Sligo SDA Church Bulletin

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We will g lorif y G od by be i n g i n creasi n g ly tran sfo rmed i nto the l i keness of C hri s t

our life together

calendar of events October 27, Saturday Young Adults GLOW Study, Memorial Chapel, 9:30 a.m. October 29, Monday Regeneration Ministries, Office Conference Room, 7:30 p.m. October 31, Wednesday Prayer Gathering, Sanctuary, 7:00 p.m. Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room, 8:00 p.m.

Join us for Prayer Gathering on Wednesday, October 31. We are going through the book, Prayer, by Ole Hallesby. Prayer Gathering meets each Wednesday from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. in the Sligo Sanctuary. Come and experience the blessing! A Farewell Reception in honor of Pr. Gerry Lopez will be held in the Atrium on Sabbath, November 3, immediately following second service. (A table will be available for cards and gifts for Pastor Lopez.) We will bid farewell to him, following almost seven years of dedicated service to Sligo Church. Pr. Lopez has been invited to serve as the Associate Director of Children’s Ministries for the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. His effective leadership of children’s ministries, spiritual guidance at Sligo School and TA Prep, passion for discipleship and mentoring, and his involvement in worship have all played a critical role in his service at Sligo. Pr. Lopez will leave with the blessing of Sligo and the appreciation of hundreds whose lives have been impacted by his ministry. Finding Joy After Loss: On Sabbath afternoon, November 3, Buffy Halvorsen will present a Seminar on “Finding Joy After Loss,” sponsored by the HeartLifters. She is a Family and Marriage Therapist, working as a pastor beside her husband, Ron. We will join the reception for Gerry Lopez after church and the seminar will begin shortly after that. All are welcome! Barn Party: Come out and celebrate with your family on Sabbath, November 17 for our annual Barn Party social in the Atrium @ 7:00 p.m., following our Festival of Praise Sabbath celebration. You’ll enjoy tasty food, games and making memories with your Sligo Church family. Signups for the “pie competition” will be available next week. Underground Youth Worship Service run by the youth for the youth will be held on November 10 at 11:15 a.m. in the Youth Room. Worship, fellowship, go deeper! Our theme will be: “All Access.” Bulletin information deadline is Monday evening! E-mail information to: <> *Consent To Use Photographic Images: Sligo SDA Church films all worship services. Attendance at, or participation in Sligo worship services constitutes an agreement by the participant to Sligo’s use and distribution of the attendee’s image, voice, or likeness in photos, video, electronic reproduction and audio tapes of such activities.

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November 4, Sunday 55+ Club Brunch/Potluck, Fellowship Hall A, 10:00 a.m.

worship schedule Join us next week here at Sligo as Pr. Gerry Lopez preaches his last sermon. Music will be provided by Reginald Bouknight. Sligo Church Service, Sanctuary, 8:45 & 11:00 a.m. Speaker: Gerry Lopez Mizo Service, Office Chapel, 11:00 a.m. Kerala Church, WAU Richards Hall, 10:00 a.m.

profile of giving - October 20 CHURCH BUDGET: This offering pays for the outreach and

Oct. 20 Oct. 20 YTD


$ 13,772 $ 400,049

TITHE: All of these funds are sent to the Potomac Conference to help expand the Kingdom of God throughout our region and world. Last Year:

This Year:

Oct. 21 $ 53,763 Oct. 21 YTD $1,937,425

Oct. 20 Oct. 20 YTD

2018 GOAL

Remaining Goal $ 870,462


O C T O B E R 2 7, 2 0 1 8 8:45 & 11:00 A.M.

Take your next step at “Connection Central” in the Atrium Do life together: Join a Journey Group Fill out a pew menu card and place it in the offering plate Visit

PHONE: 301.270.6777 EMERGENCY: 301.980.1009 FAX: 301.270.3518 Domestic Violence Hotline: 240.777.4000 National Suicide Hotline: 1.800.273.8255

$ 463,258

$ 63,241


who can help


We believe the Bible is the inspired word of God and our only rule of faith and practice. As Scripture teaches, we believe God became man in the person of Jesus Christ, saving us from sin by grace through faith. We believe the seventh-day Sabbath was established by God at Creation and honored by Jesus in His earthly ministry as a gift of rest and rejuvenation for all. We celebrate the church as the diverse “new community” forged through the death and resurrection of Jesus, in which all are called, all are gifted, and all are valued. We anticipate Jesus’ personal and visible return to earth to raise the righteous dead, make the earth new, and dwell with His faithful children throughout eternity . We live out our love for Jesus by growing in His likeness and by serving our fellowmen.

