We will g lorif y G od by be i n g i n creasi n g ly tran sfo rmed i nto the l i keness of C hri s t
our life together
calendar of events June 24, Saturday Young Adults GLOW, Memorial Chapel, 9:30 a.m. June 26, Monday Regeneration Ministries, Office Conference Room, 7:30 p.m.
Mark your calendars for Vacation Bible School 2017! This year’s theme is “Maker Fun Factory” - created by God, built for a purpose! Join us July 9-14, from 6:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. each evening as we teach God’s Word to the children in our church and our community. Online volunteer registration available at <www.sligochurch.org/vbs> Parenting Seminar: Need some practical information on parenting? Then plan to attend our annual VBS Parenting Seminar, July 9-13 from 6:45 p.m. – 8:15 p.m. presented by the director of Growing Great Kids Child Developmet Center, Jenice Broomfield, and her husband, Franklyn Broomfield. Youth & Young Adult Evangelistic Series: Beyond the Search Join us on a journey of discovery as we answer questions such as: What’s going on? Where are we headed? Is anyone in control? We will meet in the Youth Room each Friday at 7:00 p.m. and Sabbath at 11:15 a.m. Get your free ticket by registering at sligochurch.org/beyond. This event is open to the general public so bring a friend! Young Adults Social Are you ready for our annual hike at Great Falls today? We will depart from Sligo Church at 2:00 p.m. and return at 6:00 p.m. Feel free to join us at Great Falls, (the Maryland side). Visit the @sligoya Facebook page for more information. Hope to see you there! Sligo Book Club will meet on Wednesday, July 12 at 7:00 p.m. in the Discipleship Room to discuss “Lila” by Marilyn Robinson.
June 28, Wednesday Prayer Gathering, Sanctuary, 7:00 p.m. (or by phone: 949.229.4400 Pin:4997774#, 7:35 p.m.) Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room, 8:00 p.m.
Sligo Live: If you have a story, a subject or an individual that you would like to see featured on Sligo Live, please contact Pastor McFarlane at <dmcfarlane@sligochurch.org> or 301.270.6777, ext. 116 Sunset: Sabbath celebration ends today at 8:37 p.m. and commences on Friday, June 30 at 8:36 p.m. *Consent To Use Photographic Images: Sligo SDA Church films all worship services. Attendance at, or participation in Sligo worship services constitutes an agreement by the participant to Sligo’s use and distribution of the attendee’s image, voice, or likeness in photos, video, electronic reproduction and audio tapes of such activities. Follow us now on Facebook and Twitter
Welcome to Sligo. When I was a child, my parents taught me that before each meal I should pause and give thanks to my Heavenly Father for that which I was about to receive. I remember that it went something like this: “God is great, God is good, let us thank Him for our food. By His hands we all our fed, give us Lord our daily bread. Amen!” Although I still share a prayer before each meal, the language of my prayers have changed as I have matured in my walk with God. But regardless of the content of these prayers our objective should still be the same; to thank God for providing sustenance for the nourishment of our bodies. That being the case, then why would Jesus give thanks before he led his disciples in their final meal together? Remember this was no ordinary meal, but it represented the sacrifice that he would make for all of fallen humanity. With the cruel cross before him, what could Jesus really be thankful for? Today as we prepare to take part in this holy meal, we would do well to ask ourselves this same question.
at worship THE CHURCH
- Charles A. Tapp
worship schedule
Summary of our Beliefs
SABBATH, July 1 Church Service, Sanctuary, 8:45 & 11:00 a.m. Speaker: Pr. Charles A. Tapp Mizo Service, Office Chapel, 11:00 a.m. Kerala Church, WAU Richards Hall, 10:00 a.m. Sligo by the Sea, St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, 10301 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, 11:00 a.m. Speaker: Dave Weigley
p r o f i l e o f g i v i n g - J u n e 17 CHURCH BUDGET: This offering pays for the outreach and
nurture ministries of the church and the church school, along with necessary expenses such as utilities and maintenance of the church building. Last Year: This Year: June 18 $ 12,289 June 17 $ 10,798 June 18 YTD $ 250,327 June 17 YTD $ 249,006 BUDGET FOR JUNE 17 YTD:
MISCELLANEOUS Bulletin information deadline is Monday evening! E-mail information to: <kdriscoll@sligochurch.org>
• The Bible is the inspired word of God and our only rule of faith and practice. (2 Timothy 3:16, 17). • Jesus Christ is the Divine Son of God and our personal Savior from sin by grace through faith. (John 1:1-3; Ephesians 2:8). • Having been saved, followers of Jesus live in obedience to Him by observing the Ten Commandments. (Exodus 20: 1-17; John 14:15). • The Sabbath – the seventh day of the week- established by God at creation and honored by Jesus in His earthly ministry, is to be observed by the followers of Jesus. (Exodus 20:8-11; 1 Peter 2:21). • Jesus is coming back to earth personally and visibly to raise the righteous dead and give His faithful children of all ages immortality in an earth made new. (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17; Revelation 22:12; 21:1-3). • Our love for God is demonstrated primarily by our love for our fellowmen. (1 John 4:20; Matthew 25:34-40).
