ENFORCEMENT OF PLANNING CONTROL The Enforcement Section’s role in this area involves investigating all complaints from the public with regard to unauthorised development, random inspections of developments in progress, and dealing with prior to commencement conditions or conditions which have not been complied with. The Section conducts site visits and issues Warning Letters, serves Enforcement Notices and institutes legal proceeding, as appropriate. Hereunder are some relevant details of activity for 2020: 69 New Complaints lodged 48 Warning Letters 6 Enforcement Notices 62 complaints resolved through negotiation. (These include complaints received prior to January, 2020) 25 complaints dismissed
Collection of Development Contributions The Enforcement Section is responsible for the collection of development contributions. Staff resources continue to be allocated to ensure that contributions are paid in a timely manner and to follow up defaulters. The amount of outstanding arrears stands at just above €1 million at the end of 2020. Most of the outstanding money is in respect of unsold new build property, mainly dwelling houses and will be paid in due course on the sale of the properties.
Taking Estates in Charge The Council commenced the process of taking in charge 6 No estates in 2020. Some of these estates would have been previously categorised as unfinished housing estates. The taking in charge fees received by the Council go towards the costs incurred by the Council during the taking in charge process and are also used where there is a shortfall in monies to complete outstanding works in the estate to bring it to a satisfactory standard to take in charge. The Fairways Estate in Tubbercurry was previously categorised as an unfinished housing estate. The Planning enforcement section successfully drew down the Bond in 2019 and have commenced works on the estate including works to the 3 No. pumping stations, fencing, upgrading of public lights, completion of surface water sewer, repairs of foul sewers, water mains, footpaths and the provision of a wearing course to all the roads within the estate.