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AndyWarhol'sinfluenceadded anenduringpopinto art and culture
Architecture is Technology
Canauthenticitypersist whenarchitectsbringtheir techno guns in?
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Andy Warhol's inf luence added an enduring pop into art and culture
Andy Warhol's name has become synonymous with pop art - a mythical vision of the 1960s who flitted between quirky counterculture icon and world-famous purveyor of pop culture with élan. His favorite subjects ranged from stars such as Marilyn Monroe, Liz Taylor, Jackie Kennedy and Liza Minelli to car crashes and electric chairsto Coca-Colabottlesand Campbell'ssoup cans Emerginginthelate'50s,pop art found inspirationinthemundane, strayingfrom theelitismof theart world and challenging what was considered to be art A 1964 gallery show in New York, The American Supermarket, took these ideas to the limit, looking just like its name except that the produce, canned and boxed goods, shopping bags and posters were all created by Warhol and other pop artists. Their work was panned by critics who thought the subject matter too lowbrow, the techniques too amateur, the imagery too unoriginal Theywereproven wrong,though Thestyle caught on with the public, as young people saw things that were colorful and fun, themes they could easily understand and identify with Rich-and-famous collectors soon followed Warhol himself was worth some $100 million when he died in 1987. In 2022, his Shot Sage Blue Marilyn, a 1964 portrait of Ms Monroe, sold for $195 million, breaking the records for the most expensive auctioned piece by both an American and a 20th-century artistpreviously held by his friend Jean-Michel Basquiat and Pablo Picasso, respectively- and shattering his own 2013 high of $1054 million.
Born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where he developed a childhood obsession for Hollywood stars and other celebrities of the 1930's and '40s, Warhol moved to New York in 1949 to work as a commercial illustrator for Glamour magazine and shoe manufacturer Israel Miller Creating his own artwork, Warhol began experimenting with tracing projections and altering them, later turning to the silkscreen printing techniquesthat became hissignature, controversially making his images in multiples and with help "I want to be a machine," Warhol oncesaid HisNewYork studio,theFactory,indeed did churnout the artist'sprints, box sculpturesand experimental films, all surrounded by the "Warhol Superstars," a ragtag crew of artists, musicians, bohemiansand museswho pitched in,assembly-linestyle,and rewarded with wild parties. Regularsincluded Edie Sedgwick, Truman Capote, Lou Reed, Nico and Bob Dylan The stars only got bigger for Warhol, who found himself hanging out with thelikesof LizaMinelli,Biancaand Mick Jagger, Debbie Harry and Halston at Studio 54 in the '70s. He started creating commissioned silkscreen portraits for the glitterati and featuring them in his celebrity-filled magazine, Interview Part of a seismic shift in popular culture and the art world, Warhol, dubbed the "Pope of Pop", achieved legend status in his own right as an artist, and original influence who always knew that "In the future, everyone will be world-famousfor 15minutes."
Nicole Dezelon, senior director of learning and public engagement for The Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh, talks with Luxury Portfolio about all things Andy.
Pop art was short for "popular art" and reflected everyday life and common objects and products Pop artists used common images from everyday culture as source material for their artwork, including advertisements, consumer goods, celebrities, photographsandcomic strips
Before Warhol became known as the "Prince of Pop," he had a successful career asacommercial designer and illustrator in New York during the1950s Hisearly designsand techniquespaved the wayfor hislater pop works Warhol created hisearlypop art from images he enlarged using an opaque projector and hand painted beforehebeganusingsilkscreenprinting
Asachild, Warhol wrote to Hollywood studiosfor fan photosand enjoyed movie magazines, surrounding himself with celebrity images
This practice continued throughout his life, and he eventually accumulated a profusion of photographs, movie posters and other memorabilia Warhol's interest in celebrity and Hollywood stars was ignited while attending cinemas with his older brothersingritty,industrial,1930sPittsburgh
He reveled in the glamorous actors, elegant costumes and sophisticated settingsof moviesfrom Hollywood'sGolden Era This obsession is seen throughout his work, but becomes particularly evident in 1962,when hebegan using photographic silkscreen printing - acommercial printing processtraditionally usedto reproducephotographic images
One of his earliest silk screened subjects was a dollar bill, followed byMarilynMonroe,ElvisPresleyandElizabethTaylor
Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Tom Wesselmann, James Rosenquist andClaesOldenburgwereknownasthe"NewYork Five," and were the most celebrated artists of the early pop movement. However, Warhol had the closest friendship and working relationship to Marisol (Maria Sol Escobar), who also held acentral position in theNew York art sceneand American pop movement. Over time, however, she was written out of thewhite- male-dominatedpop narrative
Warhol became famous for his counterculture lifestyle in the 60's because both his entourage and artistic production capitalized on the immediacy and pleasure of commercial culture. He was both a consumer of mass culture and a contributor to it He wasseen asasymbol of rebellion against traditional valuesand conventionsabout art andsociety
During the 1960s, Warhol's studio became known as the Factory due to the high volume of art that he and his assistantsproduced. TheFactory wasanexuspoint for artists, actors, musicians, poets, dancers, party goers and innovators of all kinds Warhol began creating films in 1963 and pulled many of his "Superstars" from among the regular visitors to theFactory
One of the main criticisms was that it went against traditional notionsof authorship and originality in art Many felt that if an artist did not create the work entirely by themselves, then it was not truly their own. Another criticism was that Warhol's use of assistants was a way of mass-producing art, which some saw as cheapening the value of the work By creating multiples of the same image, critics argued that Warhol was turning art into acommodity and devaluing the uniqueness of theindividual piece Additionally,Warhol'suseof assistantswas seen by some as a way of exploiting young and inexperienced artists who were often paid very little for their work Despite these criticisms, I think Warhol often worked in a way that emphasized thecollectivecreativity of theFactory,and hisuse of assistants could also be seen as an innovative and democratic approachto art making
Warhol'swork,and all pop art, questionedwhat qualifiesasart. What isart accordingto Andy?