PASTOR FOR ADMINISTRATION & ADULT MINISTRIES Don McFarlane, ext. 116 dmcfarlane@sligochurch.org
Atrium Roof and Skylight: Total Raised $ 213,735 Goal $ 350,000 Needed Outstanding Pledges $21,047
PASTOR FOR DISCIPLESHIP & CONGREGATIONAL CARE Pranitha Fielder, ext. 127 pfielder@sligochurch.org PASTOR FOR YOUTH & YOUNG ADULTS Joseph Khabbaz, ext. 119 jkhabbaz@sligochurch.org
Tithe: All of these funds are sent to the Potomac Conference to help expand the Kingdom of God throughout our region and world. Last Year: This Year: June 18 $ 41,176 June 17 $ 49,454 June 18 YTD $1,130,683 June 17 YTD $ 1,127,245 2017 Goal $2,800,000 Remaining Goal $1,672,755 Today’s designated offering goes to Potomac Partners. Loose offering goes to Church Budget.
8:45 & 11:00 A.M.
PHONE: 301.270.6777 EMERGENCY: 301.980.1009 FAX: 301.270.3518 WEBSITE: www.sligochurch.org Domestic Violence Hotline: 240.777.4000
JUNE 17 YTD $17,002 Balance from 2016 & YTD $58,065
J U N E 24 , 2 017
SENIOR PASTOR Charles A. Tapp, ext. 126
Church Building Improvement:
PASTOR FOR CHILDREN & FAMILY MINISTRIES Gerardo Lopez, ext. 122 glopez@sligochurch.org PASTOR FOR MEDIA & OUTREACH Richard Castillo, ext. 136 rcastillo@sligochurch.org PASTOR FOR WORSHIP Cheryl Wilson-Bridges, ext. 123
The Washington Adventist University Church
HEAD ELDER Erwin Mack 301.434.1622
HEAD DEACON Manuel Rosette 301.370.1255
HEAD DEACONESS Marion Hudson 301.980.1862
7700 Carroll Avenue, Takoma Park, MD 20912 I 301.270.6777
OUR MISSION We s eek to g row passi onate d i sc i pl es of J es us th ro ugh wor shi p of God , nur ture of o ne a noth er,and outreach to the worl d .
we gather in his name
SANCTUARY – 10:00 A.M.
The Lord’s Supper
Holy Communion
We Gather Prelude Prelude on Nettleton / Gilbert Martin
+Song of Gathering
The Old Rugged Cross / No. 159 Sligo Live Cheryl Wilson-Bridges SALT Ministry Welcome & Church Life Don McFarlane *Hymn of Praise Praise the Lord, His Glories Show / No. 25 Prayer Anthem O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing / Mark Hayes
Offertory Come Home / Craig Courtney +An Offering / Dan Forrest
Erwin Mack
*Litany Don McFarlane Leader: Merciful Father, be present with us, as You were present in the Upper Room, and have mercy upon us as we come to Your table. Congregation: Help us to examine our thoughts, our actions, our motives and our attitudes toward you and toward others, that we may represent your character. Leader: We stand in need of your grace, your strength and your mercy. Look upon us with compassion and forgive our sins. Congregation: As we eat the bread, which represents the body of your Son that was broken for us, open our eyes to recognize the intimacy that you yearn to share with us. Leader: As we drink the cup, which represents the blood of your Son that was shed for us, open our hearts to accept Him anew and the life-giving power that He provides through the Holy Spirit. All: May your love renew us for service and enable us to transcend our doubts, our circumstances, our inadequacies and our enemies, for the glory of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Sharing at the Table
Song Service
Camille Weston Let us hear from you! To write the pastors a note, make a prayer request, or inquire about becoming a member of Sligo Church, please use a card from the hymnal rack.
