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Project Summary
The ability for a human to function in this world depends on the size and measurements of the human body itself in relation to its surrounding environment. Therefore, when designing the built environment or objects for human use, it is essential to take into consideration the measurements of the human body or body parts concerned Planning and designing spaces and objects that can be accessed and manipulated by human beings without difficulty makes up for a healthy and fulfilling life experience, and as designers and manipulators of space, architects need to possess a good understanding of how a space functions compared to the human body and its movements.
Anthropometrics: The study of the measurement of human body, its proportions and movements. It is also concerned with parameters such as reach and visual range capabilities. Simple measurements as weight, stature, length, breadth and depth of stationary human beings is referred to as Static or Structural Anthropometry and compound measurements of moving human beings as reach and angular variants of different joints are known as Dynamic or Functional Anthropometry.
Ergonomics: The relationship of the human body, its proportions and movements to the surrounding environment Ergonomics are important in terms of designing spaces and objects that can be used efficiently and safely by the user.
By the project, my room was re-designed according to my Anthropometrics & Ergonomics and my likes and dislikes