T H E C H U RC H AT S T U D Y The ten o’clock hour provides opportunities throughout the complex to study God’s word in small groups, to reflect on the meaning of faith, and to fellowship with one another.
Discipleship for Everyday Believers. Sanctuary. GATHER AROUND THE COLORED BANNERS: BLUE Front right Ram/Goring Team RED Front left Candelaria Team BROWN Back right Wesley Team FUCHSIA Back left Women & the Word GREEN Center right back Wanderers Team PURPLE Center left back Vedamuthu Team SILVER Front left center Battle-Brooks Team BLACK Balcony left Young Adults Team Believers and Doubters: Room 44, Balcony Level, currently studying Parker Palmer’s The Promise of Paradox. Triple S Class: Fellowship Room A. Conversations on Scripture and current issues. Mizo Bible Study: Church Office Building. Sabbath School lesson taught in Mizo. Words To Live By: First Level Conference Room, Church Office Building. Sabbath School lesson study for one hour.
SABBATH C E L E B R AT I O N January 12, 2013
8:45 & 11:15 a.m.
We will glorify God by being increasingly transformed into the likeness of Christ. OUR MISSION
We seek to grow passionate disciples of Jesus through worship of God, nurture of one another, and outreach to the world.
CHILDREN AND YOUTH Beginners (ages 0-2) Little Friends (ages 3-4) Kindergarten (ages 4-5) Primary I (1st and 2nd graders) Primary II (3rd and 4th graders) Juniors (5th and 6th graders) Earliteens (7th and 8th graders) Youth (High School)
Level 1 Level 1 Level 1 Level 1 Level 3 Level 3 Level 3, Behind Balcony Level 1, Youth Room
CHURCH DIRECTORY Church Office: 301-270-6777 Emergency Line: 301-980-1009 E-Mail: sligo@sligochurch.org
Fax: 301-270-3518 www.sligochurch.org
Senior Pastor Charles A. Tapp ext. 126 Administrative Pastor Don McFarlane ext. 116 Children’s Pastor Gerry Lopez ext. 122 Congregational Care Pastor Debbie Eisele ext. 127 Interim Music Coordinator Jon Gilbertson ext. 124 Media & Outreach Pastor Paolo Esposito ext. 136 Youth & Young Adults Pastor Pranitha Fielder ext. 119 Treasurer Charlotte Conway ext. 112 Office Manager Kathleen Driscoll ext. 239 Treasury Assistant Flordeliza Balay ext. 114 Church Clerk Theresa Beltran ext. 115 Senior Ministries Israel Castro 301-270-6777 Admin. Board Chair Steve Chavez 301-989-1331 Head Elder Erwin Mack 301-434-1622 Head Deacon Allan Manuel 301-237-8220 Head Deaconess Marion Hudson 301-335-6043 Sligo School Principal Larry Rich 301-434-1417 WAU President W. Spence 301-891-4128 ACS Interim Director Gene Milton 301-585-6556
Follow us now on Facebook and Twitter
All Creatures of Our God and King / Wagner
Welcome & Church Life
Debbie Eisele
+Songs of Gathering
My Faith Looks Up to Thee / No. 517 A Shelter in the Time of Storm / No. 528 (stanzas 1,2 & 4)
+Children’s Lesson
Gerry Lopez
*Hymn of Praise
Marching to Zion / No. 422
Prayer Anthem
Aimee Seheult
When Peace Like A River / arr. Grotenhuis
Isaac Beckford
Matthew 19:24 - 30 (NIV)
Music for Meditation
Faith Medley / arr. Alston
Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous
Invitation to Give Offertory
Charles A. Tapp Charles A. Tapp
SABBATH CELEBRATION 8:45 & 11:15 a.m.
Sanctuary - 10:00 a.m.
