1 minute read
Be the change .. .
Are you one of the 60 percent of Australians who are overweight or obese? Has your self-esteem su ered as a result of your body-image? Are you overweight? Do you su er from depression or SADI PROCEDURE avoiding living a rich and full life because you are anxiety as a result of weight-gain? Has your health been compromised because of your weight? You are not alone. Surgery Gold Coast is here to help. Through surgery we have transformed the lives of many people just like you, who are now living the life they could only dream of before. have insu cient weight-loss or problematic issues

Some people with a gastric band or sleeve gastrectomy limiting their quality of life. Conversion to a gastric bypass in these patients provides immediate relief and helps with further weight-loss. If your banding or sleeve procedure has left you unsatisfied; we can help.