• • • •

This Year:

at worship THE CHURCH

what we believe

how you connect

nurture ministries of the church and the church school, along with necessary expenses such as utilities and maintenance of the church building. Last Year: Oct. 21 $ 21,458 Oct. 21 YTD $ 444,360

Welcome to Sligo today. As many of you may already be aware, when I was a child, I suffered from asthma, a respiratory condition that at times made it extremely hard for me to breathe. And if that wasn’t enough, I also suffered from a speech disorder known as childhoodonset fluency disorder, otherwise known as stuttering. As you can imagine, this made life for me extremely challenging at times. But I learned very quickly that if I didn’t want to be teased by my classmates, I would have to find a way to conceal it, and conceal it I did to the best of my ability! Eventually, I learned to conceal it so well that even members of my own family had no idea what I had to endure. But then there are those among us who are not able to conceal their life’s challenges quite so easily. As the body of Christ, they need our help. This is one of the reasons why the Disability Action Team, or DAT, exists here at Sligo. Today we are pleased to celebrate this ministry and its members for the service they provide and for the countless lives they touch. - Charles A. Tapp

$ 42,862 $1,929,538

Today’s designated offering goes to Potomac Partners. Loose offering goes to Church Budget.


SENIOR PASTOR Charles A. Tapp, ext. 126


The Washington Adventist University Church

PASTOR FOR MEDIA & OUTREACH Richard Castillo, ext. 136 PASTOR FOR WORSHIP Cheryl Wilson-Bridges, ext. 123


HEAD ELDER Erwin Mack 301.434.1622

HEAD DEACON Manuel Rosette 301.370.1255

HEAD DEACONESS Marion Hudson 301.980.1862

7 7 0 0 C a r r o l l A v e n u e , Ta k o m a P a r k , M D 2 0 9 1 2

OUR MISSION We s eek to g row passi onate d i sc i pl es of J es us th ro ugh wor shi p of God , nur ture of o ne a noth er,and outreach to the worl d .

THE CHURCH AT WORSHIP we gather in his name SANCTUARY – 8:45 A.M. AND 11:00 A.M.

+Songs of Gathering Wonderful Words of Life / No. 286 +Sligo Live Ross Patterson Special Needs Ministry Pranitha Fielder

*Hymn of Praise Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing / No. 334

we honor and praise him  Prayer

Chris Daley +Ken Flemmer Anthem Make Me an Instrument / Craig Courtney we reflect

+Children’s Message

Mary McFarlane

Introduction of Speaker Scripture Reading John 9:1-8 (NKJV)

Pranitha Fielder +Charles A. Tapp Ivybelle Roye +Donald & Angela Miller

Sermon The Biblical Truth about Blindness Invitation to Give

*Congregation is standing  Congregation is kneeling where possible +11:00 service only Sylvan Coke, deacon on duty Elaine LaBastide, deaconess on duty

Prelude Holy Art Thou (Largo) / George F. Handel

Welcome & Church Life


Anil Lewis

Pranitha Fielder +Charles A. Tapp

Offertory All Creatures of Our God and King / arr. Molly Ijames

we go to serve *Hymn of Reflection Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine! / No. 462 *Benediction Postlude Toccata from Suite Gothic / Leon Boellman

Anil Lewis

Leading our music today are: Patrick Alston, organist Lorette Gray, chorister Sligo Sanctuary Choir Paul Byssainthe, Jr., director Footnotes: Anil Lewis is the Executive Director of the National Federation of the Blind Jernigan Institute, located in Baltimore, Maryland. Through his leadership, the Institute has promoted a variety of innovative programs to advance education and independence of individuals who are blind and visually impaired. At the age of 25, Mr. Lewis lost his sight to a disease called retinitis pigmentosa. He had to learn new skills which would enable him to successfully compete in a sighted world. He holds a Master’s in Public Administration from the Georgia State University and has received numerous awards for his work to promote the independence and productivity of persons who are blind or visually impaired. Anil still considers Maranatha SDA Church in Atlanta, where he was baptized, his “home church.” Anil’s favorite Bible verse is 2 Corinthians 5:7, “For we walk by faith, not by sight.”