*Hymn of Response
I’d Rather Have Jesus / No. 327
Benediction Postlude
Charles A. Tapp
Postlude on CWM Rhondda / Alston
Song Service Theme Song
Heather Griffin
Archie Marshall
Special Music
Heather Griffin
This Is My Father’s World / No. 92
“It Took A Miracle”
Mission Feature *
congregation is standing congregation is kneeling where possible 11:15 service only
Allan Manuel & Jean Ott, deacon & deaconess on duty
South Pacific Outreach
Lesson Study
Class Leaders
Benediction & Offering
Class Leaders
Creation: Forming the World
Zelma Edwards, pianist
WORSHIP SERVICE 8:45 and 11:15 a.m. Worship Service Musicians: Patrick Alston, organist Jon Gilbertson, chorister Anna Carreno, children’s lesson pianist
January 19 Pathfinder’s Day
Josant Barrientos
Sligo Sanctuary Choir
January 26 “Walking on Water”
Vocal Trio
February 2 Charles A. Tapp Part 1: Jesus Christ: The Way, The Truth, The Life
Jon Gilbertson, director
Joya Follette, soprano Lori Bryan, mezzo soprano Desmond Pierre-Louis, baritone
Charles A. Tapp
Isaac Beckford is serious about service. He works for a law firm in Bethesda that serves veterans who served their country. Six years ago, while Isaac was in Youth Sabbath School, he was introduced to the opportunity of serving in Sligo’s homeless ministry. The experience gained in service to others played a significant role in Isaac’s choice of vocation, since a considerable amount of veterans are in the homeless population. Aimee Seheult Aimee Seheult is passionate about serving God in everything she does. Through her frequent travels to Africa with World Vision’s Global Supply Chain Unit, she is humbled to love and serve Him more as she experiences the resiliency of children in slums and orphanages. The increasing poverty, corruption and natural disasters she encounters in her daily work remind her that Christ is coming soon!
Sunset Tonight: 5:06 January 19: 5:14
ANNOUNCEMENTS Let us hear from you! To write the pastors a note, make a
ANNOUNCEMENTS EQUIP Training Event - the Potomac Conference
“Simple Truths for Life:” Sligo’s Radio Ministry, can
be heard each Sabbath morning from 8:30 - 9.00 a.m. on WGTS 91.9 FM. Listen with a friend, then invite them to come to church in person at 11:15 a.m.!
presents classes that will equip and empower interested members to serve and lead - today, January 12, 2013, from 3 p.m. to 7:40 p.m. 3150 Chesapeake St. NW, Washington, DC 20008-2229. There are 14 classes to choose from taught by various leaders in our conference, including Pastor Charles Tapp and Pastor Paolo Esposito. See the posters in the Atrium notice board.
Today’s Fellowship Lunch is cancelled.
Sligo Communication Taskforce: Enjoying the new
*Next Sabbath is designated for your small group, parish, Sabbath School class, or ministry team to hold its own potluck in order to strengthen your team spirit and productiveness for ministry. One Sabbath per month will be set aside for this purpose. Call our hospitality chair, Louvina Joseph 301-431-2188 to find out which dates are available and make your reservation.
eWeekend? How about all the interesting articles published on our website each week? Want to help? All current members and anyone who would like to join our communications team this year are invited to a very important meeting on January 15, at 7 p.m. in the Discipleship Room. Writers, graphic designers, coders, or just people wanting to help are always welcome!
Today’s Sanctuary flowers have been contributed by
The Sligo Media Ministries is growing and we have
Pastor Tapp, Pastor McFarlane and Cindy Esposito, in celebration of their spouses’ birthdays during the course of this week. *If you would like to enhance the beauty of our worship by providing flowers, please contact Flor Balay at the Church Office, 301-270-6777, ext. 114.
great plans for 2013! Whether you want to be in front of a camera or behind it, whether you prefer to work in a live production or a film shoot, there is still room for you to serve. If you would like be part of this ministry, please send an email to <media@sligochurch.org> and we’ll get in touch with you.
Prayer Support: Prayers of recovery for Samuel Poddar,
Adult Sabbath School quarterlies for January to
prayer request or inquire about becoming a member of Sligo Church, please use the Note Card from the hymnal rack.
John Konrad, 43, vice president and general manager of
WGTS 91.9, died on January 2nd. His life will be celebrated on Sabbath, January 12, at 3 p.m. in the Sligo Sanctuary. For more information, please visit the station’s website: <http://www.wgts919.com>
March, Origins, are now available at the reception desks. A small supply of quarterlies will also be available at the Church Office. Large print quarterlies are a special order item. If you signed up for one last quarter, there will be a copy waiting for you at the desk on the organ side. Please remember the extra expense for this material in your giving. Remember, complete SS lessons with commentary are always available online for your convenience: <http://www. ssnet.org>
Prayer Gathering: “Come and pray to me, and I will hear
Stewardship: This month Sligo youth will be exploring
Alicia Robertson and prayers of comfort for the families of John Konrad, Everette Robinson & the family of Becky Barker whose mother died.
you. When you look for me, you will find me. Jeremiah 29: 13 (GWT). Gather with us for a special time of prayer on Tuesdays, from 7 – 8 p.m. in the Sanctuary.
