3 minute read
Happiness is Hackable
By Gabrielle Preston-Banks
Happiness plays a huge part in our health, productivity, creativity, success and longevity. In this 'Hope' issue of QueenBee I want to talk about happiness and how you can instil it into your days and lives.
You see, happiness is absolutely hackable! Our outlook and the way we see the world is what we will always realise within ourselves, so the best gift we can give ourselves is to create amazing pictures and words in our minds, every day.
It's proven that happy people have better lives, better relationships and better health. They are more productive in the home, in their professions and in their work life. Everyone has the power to make changes that can help set you on course for a happier life.
Sit somewhere comfy and close your eyes. Now visualise happiness; see yourself creating a happy life, see all those happy occasions you’re creating, see yourself smiling and laughing. Really lean into this vision.
Say these statements to yourself: "I’m choosing to be happy now" "This is my time to choose to be happy" "I’m allowing myself to be happy now" "I’m choosing not to wait"
The best time to take action is now. Do the things that make you happy now. Sometimes, you have to make happiness happen. Think about what you can do today that will bring you happiness and have a ripple effect on everyone around you. My favourite mind hacks to take action to instil happiness in your life and days:
• Laughter with friends and family. • Play some happy music that makes your heart sing.
• Watch an uplifting film. • Play games with family and friends.
• Set up a chat with people you know will uplift you.
• Set up a zoom party (create a themed quiz or learn something together).
• Dance around your kitchen!
• Kindness - help someone else.
• Create a gratitude practice. These actions release endorphins or “feel good” chemicals into the body and will provide you with a happiness boost and create those happy hormones that will override any stress hormones.
Kindness is a beautiful thing that we can all easily do. When you are feeling overwhelmed and everything is too much, the remedy is a simple act of kindness.
This is not only wonderful for the person you are showing kindess to; when you help someone else it also makes you feel better about yourself and helps you see life differently.
To shift your state of mind, do an act of kindness today, it works every time. Any act of kindness is an excellent hack to shift your mind. I’ve never known anyone to not feel better in themselves after showing kindness to others. Nothing comes close to the warm, uplifted feeling and flow of emotion you have when you do even the simplest of things to help someone.
When we are out and about, smiling at strangers can make someone’s day. Imagine someone who is on their own and how good this feels.
A simple smile could mean the world to that person. While there are many things you can do to create happiness each day, the important thing is that you know the mind is totally hackable; you are in control and can create the change you want to feel.
Allowing yourself to be happy today will create a ripple effect to those around you. Give it a try! Install happiness into your days, allow yourself to be happy and show compassion and kindness to yourself and others.
If you'd like to know more, call me on 0753 877 0142 or email: gpb@gabrielleprestonbanks.com
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