Adult Sabbath School SANCTUARY – 10:00 A.M.

Song Service

Roland Halstead

Theme Song In Christ There is No East Nor West / No. 587 Welcome & Prayer Special Feature Lesson Study The Key to Unity Prayer

Ken Flemmer is the Director of the Adventist Community Services Center, located in Silver Spring, MD. He and his wife, Brenda, have attended Sligo Church for 15 years. Ken is also the Co-Chair of the Disability Action Team. Donald and Angela Miller: Donald is the Chairperson of the Potomac Conference Committee on Special Needs Ministry, which will launch an initiative this afternoon here at Sligo. A graduate of Oakwood College, Donald pursued a Master’s degree at Virginia Union University. He has also served at several churches, including Temple of Praise Seventh-day Adventist Church. Angela is active in their local church where she serves as secretary of the Special Needs Committee. They reside in Hampton, Virginia.

Let us hear from you! To write the pastors a note, make a prayer request, or inquire about becoming a member of Sligo Church, please use a card from the hymnal rack.

Peter Barnwell

Peter Barnwell

Patrick Alston, organist

Simple Truths for Life: Sligo’s Radio Ministry, can be heard each Sabbath morning from 8:30 - 9:00 a.m. on WGTS 91.9 FM. Listen with friends, then invite them to come to church in person at 11:00 a.m. Download past episodes or subscribe to future episodes for free from Simple Truths for Life by Sligo Seventh-day Adventist Church from the iTunes Store. You can also go to simpletruthsforlife. org/podcast Prayer Requests: Families of these deceased: Joseph Sharp & Shirley Womack For healing and comfort: Keith Mack October is Pastor Appreciation Month, but you can express your appreciation for the role our pastors play in our Sligo Church life anytime. Take some time today and during the next few days to pray for our Sligo pastors, their families, and their ministries. A Celebration of Life for longtime Sligo member, Clarence Dunbebin, will be held on Sunday, November 11, at 1:00 p.m. in the Sligo Sanctuary. Clarence passed away on October 4 at the age of 89. He served as Principal of Sligo SDA School for 21 years. He is survived by his children, Sharin, Donna, Bob and daughter-inlaw, Marcia. In lieu of flowers, consider donating to a Seventh-day Adventist school of your choice. For more information, contact Bob Dunbebin at 301.455.9241 or <>

Chris Daley is a Patent Examiner. He lives in Silver Spring, with his wife, Joy. Chris has been around the Sligo faith community for 12 years and is a vital member of Sligo’s Disability Action Team (DAT). Ivybelle Roye has attended Sligo Church for many years. She is raising two great-grandchildren, both of whom have special needs. The DAT is blessed to have her as a member.


sabbath devotional

“The only disability is when people cannot see human potential… Accessibility allows us to tap into everyone’s potential.” - Debra Ruh

Nominating Report (second reading): Children’s Ministry Coordinator: Jonathan Ogburn Great Kids Development Center Chair: Jasper Cox Prayer Ministry Coordinator: Myrna Bas Women’s Ministries Action Team Chair: Elizabeth Abel Exploring the Gospels: Join our class with Pastor Don McFarlane this week as we examine how God marshaled the great powers of the world to prepare the way for the birth of Jesus and the proclamation of the gospel. We can see the fulfillment of Galatians 4: 4 & 5, “But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his son.. so that we might receive adoption as sons [and daughters].” We will explore whether there are parallels between the time in which Christ was born and our time? Tuesday, October 30, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m., Sligo Fellowship Hall A. Bring your Bible and a friend. Sunset: Sabbath celebration ends today at 6:13 p.m. and commences on Friday, November 2, at 6:06 p.m.

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