asheville River Arts District Association [RADA] recovery efforts. Funds support artists and help rebuild the studios and buildings deeply impacted by Hurricane Helene in the Asheville, NorthCarolina.




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- Giuseppe Battaglioli



lbasford@sliferfrontrange com

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- David Goldman


khanna@sliferfrontrange com

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nfisher@sliferfrontrange com

- Scott & Teresa Lask BOULDER

- Albert & Kristina Piacente

"Nanner Fisher and her teamat SSFwereawesome Shesoldour housewhichisonadifficult lot,for more thanwewereexpectinginlessthan30 daysinadown market,andtheprocesswasapieceof cake What morecould youask for?She'sthebest!"

Prime irrigated farm ground with extensive water rights, just minutesfrom downtown Longmont, offering ~71acresfor agricultural useand investment Includes52sharesof Boulder Whiterock Ditch water,with an additional 70 sharesof CBTavailable,ensuringexceptional water accessfor farming.Zoned for agriculture, the land supports diverse uses, from crop cultivation to equestrian pursuits, all while enjoying stunning Rocky Mountain views Conveniently located near Longmont, Erie, and Boulder, this serene property balancesrural peacewitheasyaccessto amenities.

71.06 ACRES




Thisquirky&charming,artist influenced cottage,datesback to 1900 &islocated onaveryspecial lot ina veryspecial location With4 bedrooms&4 baths,thehomeincludesaguest suite,withitsownseparate entrance,livingarea,kitchenette,loft bedroomwithbathroom,&direct accessto theback yard.Might just be ideal for anAIRBNB!?Stepout fromtheprimarysuite,diningroom,or guest suiteonto thespectacular deck and patio withhot tub Relax inthebeautiful,lush,landscaped yard,&multi-level rear deck that stair-steps downto Boulder Creek.Explorebeautiful Boulder,withcloseproximityto downtown(aneasy10 minutewalk), &trailsgalore,includingtheBoulder Creek bikepath! Liveinthisspacioushomeas-isor bringyour visionfor renovation



2,583 SF $2,195,000



Enjoybreathtakingviewsof themountainsandthecitythroughfloor-to-ceilingwindowsinthisstunning corner unit Thespaciousfloor planoffersprivacy,withtheprimarybedroomandbathlocated onone sideof thecondo,whiletwo largeguest bedroomswithfull bathsaresituated ontheoppositeside.Step into aninvitingentrancehall leadingto apowder room,expansivelivingroom,gourmet kitchen,and separatediningroom,creatinganideal spacefor entertaining Thisresidenceincludestwo parkingspaces and astorageunit.SituatedinRiverfront Park and nestledat thebaseof theMillenniumBridge,this locationboastsitsownarrayof parks,bikingand walkingpaths,shops,andrestaurants




Largest backyardintheneighborhood! Located onadesirablecorner lot near downtownLouisville,this thoughtfullydesignedhomeoffersalot of appeal Thebright andairyfour bedroomsareconveniently locatedupstairs,ideal for familiesor asflexibleofficespace.Thenewlyremodeled kitchenisstylishand open,perfect for entertaining,andflowsseamlesslyinto thediningroom Thefamilyroomfeaturesa genuinewood fireplaceand connectsto abackyard deck and spacious,tranquil yard Theunfinished basement presentsendlesspossibilitiesfor customization.Enjoyproximityto OldTown,local parks,and easyaccessto Boulder andDenver Welcomehome!


2 1 BATH

2,812 SF $1,140,000

Listed by Wendy Daniel | 303.818.1056




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ArcadianBeaverCreek com | 970 471 4945


Your doorstep to adventure Acollectionof condominiumresidences fromtheteamthat brought youClearwater lofts

BrightwoodAtKeystone com | 970 393 0769


Tuckedaway,high onapine-cladridge,overlookingtheTenmileMountain RangesitsSolitude,acollectionof trulyincomparablehomesites

SolitudeBreckenridge com | 970 471 4945


Style,comfort,andconnectionto natureshineat thiscollectionof residencesinFrisco,Colorado

9097Flats com | 970 376 7799

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