"Art is what you can get away with."
It?sbeentrueforcenturies.Thebuildingshumansbuilddependonthetools that existtobuildthem.Hammers,ladders,pulleys.NowVR,AIand multi-screen3Drenderings.But whataboutourhistoricalsenseofplace? Canauthenticitypersist whenarchitectsbringtheirtechnogunsin?
Recent advancesin architectural and construction technology have made the tools of modernists like Frank Lloyd Wright and Mies van der Rohe feel almost quaint The phrase "bricks and mortar" now carries a sense of antiquity, and the once cutting-edge, blocky aesthetics of mid-century modernism appear simplistic next to today?s fluid, virtual designs Architects, by nature, are visionaries? shaping not just the buildingsweinhabit,but also thewaysweliveand think It?s fascinating to observe what happens when cutting-edge technologies are brought into rural settings steeped in long-standing traditions, where the precision of laser theodolites meets a landscape of terra-cotta rooftops and ornate ceramic tiles To see this blend of old and new in action, avisit to the Algarve offersaglimpse into the future of architecture in harmony with its past
Commanding Portugal?s southern coastline, the Algarve region is famed for its sweeping Atlantic beaches and year-round temperatures averaging 16-33°C (54-75°F) For discerning property buyers, investment plays a role But the main attraction the areaholdsislifestyle. The Algarve offers vast panoramas of natural beauty and the Mediterranean?s famously relaxed way of life ? including a seemingly infinite playgroundof golf courses,bothchampionshipand club.
Historically, the vernacular architecture here took its look and livability from the climate and the landscape. Low, whitewashed, red-pantiled and small-windowed, domestic buildingswere shaped and shaded against the summer heat Decorative chimneys wait for winter. Today, at least at the upper end of the private residential market, the language couldn? t be more different It speaks airy open spaces, monolithic planes of brilliant white concrete, vast glazed panels,multi-level patios,poolsand terracesfor relaxing and entertaining The use of natural, local materials within these modern accents prevails. Plots are generous, with only 20% of the spatial footprint permitted for building Planting is lush
As anyone commissioning a large residential renovation or new-build project would expect, the architectural practices in the Algarve put store into developing collaborative working relationships with each new client Design concepts evolve from, and articulate, owners?personal tastes and needs That means customizing the layout Selecting the ultimate in premium materials and finishes Integrating amenities such as home theaters, glass-walled wine cellars, spas and gyms All this alongside an increasing desire to contribute meaningfully to the global sustainability agenda Multi-award-winning German architect JuttaSusanne Hoehn is a leading light among the practices burnishing the Golden Triangle of prestige villa properties here And for Hoehn, nothing improves the collaborative process more than technology Her firmJSHAlgarveArquitecturausessoftware that lets clients visualize, during the design development stage, how different decorative and functional living options could operate in the finished home ?This instantly brings the project to life,? says Hoehn As do, for even more assured decision-making, VR headsets that let clients view areas of the building under a variety of simulated weather and light conditions Perhaps morning sunshine is preferred for a master suite, or a patio needs more shade at a particular timeof day
What Hoehn?s practice brings in addition is next-level creativity in advancing the increasingly vital green agenda ?As a studio, we?re always looking to minimize our environmental impact,? Hoehn is quoted in DesignCurial magazine. ?On one recent large contemporary villa, the design intent was to incorporate eco-awareness without compromising the aesthetic We concealed all the solar panels and energy-generating equipment,so whilethehomeusesrenewablesit doesso without damaging the look? Future-proofing comes via designed-in super-smart technology. Security systems include number-plate recognition at entrance gates and face recognition at external doors Remote control of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning set the new conventions of standard. Innovative high tech like this sawJSHpick up aLuxuryLifestyleAward in2023for Best Luxury Villa Architecture in Portugal. The firm?s design for Villatura, one of the most exclusive new-build properties in the exclusive Quinta do Lago resort, expressesAlgarvearchitecturefor themodern age.Here, the technical system is housed in a basement data center Even the music speakers pulsing throughout the property in every ceiling are completely hidden from view
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