Full Plate Diet: Registration will be held in the Atrium
today from 9:45 a.m. until 11:10 a.m. The Full Plate Diet is a simple weight loss program incorporating ways to “power up” your diet with high fiber nutritious foods along and widely recognized tools to lose weight. Program starts Wednesday, January 30 at 7:30 p.m. and lasts for 8 weeks. For more information call Sharon Ford at (301)8065207. Sponsored by the Health Action Team.
Midnight Madness, a basketball charity event will be hosted by Sligo Adventist School today, January 12, from 7 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. in their gym. For more information, please refer to the poster on the notice board or visit their website <www.sligoadventistschool.org>
Grief Support: See Notice Board for classes starting January 15.
the topic of ‘Stewardship.’ Please join us in the Youth Room as we learn how to become better stewards of our time, our money and our relationships. The series’ second installment is a special Bible Study on Friday, January 18 at 6 p.m.
Sligo Church Needs Receptionists: Wishing to be more involved with your church and having the opportunity to meet new people and be a part of a dynamic office family? Why not consider serving as a receptionist on a voluntary basis for a few hours each week at the Sligo Church office. We are in need of volunteers who can provide the church between two hours and eight hours service in this area of ministry each week. Training will be provided for volunteers. If interested, please contact Pastor McFarlane at 301-270- 6777 x116 or <dmcfarlane@sligochurch.org>
Bulletin Information Deadline is Monday evening! E-mail information to <kdriscoll@sligochurch.org> Thank you!
January 5, 2013
Church Budget: This offering pays for outreach and nurture
January 12, Saturday
ministries of the church and the church school along with necessary expenses like utilities and upkeep of the church building.
EQUIP (see insert), CMC, 3 p.m. - 7:40 p.m. John Konrad Memorial Service, Sligo Sanctuary, 3 p.m. Midnight Madness, SAS Gym, 7 p.m.
Last Year
January 13, Sunday
Jan. 7 $ Jan. 7 YTD $
This Year 7,339.95 Jan. 5 7,339.95 Jan. 5 YTD
$ 7,762.94 $ 7,762.94
Total Contributing Families on Jan. 5, 2013 : Total Contributing Families on Jan. 7, 2012 :
117 151
Wishing Well: Jan. 5 YTD
Contributing Families in December 2012 : Contributing Families in December 2011 :
January 14, Monday
Regeneration Ministries, Office Conference Room, 7 p.m.
January 15, Tuesday $ 12.84
Tithe: All of these funds are sent to the Potomac Conference. December 2012 contributions are December 2011 contributions are
Pathfinders Meeting, Office Chapel, 9 a.m. 55+ Club Brunch Potluck, Fellowship Hall A, 10 a.m. Sligo Music Club Concert, Atrium Suite, 3 p.m.
$542,443.10 $515,742.86 692 741
Today’s designated offering goes to Potomac Partners. Loose offering goes to Church Budget. Thank you for your support!
Prayer Gathering, Sanctuary, 7 p.m. Sligo Comm. Taskforce Mtg., Discipleship Room, 7 p.m.
January 16, Wednesday
Sligo Ringers, Sligo School, 7 p.m. Knit Night, Prayer Room, 7 p.m. Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room, 7 p.m.
January 18, Friday
Underground Bible Study, Youth Room, 6 p.m.
January 19, Saturday
Children’s Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room, 1:30 p.m.
January 21, Monday
Regeneration Ministries, Office Conference Room, 7 p.m.
January 22, Tuesday
Prayer Gathering, Sanctuary, 7 p.m.
January 23, Wednesday
Sligo Ringers, Sligo School, 7 p.m. Knit Night, Prayer Room, 7 p.m. Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room, 7 p.m.
January 25, Friday
Underground Bible Study, Youth Room, 6 p.m.
January 26, Saturday
Children’s Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room, 1:30 p.m. Choir Competition, Sanctuary, 5 p.m.
January 28, Monday
Regeneration Ministries, Office Conference Room, 7 p.m.
January 29, Tuesday
Prayer Gathering, Sanctuary, 7 p.m.
TREASURER’S NOTE: Download a QR app to any smart-
phone, use your phone to scan the QR code above, and support your church with your tithe & offerings through online giving. Thank you! 7700 CARROLL AVENUE, TAKOMA PARK, MD 20912
The Washington Adventist University Church 3 0 1 . 2 7 0 . 6 7 7 7 • W W W. S L I G O C H U RC H . O RG