Theme Song Go, Preach My Gospel / No. 378 Welcome
Joviah Ndahayo
Joviah Ndahayo
Special Program Lesson Study Major Themes in 1 and 2 Peter Prayer
Primary SS 1 & 2
Charles A. Tapp
Charles A. Tapp
*Hymn of Response
When We All Get to Heaven / No. 633 *Benediction
Scripture Mark 14:22-25 (NKJV) +Music for Meditation Come Home / Craig Courtney Homily Thy Kingdom Come
Charles A. Tapp
We Prepare +Ordinance of Humility
Women (Fellowship Halls A & B), Men (Memorial Chapel), Families, Couples & Singles (Youth Room) Gerry Lopez
Simple Truths for Life: Sligo’s Radio Ministry, can be heard each Sabbath morning from 8:30 - 9:00 a.m. on WGTS 91.9 FM. Listen with friends, then invite them to come to church in person at 11:00 a.m. Download past episodes or subscribe to future episodes for free from Simple Truths for Life by Sligo Seventh-day Adventist Church from the iTunes Store. You can also go to simpletruthsforlife. org/podcast Prayer Requests For families of these deceased: Eric Pryce & John Butler, Sr. For healing and comfort: Clarence Dunbebin & Audley Hendricks
VBS praise team practice will be held in the Junior SS Room today, immediately following the church service. Contact Ms. Gabby <gabarrington@gmail.com> for more information.
Charles A. Tapp
Postlude Let The Bright Seraphim by George F Handel / arr. Alston Don McFarlane +Saroja Wesley
The funeral service for Eric Pryce, who went to sleep on June 11, takes place at Spencerville SDA Church tomorrow (June 25), commencing at 10:00 a.m. Viewing 8:30 - 9:50 a.m. Condolences to Carole Pryce and her family.
We Go To Serve
We Reflect
+Children’s Lesson
Adult Sabbath School
Let Us Break Bread Together / No. 403
SANCTUARY – 8:45 A.M. AND 11:00 A.M.
Invitation to Give
*Congregation is standing Congregation is kneeling where possible + 11:00 service only Leading our music today are: Patrick Alston, organist Judith Pino, chorister Sligo Sanctuary Choir Paul Byssainthe, Jr., director An Emergency Aid Offering will be received by the deacons as you leave. Blair Peace & Marion Hudson, deacon & deaconess on duty n e x t w e e k , h e r e a t S l i g o . . . Pastor Tapp begins a new four-part series entitled, Teach us to Pray, which examines in depth what has been called the most famous of all prayers, The Lords Prayer. We will endeavour to learn more about the character of the God to whom we pray and not just the discipline of prayer.
sabbath devotional
“I can bear my own witness that, many and many a Sabbath, when I have found but little food for my soul elsewhere, I have found it at the communion table.” - Charles Spurgeon
JESUS PROJECT: Desire of Ages, Chapter 83, June 25 - July 1
Personal listening devices are available for worshipers here at Sligo. Users can check out and return a device at the welcome desk located in the Atrium. For additional information please contact Kathy Johnson at <kathyroyjohnson@verizon.net> or Chris Daley at <digitaltogrow@gmail.com> Congratulations to ACSGW (Adventist Community Services of Greater Washington) for being accepted by the Catalogue for Philanthropy (2017-2018) and being designated as one of the best small nonprofits in the Washington area. The Catalogue is the only locally-focused user guide to giving in the Washington region and includes over 400 vetted nonprofits. 8th Annual Sligo Homecoming! Plan to join the church family and Sligo friends on August 5 for Homecoming 2017, the theme of which is “Beyond the Walls.” Worship with us on Sabbath morning, when Dr. Terry Johnsson, Executive Director of Mission Integration at Adventist Health in Oregon, shares a message on the theme. Enjoy a delicious International Potluck luncheon on Sabbath afternoon at Takoma Academy, and much more.