PIERS, HARBOURS AND COASTAL PROTECTION Sligo Harbour Sligo is the only working harbour between Galway and Derry. The main cargoes at the harbour are slack, timber (logs and pulp) and fish meal. It is expected that approximately 20 No. Ships will have docked at Sligo Harbour by the end of 2020 and indications are that shipping movements are likely to increase in 2021.
Loading of logs at Deep Water Quay
Aids to Navigation Sligo County Council are responsible for ensuring that all navigational aids within the channel and leading to Sligo Harbour are fully operational at all times. This includes: 29No. Aids to Navigation with lights 7No. unlit perches within the channel As part of their annual contract, Triur Construction Ltd., monitor and maintain all Aids to Navigation on behalf of Sligo County Council. As many of these Aids to Navigational were in excess of 15 years old and becoming somewhat unreliable, a complete programme of replacement was carried out by Triur Construction Ltd. towards the end of 2020. All such lights are fully operational and have been inspected and passed by the Commission for Irish Lights.